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Version 1.0.8
A radio system to talk with the players on the same frequency. IMPORTANT NOTE : If you active option [» Work only radio item in inventory ?]. See ITEM MANAGER (bottom of description) FEATURES - Choose a radio frequency between 1 and 9999 - Transmit your voice - Receive the voice of others, even if you are on the other side of the map. - A very beautiful UI - Force roleplay (option). The player must have a custom item (radio) in his inventory for the radio to work. He must also have the item in his hands and maintain the primary attack in order to activate the microphone. BIND (Only needed if [» Work only radio item in inventory ?] option is false) When you speak with the V key your voice will be transmitted if the radio microphone is ON. To switch between the use modes and ask your players to use the bind mode, use the ideal bind location "B" bind b radio_statement CHAT COMMAND For change the radio frequency or disable radio PERMISSIONS (Only needed if [» Work only radio item in inventory ?] option is false) cradio.view CONFIG { "1. CONFIG": { "» Chat Command": "radio", "» Chat Prefix message": "RADIO", "» Chat prefix size": 18, "» Chat prefix color": "#ce422b", "» Work only radio item in inventory ?": false }, "2. VERSION": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 1 } } ITEM MANAGER To give you the item you can use the CNewItemManager (the default configuration of the radio in this plugin doesn't have the same basic item, you have to change it). Your custom items parameters : shortname: rf.detonator skinID: 2067425750$10.00 -
Version 1.0.4
The me command allows you to display a specific action above the head of a player. It’s particularly used for actions that couldn’t have been done in game in a roleplay context. Permission cme.use => For use command cme.view => For view other player's me Config { "CONFIG": { "» Message duration (seconds)": 10, "» Message size": 20, "» Message color": "#ce422b", "» Message pattern": "* {message} *", "» Message in capital letters ?": true, "» Display range": 15.0 }, "CHAT": { "» Chat Command": "me", "» Chat Prefix message": "Roleplay Message", "» Chat prefix size": 18, "» Chat prefix color": "#ce422b" }, "VERSION": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 1 } }Free- 15 comments
- #rust
- #rust plugin
(and 3 more)
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Version 1.1.1
Don't recycle your old weapons in your boxes. Make them evolve. INFOS What does this plugin actually do? The plugin will allow you to evolve your weapon to another one depend to the number of kill you define. Let's take the example of the revolver, in the default configuration, after 10 kills with the weapon it will evolve into an automatic pistol. It is important to understand that it is the weapon that evolves. You can have several guns in your boxes, they will not all count the same number of kills. If you have a sadistic nature, you can also do the opposite, after 10 kills with a m249 make it evolve into eoka . It is up to you to define what is best for your server. Features - To make evolve a weapon against another one after a number of kills with this one features - Enable disable counting if NPC - Enable disable counting if Animal - A quality UI - The weapons will be renamed with the total kills and the remaining before evolution - You can choose to keep the same condition of the weapon to its evolution - You can choose to keep the same number of ammunition in the weapon at its evolution - You can choose to keep the same type of ammunition in the weapon at its evolution - You can choose to keep the same accessories in the weapon at its evolution Pre-configuration The preconfiguration of the weapons is: 10 kills -> 25 kills -> 15 kills -> 50 kills -> 30 kills -> 10 kills -> 25 kills -> 10 kills -> 10 kills -> Of course you can add and modify what you want. The configuration is to be adapted according to your servers, your population and the type of game of your players. PREVIEW (version 1.0.0) CONFIG { "CONFIG": { "» Kills counted if it's an NPC?": true, "» Kills counted if it's an Animal?": false, "» Enable Weapon UI?": true, "» Display a message when the weapon evolve?": true, "» Add the number of kills remaining in the weapon name?": true, "» Play a sound effect when the weapon evolve?": true }, "WEAPON": [ { "» Base weapon shortname": "pistol.revolver", "» Kills required with the weapon": 10, "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true, "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true, "» Evolve of the weapon": { "• Weapon shortname": "pistol.semiauto", "• Skin": 0, "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0, "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0, "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null, "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null } }, { "» Base weapon shortname": "pistol.semiauto", "» Kills required with the weapon": 25, "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true, "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true, "» Evolve of the weapon": { "• Weapon shortname": "pistol.m92", "• Skin": 0, "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0, "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0, "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null, "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null } }, { "» Base weapon shortname": "rifle.ak", "» Kills required with the weapon": 15, "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true, "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true, "» Evolve of the weapon": { "• Weapon shortname": "rifle.lr300", "• Skin": 0, "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0, "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0, "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null, "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null } }, { "» Base weapon shortname": "rifle.lr300", "» Kills required with the weapon": 50, "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true, "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true, "» Evolve of the weapon": { "• Weapon shortname": "lmg.m249", "• Skin": 0, "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0, "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0, "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null, "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null } }, { "» Base weapon shortname": "rifle.semiauto", "» Kills required with the weapon": 30, "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true, "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true, "» Evolve of the weapon": { "• Weapon shortname": "rifle.m39", "• Skin": 0, "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0, "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0, "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null, "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null } }, { "» Base weapon shortname": "shotgun.double", "» Kills required with the weapon": 10, "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true, "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true, "» Evolve of the weapon": { "• Weapon shortname": "shotgun.pump", "• Skin": 0, "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0, "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0, "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null, "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null } }, { "» Base weapon shortname": "shotgun.pump", "» Kills required with the weapon": 25, "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true, "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true, "» Evolve of the weapon": { "• Weapon shortname": "shotgun.spas12", "• Skin": 0, "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0, "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0, "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null, "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null } }, { "» Base weapon shortname": "bow.hunting", "» Kills required with the weapon": 10, "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true, "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true, "» Evolve of the weapon": { "• Weapon shortname": "bow.compound", "• Skin": 0, "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0, "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0, "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null, "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null } }, { "» Base weapon shortname": "knife.bone", "» Kills required with the weapon": 10, "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true, "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true, "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true, "» Evolve of the weapon": { "• Weapon shortname": "knife.combat", "• Skin": 0, "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0, "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0, "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null, "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null } } ], "VERSION": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } } NOTE If you do not activate the UI, image library will not be necessary$5.99 -
Version 1.0.9
Display UI when player pilot an heli INFOS - Possible conversion between kilometres per hour and miles in the configuration - Displayed: Speed Fuel gauge Health of copter / scrapheli Altitude above sea level Altitude depending on the obstacle below PREVIEW (v1.0.1) *In the video you can see a slight delay between the update of the old and new values (speed and altitude). These have been corrected after the video was recorded REQUIRE The Image Library plugin is required ! PERMISSION caltimeter.use CHAT COMMAND /altimeter => If the player wants enable / disable UI CONFIG { "CONFIG": { "» Chat command": "altimeter", "» Chat Prefix message": "ALTIMETER", "» Chat prefix size": 18, "» Chat prefix color": "#ce422b" }, "UI": { "» Speed value [KMH = 1 | MPH = 2]": 1, "» Refresh rate": 0.1, "» Display helmet overlay": true, "» Display cold effect": true, "» Max fuel tank capacity": 500 }, "VERSION": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 2 } }$10.00 -
Version 1.0.6
This plugin allows to be warned in case of deloot of the players. Only items deloots from corpses, or storage containers are considered #FEATURES All items in the game are loaded with their default rarity level When adding new items in the game, they are directly added You can configure a higher alert level according to the number of deloot quantities (stack) You can set up an alert on discord with the webhook. I advise you to leave a delay before sending the alert to 1 minute. To avoid false positives. The admin panel is only available for admins #INFO Each item is configurable You can display an in-game ath displaying all deloot items by zone. A color is assigned to each alert level (Low, Very Low, Moderate, Hight) When you wipe, the logs are cleared The plugin can work without image library, however not all images will be displayed When an item is delooted it is saved, if it is picked up it is removed For the functioning of the zones: - When an item is delooted it is assigned a zone name. This one will have the name of the box on the map. For example D15 followed by the zone id. D15.1, D15.2 ... - With the ath you can distinguish the name of the zone id in blue. From the admin panel you can consult all the deloot items in this zone with several options (teleport to zone, delete zone, restore all item destroyed in zone). Or you can delete or restore only the items you want. - All the plugin is configurable, ergonomic and designed to be as intuitive as possible. /cdeloot (for open panel)$21.50 -
Version 1.0.5
CInfoPanel is a panel info when platyer join server or when enter command. ImageLibrary is required # INFO - Multi language (EN / FR) - Pagination - Regroup order by categories - Full custom - Validation for close # CHAT COMMAND /info - For open manualy # CONFIGURATION { "1. CONFIG": { "» Show panel once?": false, "» Command chat": "info" }, "2. LOGO": { "» Enabled?": true, "» Logo URL": "", "» Offset Min": "-150 5", "» Offset Max": "150 85" }, "3. CLOSE": { "» Display close button only on the last page?": true, "» Close BTN Text": "I certify that I have read the rules", "» Offset Min": "-180 20", "» Offset Max": "180 50", "» Font Size": 16 }, "4. PREV": { "» Text": "Previous", "» Offset Min": "-50 20", "» Offset Max": "80 50", "» Font Size": 16 }, "5. NEXT": { "» Text": "Next", "» Offset Min": "200 20", "» Offset Max": "330 50", "» Font Size": 16 }, "6. CATEGORY": [ { "» Unique id": 1, "» Title": "›› Home" }, { "» Unique id": 2, "» Title": "›› Rules" }, { "» Unique id": 3, "» Title": "›› Infos" }, { "» Unique id": 4, "» Title": "›› Validation" } ], "7. PANEL": [ { "» Menu Icon": "", "» Menu Perm": "", "» Menu Category": 1, "» Language": { "en": { "» Menu Title": "Welcome", "» Menu Text": [ { "» New page": [ "<size=20><color=#bf8e51><size=26>»</size> WELCOME PAGE</color></size>\n", "Non ergo erunt homines deliciis diffluentes audiendi, si quando de amicitia, quam nec usu nec ratione habent cognitam, disputabunt.\n", "Nam quis est, pro deorum fidem atque hominum! qui velit, ut neque diligat quemquam nec ipse ab ullo diligatur, circumfluere omnibus copiis atque in omnium rerum abundantia vivere?\n", "Haec enim est tyrannorum vita nimirum, in qua nulla fides, nulla caritas, nulla stabilis benevolentiae potest esse fiducia, omnia semper suspecta atque sollicita, nullus locus amicitiae.\n", "Erat autem diritatis eius hoc quoque indicium nec obscurum nec latens, quod ludicris cruentis delectabatur et in circo sex vel septem aliquotiens vetitis certaminibus pugilum vicissim se concidentium perfusorumque sanguine specie ut lucratus ingentia laetabatur.\n", "<color=#dcc16d>Eius populus ab incunabulis primis ad usque pueritiae tempus extremum</color>, quod annis circumcluditur fere trecentis, circummurana pertulit bella, deinde aetatem ingressus adultam post multiplices bellorum aerumnas Alpes transcendit et fretum, in iuvenem erectus et virum ex omni plaga quam orbis ambit inmensus, reportavit laureas et triumphos, iamque vergens in senium et nomine solo aliquotiens vincens ad tranquilliora vitae discessit.\n\n", "<size=12><color=#aabf7d>• To close this window, go to the validation tab.</color></size>" ] }, { "» New page": [ "Page 2" ] } ] } } }, { "» Menu Icon": "", "» Menu Perm": "", "» Menu Category": 2, "» Language": { "en": { "» Menu Title": "General", "» Menu Text": [ { "» New page": [ "<size=20><color=#bf8e51><size=26>»</size> GENERAL PAGE</color></size>\n", "Non ergo erunt homines deliciis diffluentes audiendi, si quando de amicitia, quam nec usu nec ratione habent cognitam, disputabunt.\n", "Nam quis est, pro deorum fidem atque hominum! qui velit, ut neque diligat quemquam nec ipse ab ullo diligatur, circumfluere omnibus copiis atque in omnium rerum abundantia vivere?\n", "Haec enim est tyrannorum vita nimirum, in qua nulla fides, nulla caritas, nulla stabilis benevolentiae potest esse fiducia, omnia semper suspecta atque sollicita, nullus locus amicitiae.\n", "Erat autem diritatis eius hoc quoque indicium nec obscurum nec latens, quod ludicris cruentis delectabatur et in circo sex vel septem aliquotiens vetitis certaminibus pugilum vicissim se concidentium perfusorumque sanguine specie ut lucratus ingentia laetabatur.\n", "<color=#dcc16d>Eius populus ab incunabulis primis ad usque pueritiae tempus extremum</color>, quod annis circumcluditur fere trecentis, circummurana pertulit bella, deinde aetatem ingressus adultam post multiplices bellorum aerumnas Alpes transcendit et fretum, in iuvenem erectus et virum ex omni plaga quam orbis ambit inmensus, reportavit laureas et triumphos, iamque vergens in senium et nomine solo aliquotiens vincens ad tranquilliora vitae discessit.\n\n", "<size=12><color=#aabf7d>• To close this window, go to the validation tab.</color></size>" ] }, { "» New page": [ "Page 2" ] } ] } } }, { "» Menu Icon": "", "» Menu Perm": "", "» Menu Category": 2, "» Language": { "en": { "» Menu Title": "Annex", "» Menu Text": [ { "» New page": [ "<size=20><color=#bf8e51><size=26>»</size> ANNEX PAGE</color></size>\n", "Non ergo erunt homines deliciis diffluentes audiendi, si quando de amicitia, quam nec usu nec ratione habent cognitam, disputabunt.\n", "Nam quis est, pro deorum fidem atque hominum! qui velit, ut neque diligat quemquam nec ipse ab ullo diligatur, circumfluere omnibus copiis atque in omnium rerum abundantia vivere?\n", "Haec enim est tyrannorum vita nimirum, in qua nulla fides, nulla caritas, nulla stabilis benevolentiae potest esse fiducia, omnia semper suspecta atque sollicita, nullus locus amicitiae.\n", "Erat autem diritatis eius hoc quoque indicium nec obscurum nec latens, quod ludicris cruentis delectabatur et in circo sex vel septem aliquotiens vetitis certaminibus pugilum vicissim se concidentium perfusorumque sanguine specie ut lucratus ingentia laetabatur.\n", "<color=#dcc16d>Eius populus ab incunabulis primis ad usque pueritiae tempus extremum</color>, quod annis circumcluditur fere trecentis, circummurana pertulit bella, deinde aetatem ingressus adultam post multiplices bellorum aerumnas Alpes transcendit et fretum, in iuvenem erectus et virum ex omni plaga quam orbis ambit inmensus, reportavit laureas et triumphos, iamque vergens in senium et nomine solo aliquotiens vincens ad tranquilliora vitae discessit.\n\n", "<size=12><color=#aabf7d>• To close this window, go to the validation tab.</color></size>" ] }, { "» New page": [ "Page 2" ] } ] } } }, { "» Menu Icon": "", "» Menu Perm": "", "» Menu Category": 3, "» Language": { "en": { "» Menu Title": "Lotery", "» Menu Text": [ { "» New page": [ "<size=20><color=#bf8e51><size=26>»</size> LOTERY PAGE</color></size>\n", "Non ergo erunt homines deliciis diffluentes audiendi, si quando de amicitia, quam nec usu nec ratione habent cognitam, disputabunt.\n", "Nam quis est, pro deorum fidem atque hominum! qui velit, ut neque diligat quemquam nec ipse ab ullo diligatur, circumfluere omnibus copiis atque in omnium rerum abundantia vivere?\n", "Haec enim est tyrannorum vita nimirum, in qua nulla fides, nulla caritas, nulla stabilis benevolentiae potest esse fiducia, omnia semper suspecta atque sollicita, nullus locus amicitiae.\n", "Erat autem diritatis eius hoc quoque indicium nec obscurum nec latens, quod ludicris cruentis delectabatur et in circo sex vel septem aliquotiens vetitis certaminibus pugilum vicissim se concidentium perfusorumque sanguine specie ut lucratus ingentia laetabatur.\n", "<color=#dcc16d>Eius populus ab incunabulis primis ad usque pueritiae tempus extremum</color>, quod annis circumcluditur fere trecentis, circummurana pertulit bella, deinde aetatem ingressus adultam post multiplices bellorum aerumnas Alpes transcendit et fretum, in iuvenem erectus et virum ex omni plaga quam orbis ambit inmensus, reportavit laureas et triumphos, iamque vergens in senium et nomine solo aliquotiens vincens ad tranquilliora vitae discessit.\n\n", "<size=12><color=#aabf7d>• To close this window, go to the validation tab.</color></size>" ] }, { "» New page": [ "Page 2" ] } ] } } }, { "» Menu Icon": "", "» Menu Perm": "", "» Menu Category": 3, "» Language": { "en": { "» Menu Title": "Donator", "» Menu Text": [ { "» New page": [ "<size=20><color=#bf8e51><size=26>»</size> DONATOR PAGE</color></size>\n", "Non ergo erunt homines deliciis diffluentes audiendi, si quando de amicitia, quam nec usu nec ratione habent cognitam, disputabunt.\n", "Nam quis est, pro deorum fidem atque hominum! qui velit, ut neque diligat quemquam nec ipse ab ullo diligatur, circumfluere omnibus copiis atque in omnium rerum abundantia vivere?\n", "Haec enim est tyrannorum vita nimirum, in qua nulla fides, nulla caritas, nulla stabilis benevolentiae potest esse fiducia, omnia semper suspecta atque sollicita, nullus locus amicitiae.\n", "Erat autem diritatis eius hoc quoque indicium nec obscurum nec latens, quod ludicris cruentis delectabatur et in circo sex vel septem aliquotiens vetitis certaminibus pugilum vicissim se concidentium perfusorumque sanguine specie ut lucratus ingentia laetabatur.\n", "<color=#dcc16d>Eius populus ab incunabulis primis ad usque pueritiae tempus extremum</color>, quod annis circumcluditur fere trecentis, circummurana pertulit bella, deinde aetatem ingressus adultam post multiplices bellorum aerumnas Alpes transcendit et fretum, in iuvenem erectus et virum ex omni plaga quam orbis ambit inmensus, reportavit laureas et triumphos, iamque vergens in senium et nomine solo aliquotiens vincens ad tranquilliora vitae discessit.\n\n", "<size=12><color=#aabf7d>• To close this window, go to the validation tab.</color></size>" ] }, { "» New page": [ "Page 2" ] } ] } } }, { "» Menu Icon": "", "» Menu Perm": "", "» Menu Category": 4, "» Language": { "en": { "» Menu Title": "Validate", "» Menu Text": [ { "» New page": [ "<size=20><color=#bf8e51><size=26>»</size> VALIDATE PAGE</color></size>\n", "Non ergo erunt homines deliciis diffluentes audiendi, si quando de amicitia, quam nec usu nec ratione habent cognitam, disputabunt.\n", "Nam quis est, pro deorum fidem atque hominum! qui velit, ut neque diligat quemquam nec ipse ab ullo diligatur, circumfluere omnibus copiis atque in omnium rerum abundantia vivere?\n", "Haec enim est tyrannorum vita nimirum, in qua nulla fides, nulla caritas, nulla stabilis benevolentiae potest esse fiducia, omnia semper suspecta atque sollicita, nullus locus amicitiae.\n", "Erat autem diritatis eius hoc quoque indicium nec obscurum nec latens, quod ludicris cruentis delectabatur et in circo sex vel septem aliquotiens vetitis certaminibus pugilum vicissim se concidentium perfusorumque sanguine specie ut lucratus ingentia laetabatur.\n", "<color=#dcc16d>Eius populus ab incunabulis primis ad usque pueritiae tempus extremum</color>, quod annis circumcluditur fere trecentis, circummurana pertulit bella, deinde aetatem ingressus adultam post multiplices bellorum aerumnas Alpes transcendit et fretum, in iuvenem erectus et virum ex omni plaga quam orbis ambit inmensus, reportavit laureas et triumphos, iamque vergens in senium et nomine solo aliquotiens vincens ad tranquilliora vitae discessit.\n\n" ] } ] } } } ], "8. VERSION": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 1 } }$5.99 -
Version 1.0.3
Adds deployment time on objects, as well as construction and improvement time. INFO - Configurable default deployment time - Configurable time to build or improve buildings - Configurable deployment time for all objects - You can add a percentage reduction to the duration according to the player's oxide permissions on any item, building grade, or by default PREVIEW (v1.0.1) PERMISSION If you want to bypass all construction times ctimetodeploy.bypass CONFIG If you want to bypass all construction times. In the example configuration below. The deployment time of a tool cupboard is not preset so its value will be the default one (5 sec). If a player has the permission he will have a 10% shorter time, and 75% with the ctimetodeploy.modo permission. If he wants to put a sleepingbag the time will be 2.5 seconds as it is defined in the config file. The reduction percentages will be applied if they are specified for the item. { "CONFIG": { "» Refresh rate (increase only in case of lag, changes the update frequency of the progress bar)": 0.01, "» Max distance for cancels the construction if the player is too far from the deployment position)": 7.0, "» Default deployment duration (seconds) for all items and grade (building upgrade).": 5.0, "» Default duration reduction percentage": [ { "» Name of the oxide permission, use an existing permission or a new one by adding 'ctimetodeploy.'": "", "» Percentage of time reduction": 10.0 }, { "» Name of the oxide permission, use an existing permission or a new one by adding 'ctimetodeploy.'": "ctimetodeploy.modo", "» Percentage of time reduction": 75.0 } ] }, "BUILDING GRADE": { "twigs": { "» Duration (seconds)": 2.5, "» Duration reduction percentage": null }, "wood": { "» Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "» Duration reduction percentage": [ { "» Name of the oxide permission, use an existing permission or a new one by adding 'ctimetodeploy.'": "", "» Percentage of time reduction": 18.0 }, { "» Name of the oxide permission, use an existing permission or a new one by adding 'ctimetodeploy.'": "ctimetodeploy.vip2", "» Percentage of time reduction": 58.5 } ] }, "stone": { "» Duration (seconds)": 7.5, "» Duration reduction percentage": null }, "metal": { "» Duration (seconds)": 10.0, "» Duration reduction percentage": null }, "toptier": { "» Duration (seconds)": 15.0, "» Duration reduction percentage": null } }, "DEPLOYABLE": { "sleepingbag": { "» Duration (seconds)": 2.5, "» Duration reduction percentage": [ { "» Name of the oxide permission, use an existing permission or a new one by adding 'ctimetodeploy.'": "", "» Percentage of time reduction": 10.0 }, { "» Name of the oxide permission, use an existing permission or a new one by adding 'ctimetodeploy.'": "ctimetodeploy.vip2", "» Percentage of time reduction": 20.0 } ] } }, "VERSION": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 1 } } ADD NEW ITEM In the config file add in DEPLOYABLE "sleepingbag": { "» Duration (seconds)": 2.5, "» Duration reduction percentage": null } ADD NEW PERCENTAGE REDUCTION This is a list you can add more. The highest value will be selected according to the player's permissions { "» Name of the oxide permission, use an existing permission or a new one by adding 'ctimetodeploy.'": "", "» Percentage of time reduction": 10.0 }, or { "» Name of the oxide permission, use an existing permission or a new one by adding 'ctimetodeploy.'": "", "» Percentage of time reduction": 10.0 }, { "» Name of the oxide permission, use an existing permission or a new one by adding 'ctimetodeploy.'": "kit.vip4", "» Percentage of time reduction": 25.3 }, Future evolution, in-game administration panel to make handling easier$25.00 -
Version 1.3.2
CPunishTool is an admin tool. Very intuitive way to punish a player # INFO WHEN TOOL IS EQUIPED AND ACTIVE - Show crosshair - Show UI - Display info in chat for each mode ALL MODE IS SECURED WITH PERMISSIONS AVAILABLE MODE - Kill (Wounded, Stop wounded, Kill) - Kick (with multiple custom reason) - Mute (with multiple custom duration and unmute option) - Voice Mute (with multiple custom duration and unmute option) - Freeze (if player is freeze, unfreeze him) - Ban (with multiple custom reason) # PERMISSION cpunishtool.use - Require for use and get the tool cpunishtool.kill - Require for kill player cpunishtool.kick - Require for kick player cpunishtool.mute - Require for mute player cpunishtool.voicemute - Require for voicemute player cpunishtool.freeze - Require for freeze player cpunishtool.ban - Require for ban player # CHAT COMMAND /punishtool - Get the tool in your inventory # OPTIONAL PLUGIN REFERENCE #PREVIEW # CONFIGURATION { "Kill Option": { "1": { "Short Description": "Wounded", "Details": "startwounded" }, "2": { "Short Description": "Stop Wounded", "Details": "stopwounded" }, "3": { "Short Description": "Kill", "Details": "" }, }, "Kick Option": { "1": { "Short Description": "No reason", "Details": "" }, "2": { "Short Description": "Language", "Details": "Thanks for guarding your language!" }, "3": { "Short Description": "Come discord", "Details": "You are expected on" }, "4": { "Short Description": "Stop it !", "Details": "Stop and calm down. !" } }, "Mute Option": { "1": { "Short Description": "5 minutes", "Details": "5m" }, "2": { "Short Description": "10 minutes", "Details": "10m" }, "3": { "Short Description": "30 minutes", "Details": "30m" }, "4": { "Short Description": "1 hour", "Details": "1h" }, "5": { "Short Description": "1 day", "Details": "1d" }, "6": { "Short Description": "Permanent", "Details": "" }, "7": { "Short Description": "Unmute", "Details": "unmute" } }, "Mute Voice Option": { "1": { "Short Description": "5 minutes", "Details": "5m" }, "2": { "Short Description": "10 minutes", "Details": "10m" }, "3": { "Short Description": "30 minutes", "Details": "30m" }, "4": { "Short Description": "1 hour", "Details": "1h" }, "5": { "Short Description": "1 day", "Details": "1d" }, "6": { "Short Description": "Permanent", "Details": "" }, "7": { "Short Description": "Unmute", "Details": "unmute" } }, "Ban Option": { "1": { "Short Description": "No reason", "Details": "" }, "2": { "Short Description": "Language", "Details": "Language" }, "3": { "Short Description": "Rules infractions", "Details": "Violation of rules" }, "4": { "Short Description": "Staff deliberation", "Details": "Staff Deliberation" }, "5": { "Short Description": "Cheat", "Details": "Cheat" }, "6": { "Short Description": "Macro", "Details": "Macro" }, "7": { "Short Description": "Insults", "Details": "Insults" } } }$9.99- 3 comments
- #admin tools
- #tools
(and 7 more)
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