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  • Administrator


Thanks for the report.
The issue is coming from PlayTimeTracker reading its data file OnServerInitialized,
which makes it too late for some plugins trying to read playtimes also OnServerInitialized.

This timing hasn't changed in PTT, but the latest version directly addresses the (potentially null) storedData object,
where previous versions addressed a cache dictionary which did have a default value.


I guess PTT could just move LoadData to Init()? Either that or I'll write in a short delay.

Edited by Steenamaroo
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Big fan of everything! but i need to remind you of my wish 🧑‍🌾
Wish for "Title priority": , my players fighting for the heli, apc and so on titles so those would be great to be able move to the top 😘
Also wish for scrap-leaderboard, PlantsGathered & most fish caught 😄

Best regards

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Would it be possible to add radiable bases on the highscores?


Thanks mate


one of the best free plugins about hands down! should 100% make a paid version for all the work you're putting in

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Do you think it would be possible and easy to add the team ID of the player in the data?

I'd like to be able to group them by team on my site, and I could use it to create a Team rank table.

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Possibility to disable kill distance during teleport? Currently people can time a teleport with an explosive to get a pve kill distance of 1000+ meters. They teleport before the explosion, so it thinks they got the kill from across the map. Or maybe only allow distance kills from projectiles.

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14 hours ago, ilakskil said:

Possibility to disable kill distance during teleport? Currently people can time a teleport with an explosive to get a pve kill distance of 1000+ meters. They teleport before the explosion, so it thinks they got the kill from across the map. Or maybe only allow distance kills from projectiles.

what about activating the delay for a Teleport? bambi XD much simple then adding a whole new function in someone else its plugin. 

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activating a delay for teleport idk why Somone wouldnt think of that lol so lets say I set the delay for teleport at 15 seconds now in 13 I throw c4 and teleport away has to be a better solution Im sure 

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Is there a way to get skull crusher title on a pve server i even try wolf skulls and it will not work any idea how to set it so players can earn skull crusher title in pve server

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  • Administrator

I could maybe add in a true/false option to make animal skulls count, if that would be helpful.

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Its possible to activate only selected titles? i didnt find the way how to do that
also how to wipe player prefix in chat after disabling ranks without wiping data base?

EDIT: nvm i found it but is there option to change color?
also console is being spammed by ur plugin


Console Spam.txt

Edited by Fishy
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  • Administrator

You're running an old version.
The issues you're seeing were fixed in the next version.

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Would it be possible to have (an option maybe) the k/d stat only take into account pvp? Right now it seems to use pvp kills, but *any* death, so most people have like 10 kills and 60 deaths or whatever due to bears, heli, falling etc etc

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  • Administrator

The present data set wouldn't allow for that but I could add an additional category called PVPDeaths to facilitate it.

I think a lot of people weren't bothered because quite often in PVP you die to fire, explosion, turrets, falling, bleeding, where technically the 'attacker' isn't another player,
but if you think it'd be a valuable or popular option to have I can add it.

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Many of the problems  as regards to keeping information or correctly displaying it can be solved very simply....

When FP does their monthly wipe they change the protocol number.

simply insert the "protocol number " into the database either as a key or on each record.

then run the selects with a filter on the protocol key, this will allow all the past data to be kept but only the current data to display

Yep.. i know some admins rotate the maps within the FP wipes..., simple enough..  allow the user to increment a suffix on the protocol number.

this will then wrap any admin map changes within the FP map changes.


so FP goes:




the admin of the server adds a suffix   ,b,c,d,...


217  ~(FP)

217b ~(admin)

217,c ~(admin)

217d ~(admin)

218 ~(FP)

so any compilation can be made or filtered , simply by comparing B-Z between wipes

and and Main FP wipes can be compared, by running all the "A" suffix


Edited by razorfishsl
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On 2/1/2022 at 12:16 AM, Steenamaroo said:

The present data set wouldn't allow for that but I could add an additional category called PVPDeaths to facilitate it.

I think a lot of people weren't bothered because quite often in PVP you die to fire, explosion, turrets, falling, bleeding, where technically the 'attacker' isn't another player,
but if you think it'd be a valuable or popular option to have I can add it.

I think that'd be pretty handy if you don't mind? Right now the pvp stats are a bit skewed because people have like 0.04 k/d due to natural deaths, where it'd be more like 1.5 if it were just based on combat

Edited by crunch
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"Resources Gathered" can you break down into separate categories? collected stone, collected wood ....

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