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Everything posted by Porky

  1. Porky

    Blue Tears

    Well thought out map, some great monuments and places to build. Brilliant attention to detail. Very good feedback from server players who love the map. Top quality and deffo recommended purchase.
  2. Porky

    Bots are hard for noobs

    darn it i didnt think to just copy and paste and the lines would be identical in each file lol thanks buddy
  3. Porky


  4. Porky


    Also lots of holes in the map that players fall through, Unfinished map? over 2 months and no reply?
  5. Porky

    The Divide *HDRP*

    Lots of things missing leaving big holes in the map and oxums has to be edited to stop it floating in the air, lad lots of complaints from people on this map
  6. Porky

    Bots are hard for noobs

    hahaha you got that right jbird, ive only changed the health and accuracy of the custom monument bots, far too many to change in the tunnel dwellers etc lol
  7. Porky

    Bots are hard for noobs

    Much apprieciated @Jbird the damage output is the one i need to change as thats what the new players were whinging about.
  8. Porky

    Bots are hard for noobs

    I have a custom map and downloaded the bot file a few players are requesting to make the bots a bit easier to kill as they are getting killed as " in mvk armour they kill with 3 rounds " the server is set up as a pve for new players learning the game and could do with reducing the bots strength or accurcy or something so they are easier to kill as its offputting to the noobs lol Is there any setting anywhere that i could change the bots? thanks
  9. Porky


    i am getting players complaining of monuments that are literally in the air using latest version
  10. Porky

    location of txt

    OMG that will teach me for not looking at a cfg json wont it! thank you for a lightning reply and a fantastic plugin top marks for useability, and simplicity
  11. Porky

    location of txt

    Could you possibly tell me how to move the resourcerush text from the bottom left to the top left below the mission text please as its mixing with magic panel text.
  12. Porky

    Chat Triggers

    I use the welcome panel plugin which has /help to display commands etc i was using advertmessages to display commands also, this meant constant text being displayed, with this if someone types help or command, then they get an automated reply and explanation this is literally perfect for example in my build server, If someone types how do i fly or is there no clip then it triggers the automated reply simply type /fly to fly like superman This is a simple but very effective plugin and comes highly recommended! Top Job
  13. Porky

    Monthly Wipe settings

    I would very much like this as my servers always wipe 1st thursday of the month at 7pm gmt i would also be very willing to pay for it and would suggest that with the amount of work involved that it should deffo be paid
  14. Porky

    Round Build Area

    with this prefab can you increase the size? like X 3 hieght and radius?
  15. Well deserved matey, you make awesome maps, this one needs a vid like the gotham one
  16. That looks absoloutley amazing I love the detail youve put into your map lets hope i get some donations this month lol
  17. Porky

    Has this been updated yet?

    No worries, im looking forward to it as it will solve a headache ive been having lol this has read ppotential for being one of these well developed plugins that multiple server owners must have
  18. Porky

    Has this been updated yet?

    Hello i bought this a few months back and ran into errors and it needed tweaking. Basically i have 8 servers that i self host. Needing to have it so that if i give a rank in one of the servers it gives in all and if i demote in one server it demotes in all. BUT without making any changes to permissions as i have different permissions and plugins in each server and each server is set up so that when a rank is given they inherit all permissions in that rank. Last time i used it i ended up having to redo all permissions for all groups in all 8 servers lmfao that was a nightmare. Awaiting upddate that allows group sync without changing the permissions as the groups have the permissions already. Thanks
  19. Porky

    Update Required?

    Does this requre an update? i have just bought it and installed it, config is set to { "Check Interval Time (Secs)": 60, "Removal Time (Secs) (Must be lower then the check time)": 30 "Item Removal Times": [] } Amd no dropped items are being removed?
  20. Interested in this Can the wording be customised? such as " Your Arena " and the " Xacku Mapping " to like " PigPen " and " Porkys "? Looks like a nifty plugin
  21. Porky


    ive tried this and couldnt get it to work ( my error ) where does the code go? { "Bottom Text List": [ "Type /rules - To see the server rules", "Type /info - To get server information", "" ], "Change timer in seconds": 30.0 } Ive tried putting the code like "<font size=14>Type /rules - To see the server rules</font>", and <font size=14>"Type /rules - To see the server rules",</font> and niether works, im obviously doing it wrong lol where does it go?
  22. Porky

    Shop UI

    I was able to find one on the rustplugins discord, worked perfectly but i did have to manually add all the sell prices as they were all set to 0 , i have now done it, took a few hours last night lol.. I was a single father ( now grandfather multiple times lol ) and also work 13.5 hour night shifts and luckilyi have a couple of nights off which is why i made the post as i knew how time consuming it would be, i have uploaded my file on the rustplugins discord and ill add it here ( its for economics ). Prices can obviously be tweaked for indiviual servers. Items.json
  23. Porky

    Shop UI

    Spot on plugin Does anyone happen to have a cfg file with various item prices pre made as i dont have the time to change every item to a different price and im getting whinged at by players ( Totally not the plugins fault i will point out but simply my lack of time to edit the file ) Anyone help? Thanks
  24. Porky

    Raidable Bases

    Purchased as part of the Tier 3 package and Raidable Bases Bundle. I would just like to say RESPECT to Nivex for not only doing a fantastic plugin, but to have a package designed so that even us noobs can set it up in a couple of mins to be werking properly with bases and loot tables! Configuration tweaks were easy to do, such as making all bases PVE bases in our PVE servers, and mixed PVE/PVP bases in our PVP servers. It is literally a case of dropping a couple of files in to you folders, easy as that, It saves all the trouble of trying to do your own loot tables as they are all done fore you, and then as everything is already done you can easily tweak to your own individual requirements. Its very cheap considering the sheer amount of work that has gone into everything. Works with GUIAnnouncements ( option to allow in the RaidableBases.cfg ) A complex plugin simplified. A Highly recommended purchase for PVP and PVE servers
  25. Just got it set up on my servers, will look at the above tomorrow as i am knackered, many thanks Nivex


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