About HuntsMan
When hunting and the Huntsman catches you killing Game outside hunting season it will come after you
Optional dependencies :
- Rustkits
- BetterNpcNames
- BotReSpawn NEW
Features :
- A set chance spawning a HuntsMan when hunting for Game (animals) (any value between 0-1)
- Can assign a kit or a hardcoded outfit.
- Compatible with NPCKits (NPCKits will not override Huntsman NPC outfits/kits)
- Setup roam/spawn/damage and health of the HuntsMan.
- Options to make the Hunter drop his backpack (loottable included)
- Compatible with the ChickenBow plugin to disable a huntsman spawning when killing those chickens(make sure to reload ChickenBow after updating HuntsMan)
- Edit each animal to be able to trigger the HuntsMan true/false
- Support for BasePet's like Frankenstein so they can trigger huntsman aswell for their backpack drops
- Support for BotReSpawn to use a custom made profile to spawn the HuntsMan (> v1.3.3)
Permissions :
no permissions
Commands :
- /hminfo : Shows plugin info/version/author
Configuration :
- To make a item spawn as a blueprint add .bp behind the shortname (for example ammo.pistol.bp)
- Probability from value 0 to 1 is the spawn chance of any item
- Usage of custom naming is now possible (> v1.4.0)
- Example of custom items like the ExtendedRecycler plugins recycler item.
{ "probability": 0.6, "shortname": "box.repair.bench", "name": "Recycler", "skin": 1594245394, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 },
When using BotReSpawn to spawn the Huntsman :
It will use all settings from the custom profile that is made with BotReSpawn (Data Folder)
spawn range , max roam ,HP etc. etc. - In the BRS profile set the suicide timer high so that HuntsMan.cs can set the suicides (Lifetime)
- The name of the npc will be named by HuntsMan.cs so you can name it in BRS as a placeholder
- Profile name to be used is best to avoid spaces and Uppercase in the name
{ "Use Debug": true, "BotRespawn Settings": { "Use BotReSpawn": false, "BotReSpawn profile name": "huntsman" }, "Animals to trigger HuntsMan": { "Alpha Animal": true, "Omega Animal": true, "Bear": true, "Boar": true, "Chicken": true, "Horse": true, "Stag": true, "Wolf": true, "Wolf2": true }, "Hunter Settings": { "Custom Hunter Name": "HuntsMan", "spawn chance (1-100%)": 10.0, "Spawn Amount": 1, "spawn radius": 15, "Health": 250, "Max Roam Distance": 20, "Damage multiplier": 0.6, "Lifetime (minutes)": 10.0, "Use kit (clothing)": false, "Kit ID": [], "Show messages": true, "Hunters drop a Backpack with loot": true, "Use Random Skins": false, "Spawn Min Amount Items": 6, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 8, "Loot Table": [ { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "ammo.pistol", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 128, "amount": 256 }, { "probability": 0.6, "shortname": "box.repair.bench", "name": "Recycler", "skin": 1594245394, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 }, { "probability": 0.6, "shortname": "hmlmg", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 }, { "probability": 0.6, "shortname": "supply.signal", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 } ] } }
Localisation :
English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder.
{ "Prefix": "[<color=green>HuntsMan</color>] : ", "info": "\nThe [HuntsMan] Gives u the luck (or not) to spawn a Hunter that wants to kill you for killing Wild Game during offseason", "Hunter_Spawned": "You killed the {0} now pay the price !!!!", "Hunter_Spawned_Backpack": "{0} Dropped his Backpack !" }
bool IsHuntsmanNpc(global::HumanNPC npc) void OnHuntsmanSpawned(global::HumanNPC npc) void OnHuntsmanKilled(global::HumanNPC npc)
Example call :
object OnEntityDeath(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) { if (npc == null) return null; if (HuntsMan.Call<bool>("IsHuntsmanNpc", npc)) { Puts($"Target : {npc} net.ID : [{npc.net.ID}] Event : HuntsMan NPC"); } return null; } void OnHuntsmanSpawned(global::HumanNPC npc) { if (npc == null) return; timer.Once(1f, () => { Puts($"{npc} spawned (HuntsMan)"); });//delayed to make sure npc is fully initialised } void OnHuntsmanKilled(global::HumanNPC npc) { if (npc == null) return; Puts($"{npc} got killed (HuntsMan)"); }