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Everything posted by nivex

  1. nivex

    Question about permission

    no problem
  2. nivex

    Question about permission

    np, you would need to assign the abandonedbases.none permission to that group for that to work
  3. nivex

    Question about permission

    heya, abandonedbases.exclude works as a way to ignore players from being scanned. if it excludes all players from a base then it may become abandoned since they were simply excluded from the scan. you should give them a permission that has no purge enabled. you can do this by setting it to "0" or "none" so in my example you would add abandonedbases.none and give it to those players
  4. nivex

    Bases not spawning on map

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  5. nivex

    Bases not spawning on map

  6. np, I'm not sure when it will be available:p atm I am focusing on fixing bugs in the plugin and trying to improve existing features. once I tackle that then I can look into improving this one
  7. hi, you can't create new difficulties. only easy, medium, hard, expert and nightmare are available. it is planned, but it is not possible atm @nivex
  8. nivex

    Plugin funktioniert nicht

    hi, use rb.config list if it says you don't have any copypaste files then check them oxide/data/copypaste/ - the copypaste directory must be lowercase
  9. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    hi, Spawns Database plugin from uMod after you save your spawn file you need to add it to Spawns Database File in the RaidableBases config, or in a profile if you want them to be used with specific bases
  10. nivex

    Plugin funktioniert nicht

    you can type /rb to see when it will spawn. this time will not show if other bases are spawned if it does not spawn at this time then type rbe debug again
  11. nivex

    Plugin funktioniert nicht

    why do you want your raids inside of these zones? Raidable Bases does not need the Zone Manager plugin to function. it does everything on its own except pasting bases (which CopyPaste does) ZoneManager has flags and if you use those then they can conflict with the RaidableBases plugin. if you want to spawn bases inside of ZoneManager zones then that's fine but don't use any flags from the ZoneManager plugin. RaidableBases will control all of that behavior from the config or profiles of the RaidableBases plugin. so the only purpose of using ZoneManager for RaidableBases would be to define exactly where you want a base to spawn. in that case you would have to add the zones to Allowed Zone Manager Zones and enable Use Grid Locations In Allowed Zone Manager Zones Only oxide/config/RaidableBases.json this file contains the 2 above config options. open the file and search for them with F3 key or CTRL+F keys or just look for it. Allowed Zone Manager Zones is around line 388 Use Grid Locations In Allowed Zone Manager Zones Only is around line 458 you still need to use the rbe debug command to see why bases aren't spawning
  12. nivex

    Plugin funktioniert nicht

    hi, all zones are blocked by default. if you want to allow specific zones then you can add them to Allowed Zone Manager Zones in the config use the rbe debug command to see what else might be wrong with your setup your screenshot doesn't include the grid message that shows afterwards
  13. nivex

    Minimum time online tiner

    no problem. it will draw an X on your screen (in the next update) wherever there is an entity that you own when you shoot the base. this requires abandonedbases.attack and abandonedbases.attack.time. no message or drawing will show if you attack an entity that you or an ally of yours (team/clan) owns it looks like abandonedbases.exclude is not working if you build in the base so I will fix that https://umod.org/plugins/entity-owner if you need to help then you can use this plugin with the /own command to set the player as the owner of the entities that you build in the players base
  14. nivex

    Bases not spawning on map

    hi, sorry, I am having to deal with an emergency and slow to respond you can type rb.config list make sure the files are where they belong. such as the base files. they need to go into oxide/data/copypaste (it is important that these folders are all lowercase too)
  15. nivex

    Bases not spawning on map

    hi, what does the plugin say after it loads the grid what does rbe debug say
  16. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Zetti hi, normal is available in the free version only. so something or someone has installed it. perhaps an auto updater, Rust Server Manager, etc the plugin should be excluded from auto updates and installed manually by the server owner you will need to reinstall the package before reinstalling the plugin the plugin must be downloaded from this site. uMod is the free version
  17. nivex

    Minimum time online tiner

    thanks ok, well abaondedbases.exclude is still an option for your admins. it's unknown why deauth wasn't enough but the next update will draw those entities for you too so that will help
  18. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  19. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    yup this is included in the next update !
  20. ahhh right, it is bugged! I had just forgot because I'm extremely distracted with my dogs atm line 12703, if (container.skinID != 14922524 || !container.OwnerID.IsSteamId()) should be if (container.skinID != 14922524 || !container.OwnerID.IsSteamId() || container.OwnerID == player.userID)
  21. ah, it looks like that might be a game bug with physics where the raycast misses and causes the turret to believe that it can shoot the player. unfortunately there's nothing I can do about that game bug, nor do I know why it happens. assuming that's what it is. otherwise it would be another plugin that controls turrets but what you're explaining sounds like physics. i think this is related to the map itself and shouldn't persist on your new map unless that one has a physics issue too. other than that I don't control when the turrets fire. i do control their range via that Sight Range modifier, and I control when they cannot fire, but I don't make them physically attack, AFAIK. maybe there's some weird bug in my plugin that I didn't notice but I'm pretty sure not since that code hasn't changed in quite a while now i'd try it on a different map and see if it persists
  22. ah ya that's intended. they need to be in the same team or clan
  23. heya, the config you sent me is invalid, "Shhttps://tcadmin.serverblend.com/Service/FileManager/33101ow Loot Left": true, it should be "Show Loot Left": true, the plugin controls range, which you have set to 30.0 that is good, but it does not tell turrets when they can shoot so something else would be controlling that
  24. hi, use ent who or prod the entity to see what steam id owns it


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