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  1. The_Kiiiing


    Version 2.0.13


    This plugin allows players to gather weed from hemp plants and craft joints using a mixing table. There are different types of weed where each type can be found in a different biome. Joints can be crafted at a mixing table and will give the player configurable buffs and healing with each tier having different effects. Features: Fully customizable Different types of weed Configurable effects for each type Custom crafting UI integrates in the mixing table UI Configurable recipes for mixing table Yield amount and chance configurable for each type Ideal for Roleplay Servers New in v2.0.10: Give command Server owners can use this command to give weed or joints to themselves or a certain player. The identifier has to be specified in the config file for every type of weed or joint. ganja.give <weed|joint> <identifier> <amount> <player?> Permission: ganja.give - Required to use ganja.give command New in v2.0.0: Fully configurable crafting: With Version 2.0.0 the crafting system has been integrated in the mixing table. Joints can now be crafted by using the right ingredients in the right slot. The crafting recipes are fully configurable. New recipes can also be added. New in v1.0.8: Loot Table integration: This plugin now supports the custom item api of Loot Table and Stack Size GUI, so you can easily add weed to the loot table. When both plugins are installed on the server, the weed items will show up in the custom items tab of Loottable (right image): Different tiers: Depending on the biome, you will receive different tiers of weed, the biomes can also be changed in the config. By default, tier2 weed can be gathered in the snow biome, tier1 in the desert and tier0 everywhere else. Names, droprates, and boosts can also be configured individually for each tier. Controls: With a joint selected in the hot bar: Right click to ignite / extinguish a joint When joint is bruning: left click to use a joint Permissions: Permissions can be disabled in the config, making gathering and crafting accessible to everyone regardless of permissions. ganja.craft - Required to craft joints ganja.gather - Required to obtain weed Biome masks: The biome mask is a simple 4-bit number that determines where a certain tier of weed can be found. Each biome has its own number; add these numbers together to select multiple biomes. The numbers for each biome are as follows: 1 - Arid 2 - Temperate 4 - Tundra 8 - Arctic For example: Low Quality Weed has the biome mask 6 by default (see configuration below). That means it can be found in the Temperate and the Tundra biome. Configuration: { "Weed configuration": [ { "Drop chance when harvesting (1 = 100%)": 0.4, "Drop amount when harvesting": { "min": 1, "max": 3 }, "Biome mask (see description for details)": 6, "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Low Quality Weed", "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661029427 }, { "Drop chance when harvesting (1 = 100%)": 0.3, "Drop amount when harvesting": { "min": 1, "max": 3 }, "Biome mask (see description for details)": 1, "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Medium Quality Weed", "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661031542 }, { "Drop chance when harvesting (1 = 100%)": 0.1, "Drop amount when harvesting": { "min": 1, "max": 2 }, "Biome mask (see description for details)": 8, "Custom item name (null = default name)": "High Quality Weed", "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2660588149 } ], "Crafting Recipes": [ { "Ingredient Slots": { "0": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "note", "Item skin id": 0 }, "1": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661029427 }, "2": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661029427 } }, "Produced Item": { "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Low Quality Joint", "Item short name": "horse.shoes.basic", "Item skin id": 2894101592 }, "Is joint": true, "Boosts (only works for joints)": { "Wood boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.4, "Wood boost duration (seconds)": 20.0, "Ore boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Ore boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Scrap boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Scrap boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Max Health percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Max Health duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Healing per use": 1.0 } }, { "Ingredient Slots": { "0": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "note", "Item skin id": 0 }, "1": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661031542 }, "2": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661031542 } }, "Produced Item": { "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Medium Quality Joint", "Item short name": "horse.shoes.basic", "Item skin id": 2894101290 }, "Is joint": true, "Boosts (only works for joints)": { "Wood boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Wood boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Ore boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.8, "Ore boost duration (seconds)": 20.0, "Scrap boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Scrap boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Max Health percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Max Health duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Healing per use": 4.0 } }, { "Ingredient Slots": { "0": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "note", "Item skin id": 0 }, "1": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2660588149 }, "2": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2660588149 } }, "Produced Item": { "Custom item name (null = default name)": "High Quality Joint", "Item short name": "horse.shoes.basic", "Item skin id": 2893700325 }, "Is joint": true, "Boosts (only works for joints)": { "Wood boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Wood boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Ore boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Ore boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Scrap boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 1.0, "Scrap boost duration (seconds)": 30.0, "Max Health percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.3, "Max Health duration (seconds)": 30.0, "Healing per use": 8.0 } } ], "Require permission for crafting": true, "Require permission for gathering": true, "Disable built-in stack fix (set to true if you have problems with item stacking/splitting)": false }
  2. ArtiIOMI


    Version 1.1.8


    The plugin changes the system of plants and trees to a more realistic one. Features Watering plants planted in the ground. Fertilizing plants planted in the ground. Possibility to block planting in unauthorized fields. All trees grow and have stages of growth. Tree seedlings were introduced. The method of obtaining wood has been changed. Video Preview https://youtu.be/stoRXnVGpik https://streamable.com/tktvrq https://streamable.com/my4z28 https://streamable.com/mcyvwl UNINSTALLING Delete the file from the plugins folder, or disable the feature in the configuration file. A server restart is required to uninstall the new plant system! Configuration Credits @UmodTeam for adding hooks. @Steenamaroo, @Billy Joe, @Raul-Sorin SorbanThanks you so much! Love you!!!
  3. Neighigh


    Version 1.1.0


    Cornucopia has been built with the intent to bring players closer to the farming aspects of Rust. The newest update has removed many standard Facepunch monuments and replaced them with custom monuments only available here. Rob banks, steal from dealers, fend of farmers and gangsters, highjack trains and GET FARMING! A fancy new trailer showing off the vibes in the map: Features: Prefabs: 50к Size: 3000 Designed to look like a classic Cornucopia. Several Custom Monuments Farming and Harvest Season Themes Supports BankHeist, BetterNpc(Drone Event and Zombie Horde support coming soon) We plan to continue adding to this map, if there are any bugs or flaws we will correct them with haste! Custom Monuments: Collapsed Tunnels - A long winding tunnel system filled with abandoned cars and forgotten belongings. A. Town - A large town divided by a coaling tower and pumpjack. On one end, the HQM quarry and slums, on the other, high living and A. Town Bank. Mushroom Caves - Vibrant glowing green mushrooms fill this cave network, explore and loot the vast cave system. Coca Farm - A Coca orchard and facility. Farmers and Coca Dealers protect the area from would-be theives. Burning Monsters - A small frontier village that has captured giants and set them ablaze. Loot the area and see what they're burning. Hay Farm - A simple Hay farm with simple farmers ready to defend their land, and loot! Bradley Vineyards - A wide open vineyard custom designed for Bradley to drive through the weaving trails. Soldiers are stationed at each bend to add to the difficult open environment. Mining Tunnels - A short tunnel on the railroad filled with metal and sulfur nodes. This dangerous bottleneck is designed to be a risky reward! Abandoned Lighthouse - Same lighthouse, but on top of a huge cliff with a built in hermit settlement. Nursery - A collection of greenhouses gaurded by farmers. Planters, light and water system are available in each greenhouse for player access. Windfarm - Several wind turbines atop a large hill - Substations will spawn drones if using drone Event. Electrician NPCs guard the area. Railyard - Train cars spawn here, players will need to climb the mountain and load up their cars and bring them to the coaling station in A. Town to unload. Fish Market - A small dock market guarded by fishermen. Hidden underwater loot is available beneath the docks. Swamp - Now deserted, remenants of cannibals remain in the area. Facepunch Monuments: Oxum's Gas Station Large Oil Rig Large Fishing Village Outpost Ferry Terminal Large Harbor HQM Quarry
  4. Version 1.2.0


    When gathering ore nodes ,picking up resource deposits ,cutting down trees or harvesting animal corpses u Can be rewarded with a random item. Features : Supports : Ore nodes/Trees/Driftwood/Cactus/Roadsigns/Animal corpses/Farming crops/Resource pickups (incl the halloween lootpiles) Chance for a rewarded item is random through cfg for each type Single item handout through lootprofile lists (item shortnames are used) No double handouts when collecting seeds or bonus hits on trees/nodes Option to disable the chat messages (this could get spammy) Easy setup and ideal for seasonal events like Halloween ! Permissions : gatherbonus.bonus : Ore Nodes gatherbonus.harvest : Crop harvesting gatherbonus.corpse : Animal corpses gatherbonus.pickup : Resource pickup gatherbonus.chat : To use the chat command Commands : /gatherbonus : Displays plugin info and whatever is set through language file (info) Configuration : { "Main config": { "Debug": false, "Use Chat messages": true, "Chat Prefix": "[<color=orange>Halloween</color>] : " }, "GatherBonus Profile": true, "Pickup Profile": true, "Harvest Profile": true, "Drop Chance on GatherBonus (0.0-1.0)": { "Cactus": 0.5, "Driftwood": 0.5, "Roadsigns": 0.5, "Tree": 0.8, "Metal Node": 0.5, "Stone Node": 0.5, "Sulfur Node": 0.5 }, "Drop Chance on Pickup (0.0-1.0)": { "Hemp": 0.05, "Wood": 0.05, "Stone": 0.05, "Sulfur": 0.05, "metal": 0.05, "Mushroom": 0.05, "Bones": 0.05, "Corn": 0.05, "Pumpkin": 0.05, "Potato": 0.05, "Berries": 0.05 }, "Drop Chance on Crops Harvest (0.0-1.0)": { "Hemp": 0.5, "Corn": 0.5, "Pumpkin": 0.5, "Potato": 0.5, "Berries": 0.5 }, "Drop Chance on Animal Corpse Harvest (0.0-1.0)": { "Bear": 0.5, "Boar": 0.5, "Chicken": 0.5, "Horse": 0.5, "Shark": 0.5, "Stag": 0.5, "Wolf": 0.5 }, "Reward Item setup": { "Items From Gathering (shortname)": [ "radiationresisttea", "healingtea", "maxhealthtea", "oretea", "scraptea", "woodtea", "halloween.mummysuit", "skull_fire_pit", "halloween.lootbag.small", "halloween.lootbag.medium", "halloween.lootbag.large", "halloween.surgeonsuit", "scarecrowhead", "spookyspeaker", "wall.graveyard.fence", "knife.butcher", "skullspikes.pumpkin", "coffin.storage", "pitchfork", "spiderweb", "gravestone", "cursedcauldron", "ghostsheet" ], "Items From Pickup (shortname)": [ "radiationresisttea", "healingtea", "maxhealthtea", "oretea", "scraptea", "woodtea", "halloween.mummysuit", "skull_fire_pit", "halloween.lootbag.small", "halloween.surgeonsuit", "spookyspeaker", "wall.graveyard.fence", "scarecrowhead", "knife.butcher", "skullspikes.pumpkin", "coffin.storage", "pitchfork", "spiderweb", "gravestone", "cursedcauldron", "ghostsheet" ], "Items From Harvesting Crops (shortname)": [ "radiationresisttea", "healingtea", "maxhealthtea", "oretea", "scraptea", "woodtea", "halloween.mummysuit", "skull_fire_pit", "halloween.lootbag.small", "halloween.lootbag.medium", "halloween.surgeonsuit", "spookyspeaker", "scarecrowhead", "wall.graveyard.fence", "knife.butcher", "skullspikes.pumpkin", "coffin.storage", "pitchfork", "spiderweb", "gravestone", "cursedcauldron", "ghostsheet" ], "Items From Harvesting Animal Corpses (shortname)": [ "radiationresisttea", "healingtea", "maxhealthtea", "oretea", "scraptea", "woodtea", "halloween.mummysuit", "skull_fire_pit", "halloween.lootbag.small", "halloween.lootbag.medium", "halloween.lootbag.large", "halloween.surgeonsuit", "spookyspeaker", "wall.graveyard.fence", "scarecrowhead", "knife.butcher", "skullspikes.pumpkin", "coffin.storage", "pitchfork", "spiderweb", "gravestone", "cursedcauldron", "ghostsheet" ] } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "Info": "\n<color=green>Available Commands</color>\n<color=green>/gatherbonus info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands", "InvalidInput": "Please enter a valid command!", "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use that command!", "ItemReward": "You found a <color=#4A95CC>{0}</color> around a {1}", "ItemRewardPickup": "You picked up <color=#4A95CC>{0}</color> and found a <color=#4A95CC>{1}</color>", "ItemRewardHarvest": "<color=#4A95CC>{0}</color> harvested and found a <color=#4A95CC>{1}</color>", "Version": "Version : V" }
  5. Version 1.4.2


    If you're a farmer, you can forget about Bobby, because the Harvester is your new best friend! All you need to do is: Place her down — a Small Generator Put on some beard oil — Low Grade Fuel Whip it out — the Hammer Make sure you turn her on first — the Harvester Aim where you want it to go — output storage box Hit her good — link the planters with the hammer, and you're good to go! Instructions Looking at a Small Generator then executing the /setharvester command should turn it into a functional Harvester. Hit planters with your hammer to link them with the Harvester. Set the output of the container by looking at a storage box (small or large preferably) and executing the /setoutput command. The skin of the box will change based on the Harvester status, when the box has a colorful skin, the Harvester's online. When clones planted in linked planters reach 100% Ripe, will be slowly automatically collected. It will also clean-up the planters by harvesting the planters with dead clones. Upcoming A list of planned, upcoming features: Separate output container designed for collecting fibers from dead clones. Permissions Here are all the permissions you can use: harvester.admin: Allows players to run admin commands — none yet. harvester.use: Allows anyone to set new Harvesters. Commands Here are all the commands you can use: Create: /setharvester will register a new Harvester when looking at a Small Generator. Remove: /unsetharvester will unregister an existent Harvester that you own. Container Set: /setoutput will set a container you want the harvested clones to go in. Container Unset: /unsetoutput will unset a container if you're the owner of the Harvester. Seed Container Set: /setseed will set a container you want the seed to be taken from and be auto-placed in your planters. Seed Container Unset: /unsetseed will unset a container if you're the owner of the Harvester. Team Access: /allowteamaccess allows other people in your team to register and unregister their own planters. Friends Access: /allowfriendsaccess will allow Friends (by Wulf) to register and unregister their own planters. Clan Access: /allowclanaccess will allow Clans (by k1lly0u) to register or unregister their own planters. Dependencies The following are optional but highly recommended plugin dependencies: Friends by Wulf Clans by k1lly0u Feedback If you have any ideas or feedback you wanna give me, please comment down below.
  6. Version 1.3.4


    Harvest resources from objects that you normally cannot harvest from. Dispensers are being slightly refilled at every sunrise. Configuration { "GatheredDispenserNotices": false, "DepletedDispenserNotices": false, "RefillDispenserNotices": true, "GatherMultiplier": 35.25, "Definitions": [ { "PrefabFilter": "rock_small", "Contents": [ { "GatherAmount": 10, "ShortName": "stones", "Amount": 100 }, { "GatherAmount": 8, "ShortName": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 50 } ], "WhitelistedHeldItems": [ "rock", "pickaxe", "hammer.salvaged", "icepick.salvaged", "stone.pickaxe", "jackhammer" ] }, { "PrefabFilter": "rock_med", "Contents": [ { "GatherAmount": 10, "ShortName": "stones", "Amount": 500 } ], "WhitelistedHeldItems": [ "rock", "pickaxe", "hammer.salvaged", "icepick.salvaged", "stone.pickaxe", "jackhammer" ] }, { "PrefabFilter": "rock_cliff", "Contents": [ { "GatherAmount": 10, "ShortName": "stones", "Amount": 5000 }, { "GatherAmount": 1, "ShortName": "bleach", "Amount": 1 } ], "WhitelistedHeldItems": [ "rock", "pickaxe", "hammer.salvaged", "icepick.salvaged", "stone.pickaxe", "jackhammer" ] }, { "PrefabFilter": "rock_formation", "Contents": [ { "GatherAmount": 10, "ShortName": "stones", "Amount": 10000 } ], "WhitelistedHeldItems": [ "rock", "pickaxe", "hammer.salvaged", "icepick.salvaged", "stone.pickaxe", "jackhammer" ] }, { "PrefabFilter": "powerline_pole", "Contents": [ { "GatherAmount": 7, "ShortName": "wood", "Amount": 200 }, { "GatherAmount": 8, "ShortName": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 50 } ], "WhitelistedHeldItems": [ "rock", "axe.salvaged", "chainsaw", "stonehatchet", "hatchet" ] }, { "PrefabFilter": "pallet_stacks", "Contents": [ { "GatherAmount": 10, "ShortName": "wood", "Amount": 300 } ], "WhitelistedHeldItems": [ "rock", "axe.salvaged", "chainsaw", "stonehatchet", "hatchet" ] }, { "PrefabFilter": "electrical_box_a", "Contents": [ { "GatherAmount": 7, "ShortName": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 500 } ], "WhitelistedHeldItems": [ "rock", "pickaxe", "hammer.salvaged", "icepick.salvaged", "stone.pickaxe", "jackhammer" ] }, { "PrefabFilter": "electrical_box_b", "Contents": [ { "GatherAmount": 7, "ShortName": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 150 } ], "WhitelistedHeldItems": [ "rock", "pickaxe", "hammer.salvaged", "icepick.salvaged", "stone.pickaxe", "jackhammer" ] }, { "PrefabFilter": "dish_radio", "Contents": [ { "GatherAmount": 10, "ShortName": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 1000 } ], "WhitelistedHeldItems": [ "rock", "axe.salvaged", "chainsaw", "stonehatchet", "hatchet" ] }, { "PrefabFilter": "powerline_pole", "Contents": [ { "GatherAmount": 7, "ShortName": "wood", "Amount": 200 } ], "WhitelistedHeldItems": [ "rock", "axe.salvaged", "chainsaw", "stonehatchet", "hatchet" ] } ] } FOR BEST ENTERTAINMENT, USE THE DEFAULT SETTINGS OF THE PLUGIN.
  7. Krungh Crow


    Version 1.1.6


    Injects a chicken with a random egg (Harvested from their corpses) you can upgrade using 10 of them in to bronze eggs then into silver and gold eggs. This is the start of a series of animal( roleplay ) Plugins. Features : Having a set chance to get a chicken corpse giving a egg. Eggs can be upgraded from regular to golden (easter egg system) using 10 eggs per grade. The eggs are limited to 1 egg per corpse ignoring the gathering multipliers from GatherManager and Zlevels. Option to disable chat messages when finding a egg through config. Eggs that can be found : Egg (Regular Egg) Bronze Egg Silver Egg Gold Egg Permissions : eggs.chat : Permission to use the /egg commands Commands : /egg info : Shows plugin info/version/author (Or any info edited in the language file about the event) Configuration : Debug is set to true by default (set to false if you dont want every action loggd to console) Chance on Egg Injection : The chance a chicken corpse is injected with a egg in % Chance on X Egg : Is the chance it will be this grade (if golden is not triggered it checks silver then bronze then regular) Default Egg : if none of the Egg grades where triggered it will use this egg.shortname. The following egg.shortnames can be used : easter.paintedeggs (This is used as a Regular Egg) easter.bronzeegg easter.silveregg easter.goldegg The custom names in CFG are shown on the item ! { "Main config": { "Debug": true, "Show Chat messages": true }, "Egg injection Settings": { "Chance on Egg Injection (0-100)": 100.0, "Chance on Regular Egg (0-100)": 50.0, "Chance on Bronze Egg (0-100)": 25.0, "Chance on Silver Egg (0-100)": 20.0, "Chance on Golden Egg (0-100)": 10.0, "Default Egg": "easter.paintedeggs" }, "Max eggs when using multiplier plugins": { "Max Regular Eggs": 4, "Max Bronze Eggs": 3, "Max Silver Eggs": 2, "Max Golden Eggs": 1 }, "Custom egg names (suggest to keep default)": { "Regular egg": "EGG", "Bronze egg": "BRONZE EGG", "Silver egg": "SILVER EGG", "Gold egg": "GOLD EGG" } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. The Egg name sin language file are used for the messages! { "EggRegular": "Egg", "EggBronze": "Bronze EGG", "EggSilver": "Silver EGG", "EggGold": "Gold EGG", "Info": "\n<color=green>Available Commands</color>\n<color=green>/egg info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands", "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "FoundEgg": "You found a <color=#4A95CC>{0}</color>", "Version": "Version : V", "NoPermission": "<color=green>You do not have permission to use that command!</color>" }


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