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Version 2.1.88
Welcome to SYNECDOCHE! Synecdoche (noun) Sin-eck-doh-key: A figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole. Crafted over the course of years, this map offers something extraordinarily rare in this community. Custom monuments are amazing and fun to explore! I've seen so much hard work go into them and people have made some really cool stuff. However, custom monuments are only a small part of the level design in Rust. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get as much unique design detail out of the rest of the map? Wouldn't it be nice if your server felt like a real place, instead of a procedural blob map? A Map Focused on Detail, no matter where you are: But who would be insane enough to do such a thing? And how would it be possible? A 4k Rust map is 16 square kilometers. To make this feel like a real place, and give each space the attention to detail it needs demands thousands of hours working with consistent standards. This is why almost all of the maps aside from a handful on these sites will choose to use some form of procedural generation, and what makes synecdoche so uncommon. Every square meter was hand crafted with care, to make a place that feels alive and fantastical. it's what makes the map feel so beautiful. Still Not Convinced? Well, here's some of the feedback we've gotten from the community! Where Reality Meets Fantasy Each and every spot on the map was precisely manicured to feel unique and significant. Every rock has its purpose, and every nook and cranny was deliberately sculpted to inspire exploration. There are no locations on the map that were forgotten or left behind. Each location plays its part to represent the world as a whole. Information and Specifics: This map includes only vanilla monuments and can be run under the community tab. It does not require any 3rd party dependencies, not even the RustEdit Oxide DLL. However, you will need to place the included Harmony mod in you harmony folder to prevent Cargoship from leaving the map while it docks at the northern harbor. Size: 4096 x 4096 Entity Count: ~68,000 Prefab Count: ~16,000 Can Edit: True Required Plugins: Block CargoShip Egress (Included with Map Download) Monuments Junkyard Trainyard Outpost Bandit Camp Fishing Village (X3) Missile Silo Arctic Research Base Military Base (X2) Airfield Water Treatment Plant Sewer Branch (X2) Satellite Dish The Dome Harbor (X3) Military Tunnel Launch Site Power Plant Mining outpost (X7) Oxum's Gas Station Supermarket (X3) Lighthouse (X5) Abandoned Cabins Oil Rigs (large and small) Caves Underground train system Aboveground train system Underwater Labs (X2) Featured Videos:$69.69- 5 comments
- 3 reviews
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- #map
- #synecdoche
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Version 1.0.0
The farm is a small custom monument created to diversify your map. I was trying to make something similar to the existing monuments and fit it into the world of the game. The monument includes the following: - A green key card - Recycler - Places for barrels and crates to appear The prefab will be improved and refined in the future. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me and I will try to answer them.$5.00 -
Version 1.5.0
Want to include raid schedules into your community server without blocking damages ? This is the perfect plugin for you ! Features - Set custom schedules for each day of the week, you can also set your timezone - Receive an alert on discord (using webhooks) each time a player is destroying another player entity out of the schedules - Run a custom command when a raid alert is triggered, commonly used to auto-ban raiders - Define which type of construction you want to protect - Ignore twig constructions if you want Permissions - tp2raider : Allow user to teleport on the latest raider detected by typing /tp2raider Dependencies None Language It supports different languages, EN by default, feel free to add your own translation. Support This plugin won't get you blacklisted from community by Facepunch. Join my discord if you need support or have any question => Demo$15.00- 4 comments
- 4 reviews
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Version 2.1.1
Ten years have passed since the stalkers and the military left the Zaton. Now this once dangerous but lively location has turned into a gloomy, desolate place, absorbed by nature and time. Nature is slowly but surely taking its toll. Vegetation enriched with mutations caused by radiation has completely captured the Zaton. Trees and shrubs have sprouted even through asphalt and concrete, turning once industrial areas into a real jungle. The Zaton has become a haven for all kinds of animals. Without human presence, they feel like they own the territory. The old camps and bases now serve as the lairs of these creatures. The gloomy silence is interrupted only by the occasional footsteps of unseen creatures that wander among the ruins. Now a Zaton is a place that draws in like a trap. And everyone who comes here knows that only a few can come back. But those who return may find answers to the darkest secrets of the Zone — or disappear forever. Map Features Map size: 4000; Prefabs count: ≈42000; Optimized monuments to reduce the load on the client; Adapted to the classic/RP servers; Caches of useful loot are hidden all over the map; Chinook drop zones on custom monuments; Custom APC path; Custom safezone; Ziplines; Underground sctructures; A large number of small locations; Custom puzzles on monuments; Vertical gameplay is implemented; The gameplay is adapted to RUST; Custom camera codes; The enigmatic and slightly mystical atmosphere of the zone. List of Monuments Sawmill; Swamp; Burnt Farmstead; «Izumrudnoye»; Krug Antenna Complex; Oakpine Anomaly; Iron Forest Anomaly; Fuelling Station; Substation Workshops; Circus Anomaly; Waste Processing Station; Scar Anomaly; Old Barge; Preobrazhensky Bridge; Ranger Station; Dock Cranes; Shevchenko; Skadovsk; Dredge Station; Boiler Anomaly; Testing Workshop of Item №62; Bloodsucker Lair; Radtown; Overpass "Jupiter 5" The Oasis. In the future, the map will be updated based on reviews. О карте Прошло десять лет с момента, когда сталкеры и военные покинули Затон. Теперь эта когда-то опасная, но оживленная локация превратилась в мрачное, запустевшее место, поглощенное природой и временем. Природа медленно, но уверенно берет свое. Растительность, обогащенная мутациями, вызванными радиацией, полностью захватила Затон. Деревья и кустарники проросли даже через асфальт и бетон, превращая когда-то промышленные зоны в настоящие джунгли. Затон стал прибежищем всех видов животных. Без человеческого присутствия они чувствуют себя хозяевами территории. Старые лагеря и базы теперь служат логовами этих созданий. Мрачная тишина прерывается лишь редкими звуками шагов невиданных существ, которые блуждают среди руин. Теперь Затон — это место, которое затягивает в себя, как ловушка. И все, кто сюда приходит, знают: назад могут вернуться лишь немногие. Но те, кто вернется, могут обрести ответы на самые темные тайны Зоны — или исчезнуть навсегда. Особенности Карты Размер: 4000; Количество префабов: ≈41000; Оптимизированные монументы для снижения нагрузки на клиента; Адаптирована для классических/RP серверов; Тайники с полезным лутом, спрятанные по всей карте; Зоны сброса ящика с чинука на кастомных монументах; Кастомный путь патрулирования БТРа; Кастомная сейвзона; Зиплайны; Подземные структуры; Большое количество маленьких локаций; Кастомные загадки на монументах; Реализован вертикальный геймплей; Геймплей адаптирован под RUST; Кастомные коды от камер; Загадочная и слегка мистическая атмосфера зоны. Список Монументов Лесопилка; Топь; Сгоревший хутор; «Изумрудное»; ВНЗ «Круг»; Аномалия «Соснодуб»; Аномалия «Железный Лес»; Заправка; Цеха подстанции; Аномалия «Цирк»; Станция переработки отходов; Аномалия «Рубец»; Старая баржа; Мост им. Преображенского; Лесничество; Портовые краны; «Шевченко»; «Скадовск»; Земснаряд; Аномалия «Котёл»; Логово кровососов; Испытательный цех изделия №62; Путепровод "Юпитер 5" Оазис. В будущем, карта будет обновляться по отзывам.$60.00- 7 comments
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- #stalker
- #stalker laboratory rust
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Version 2.3.0
Increase your server visibility by registering it on and automatically give player a role in-game after X votes. Features - Count votes for each players - Execute a set of custom commands to reward the player after X votes - Configure as much rewards as you want with different vote caps - Send a message on Discord when a player gets his reward and/or on each vote - Display a leaderboard based on a start date - Show a custom message on player connection about votes and rewards Permissions - getleaderboard : Show leaderboard in player / server console Dependencies None Language It supports different languages, EN by default, feel free to add your own translation. Support This plugin is not changing any gameplay and won't get you blacklisted from community by Facepunch. Join my discord if you need support or have any questions =>$10.00- 7 comments
- 6 reviews
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Version 1.6.0
Immerse your players in world packed with monuments and beautiful aesthetics. This 3k map contains every vanilla monument, caves, a zipline path from Outpost to Train Yard, freshwater lakes, and a custom mineshaft with a secret building area and loot. Below is a full list of monuments included. Altair features a very high monument count, including everyone's favorite, Launch Site, but with balanced building space kept in mind. Your players will love the endless variety, and because the map is 3K, players will be contesting monuments like never before. This map is the closest you can come to pleasing everyone! Altair also features a higher node count than typical procgen maps . Nodes spawn on all topology and biomes (Fields, forests, deserts, etc.) not just on cliffsides, providing a much needed increase in building materials. Your players can recover from a raid quicker or take care of upkeep in their massive compound, so that they can focus on PVPing. This is also a great way to keep players from moving on to a new server if their base is raided, since rebuilding a base can be a daunting task at times. All of my maps have one goal in common, increasing engagement and retaining players. Through trial, error, and suggestions on my own personal servers, I can confidently say that this map is perfect for up and coming servers with pop at or below 75. General Information: Map size: 3K Approximate Prefab count: 7770 There is one custom built mineshaft with loot and a secret building area inside. Map Highlights: Large tunnel system. High monument density with balanced room for player to build. Launch Site is included, which is not possible for this map size through procedural generated maps. Multiple rivers and lakes. Small building blocked radius around quarries to prevent walling in. Every vanilla monument is included and hand placed in this map. Monuments Included: Airfield Arctic Research Base Bandit Camp Caves (4) Compound Desert Military Base Dome Excavator Fishing Village (4) Freshwater handmade lakes Gas Station Harbor 1 & 2 HQM Quarry Ice Lake (3) Junkyard Launch Site Lighthouse (2) Military Tunnels Mineshaft Tunnel Nuclear Missile Silo Large & Small Oil Rigs Power Plant Powerline Zipline Path Sewer Branch Stables A Stone Quarry Sulfer Quarry Supermarket (2) Swamp (2) Train Yard Underwater Labs (2) Warehouse (2) Water Treatment Plant Water Well (5) Password is included with the map file. After purchase, you may edit or adjust however you see fit. To report bugs, feel free to message me here, or on discord: 𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓽𝔃#0001$14.50- 6 comments
- 1 review
Version 1.0.0
This service offers a hassle-free way to set up your very own Rust vanilla server that can be easily found in the community section. All the plugins used have been approved by Facepunch, and in case of any issues, a helpful guide is included which outlines the process of removing any problematic plugins. One of the standout features of this server is that it saves you time by automatically creating an admin group and assigning permissions, so you can get started quickly. The package also contains all the necessary commands and a guide to help you get started smoothly. I would love to hear your feedback on how this server has saved you time, so please leave me a review. Thank you! For more assistance write me in Discord: FlushedFiber8#6446 * If you are looking for a modded server, check my other servers in my bio This package contains the following: - No give notice (Players can not see who spawned items in) - No green (Owners usually have green tag in chat, so I removed it) - Admin tools (It includes Radar and entity viewer) - Vanish (Players can not see you when you are vanished) - Auto Commands (It allows to automatically create all group presets and permissions) *Needs to be removed after execution (Check the guide for more information) For more assistance write me in Discord: FlushedFiber8#6446 * If you are looking for a modded server, check my other servers in my bioFree-
- #vanilla
- #server setup
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Version 1.0.0
1 download
FancyOrb Trench MAP BUNDLE [ OT Arena Event + Vanilla Compatible ] - Made in Collaboration with @Gluman & FancyOrb <- Click to visit his YT - Map Size: 1900 / Small - Medium This map contains two version of the same map. > OT Arena Event variant: [ Map used during the OT Rematch Event] - 5 Custom Monuments - Spawn Camp - Tents Camp - Trench FOB - Bradley Operation Camp - SS MAMA Aircraft Carrier [Made by: @Gluman ] > Vanilla Compatible variant: [ Adds all necessary features for a Vanilla Experience ] - Vanilla Adaptation & Includes a few custom monuments & vanilla monument additions - Modified Harbor [ Added Abandoned Cargo Ship ] - Modified Sewer Branch - Modified Power Plant [ Bradley APC will traverse through the Monument ] - Custom Sewer Outpost Monument [ Made by: @Brollow ] - Bandit Camp + Fishing Village - Large Oil Rig + Small Oil Rig - Mining Outpost + Gas Station + Super Market + Lighthouse x2 Custom Inclusions: This BUNDLE includes two custom prefabs made by @Brollow & @Gluman - Sewer Outpost & Aircraft Carrier:$25.00 -
Version 2.0.4
Mr.Bones Welcomes you and all to his new attraction! Casidome! A Large Scale, Vertical Oriented Outpost/Bandit Replacement Monument for Roleplay, Vanilla and Modded servers alike. All elements built into the three different sections are within rustedit balance, confines, gravity and resources. This monument is also built to be a combination of all the amenities of both Bandit and Outpost but built into the framework of a fully navigable and roleplay-centric structure, but still viable for Vanilla and Modded (2x, 5x etc) servers without adding anything or breaking any game rules or balance. Included in the Casidome is: - 2 blue loot barrel - 2 regular loot barrel - 7 food trash spawns - 1 Workbench Tier 1 - 3 Recyclers. all spaced out between the three different sections - 1 Blueprint Table - 2 Repairbenches - 1 Airwolf Spawn - All the shops from Outposts - All the shops from Bandit including Black Market being split between two shops in two locations - Big Wheel with 6 seating terminals of various seating - Numerous slot machines in key parts of the dome - 2 Poker Tables with ambient fireplace setting - Various non game impacting roleplay elements, random seating locations, hidden easter eggs, - Flooded underground explorable cave system contained within the dome - Rising buildings and structures placed atop of the dome themed around the Cyberpunk aesthetic Different variations coming in the future: Different versions for all biomes Vanilla and Non Vanilla variants Even more optimized frame rate friendly variant Come on by and take a tour of Mr Bones Casidome! Don't forget, you're here forever!$25.00 -
Version 4.0.0
Drag n' drop! No puzzles, no loot. Nothing crazy looking, something Facepunch should have made themselves. Features: Simple, High Detail, low prefab count! 2125 prefabs in total! Can easily be inserted into a existing map, allowing for a wide variety of gameplay choices, deathmatch, capture the flag, team deathmatch. The choices are unlimited! A refreshing look on rust's outpost structures. Something all players can recognize. Includes an interactive Recycler and Large Oil Refinery. Does not include a "prevent building sphere" keep this in mind when placing the arena. NOTE: It is suggested to place this prefab on the axis it’s on once spawned in since Rust’s terrain ‘pixelation’ limits terrain slopes when pasting in prefabs. So when dropping this prefab within your map you may have to grab the entire prefab and slightly move it to align with the terrain due to this handicap (not the prefab’s fault, just how Rust’s works).$25.00-
- #arena
- #facepunch
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