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Everything posted by UserLeftRust

  1. okay... i think it about time i gave it a little rewrite anyway so i shall have a play and see what i can come up with to make things smoother and flag retaining
  2. It should recreate the zone on loading and increment the zone number... should.. I'll drop it back onto my dev system and have a look. Possible that since publishing Zonemanager updated and broke it Are you getting any errors or spam in console when reloading etc? just so i can narrow down any possible fault
  3. is this a map you have made? because you will need to create a bradley spawn point and apc route in rustedit, otherwise the creator should of done it
  4. Changed Status from Pending to Gremlins
  5. Yeah, I host the network the server is on, There was some work done on the systems last night which caused this. It should be up and running now. Redundancy should of kicked in but it pooped itself instead.
  6. no thats fine. Just means that the map has no Bradley, Different Loot or vehicles... dont panic
  7. click on the 3 dots next to your map file and click share, on the window that pops up, it should say create share link. copy the link and paste it in to scala, then change the 0 on the end to a 1 so it says ?dl=1 Dont forget you will need the Rust edit dll in your managed folder to link into custom loot and io scratch that, share is outside of the 3 dots now
  8. UserLeftRust

    hey there

    "Command": "rbopen", "Arrangements": "", "OnPlayer": true ?
  9. UserLeftRust

    hey there

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.5
  10. UserLeftRust

    hey there

    from the player console.... there is now... "rbopen" on the 1.0.5
  11. May be worth having a look at https://darkplugins.ru/resources/77/ too.. just food for thought
  12. UserLeftRust

    Not responding

    Changed Status from Gremlins to Closed
  13. UserLeftRust

    Not responding

    Changed Status from Pending to Gremlins
  14. UserLeftRust

    Not responding

    I shall have a look. Are you using any other UI’s? could be a clash
  15. include the ch47?
  16. easy enough
  17. UserLeftRust

    stopping backup

    Changed Status from Pending to Gremlins
  18. UserLeftRust

    stopping backup

    I’ll set up a test and leave it run.. see if I can pin point the issue
  19. UserLeftRust

    Color Error

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  20. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  21. UserLeftRust

    stopping backup

    check your oauth token to make sure its not a "short life" one.... make sure its no expiration
  22. UserLeftRust

    Color Error

    Its in the lang files, so if you are using my current version, just delete the oxide/lang/en/EasyVote.json And reload to repopulate with the current version.... also supports Espanol on regeneration
  23. UserLeftRust

    Color Error

    I will have a look shortly on my test machine and find it
  24. Is it there now?
  25. No slashes commands like /kit would become "kit"... the plugin sends the / even complicated commands E.G. /STFU Mike 1d Balls, would boil down to "STFU Mike 1d Balls" Heres how we call it in the plugin arg.Player().SendConsoleCommand("chat.say", "/" + configData.OneCommand); ^ Slash is called for you


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