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BotReSpawn 1.3.6

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Will this plugin replace/remove vanilla npc?

  • Administrator


Hi @Papa Smurf- That's something I've been meaning to do.
I'll take a look at it soon. 👍

@kosuke09211 - No, BotReSpawn doesn't do anything at all to vanilla npcs.
I have a free plugin called NPCKits which can kit them out by location, mostly, if you're interested. 🙂



23 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

Hi @Papa Smurf- That's something I've been meaning to do.
I'll take a look at it soon. 👍

@kosuke09211 - No, BotReSpawn doesn't do anything at all to vanilla npcs.
I have a free plugin called NPCKits which can kit them out by location, mostly, if you're interested. 🙂

Thank you. I will take a look 1st. By any chance there will be a discount for black friday? ahhaha



hi, I would ask you some questions.
I added custom NPC into the Island, but when players hit them with sniper from far away (200+m)  it will chase the  attacker, leaving the island  walking on the water and  trapped into the turrets they build. ("Immune_From_Damage_Beyond": 200,)
I use zone manager with custom flags to avoid building etc.
so my question is.
1. how to prevent my BOT moving out more than a certain value from its spawn point? (radius 10 and roaming 40) which is smaller than the Island
2. how to prevent them to walk on water or ignore chasing when there are water surounding. ( over water: false)
3. what is OverWater do? I tried both true and false giving the same result.  or it just  a spawn point that ignore if there is a water on surface?
4. when I spawn them inside a custom building from rust edit ( the height is around 10m ) it wont respawn or spawn on top of the buildings. (navmesh available)
5. I cant spawn them inside the terrain on custom buildings or cave (dungeon)

  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

Hi @Ping Chun Chang

BotReSpawn does some checks with reference to terrain height, making sure terrain level isn't underwater etc, so that means custom monuments made out at sea (like a custom oilrig with navmesh) wouldn't work.
The OverWater: true option is a workaround for that.
It probably isn't applicable to your situation.


Water navigating : The npcs should never set their target destination in water, but they can set a target destination beyond water, which isn't great sometimes.
By that I mean they'll never choose to run into the sea, but they might try to run to a point on land which involves running through a river to get there.
I'd guess that's what's happening in your case, although you say "walking on the water".
Do you literally mean on top of it? Is it very shallow water?

In short there is no way to completely prevent an npc from leaving a certain area, although I could write that in to the next update.
it might be a popular feature.

Immune_From_Damage_Beyond should work.
When it's working it makes the npc 100% ignore attacks. The npc won't get hurt, or return fire, or chase - It should be like the attack never happened.
I'd guess your test shots are maybe closer than you think? Try setting that figure to, say, 50, just for testing.
Note, though, that it does operate on the condition that you are not already a valid target for the npc,
so if you were to come up close, aggro him, then fly far away and shoot, he will respond because you were already his target.

Regarding your custom buildings and underground areas - If a BotReSpawn profile is left to find random spawnpoints (UseCustomSpawns false) then it will never find points inside a building or in an underground area.
The random system always seeks points on open terrain.
If you create custom spawnpoints inside your building/cave/whatever and set UseCustomSpawns true, though, they should work just fine, as long as there's navmesh where you created the spawnpoints.

The UI has a 'Check Navmesh' button you can use, and also 'Show Spawnpoints' which shows invalid points in red, instead of green.

Hope that helps - If not just let me know. 👍

Edited by Steenamaroo
  • Like 2


On 11/19/2022 at 7:33 PM, Steenamaroo said:

Hi @Ping Chun Chang

BotReSpawn does some checks with reference to terrain height, making sure terrain level isn't underwater etc, so that means custom monuments made out at sea (like a custom oilrig with navmesh) wouldn't work.
The OverWater: true option is a workaround for that.
It probably isn't applicable to your situation.


Water navigating : The npcs should never set their target destination in water, but they can set a target destination beyond water, which isn't great sometimes.
By that I mean they'll never choose to run into the sea, but they might try to run to a point on land which involves running through a river to get there.
I'd guess that's what's happening in your case, although you say "walking on the water".
Do you literally mean on top of it? Is it very shallow water?

In short there is no way to completely prevent an npc from leaving a certain area, although I could write that in to the next update.
it might be a popular feature.

Immune_From_Damage_Beyond should work.
When it's working it makes the npc 100% ignore attacks. The npc won't get hurt, or return fire, or chase - It should be like the attack never happened.
I'd guess your test shots are maybe closer than you think? Try setting that figure to, say, 50, just for testing.
Note, though, that it does operate on the condition that you are not already a valid target for the npc,
so if you were to come up close, aggro him, then fly far away and shoot, he will respond because you were already his target.

Regarding your custom buildings and underground areas - If a BotReSpawn profile is left to find random spawnpoints (UseCustomSpawns false) then it will never find points inside a building or in an underground area.
The random system always seeks points on open terrain.
If you create custom spawnpoints inside your building/cave/whatever and set UseCustomSpawns true, though, they should work just fine, as long as there's navmesh where you created the spawnpoints.

The UI has a 'Check Navmesh' button you can use, and also 'Show Spawnpoints' which shows invalid points in red, instead of green.

Hope that helps - If not just let me know. 👍

good explanations there, I salute you.
about what happened in my situations i will explain more before someone asking "why".
My PVE server has skills, RPG like, that increase players ability, defence , attack , damage reduction, ETC.
Modified weapon damage for some weapon, I create a plugin for boosting health 5x if they consume it lasting for certain minutes also the food that can be used as fast healing ( hard to find in normal game world).

so I tried to create a BOSS with this beautiful plugin that meant to be the END game challenge, a boss with certain high HP 200K, high damage with lmg or rocket on his belt. rewarding loot dropped upon his death (+hackable crate 100%)

1st case, I made a custom GULAG like , its huge and wide using single concrete cube as the main foundation. also the ceiling that high enough ( as tall as 4 buiIding blocks. I put 1 spawn point there manually using the GUI,  command, or moving the profile here (working the most), right in the middle of the building, to make sure the radius is right. but they always spawned on top of the building.
Autospawn : true
Chute: false
radius 10 (lowest)
roam 15

2nd case, so i think inside the building spawn is not working and then tried to make a spawn point in the 2x2 grid of island. its surounded by the sea (not shallow water) but when somebody shot him from 250+ away it will leave the island chasing the invoker, walking on top of water. 

aggro and deaggro 70
Onwater: true or false did the same
immune damage from 150
pause movement : 5 sec

this plugin is best among NPC spawner I have. not having too much sepate folders or configs, adding  some new features will make this plugin even better.  I thank you for the service you rovide, Thank you Sir.

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  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

Regarding the npc positioning - The 'Move profile here' option, which you said worked, is only in play if UseCustomSpawns is set to false.

With UseCustomSpawns false, BotReSpawn tries to find random spawnpoints in the area around your profile,
and those spawnpoints must always have a clear view to the sky, which would explain them being on top of the building.

It sounds like what you want to do is use the UI to add one custom spawnpoint at a precise location, then make sure that UseCustomSpawns is set to true.
Use 'Show All Spawnpoints' for that same profile to ensure that your spawnpoint shows up in game (as a number) in green.
If it is green, and in the correct location, and UseCustomSpawns is true, then the npc will spawn at precisely that position.

With regard to the npc running on water, I think that has to be a custom map issue.
Map making isn't something I'm very familiar with but these npcs can only navigate on navmesh.
If your npcs are able to run along the top of deep water then there must be navmesh there.
Map makers would be able to tell you more but I'd guess that means there's some kind of invisible collider/surface there that gets navmesh baked on to it when the server starts.

If that doesn't get you up and running maybe we can talk more in discord or something.
I'm sure we'll get it sorted. 👍

I'll test the immune-from distance myself - Sounds like that's simply not working.
It was tested well before release but perhaps something's changed.
Thanks for letting me know!

Edited by Steenamaroo
Jacob Rain


Whether to customize the basic attack distance of various weapons and the firing rate of throwing weapons, and then you can set the power to scale to each profile, because after this update, I found that the attack mode of the pistol and Thompson has changed, which is strange.



Hey steen, do you have any plans to expand upon the map markers? Instead of just the white dots, i would love to be able to add an icon and a name (like how Raidable Bases markers work). 

  • Administrator


Yeah, I've had a few requests for that. Not sure when I'll do it but it's on the list.

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3 часа назад, Steenamaroo сказал:

 | Error while compiling: BotReSpawn.cs(1666,34): error CS1501: No overload for method `Init' takes `14' arguments

  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

The public release is for the main branch of Rust.
That error is from a staging server.


Edit: 1.1.5 released, so it's available at/before wipe.
if you're on staging now that'll work for you. 👍

Edited by Steenamaroo


It would be great to add an option to patrol the map

Fusion 3.64

Posted (edited)

I'm not sure if this is a new conflict (Always possible with my loadout) or a possible update bug.
But the NPCs are no longer spawning with the supply drops.
I haven't made any changes to the data/config.
I'm also current (Loaded plugin BotReSpawn v1.1.5 by Steenamaroo).
I checked this time 🙂

Edited by thepiercedweirdo
  • Administrator


Hi @thepiercedweirdo
Thanks mate. Nah, it's a me problem.
I'll get another update out for it shortly.

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Baron Von Finchus


Hi Steen,

I'm sure you get this all the time but would you consider either using Monument Finder from Umod or a similar method to find custom monument so we could automate custom monument NPCs like it does with Vanilla monuments?



Hello Steenamaroo
I present a problem I'm having, I don't know if I'm the only one. Because I haven't seen others write about this.
Around 50% of the bots, everywhere, be it monuments, Biomes, etc. They are like locked in place. They can't move from the place... they shoot you if they see you and all that, but they don't move from the place.

  • Moderator


4 minutes ago, Lei_Wong said:

Hello Steenamaroo
I present a problem I'm having, I don't know if I'm the only one. Because I haven't seen others write about this.
Around 50% of the bots, everywhere, be it monuments, Biomes, etc. They are like locked in place. They can't move from the place... they shoot you if they see you and all that, but they don't move from the place.

How is your sever doing?  It sounds like a load issue.



Never had this problem with config options

 "Prevent_Biome_Ai_Dormant": true,
  "Allow_Ai_Dormant": false,

  • Administrator


Hi @Lei_Wong,
I've had a small handful of reports like this through the year...maybe 5.
Every time the issue did come down to overall server load.

The solution in each case was just taming back the numbers of npcs - Not just counting npcs from BotReSpawn but from any plugins.

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I'd like to revisit the idea of expanding the bots' weapon portfolio a bit. I would have wished that weapons, such as the water pistol or the water gun could work with these bots. Is there actually an overview of weapons that can be used by the bots in total? I'm not really expecting that, but it would be nice to know.
Sorry@Steenamaroofor picking up an old topic again 🥺

  • Administrator


Hey mate,
As far as I know the only weapons not covered are water pistols and throwable melee's like spears and stuff.
Everything else, as far as I know works.



Bot Weaon Profiles would be cool, but I know that's a huge ask. They are nutty with certain weapons lol.

  • Administrator


Hi @MadKingCraig
How do you mean, on both of those?



I just meant like specific stats depending on the kit/weapon they are using. For example, adjusting accuracy when using an custom SMG vs Bolty or adjusting an "engagement" range depending on the weapon. They always shoot back with the same accuracy no matter the distance from the player.
That's a lot of work so I'm not really expecting it XD.

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