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Hi, are there any examples out there for loot configs for this plugin? I would love to modify NPC Loot because I don’t think Better Loot is able to do so. I also have an extensive data file for better loot and was wondering if there was a way I could transfer that to Custom Loot. I’m just worried about there being different syntax and don’t wanna mess anything up.



Posted (edited)

BetterLoot was not really designed to allocate NPC loot, whereas CustomLoot is, you can option  "corpseTypePerBotReSpawnProfile": true, to adjust loot for your BotReSpawn bots ,

I dont use "examples" or 3rd party "loot configs" as i find a lot are unreliable and the fun is in creating your own, I use both plugins so that BetterLoot covers crates and lootpiles and CustomLoot does the rest

Edited by pookins
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Has anyone got this working with the Random Raids plugin? If so could  you help walk me through it? Much appreciated.


Posted (edited)

(moved to support requests)

Edited by HunterZ

Posted (edited)

(duplicate comment)

Edited by HunterZ


So I'll be able to differentiate loot in crates at Launch versus Excav versus the biomes?

  • Administrator


That depends what crates Facepunch used there.
The plugin differentiates between crates by name.
Many of them are listed in the description but, as noted, there will be more than that in the plugin as the plugin automatically
adds them to your config as Facepunch add new crates to the game.


Posted (edited)

I have suggestions for custom loot: remove the general category chances, because I think it's better if there's only one chance to set and you can control the chances better, because if there are 2 chances (category and items), for example, items with low chances don't appear at all. I would have that with the supply signal. I set it to 1% and the tools chance to 30% and the supply signal didn't appear at all. Please remove the category chances; add: an editor so that the items can be edited better + presets for x2 - x100; options for all items so that you can activate and deactivate them; more settings for the categories in general;l.



Conclusion: the custom loot plugin is very, very good, but the category chances are unnecessary in my opinion, but otherwise you can set a lot. If you implement all the suggestions, it will be a really cool plugin

Edited by Wammerl26


32 minutes ago, Wammerl26 said:

I have suggestions for custom loot: remove the general category chances, because I think it's better if there's only one chance to set and you can control the chances better, because if there are 2 chances (category and items), for example, items with low chances don't appear at all. I would have that with the supply signal. I set it to 1% and the tools chance to 30% and the supply signal didn't appear at all. Please remove the category chances; add: an editor so that the items can be edited better + presets for x2 - x100; options for all items so that you can activate and deactivate them; more settings for the categories in general;l.



Conclusion: the custom loot plugin is very, very good, but the category chances are unnecessary in my opinion, but otherwise you can set a lot. If you implement all the suggestions, it will be a really cool plugin

Can find nothing wrong with it as it is. yours seems to be the only complaint i have seen since i started using it.



Hello Thank you for the wonderful plugin. I only have it applied to NPC loot, but it seems that the default RUST (which assigns a table to all NPCs) doesn't control the blue scientist's loot table that spawns from the BradleyAPC. Please let me know if it can be fixed.

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  • Administrator


My pleasure.
I've added the normal and heavy scientists from BradleyAPC to CustomLoot, so you'll get new profiles for those in the next update.

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Thank you for your prompt correction.



1 hour ago, mimo said:

Thank you for your prompt correction.

I would call it an improvement or addition rather than a correction




Me again!  Bet you were hoping you were done with me, but like a bad penny, I just keep turning up!

I've created custom loot tables for all my bots, but for some reason, the supermarket bots aren't taking their loot table.  All of the rest are working fine, but they just refuse to change with the rest, like fussy teens.  Any idea what might cause that?  I don't see anything in their settings that's any different than any of the others.

    "BotReSpawn-Abandoned Supermarket 0": {
      "enabled": true,
      "lootTable": "Market",
      "maxItems": 6,
      "minItems": 6,
      "gunsWithAmmo": false,
      "noGuns": false,
      "MaxBps": 3,
      "WaterPreFillPercent": 20,
      "ClearContainerFirst": true
    "BotReSpawn-Abandoned Supermarket 1": {
      "enabled": true,
      "lootTable": "Market",
      "maxItems": 6,
      "minItems": 6,
      "gunsWithAmmo": false,
      "noGuns": false,
      "MaxBps": 3,
      "WaterPreFillPercent": 20,
      "ClearContainerFirst": true
    "BotReSpawn-Abandoned Supermarket 2": {
      "enabled": true,
      "lootTable": "Market",
      "maxItems": 6,
      "minItems": 6,
      "gunsWithAmmo": false,
      "noGuns": false,
      "MaxBps": 3,
      "WaterPreFillPercent": 20,
      "ClearContainerFirst": true

It appears to be using the default NPC loot table, as if it's not enabled.

  • Administrator


I see you've got ClearContainerFirst set to true so I'd guess something else is giving them loot after CustomLoot,
or what you're seeing is stuff from their kit possibly?



I don't remember turning that on, so I didn't know if that's something I did when I set them up last time or if it was default.  There isn't anything else giving them loot.  What they're showing right now is the default NPC loot like the normal vanilla scientists would have on them.  One of the bosses has stopped showing his loot now after I reset the plugins, too.  It's the darnedest thing.  The other 18+ profiles are fine.

  • Administrator


It would be set true by default and probably should be true in most cases.
You'd only set it false if you want CustomLoot to add to whatever is already there, be it vanilla loot or stuff from a kit.


If you're seeing vanilla loot (or anything that's not from your CustomLoot table) in those npcs then either something else is giving them loot after CustomLoot,
or CustomLoot just isn't firing for those npcs at all,
although I'm struggling to see why one specific BotReSpawn profile wouldn't work when others do.

I suppose a simple troubleshooting tip would be to change "Market" to a made up name - Some table name that doesn't exist,
then when CustomLoot creates a file for that name, do not edit it.

That way it'll be really obvious if it's working or not because the npcs should get absolutely nothing.
CustomLoot should clear their container, and give them nothing.

If you find loot in there that would definitely point to something giving out loot after CustomLoot has done its bit.

  • Administrator


If you reload CustomLoot and watch the console do you see any complaints?
It's possible there's a mistake in the Market.json - If so CustomLoot should tell you when it loads/reloads.



Lol, I actually did change it to Market from the original name.  The other name didn't change at all and stopped working, so I'm not sure what's causing it.  No, I didn't see any complaints, but I can try reloading it again and show what I see.

Unloaded plugin CustomLoot v1.2.2 by Steenamaroo

Unloaded plugin CustomLoot v1.2.2 by Steenamaroo

Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'CustomLoot v1.2.2' took 1865ms

Loaded plugin CustomLoot v1.2.2 by Steenamaroo

[CustomLoot] Finished populating all containers.

Calling 'OnLootSpawn' on 'CustomLoot v1.2.2' took average 1865ms

  • Administrator


Ok, I'll fire up and test here in case there's something unique to that BotReSpawn profile.


Posted (edited)

Okay, I changed the name to let the plugin create a new profile and it is, indeed, completely blank.  The bots are still drawing on whatever table they're getting this stuff from, so I'm not sure what's causing it.  I've scoured the plugin list and I don't see anything that affects NPC loot, so I've reached out to the owner to see if he has any idea what might be the culprit.

Lol, nah...it'd be silly for you to go through all of that.  I think it's something on our end; it's just a matter of figuring out what.

Edited by ClockworkCat
  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

Ok, that's good to know.
If you made a new loot table and the bot inventory was completely blank, then that means CustomLoot is working,
which almost certainly means the loot you saw came from CustomLoot.

Any chance the loottable you wanted to use just isn't set up how you thought it was?
Some copy/paste mistake or..something?

I just tested here with SuperMarket BotReSpawn profile and a loot table with
Ammunition 1 and ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot 1 and nothing else changed,
and the npcs had nothing but 40mm buckshot on them.

Edited by Steenamaroo


Well, it has Ammunition probability 2, Food probability 2, Medical 1, and Resources 1.  The only things marked are pistol ammo, shotgun slugs, apples, cans of tuna, bandages, and wolf skull.  What I get from each of them clearing the monument is random, but here's what I get on this test:

Guy1: 12 rifle ammo

Guy2: Root combiner, shotgun slugs

Guy3: Pipes, pistol ammo, syringe

Guy4: Incendiary shotgun ammo, syringe

Guy5: Tech Trash, rifle ammo, syringe

Guy6: 12 rifle ammo

As I said, the new loot table it created is blank, but they're still getting loot from something.  I just don't know what it is.  And the unrelated boss was giving proper loot earlier, but after I restarted the mods trying to fix these Supermarket ones, now his loot table is doing the same thing and pulling from the same loot, it seems. 

  • Administrator


Oh sorry, I misunderstood.
If they're getting loot with a fresh table then you're right - It's coming from somewhere else.
Sorry, I'm not sure what else to suggest other than maybe temporarily unloading everything except BotReSpawn and CustomLoot, just to prove?



No, it's alright.  It's kind of a confusing situation.  And nothing to be sorry about.  I just legitimately have no idea what else it could be.  Think I might just clear all the tables out, let it create new ones, and replace them again and see if that helps.  If not, I'll go from there.

Thanks for at least trying and taking a look at it for me!  It's super appreciated!

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