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Everything posted by UserLeftRust

  1. No slashes commands like /kit would become "kit"... the plugin sends the / even complicated commands E.G. /STFU Mike 1d Balls, would boil down to "STFU Mike 1d Balls"
  2. ufff... what a douche.. I WAS HERE FIRST.. hahaha
  3. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.2
  4. Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  5. UserLeftRust

    Color Error

    looks like a left over from the umod version.... I think.. its in the config file
  6. Remove the slash you don’t put the slash in the config
  7. To be honest .... Easiest answer is if you have "BackUpServer": true, in the config it will save the root/server/ folder, which will include your maps/saves/bans/users etc etc, saves messing about with individual files in the list
  8. deleted any unused entries like i did on the video on the documentation page? looks like its calling a non existent web request
  9. It's sent as a server level command.. same as you typing a command into console... What are you looking to do?
  10. Was something I was going to do myself before the phone system came out and to be honest I haven't looked since throwing my toys out of the pram haha.. maybe I'll look again
  11. Version 1.0.2


    The Dropbox Extension creates a backup of your Rust files and uploads them to your Dropbox account. Video Below Explaining Usage and setup Requires a Dropbox developer app to be made at http://dropbox.com/developer to get an OAuth2 Token and a directory in your Dropbox folder. File is contained in a zip. unzip the folder to find Oxide.Ext.DropBox.dll Power off your server, place the .dll in your RustDedicated_data/managed folder Please note some providers do not grant access to this folder you may need to open a support ticket with your host Powering on the server will create a file in the oxide/config folder. Configuration { "OAuth2Token": "Token here", "DropBoxDir": "DropBox_Directory", "BackupInterval": 3600, "BackupOxideConfig": true, "BackupOxideData": true, "BackupOxideLang": true, "BackupOxideLogs": true, "BackupOxidePlugins": true, "BackUpServer": true, "FileList": [] } V1.0.1 > BackUpServer value will save any files in your rust instance/server folder (maps, saves, etc) By default the extension will back up all of the oxide folder.. however if you only wish to backup specific files in the directory or say HurtWorld files set the values in FileList. E.g. "FileList": ["autosave_DiemensLand.plr", "autosave_DiemensLand.wld"] Once you have changed the settings a reboot will be required. Video
  12. durp... my bad... remove the s /pveturret tur/trap
  13. if these /PVETurrets tur << toggles Turret PVE on or off /PVETurrets trap << toggles Gun Trap PVE on or off don't work then the plugin hasn't compiled. Run "plugins" in rcon to list your plugs... if theres an error it will be listed at the bottom
  14. https://pastebin.com/VBH8HjZz
  15. No after the most recent update.. cars and chassis need to be manually added to the config.. I can add my current working config to the plug page tomorrow if it helps
  16. UserLeftRust

    multiple commands

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  17. UserLeftRust

    multiple commands

    Theres a plug in my Misc-Plugs channel for you
  18. UserLeftRust

    multiple commands

    Can you join my discord.. we'll chuck something together there https://discord.gg/cwQymhqeqK
  19. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  20. will be doing it at some point.. one button is a bit flakey and there are some two button versions out in testing so keep eyes peeled
  21. UserLeftRust

    multiple commands

    no this plugin only sends a command like a player would when the do in chat.. Sending as a list would be annoying to add... What commands do you want to fire off at the same time? May be easier for me just to write you something else to do that
  22. true... change the chat command on one of the others and use that would be the easiest way
  23. UserLeftRust


    Can change it for you... message me on discord..
  24. No.. plugins should be .cs Internet explorer used to open it in the browser and you'd need to ctrl + s and save it as a .cs
  25. https://api.top-serveurs.net/'s api does not have a valid claim method. People voting on that site can use a nickname(default) instead of steamid which wont work for the game.. and there is no method to confirm that the vote has been claimed... meaning that a player can claim rewards over and over again within 24 hours without limitation... I can right you a fresh plugin but not adapt as i have told you before on umod in regards to EasyVote


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