KD Gaming 5x's Wishlist
Rust Premium Website
By dFxPhoeniX in Tools
Rust Premium Website is 100% customizable, allowing you to change the site's colors, links, text, and more. You have the freedom to personalize every aspect, creating a unique experience for players.
One significant advantage of our website is its translation capability. You can add as many languages as you want, enabling players from different regions to access and navigate the site easily. Effectively communicate with a diverse community of players.
Our website features a leaderboard and profile system, which requires the DatabaseStats plugin. This system allows you to track players' progress and achievements, fostering healthy competition within your community. The leaderboard adds an extra element of excitement to your Rust server, enhancing the overall gaming experience.
Additionally, our website seamlessly integrates Steam authentication, allowing players to log in using their Steam accounts. This secure authentication method ensures a seamless and reliable experience for players. Build a strong community and establish trust by providing a familiar and secure login process.
Moreover, our website prominently displays real-time statistics about the number of players on your server. Stay informed about player activity and showcase the popularity of your server. This feature helps attract new players and demonstrates the thriving nature of your Rust community.
Take full control of your Rust server's online presence with our fully customizable, translation-ready website equipped with a leaderboard system. Engage with players from around the world, deliver an immersive gaming experience, and showcase the vibrant community you've built. Start creating your dream website today!
1. If you want to use Leaderboard and Profile pages, you need to install and configure the DatabaseStats plugin.
2. If you want to add more rules, you can add it on the array of language file, same at services and custom links. If you want to edit text from website, just edit it from the lang folder.
3. If you want to add more languages, just copy language file from lang folder, and rename to language code, for exemple en.php to ro.php, after that, add language in translations_list.php. This website use IP location to detect the language code, languages are taken automatically form visitor IP. You can find country codes at https://www.iban.com/country-codes
4. This website is written in PHP, so, you need LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) to use it.
5. Make sure your host is capable to read .htaccess files and your Apache server have mod_rewrite enabled.
6. If you want to add many servers just copy the current array from servers_list, add comma and paste the copied array.
7. If you want to update the website from an older version to a newer one, you must delete the old website, minus the files config.php, translations_list.php and the translations folder, then copy the new website to host.
8. If you want to have Launcher available for download on the Launcher page, you must put them in the download folder, then put the file name in config.
9. We recommend hosts that use CPanel, Plesk or CyberPanel, also even using LAMP technology directly on Linux if you are familiar with Linux.
Some of the hosts we tested are: Hostico, Hostinger, GoDaddy, BlueHost and HostGator.
$name = "Rust Premium Website"; // The name of website $timezone = "Europe/Bucharest"; // The timezone of website $custom_protocol = ""; // The custom protocol of website. Default is http or https $folder_path = ""; // The folder path of website. If it is blank, the path will be / $favicon = "favicon.ico"; // The favicon of website. You have to upload the image in the uploads folder, then pass the name of the image here $logo = "logo.png"; // The logo of website. You have to upload the image in the uploads folder, then pass the name of the image here $header = ""; // The header image of website. You have to upload the image in the uploads folder, then pass the name of the image here. If it is blank, the displayed image will be the default $color = "orange"; // The color of website. Select from: orange, red, blue, green, yellow, purple, pink $link_hub = "https://rustpremiumwebsitehub.com"; // The link of servers hub $link_store = "https://store.rustpremiumwebsite.com"; // The link of server store $link_steam = "https://steamcommunity.com/id/dfxphoenix"; // The link of Steam group $link_discord = "https://discord.dfxphoenix.xyz"; // The link of Discord server $link_youtube = "https://youtube.com/dFxPhoeniX"; // The link of Youtube channel $link_facebook = "https://facebook.com/dFxPhoeniX"; // The link of Facebook page $link_instagram = "https://instagram.com/waltercurelea"; // The link of Instagram account $link_x = "https://x.com/waltercurelea"; // The link of X account $link_tiktok = "https://tiktok.com/@waltercurelea"; // The link of TikTok account $name_launcher = "Rust-Premium-Launcher-setup"; // The name of launcher file $version_launcher = ""; // The version of launcher. If it is blank, no version will be displayed $contact_email = "[email protected]"; // The contact email of server $copyright_name = "dFxPhoeniX"; // The Copyright name $copyright_link = "https://dfxphoenix.xyz"; // The Copyright link $home_page_name = true; // Enable/Disable the name of the page on Home page $social_icons = true; // Enable/Disable the social icons $dark_mode = true; // Enable/Disable the dark mode theme change $default_dark = false; // Enable/Disable the default dark mode theme $open_newtab = false; // Enable/Disable opening social links in a new tab $display_errors = false; // Enable/Disable display errors $log_errors = true; // Enable/Disable log errors // Enable/Disable pages $page_hub = false; $page_leaderboard = true; $page_store = true; $page_profile = true; $page_launcher = false; $page_api = false; $page_custom = false; // Enable/Disable modules $module_status = true; $module_email = true; $module_rules = true; // Enable/Disable socials $social_steam = true; $social_discord = true; $social_youtube = true; $social_facebook = true; $social_instagram = false; $social_x = false; $social_tiktok = false; // Enable/Disable leaderboard top $leaderboard_deaths = true; $leaderboard_suicides = false; $leaderboard_shots = false; $leaderboard_headshots = true; $leaderboard_farmeditems = false; $leaderboard_looteddrops = false; $leaderboard_thrownexplosives = true; $leaderboard_playtime = false; $leaderboard_votes = false; $leaderboard_balance_money = false; $leaderboard_balance_rp = false; // Enable/Disable profile stats $profile_ip = true; $profile_isbanned = false; $profile_ismuted = false; $profile_lastposition = false; $profile_joindate = false; $profile_lastconnected = false; $profile_rank = true; $profile_playtime = true; $profile_votes = true; $profile_balance_money = true; $profile_balance_rp = false; $profile_kills = true; $profile_deaths = true; $profile_suicides = true; $profile_shots = true; $profile_headshots = true; $profile_farmeditems = true; $profile_looteddrops = true; $profile_thrownexplosives = true; // Enable/Disable launcher download $launcher_windows = true; $launcher_macos = false; $launcher_linux = false; $launcher_ubuntu = false; // Enable/Disable api stats $api_ip = true; $api_isbanned = false; $api_ismuted = false; $api_lastposition = false; $api_joindate = false; $api_lastconnected = false; $api_rank = true; $api_playtime = true; $api_votes = true; $api_balance_money = true; $api_balance_rp = false; $api_kills = true; $api_deaths = true; $api_suicides = true; $api_shots = true; $api_headshots = true; $api_farmeditems = true; $api_looteddrops = true; $api_thrownexplosives = true; const session_name = "rustpremiumwebsite"; // The session name const session_domain = "rustpremiumwebsite.com"; // The session domain. The preceding dot must be used if you want subdomains to work as well const session_time = 60 * 60 * 24; // The session cookie lifetime. Time is in seconds const session_maxtime = 60 * 60 * 24; // The session cookie max lifetime. Time is in seconds const steamauth_key = ""; // Your Steam WebAPI-Key found at https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey const steamauth_domain = "rustpremiumwebsite.com"; // The main URL of your website displayed in the login page const steamauth_logout = "./"; // Page to redirect to after a successfull logout (from the directory the SteamAuth-folder is located in) - NO slash at the beginning! const steamauth_login = "./"; // Page to redirect to after a successfull login (from the directory the SteamAuth-folder is located in) - NO slash at the beginning! const steam_profileurl = "https://steamcommunity.com/id/dfxphoenix"; // The default Steam API Profile URL const steam_avatar = "https://avatars.fastly.steamstatic.com/044faa21914ff9a44913a0cc20e48eba6c0b4a16.jpg"; // The default Steam API Avatar const steam_avatarmedium = "https://avatars.fastly.steamstatic.com/044faa21914ff9a44913a0cc20e48eba6c0b4a16_medium.jpg"; // The default Steam API Medium Avatar const steam_avatarfull = "https://avatars.fastly.steamstatic.com/044faa21914ff9a44913a0cc20e48eba6c0b4a16_full.jpg"; // The default Steam API FULL Avatar const servers_list = [ 'Rust Server' => [ 'rust_servers_key' => "", // API Key from https://rust-servers.net 'mysql_ip' => "", // The MySQL IP 'mysql_port' => "3306", // The DatabaseStats MySQL Port 'mysql_username' => "rustuser", // The DatabaseStats MySQL Username 'mysql_password' => "", // The DatabaseStats MySQL Password 'mysql_dbname' => "rustserver", // The DatabaseStats MySQL Database Name 'mysql_tablename' => "DatabaseStats" // The DatabaseStats MySQL Table Name ] ];
Live demo:
Fishing Treasure
By imthenewguy in Plugins
Buried beneath the deep blue oceans of rust lay a trove of lost treasures. This plugin introduces a casket system for fishing that your players will absolutely love!
FishingTreasure is a plugin that uses the newly introduced fishing mechanic in Rust, to provide your players with the chance to obtain a casket.
When opened, the casket will roll on the loot table 3 times, rewarding the players with 3 random items of varying rarity.
Fully customisable loot system that automatically adds all new items to the game (configurable). Items can also be manually added via the config or a chat command in game. Supports custom items with unique DisplayNames and skins. Includes 3 tiers of rarity – common, rare and elite. Each can have its drop chance configured to the desired rarity. Hotspot system that allows for areas to be added as a "hot spot", which increases the drop chance of a casket by a multiplier (configurable).
fishingtreasure.admin – allows users to spawn caskets, add items, force an update of items and remove items.
{ "General Settings": { "Base chance of obtaining a casket when catching a fish [%]": 3.0, "Permission based chance modifiers [1.0 = 100% increase to the base chance value]": {}, "Loot rolls per casket": 3, "Casket info": { "shortname": "halloween.lootbag.medium", "skin": 2560835553, "displayName": "casket" }, "Sounds when opened": { "Common": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/bronze_open.prefab", "Rare": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/silver_open.prefab", "Epic": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab" }, "Should this plugin handle the item splitting for caskets? [set to false if using a stacks plugin]": false }, "Hotspot Settings": { "Enable fishing treasure hotspots": false, "Name the hotspot shows when it appears on the map": "Fishing Treasure Hotspot", "Sphere darkness": 6, "Hotspot size": 50.0, "Minimum time a hotspot can be alive for [seconds]": 1600.0, "Maximum time a hotspot can be alive for [seconds]": 2000.0, "Delay between hotspot deployments [seconds]": 3600.0, "Minimum modifier that will be applied to a hotspot": 1.0, "Maximum modifier that will be applied to a hotspot": 4.0, "Should the hotspot check to see if players have entered/left the zone and notify them?": true, "If monitoring for players, how often should we check for players in the hotspot?": 1.0 }, "SkillTree settings": { "Set to true if you want to add the FishingTreasure buff to the skill tree": true, "Maximum level for the modifier buff": 5, "Chance increase per level for finding caskets [0.2 = 20%]": 0.2 }, "Loot Table": { "Common": { "enabled": true, "tableWeight": 100, "loot": [ // Loot here ] }, "Rare": { "enabled": true, "tableWeight": 25, "loot": [ // Loot here ] }, "Epic": { "enabled": true, "tableWeight": 10, "loot": [ // Loot here ] } } }
/casket - spawns a casket in the users inventory
object OnCalculateFishingTreasureChance(BasePlayer, float highestMod) - Used to override the default casket chance.
Floor Drops Event
By Iftebinjan in Plugins
Please read carefully before starting a support ticket.
Many suggestions they gave me have not yet been adapted into the plugin, but remember that I still plan to add many new features. I'm limiting UI customization to maintain plugin aspects and prevent fake copies. Yes, it will be necessary to redo the configuration and translation of the plugin as it is a new major version.
In this new plugin update to v2, everything has been redone from scratch, fixing many bugs and improving many features!
A new user interface, much more elegant and easier to use; Plugin performance is 10x faster for users and for the server; Console to allow admins to start the event without joining in the game; It is now possible to break the ground with arrows; Now you can play alone! To win, just stay alive until the last foundation is destroyed!
Note: You can change/add new commands in the plugin configuration file.
Note 2: The console and chat commands will be the same, just remove the '/' before using them in the console
/floordrops start - To start the event
/floordrops stop - To stop the event
/floordrops join - To join the event
/floordrops leave - To leave the event
You can use this simple API to communicate with your plugin easily:
WARN: Your old floordrops configuration file will be deleted to create a new one.
Default configuration file:
{ "Commands to be registered": [ "floordrops", "fd" ], "Allowed commands in arena (use '/' before the command to allow a chat command)": [ "/clan ff", "oxide.usergroup" ], "Event Settings": { "Warmup duration (seconds)": 45.0, "Auto start cooldown (0 = disabled)": 1800.0, "Minimum participants": 1, "Allow PVP": true, "Event position": { "x": 300.0, "y": 800.0, "z": 500.0 } }, "Floor Settings": { "Arena size (M²) | Example: 4 = 4x4": 12, "Layers (max = 5 | min = 1)": 5, "Floor drop interval": 0.5, "Drop amount": 2, "Destroy on hit": true }, "Prize Settings": { "Commands to execute": [ "deposit {player_id} 1000" ], "Items": [ { "Short name": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "Container (wear/belt/main)": "belt", "Skin ID": 0, "Name": "FloorDrops winner's AK" }, { "Short name": "ammo.rifle", "Amount": 128, "Container (wear/belt/main)": "main", "Skin ID": 0, "Name": "FloorDrops winner's AK Ammo" } ] }, "Give Settings": { "Give items during the event": true, "Items": [ { "Drop after (seconds)": 10, "Short name": "bow.hunting", "Amount": 1, "Container (wear/belt/main)": "belt", "Loaded ammo": 1, "Skin ID": 0, "Show warn": true }, { "Drop after (seconds)": 10, "Short name": "arrow.bone", "Amount": 2, "Container (wear/belt/main)": "main", "Loaded ammo": 0, "Skin ID": 0, "Show warn": false }, { "Drop after (seconds)": 30, "Short name": "pistol.m92", "Amount": 1, "Container (wear/belt/main)": "belt", "Loaded ammo": 4, "Skin ID": 0, "Show warn": true } ] }, "UI Settings": { "Popup settings": { "Background opacity": 0.6 }, "Join/Leave box settings": { "Anchor": "MiddleRight", "Offset": "-140 -56 -12 56", "Background color": "0 0 0 .85", "Padding": 6.0, "Top line color": "0 1 1 1", "Join button color": "0.55 0.78 0.24 1", "Leave button color": "0.8 0.28 0.2 1" }, "Remaining players settings": { "User icon size": 32.0, "Outline color": "1 1 1 1" } }, "Version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } } -
The Imposter
TheImposter allows players with permission to become an animal at will
The whole system depends on using Blood(ingame item) to make players Impose an animal
the amount of Blood in your hot bar will dictate time in the Impose
TheImposter.use - use Imposter command TheImposter.bear -can harvest this animal's blood TheImposter.polarbear -can harvest this animal's blood TheImposter.wolf -can harvest this animal's blood TheImposter.boar -can harvest this animal's blood TheImposter.stag -can harvest this animal's blood TheImposter.horse -can harvest this animal's blood TheImposter.chicken -can harvest this animal's blood
/imposter - opens the Imposter UI (I like to bind this command ex "bind F6 chat.say /imposter" )
Console Commands
blood <playername/ID> <type> <amount> - gives player blood type by amount Types
boar bear wolf stag horse chicken polarbear
Player Inputs
using Primary fire when in close proximity of other players will make animal attack
Config File
{ "1. Blood amouut to use per second (must be full amounts cant be Decimals)": 1, "2. Use Multiblood System": true, "3. Blood gather amount per harvest hit": { "Bear": 1, "PolarBear": 1, "Boar": 2, "Wolf": 2, "Stag": 2, "Horse": 2, "Chicken": 3 }, "4. Image URL list": { "Bear": "http://www.noobhub.co.za/bear.png", "Boar": "http://www.noobhub.co.za/boar.png", "Stag": "http://www.noobhub.co.za/stag.png", "Wolf": "http://www.noobhub.co.za/wolf.png", "PolarBear": "http://www.noobhub.co.za/polarbear.png", "Horse": "http://www.noobhub.co.za/ridablehorse.png" }, "5. Animal health settings": { "boarHealth": 150, "bearHealth": 325, "wolfHealth": 150, "stagHealth": 150, "horseHealth": 150, "chickenHealth": 25, "polarbearHealth": 420 } } Lang File
{ "NoBlood": "You dont have Blood in your HotBar", "NoPerm": "You dont have the Permission to use this", "NoVanish": "You cant Do this in Vanish", "HasActiveItem": "You cant Animal Attack with items in your hands" }
Intro from West Coast Servers by @Neighigh
video for tests(intro vid coming soon)
Custom Challenges
This plugin gives the possibility to trigger a timed event, with a random long time (choose randomly between min and max configured time). The event will choose randomly a type, KILL or Gather (prior the config), after it choose a random objective from the corresponding list.
During the event, after the objective is triggered (for example: Sulfur ore mined completely, Barrel destroyed, Bear killed, Tree chopped down.. etc), the player will get point /objective. Top 3 player (or player group if there is even in the points) will get reward, if they reach the minimum configured point.
If the Players not gain points, they will be not listed on the Scoreboard. Rewards can be claimed after the event(s) over.
First event will start after 5 min as soon as the plugin loaded in.
The plugin have several protection against wrong configuration.
Only 1 event can be active at time. If the TIME related configurations allow overlay, the maximum event time will be set as (event_repeat_time_in_hour*60)-5 Minute, to not affect the next event start. If no event type enabled, no event will started and message will be written to the server console. If no reward or invalid reward number set in the configuration, list of rewards will be cleared, 0 and 1 will be added as default (see the meaning below). If ServerRewards/Economics plugin not installed, this type of reward will be not selected. Configuration
Default configuration:
{ "_Plugin_Cfg_Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 2, "Patch": 0 }, "CCH_Challenge_color": "0.76 0.90 0.29 1", "CCH_Desc_color": "0.76 0.90 0.29 1", "CCH_ScoresPanel_color": "0.39 0.39 0.39 0.75", "CCH_Time_color": "0.76 0.90 0.29 1", "CCH_Top1_color": "1 1 1 1", "CCH_Top2_color": "1 1 1 1", "CCH_Top3_color": "1 1 1 1", "CCH_Top3_yourpoint_color": "1 1 1 1", "CCH_UIPanel_color": "0.39 0.39 0.39 0.5", "event_gather_type": "{\"tree\":15,\"metal\":15,\"sulfur\":15,\"stone\":15,\"barrel\":15,\"berry\":15,\"corn\":15,\"hemp\":15,\"mushroom\":15,\"pumpkin\":15,\"potato\":15,\"crate\":15,\"foodbox\":15,\"minecart\":15}", "event_gather_type_enabled": true, "event_kill_type": "{\"bear\":15,\"wolf\":15,\"boar\":15,\"murderer\":15,\"scientist\":15,\"scarecrow\":15}", "event_kill_type_enabled": true, "event_long_max_in_minute": 1, "event_long_min_in_minute": 1, "event_minimum_player": 1, "event_points_by_entity": 5, "event_repeat_time_in_hour": 2, "event_reward_type": "0, 1, 2, 3", "event_top1_reward": 18, "event_top2_reward": 12, "event_top3_reward": 6, "grownable_collect_enabled": false, "rp_reward_multiplier": 10.0, "economics_reward_multiplier": 10.0, "reminder_enabled": true, "reminder_time_in_minute" : 30 } Definition of configurations:
event_gather_type - List of collect/gatherable items, next to them after the ":" the minimum points to earn reward. (For example not much foodbox or minecart spawned) event_gather_type_enable - Gather type of events can be disabled/enable event_kill_type - List of killable enemys, next to them after the ":" the minimum points to earn reward. (For example not much animal spawned) event_kill_type_enabled - Gather type of events can be disabled/enable event_long_max_in_minute - Minimum Time for a generated event (Time choosen randomly between min and max) event_long_min_in_minute - Maximum Time for a generated event (Time choosen randomly between min and max) event_minimum_player - Minimum Player number. Below this the event will not started event_points_by_entity - Point gained by gather/kill one of the objective event_repeat_time_in_hour - Events repeated in every given hour event_reward_type - 0 - (Bronze Easter Egg - item ID: 844440409) 1 - ( Small Halloween Bag item ID: 1319617282) 2 - RP from [ServerRewards plugin if installed, if not, it can not be choosen even if in the list](https://umod.org/plugins/server-rewards) event_top1_reward - Amount of choosen item/RP(base for a the rp_reward_multiplier below) for the first place event_top2_reward - Amount of choosen item/RP(base for a the rp_reward_multiplier below) for the second place event_top3_reward - Amount of choosen item/RP(base for a the rp_reward_multiplier below) for the third place grownable_collect_enabled - To avoid player advantage, with big crop farms, the growned crops can be disabled/enabled to count as a gathered objective rp_reward_multiplier - ServerRewards multiplier for the RP reward, if the event is generated to give RP as a reward. economics_reward_multiplier - Economics multiplier for the Economics reward, if the event is generated to give Economics as a reward. reminder_enabled - enable/disable the repeated reminder to the players with unclaimed reward reminder_time_in_minute - reminder time in minute format Colors: the first 3 number is the corresponding RGB color number, but between 0-1 with float numbers. So if you want to write an RGB, where the RED is 210, then the first number in the config will be 210/255=0.82. The last number is the opacity 0 is invisible, 1 the maximum. _Plugin_Cfg_Version - only present for compatibility check Commands
/cch info - Show information about Custom Challenges /cch show - Show currently Active Challenge Scoreboard /cch hide - Hide Challenge Scoreboard /cch claim - Claim rewards after event(s) Localization
English language file generated by default, texts supported by the language files.
Reported winner and claimed rewards stored in the oxide/logs folder.
- #challenge
- #rewards
(and 13 more)
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