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31 minutes ago, Zarayn said:

Thank you that update worked a charm

Glad to hear it! 🍻


17 minutes ago, Neighigh said:

I'm still receiving the same error in console - HP is fixed though!

Awesome well at least got one part sorted. Will keep an eye and ear on those errors and see what we can figure out and what you let us know as the wipe goes on.


Just now, Neighigh said:

To add to this:
It looks like the plugin is now having a conflict with ScientistNames.cs - The icons on the map read as the random names assigned from that plugin rather than the Boss names set.
In my case, the Bosses don't move or attack, but do use their abilities. - I assume this is why I'm getting the error from before, as they seem to be stuck without any pathing.

Try removing this plugin or any other that might conflict and could be causing the issues themselves, then reloading the plugin to see if they are possibly causing an issue, perhaps by renaming the boss they are breaking them.



1 minute ago, Jbird said:

Glad to hear it! 🍻


Awesome well at least got one part sorted. Will keep an eye and ear on those errors and see what we can figure out and what you let us know as the wipe goes on.


Try removing this plugin or any other that might conflict and could be causing the issues themselves, then reloading the plugin to see if they are possibly causing an issue, perhaps by renaming the boss they are breaking them.

Yup just went through this process. While the names are corrected without ScientistNames.cs loaded, the remaining bugs are still present. Doing some testing to see if anything else could be breaking it now.



2 hours ago, Neighigh said:

Yup just went through this process. While the names are corrected without ScientistNames.cs loaded, the remaining bugs are still present. Doing some testing to see if anything else could be breaking it now.

Update on this: Everything is now working correctly after I did a little double checking. Issue was on my end.
However ScientistNames.cs continues to be incompatible. Before the update it worked great so I'm not sure what changed. Main problem with this is renaming the boss prevents them from dropping loot from the loot table and giving out economics, etc. I've removed ScientistNames.cs from our server for now, but would like to see some compatibility here as the two together allow all NPCs in game to have special names.



NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Oxide.Plugins.NpcSpawn+CustomScientistNpc.UpdateTick () [0x00064] in <fd49b0de9f664a509a7c07e4c054b8b6>:0 
  at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].DoTick () [0x000be] in <48c332e9330246229bf96120283fb074>:0 
  at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].LateUpdate () [0x0000c] in <48c332e9330246229bf96120283fb074>:0 
(Filename: <fd49b0de9f664a509a7c07e4c054b8b6> Line: 0)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Oxide.Plugins.NpcSpawn+CustomScientistNpc.UpdateTick () [0x00064] in <fd49b0de9f664a509a7c07e4c054b8b6>:0 
  at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].DoTick () [0x000be] in <48c332e9330246229bf96120283fb074>:0 
  at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].LateUpdate () [0x0000c] in <48c332e9330246229bf96120283fb074>:0 
(Filename: <fd49b0de9f664a509a7c07e4c054b8b6> Line: 0)

Unloaded plugin BossMonster v1.0.8 by KpucTaJl 
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) 

I still have the same problem and nothing has changed.



1 hour ago, Herrcooles said:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Oxide.Plugins.NpcSpawn+CustomScientistNpc.UpdateTick () [0x00064] in <fd49b0de9f664a509a7c07e4c054b8b6>:0 
  at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].DoTick () [0x000be] in <48c332e9330246229bf96120283fb074>:0 
  at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].LateUpdate () [0x0000c] in <48c332e9330246229bf96120283fb074>:0 
(Filename: <fd49b0de9f664a509a7c07e4c054b8b6> Line: 0)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Oxide.Plugins.NpcSpawn+CustomScientistNpc.UpdateTick () [0x00064] in <fd49b0de9f664a509a7c07e4c054b8b6>:0 
  at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].DoTick () [0x000be] in <48c332e9330246229bf96120283fb074>:0 
  at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].LateUpdate () [0x0000c] in <48c332e9330246229bf96120283fb074>:0 
(Filename: <fd49b0de9f664a509a7c07e4c054b8b6> Line: 0)

Unloaded plugin BossMonster v1.0.8 by KpucTaJl 
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) 

I still have the same problem and nothing has changed.

BossMonster was updated to version 1.0.9 - Looks like you're using 1.0.8

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1 hour ago, Neighigh said:

BossMonster was updated to version 1.0.9 - Looks like you're using 1.0.8

Thank you man 

with all the patching my head is full of new facepunch shit every 4 weeks 

the name fits Facepunch for Facepunch 

  • Love 1

Posted (edited)

i know it has nothing to do with bosses 
but has anyone else not created a hackable on the map since yesterday?
Since yesterday I have this message when starting the server ?
Failed to run a 60.00 timer (MissingMethodException: bool Item.MoveToContainer(ItemContainer,int,bool,bool))
  at Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.LootCore (LootContainer , Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.Loot.LootableContainerData ) [0x00095] in <35c7eff8ecc147a5923b4cd73bd65a0e>:0 
  at Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.LootCore (System.String , UnityEngine.Vector3 , UnityEngine.Quaternion , Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.Loot.LootableContainerData ) [0x0011b] in <35c7eff8ecc147a5923b4cd73bd65a0e>:0 
  at Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.LootCore+<>c__DisplayClass12_0.<RespawnContainer>b__0 () [0x0012d] in <35c7eff8ecc147a5923b4cd73bd65a0e>:0 

Edited by Herrcooles


12 hours ago, Neighigh said:

Update on this: Everything is now working correctly after I did a little double checking. Issue was on my end.
However ScientistNames.cs continues to be incompatible. Before the update it worked great so I'm not sure what changed. Main problem with this is renaming the boss prevents them from dropping loot from the loot table and giving out economics, etc. I've removed ScientistNames.cs from our server for now, but would like to see some compatibility here as the two together allow all NPCs in game to have special names.

Have you by chance spoken to that developer to see if they have any ideas themselves? They would know how they are created and might have a simple fix honestly.


4 hours ago, Herrcooles said:

Thank you man 

with all the patching my head is full of new facepunch shit every 4 weeks 

the name fits Facepunch for Facepunch 

Did the version update sort things for you in this regard?


4 hours ago, Herrcooles said:

i know it has nothing to do with bosses 
but has anyone else not created a hackable on the map since yesterday?
Since yesterday I have this message when starting the server ?
Failed to run a 60.00 timer (MissingMethodException: bool Item.MoveToContainer(ItemContainer,int,bool,bool))
  at Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.LootCore (LootContainer , Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.Loot.LootableContainerData ) [0x00095] in <35c7eff8ecc147a5923b4cd73bd65a0e>:0 
  at Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.LootCore (System.String , UnityEngine.Vector3 , UnityEngine.Quaternion , Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.Loot.LootableContainerData ) [0x0011b] in <35c7eff8ecc147a5923b4cd73bd65a0e>:0 
  at Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.LootCore+<>c__DisplayClass12_0.<RespawnContainer>b__0 () [0x0012d] in <35c7eff8ecc147a5923b4cd73bd65a0e>:0 

Will look to see if I know anything more about this but currently don't know what that might be about. Do you have any loot related plugins that control your loot tables?

  • Like 1


21 minutes ago, Jbird said:

Have you by chance spoken to that developer to see if they have any ideas themselves? They would know how they are created and might have a simple fix honestly.


Did the version update sort things for you in this regard?


Will look to see if I know anything more about this but currently don't know what that might be about. Do you have any loot related plugins that control your loot tables?

Yup I've messaged them, just waiting on a response. Will post here based on what I hear back.



1 minute ago, Neighigh said:

Yup I've messaged them, just waiting on a response. Will post here based on what I hear back.

Sounds like a plan. 🍻


Posted (edited)

Vor 17 Stunden sagte Jbird:

Haben Sie zufällig mit diesem Entwickler gesprochen, um zu sehen, ob er selbst Ideen hat? Sie würden wissen, wie sie erstellt werden, und könnten ehrlich eine einfache Lösung haben.


Hat das Versionsupdate diesbezüglich Abhilfe geschaffen?


Ich werde mal schauen, ob ich mehr darüber weiß, aber im Moment weiß ich nicht, worum es gehen könnte. Hast du Plugins für Beute, die deine Beutetabellen steuern?

Nein und ein leerer Testserver hat das gleiche Problem die gleiche Meldung. 

Normalerweise solltet ihr alle das Problem haben, wenn es am Update liegt?

Ich vermute, dass es die Lootboxen sind, die auf der Karte platziert wurden. 
und Facepunch hat sie beim letzten Wischen entfernt? 

Aber es gibt keine Liste, welche Prefabs von FP aus dem Spiel entfernt werden oder welche Prefabs neu sind. 

Gibt es irgendwo einen freundlichen Admins Help Admins Discord? 
bei Rust Edit Discord bekommt man nie eine Antwort alle ignoranten egoistischen Leute da 

Ich muss dich fragen, weil du wenigstens antwortest und versuchst zu helfen, was sehr nett ist. 



And yes the tip yesterday was good after update to 1.0.9 everything was great + Better NPC run again Great I created the folder Tunel but the folder is empty but everything runs again 

Big thanks to you 

Edited by Herrcooles


10 hours ago, Herrcooles said:

Nein und ein leerer Testserver hat das gleiche Problem die gleiche Meldung. 

Normalerweise solltet ihr alle das Problem haben, wenn es am Update liegt?

Ich vermute, dass es die Lootboxen sind, die auf der Karte platziert wurden. 
und Facepunch hat sie beim letzten Wischen entfernt? 

Aber es gibt keine Liste, welche Prefabs von FP aus dem Spiel entfernt werden oder welche Prefabs neu sind. 

Gibt es irgendwo einen freundlichen Admins Help Admins Discord? 
bei Rust Edit Discord bekommt man nie eine Antwort alle ignoranten egoistischen Leute da 

Ich muss dich fragen, weil du wenigstens antwortest und versuchst zu helfen, was sehr nett ist.

Richtig, wenn es das Update wäre, wäre es wahrscheinlich universell. Es gibt jedoch viele Variablen, einschließlich der Plugins, die wir alle verwenden und welche nicht.

Im Wesentlichen schaue ich auf Communities wie die Mad Mapper Community. Sie lernen sehr schnell und teilen mit, was kaputt ist, was sich geändert hat. Zuletzt wurde Rock Splash aus dem Spiel entfernt und der Rangierbahnhof aktualisiert. Weitere Änderungen sind mir selbst nicht bekannt.

Es gibt Rust Admin Discord, das hilfreich sein kann, aber Sie bekommen dort auch Idioten, die denken, dass sie wichtiger sind, als sie wirklich sind, und mit anderen herablassen.

Danke übrigens für die netten Worte. Ich schätze es sehr. Es war in letzter Zeit etwas rau, also ist jedes gute Feedback nett und wäscht den Schmutz der negativen Leute weg.

10 hours ago, Herrcooles said:

And yes the tip yesterday was good after update to 1.0.9 everything was great + Better NPC run again Great I created the folder Tunel but the folder is empty but everything runs again 

Big thanks to you 

Excellent, happy to hear this!

You are quite welcome.

  • Love 1


Is there one update for BossMonster, now them are like 600 h only on mine server, what is that problem with that



Jbird You're totally fine and I respect your work and effort for us. the problem I'm having is unfortunately coming from the Oxide folder again the Rust Edit DLL is spinning around.




10 hours ago, MrIce said:

Is there one update for BossMonster, now them are like 600 h only on mine server, what is that problem with that

Just need to update NpcSpawn to latest.

Link is in the ReadMe file and a few other places.



5 hours ago, Herrcooles said:

Jbird You're totally fine and I respect your work and effort for us. the problem I'm having is unfortunately coming from the Oxide folder again the Rust Edit DLL is spinning around.

Do you mean that it is looking as if it is loading? Perhaps didn't fully load properly at some point?



I posted on MadMappers but I want to communicate here too:

["Radius (to disable all abilities, set the value to 0)":] no longer uses ["Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]":]
This has meant that players are getting hit by abilities from Bosses before the player attacks/causes aggro.
If there is a workaround for this please let me know - We use these abilities at long ranges to keep a challenging environment for all tactical approaches(ei:Snipers). 

["Attack Range Multiplier":] Also does not affect the Abilities anymore. Both this and the Radius option used to affect the Abilities but no longer do after the recent update.

The reason this is so critical is because players can't get close to the Boss before it starts using an ability. Making the Radius shorter helps this, but allows players to stand at long range and clear the Boss with little difficulty. 
Before version 1.0.9 the abilities were only triggered after the Boss had a target, either by being attacked or when they saw an enemy. 
I hope that's enough information to help understand the change and complications we see. If we need any more details I'm happy to discuss!


Posted (edited)

Vor 15 Stunden sagte Jbird:

Meinst du, es sieht so aus, als würde es laden? Vielleicht wurde irgendwann nicht richtig geladen?

Die RustEdit-DLL verursacht diese Probleme, aber es gibt ein Server-Update von heute 19:00 Uhr MEZ. 

Und Killyou hat auch ein Update von Rust.Oxide.Ext veröffentlicht, hoffe es hilft jetzt 

Does anyone have the Mad Mappers Discord address?

Edited by Herrcooles


51 minutes ago, Herrcooles said:

Die RustEdit-DLL verursacht diese Probleme, aber es gibt ein Server-Update von heute 19:00 Uhr MEZ. 

Und Killyou hat auch ein Update von Rust.Oxide.Ext veröffentlicht, hoffe es hilft jetzt 

Does anyone have the Mad Mappers Discord address?

Here you go man, it's in the ReadMe file they send out with plugins:



9 hours ago, Neighigh said:

["Radius (to disable all abilities, set the value to 0)":] no longer uses ["Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]":]
This has meant that players are getting hit by abilities from Bosses before the player attacks/causes aggro.
If there is a workaround for this please let me know - We use these abilities at long ranges to keep a challenging environment for all tactical approaches(ei:Snipers).

Radius is main config for the ability. What is your setting here? You have True or False for the vision cone setting? Just on the chance, is it possible that anything has been changed recently? You could open a ticket in the MM Discord and share your config if you're comfortable with that. Same issue with all bosses or just certain?

9 hours ago, Neighigh said:

["Attack Range Multiplier":] Also does not affect the Abilities anymore. Both this and the Radius option used to affect the Abilities but no longer do after the recent update.

This is for the attack range of the weapon they are holding. You can multiply the range of that weapon by this factor.

9 hours ago, Neighigh said:

The reason this is so critical is because players can't get close to the Boss before it starts using an ability. Making the Radius shorter helps this, but allows players to stand at long range and clear the Boss with little difficulty. 

Before version 1.0.9 the abilities were only triggered after the Boss had a target, either by being attacked or when they saw an enemy. 
I hope that's enough information to help understand the change and complications we see. If we need any more details I'm happy to discuss!

One thing I have recommended before just because of the AI at certain ranges, is to put bosses in specific places that do not allow this. I even have indoor arenas for bosses myself to get them away from just being in the open and being an easy target. That should still be the behavior though so if you haven't already (there are a few to keep track of sorry) open one and we can get the developer involved as well. You do have the most recent version of NpcSpawn right? Silly question but it has been updated a few times.



Thanks JBird!
I do have the Newest Version of NPCSpawn and Boss Monser, yes! 🙂 

3 hours ago, Jbird said:

What is your setting here? You have True or False for the vision cone setting? Just on the chance, is it possible that anything has been changed recently? You could open a ticket in the MM Discord and share your config if you're comfortable with that. Same issue with all bosses or just certain?


I have Detect set to True, Bosses were not using abilities on players they could not see prior to the updates to fix the AIBrain this month. Perhaps I need to delete my config and allow the new plugin to create a new config? I'll open a ticket and share mine so we can look it over.

  • Like 1


16 minutes ago, Neighigh said:

Thanks JBird!
I do have the Newest Version of NPCSpawn and Boss Monser, yes! 🙂

I have Detect set to True, Bosses were not using abilities on players they could not see prior to the updates to fix the AIBrain this month. Perhaps I need to delete my config and allow the new plugin to create a new config? I'll open a ticket and share mine so we can look it over.

We will figure this out trust me. I don't give up easily. By the way you said Monser. haha And we can have KpucTaJl save the day if we can reproduce the error or if we can't otherwise fix it ourselves.

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The Boss Monsters are able to damage bases with their guns and grenades on my server running TruePVE. Other NPCs can't damage bases. Is this something the NpcSpawn developer can fix?
I understand I can take away the guns and grenades, but that makes them too easy to kill.



17 minutes ago, Delco6467 said:

The Boss Monsters are able to damage bases with their guns and grenades on my server running TruePVE. Other NPCs can't damage bases. Is this something the NpcSpawn developer can fix?

It depends on what NPCs you are referring to but honestly he wouldn't need to fix it anyway because NpcSpawn NPCs can do damage to buildings and can raid. We just need to fix whatever is stopping it from happening in your case.

If they are not NPCs generated by NpcSpawn then I would review your TruePVE settings as that plugin dictates what direction damage works or stops it. Otherwise if it is another developer who created those NPCs then you could go to them with the issue.



I'm specifically referring to the ones created by the Boss Monster plugin.
NPCs created by other plugins, such as BotReSpawn, don't damage bases.
How can I prevent the Boss Monsters from damaging bases?

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