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Raul-Sorin Sorban


Everything posted by Raul-Sorin Sorban

  1. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  2. If the MIN value you wanna set is higher than MAX, it's going to lock it to the MAX value, AKA it won't go any higher than MAX. Same thing for when the MAX value is smaller than MIN, it'll clamp the value to MIN. You can only type 3 probably because MIN or MAX are that value. Keep in mind that the highest value it can go is the item maximum stack size. Hope this helped.
  3. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Fixed Changed Fixed In to 1.2.3
  4. Oh I didn't realize it till now that Oxide changed it so it only accepts lower-case permissions. 10/10 smort. This happens all accross my plugins so, that's dope. Pushing an update now.
  5. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  6. Raul-Sorin Sorban


    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  7. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  8. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Can't Reproduce
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  10. I can add a system where it clears the prefabs for you on map change but that can create accidental deletions. I'd rather avoid that and have the owners do manage that themselves.
  11. It never gets deleted if you don’t remove it.
  12. Hey, sorry bout that Just plenty to ensure that everything's working right.
  13. Version 2.10.0


    Prefab creator that directly works with Static Lootables in order to create custom lootable definitions for your servers! This plugin provides more than there already is. [!] Known Issue When placing points that are (almost) perfectly vertical in all points (bottom points align with the top ones), the prefab gets applied flipped in the horizontal axis. Currently investigating this. Watch the tutorial down below to get an insight of how this works! It's simple, follow the instructions in chat designed to quickly help you integrate it in your server. Open the editor; Press [Reload] while looking at an object; If Lootables.Ext is loaded, the [PRO] section will show up, click on "Create Prefab"; Follow the instructions in chat & go wild; Press [Use] while looking at your newly created prefab; Set it up as a regular prefab; Voila!
  14. That's because of the latest update, basically pressing E would trigger multiple times on the same button press. Button swallowing ensures that it's pressed just once.
  15. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  16. Raul-Sorin Sorban

    Error uploading GIF

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  17. Raul-Sorin Sorban

    Error uploading GIF

    That's because Linux disables GDI / graphics rendering as it's a server machine, hence my plugin trying to process images and it fails on your machine. At the moment that's not something I'm able to get working right, although I'm looking for alternatives.
  18. Raul-Sorin Sorban

    sql issue

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  19. Do you mean separate to the one that's in the config? Because that config command is the chat and console command. I replied to this on Discord, although I don't plan on having UI on this plugin.
  20. Would you please privately send me that config that was invalid if you still have it?
  21. Version 1.0.6


    Portable Repair Bench provides you and your servers' population cool-down-based Repair Benches accessible from anywhere in the world. FEATURES Use /rbench (by default, can modify in the config) to open up your private repair bench. Group-based cooldown support in the config. Friendly integration with NoEscape by Calytic with configurable rules of behavior. Chat message custom icon Steam ID. Phrase support. ROADMAP All done. If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the Discussions tab or interact with me directly on my Discord server: PERMISSIONS PortableRepairBench.use: To allow anyone to open up their repair bench. COMMANDS (CONFIGURABLE) Following commands are chat and console commands. rbench: Opens up your own personal portable repair bench. CONFIG DISCLAIMER The yellow and green buttons while using the Repair Bench in the GIF, does not come with the plugin. That's another plugin called Quick Sort by MONaH.
  22. It seems like you modified the Oxide root path my plugin is using. I'll have to check what's that about.
  23. Adding this in the next update!
  24. Hey there. Not sure I fully understand the suggestion. Are you saying that you'd like to be able to switch between loot table sets of configs on the fly? Like set #1 has an array of prefab definitions, set #2 would have a different array, and so on; and you'd be able to modify it on the fly from the main config?
  25. Not yet. But that's coming soon!


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