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Would you be able to add a flag to disable the life support plugin? I would love to make this event similar to raidable bases where life support is turned off in this event.





  • Like 1


@MNfreakTim Hi, please write to me in Discord (KpucTaJl#8923) and I will help you


Posted (edited)


Edited by Covfefe
  • Like 1


@Covfefe there are no turrets in this event, which turrets are you talking about?



@Covfefe one more note, you are most likely using an older version of the plugin



3 hours ago, KpucTaJl said:
3 hours ago, KpucTaJl said:

@Covfefe one more note, you are most likely using an older version of the plugin

Damn it you’re right. I never know when there’s updates for this plugin because I bought it from the lone design website 

  • Like 1


How to fix after update? im not coder, just for this time replaced ScientistNPCNew to ScientistNPC. I need add a correct type of Scientist? for example ScientistNPC_Full_heavy?

  • Like 1


thank you very much ❤️ 

  • Like 1


any fix? thank you.

  • Like 1


2 hours ago, CryEngine said:

any fix? thank you.

Hello. The plugin is currently in working order, what problems do you have?



6 hours ago, KpucTaJl said:

Hello. The plugin is currently in working order, what problems do you have?

sorry, my bad. i don't know why, but after update my config was broken, thank you.

  • Like 1


any idea what this means?


AirEvent was compiled successfully in 307ms

Unloaded plugin AirEvent v2.0.0 by KpucTaJl

Could not initialize plugin 'AirEvent v2.0.0' (JsonReaderException: Error reading JArray from JsonReader. Current JsonReader item is not an array: StartObject. Path '['NPCs setting']', line 212, position 19.) at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray.Load (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JsonLoadSettings settings) [0x0004c] in <2ae3f091decd4989b3c4d466e6eb5985>:0 at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray.Load (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader) [0x00000] in <2ae3f091decd4989b3c4d466e6eb5985>:0 at Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.HashSetConverter.ReadJson (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, System.Type objectType, System.Object existingValue, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer serializer) [0x00041] in <2ae3f091decd4989b3c4d466e6eb5985>:0 at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.DeserializeConvertable (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter converter, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, System.Type objectType, System.Object existingValue) [0x00055] in <2ae3f091decd4989b3c4d466e6eb5985>:0 at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.SetPropertyValue (Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty property, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter propertyConverter, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonContainerContract containerContract, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty containerProperty, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, System.Object target) [0x0004e] in <2ae3f091decd4989b3c4d466e6eb5985>:0 at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.PopulateObject (System.Object newObject, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonObjectContract contract, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty member, System.String id) [0x00267] in <2ae3f091decd4989b3c4d466e6eb5985>:0 at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreateObject (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, System.Type objectType, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonContract contract, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty member, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonContainerContract containerContract, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty containerMember, System.Object existingValue) [0x0015c] in <2ae3f091decd4989b3c4d466e6eb5985>:0 at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreateValueInternal (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, System.Type objectType, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonContract contract, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty member, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonContainerContract containerContract, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty containerMember, System.Object existingValue) [0x0006d] in <2ae3f091decd4989b3c4d466e6eb5985>:0 at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.Deserialize (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, System.Type objectType, System.Boolean checkAdditionalContent) [0x000d9] in <2ae3f091decd4989b3c4d466e6eb5985>:0 at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeInternal (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, System.Type objectType) [0x00053] in <2ae3f091decd4989b3c4d466e6eb5985>:0 at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, System.Type objectType) [0x00000] in <2ae3f091decd4989b3c4d466e6eb5985>:0 at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject (System.String value, System.Type type, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings settings) [0x0002d] in <2ae3f091decd4989b3c4d466e6eb5985>:0 at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject[T] (System.String value, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings settings) [0x00000] in <2ae3f091decd4989b3c4d466e6eb5985>:0 at Oxide.Core.Configuration.DynamicConfigFile.ReadObject[T] (System.String filename) [0x00028] in <50629aa0e75d4126b345d8d9d64da28d>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.AirEvent.LoadConfig () [0x0000d] in <30a3a7bd01124b37a3777fbbf9c8a882>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x0000f] in <50629aa0e75d4126b345d8d9d64da28d>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x00000] in <50629aa0e75d4126b345d8d9d64da28d>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x00000] in <60c318df79ed41688ea59335e48d61ad>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.RustPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x0028e] in <0e80ef46df914dfe943554ce11cc6703>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager.AddPlugin (Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin plugin) [0x00027] in <50629aa0e75d4126b345d8d9d64da28d>:0 at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.PluginLoaded (Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin plugin) [0x00035] in <50629aa0e75d4126b345d8d9d64da28d>:0

No previous version to rollback plugin: AirEvent


  • Like 1


44 minutes ago, Covfefe said:

any idea what this means?


Hello, the error says that you have an incorrect configuration file

  • Like 1


can you make the air event fly around

  • Like 1


where do you change the Economics amount in the config

  • Like 1


On 5/10/2022 at 4:19 PM, Terry Gibson said:

can you make the air event fly around




On 5/10/2022 at 4:24 PM, Terry Gibson said:

where do you change the Economics amount in the config

in the plugin configuration - "Economy setting (total values will be added up and rewarded at the end of the event)"



How can I reduce it to 1 locked crate instead of two?  Cant seem to find the 2nd prefab in the config

  • Like 1


you know what be cool for this plugin if can make it fly around the map 

  • Like 1


12 hours ago, KingSizeKevin said:

How can I reduce it to 1 locked crate instead of two?  Cant seem to find the 2nd prefab in the config

Currently that would need to be done in the CS, but can I ask if there is something you are looking to achieve instead, like perhaps changing the loot table if you think the loot table is too generous. Just thinking out loud as there might be an easier fix if there is a reason like this that leads you to want to remove one of them entirely.



50 minutes ago, Terry Gibson said:

you know what be cool for this plugin if can make it fly around the map 

It would be pretty interesting no doubt, and several have had this idea including the developer.

Unfortunately there is just no realistic way to move around all of those prefab items in the game so I unfortunately have to tell you this is not in the works. It does spawn in random locations though! But you probably already know that.



How come only my Airship Captain shoots players? All the other bots only throw grenades.

  "Minimum time between events [sec.]": 60.0,
  "Maximum time between events [sec.]": 100.0,
  "Is active the timer on to start the event? [true/false]": true,
  "Duration of the event [sec.]": 9999,
  "Time before the starting of the event after receiving a chat message [sec.]": 10.0,
  "Time until the end of the event after the last locked crate has been looted [sec.]": 30,
  "Time to spawn each object during a airship appears on the map [sec.]": 0.001,
  "Which loot table should the plugin use in the crates? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 0,
  "Crates setting": [
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab",
      "Position": "(-7.637, 7.350, 13.646)",
      "Rotation": "(0.121, 152.430, 356.192)",
      "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of prefabs": [
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "The path to the prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab"
      "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of items": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of items": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of items": [
            "ShortName": "scrap",
            "Minimum": 100,
            "Maximum": 200,
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Name (empty - default)": ""
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab",
      "Position": "(6.899, 7.279, -14.312)",
      "Rotation": "(359.880, 332.430, 3.808)",
      "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of prefabs": [
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "The path to the prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab"
      "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of items": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of items": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of items": [
            "ShortName": "scrap",
            "Minimum": 100,
            "Maximum": 200,
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Name (empty - default)": ""
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab",
      "Position": "(-3.389, 2.982, -3.597)",
      "Rotation": "(356.192, 62.438, 89.879)",
      "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of prefabs": [
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "The path to the prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab"
      "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of items": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of items": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of items": [
            "ShortName": "scrap",
            "Minimum": 100,
            "Maximum": 200,
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Name (empty - default)": ""
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab",
      "Position": "(4.698, 3.599, 0.826)",
      "Rotation": "(359.879, 332.430, 93.808)",
      "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of prefabs": [
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "The path to the prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab"
      "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of items": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of items": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of items": [
            "ShortName": "scrap",
            "Minimum": 100,
            "Maximum": 200,
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Name (empty - default)": ""
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab",
      "Position": "(0.595, 6.674, 0.731)",
      "Rotation": "(359.880, 332.430, 3.808)",
      "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of prefabs": [
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "The path to the prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab"
      "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of items": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of items": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of items": [
            "ShortName": "scrap",
            "Minimum": 100,
            "Maximum": 200,
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Name (empty - default)": ""
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab",
      "Position": "(-2.830, 3.935, 3.819)",
      "Rotation": "(0.121, 152.430, 356.192)",
      "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of prefabs": [
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "The path to the prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab"
      "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of items": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of items": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of items": [
            "ShortName": "scrap",
            "Minimum": 100,
            "Maximum": 200,
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Name (empty - default)": ""
  "Locked Crates setting": {
    "Time to unlock the Crates [sec.]": 10.0,
    "Increase the event time if it's not enough to unlock the locked crate? [true/false]": true,
    "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 0,
    "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": {
      "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1,
      "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1,
      "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
      "List of prefabs": [
          "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
          "The path to the prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/chinooklockedcrate/codelockedhackablecrate.prefab"
    "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": {
      "Minimum numbers of items": 1,
      "Maximum numbers of items": 1,
      "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
      "List of items": [
          "ShortName": "scrap",
          "Minimum": 100,
          "Maximum": 200,
          "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
          "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
          "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
          "Name (empty - default)": ""
  "Marker configuration on the map": {
    "Name": "AirShip",
    "Radius": 0.5,
    "Alpha": 0.6,
    "Marker color": {
      "r": 0.81,
      "g": 0.25,
      "b": 0.15
  "Prefix of chat messages": "[AirEvent]",
  "Do you use the chat? [true/false]": true,
  "GUI setting": {
    "Do you use the countdown GUI? [true/false]": true,
    "OffsetMin Y": "-56"
  "GUI Announcements setting": {
    "Do you use the GUI Announcements? [true/false]": false,
    "Banner color": "Orange",
    "Text color": "White",
    "Adjust Vertical Position": 0.03
  "Notify setting": {
    "Do you use the Notify? [true/false]": false,
    "Type": "0"
  "Discord setting (only for users DiscordMessages plugin)": {
    "Do you use the Discord? [true/false]": false,
    "Webhook URL": "https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks",
    "Embed Color (DECIMAL)": 13516583,
    "Keys of required messages": [
  "Do you create a PVP zone in the event area? (only for users TruePVE plugin) [true/false]": false,
  "PVE Mode Setting (only for users PveMode plugin)": {
    "Use the PVE mode of the plugin? [true/false]": false,
    "The amount of damage that the player has to do to become the Event Owner": 500.0,
    "Damage coefficients for calculate to become the Event Owner": [
        "Type of target": "NPC",
        "Damage Multiplier": 1.0
    "Can the non-owner of the event loot the crates? [true/false]": false,
    "Can the non-owner of the event hack locked crates? [true/false]": false,
    "Can the non-owner of the event loot NPC corpses? [true/false]": false,
    "Can the non-owner of the event deal damage to the NPC? [true/false]": false,
    "Can an Npc attack a non-owner of the event? [true/false]": false,
    "Allow the non-owner of the event to enter the event zone? [true/false]": false,
    "Allow a player who has an active cooldown of the Event Owner to enter the event zone? [true/false]": true,
    "The time that the Event Owner may not be inside the event zone [sec.]": 300,
    "The time until the end of Event Owner status when it is necessary to warn the player [sec.]": 60,
    "Prevent the actions of the RestoreUponDeath plugin in the event zone? [true/false]": true,
    "The time that the player can`t become the Event Owner, after the end of the event and the player was its owner [sec.]": 86400.0,
    "Darkening the dome (0 - disables the dome)": 12
  "Interrupt the teleport in a airship? (only for users NTeleportation plugin) [true/false]": false,
  "NPCs setting": [
      "Minimum": 15,
      "Maximum": 15,
      "List of locations": [
        "(9.4, 7.2, -8.5)",
        "(0.7, 6.6, -13.0)",
        "(5.2, 6.9, -11.0)",
        "(7.6, 7.3, -2.0)",
        "(4.7, 7.3, 3.3)",
        "(-3.4, 6.5, -7.8)",
        "(-6.2, 6.5, -2.4)",
        "(-12.9, 4.5, 11.1)",
        "(-2.3, 5.3, 16.8)",
        "(-1.4, 3.5, -10.4)",
        "(8.7, 4.3, -4.6)",
        "(-8.9, 3.5, 3.0)",
        "(2.0, 4.3, 8.6)",
        "(-8.9, 3.9, 13.1)",
        "(-6.1, 4.1, 14.5)"
      "NPCs setting": {
        "Name": "AirShip Scientist",
        "Health": 200.0,
        "Attack Range Multiplier": 2.0,
        "Sense Range": 100.0,
        "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 300.0,
        "Scale damage": 1.0,
        "Aim Cone Scale": 0.0,
        "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false,
        "Vision Cone": 180.0,
        "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false,
        "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": false,
        "Wear items": [
            "ShortName": "hoodie",
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 1700935391
            "ShortName": "movembermoustache",
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0
            "ShortName": "pants",
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 1700938224
            "ShortName": "shoes.boots",
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 2575506021
            "ShortName": "burlap.headwrap",
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 1694253807
        "Belt items": [
            "ShortName": "rifle.lr300",
            "Amount": 1,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Mods": [
            "Ammo": ""
            "ShortName": "syringe.medical",
            "Amount": 5,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Mods": [],
            "Ammo": ""
        "Kit (it is recommended to use the previous 2 settings to improve performance)": "heavy"
      "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 0,
      "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of prefabs": [
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "The path to the prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_oilrig.prefab"
      "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of items": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of items": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of items": [
            "ShortName": "syringe.medical",
            "Minimum": 1,
            "Maximum": 2,
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 70.0,
            "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Name (empty - default)": ""
            "ShortName": "scrap",
            "Minimum": 5,
            "Maximum": 10,
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Name (empty - default)": ""
      "Minimum": 1,
      "Maximum": 1,
      "List of locations": [
        "(-4.8, 7.0, 8.2)"
      "NPCs setting": {
        "Name": "AirShip Captain",
        "Health": 500.0,
        "Attack Range Multiplier": 1.0,
        "Sense Range": 100.0,
        "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 310.0,
        "Scale damage": 2.0,
        "Aim Cone Scale": 0.0,
        "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false,
        "Vision Cone": 360.0,
        "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false,
        "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true,
        "Wear items": [
            "ShortName": "hoodie",
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 1700935391
            "ShortName": "movembermoustache",
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0
            "ShortName": "pants",
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 1700938224
            "ShortName": "shoes.boots",
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 2575506021
            "ShortName": "burlap.headwrap",
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 1694253807
            "ShortName": "gloweyes",
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0
        "Belt items": [
            "ShortName": "lmg.m249",
            "Amount": 1,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Mods": [
            "Ammo": ""
            "ShortName": "syringe.medical",
            "Amount": 5,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Mods": [],
            "Ammo": ""
        "Kit (it is recommended to use the previous 2 settings to improve performance)": "heavy"
      "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 0,
      "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of prefabs": [
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "The path to the prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_heavy.prefab"
      "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of items": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of items": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of items": [
            "ShortName": "syringe.medical",
            "Minimum": 1,
            "Maximum": 2,
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 70.0,
            "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Name (empty - default)": ""
            "ShortName": "scrap",
            "Minimum": 5,
            "Maximum": 10,
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Name (empty - default)": ""
  "Economy setting (total values will be added up and rewarded at the end of the event)": {
    "Which economy plugins do you want to use? (Economics, Server Rewards, IQEconomic)": [
      "Server Rewards",
    "The minimum value that a player must collect to get points for the economy": 0.0,
    "Looting of crates": {
      "crate_elite": 0.4,
      "crate_normal": 0.2,
      "crate_normal_2": 0.1
    "Killing an NPC": 0.3,
    "Hacking a locked crate": 0.5,
    "List of commands that are executed in the console at the end of the event ({steamid} - the player who collected the highest number of points)": []
  "The first CCTV camera": "AirShipBow",
  "The second CCTV camera": "AirShipStern",
  "Height above the ground for the event appearance": 100.0,
  "Do you want to make a smoke screen for the airship appearance? [true/false]": true,
  "Configuration version": {
    "Major": 2,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 4


  • Like 1


13 hours ago, Covfefe said:

How come only my Airship Captain shoots players? All the other bots only throw grenades.

What all do you have in the 'heavy' kit?

I am initially drawing a blank other than one thing. Your aim cones are set to 0. I would imagine they don't miss many shots if any! Perhaps try raising that at least some. That is crazy accurate if it is working though. But perhaps the LR's don't work with such a small aim cone. Otherwise they seem to have the same stats and the same kit so I'm not 100% sure. Especially confused since they do not have grenades in their profiles, but their heavy kits should be overriding those entries unless I am mistaken.



9 hours ago, Jbird said:

What all do you have in the 'heavy' kit?

I am initially drawing a blank other than one thing. Your aim cones are set to 0. I would imagine they don't miss many shots if any! Perhaps try raising that at least some. That is crazy accurate if it is working though. But perhaps the LR's don't work with such a small aim cone. Otherwise they seem to have the same stats and the same kit so I'm not 100% sure. Especially confused since they do not have grenades in their profiles, but their heavy kits should be overriding those entries unless I am mistaken.

They don't use the weapons in the config, they use my heavy kit which has m249, l9, c4, f1, syringe, Only the Captain profile shoots bullets, the other airship scientists just throws grenades which is really weird.

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