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Everything posted by nivex

  1. nivex

    Not Working Since Update

    the sab scan could take several minutes, btw. it will tell you when it is finished
  2. nivex

    Not Working Since Update

    @dustyhansen it's tracking time that's good. if you can't see the report from attacking the bases ingame then another plugin is blocking it. this is not something I can fix enable debug with: ab.debug start a scan to convert with: sab post what it shows in server console
  3. nivex

    Not Working Since Update

    another command you can run, from the server console, is ab.report to show a full report. i would not type this in game, but if you do the permission is abandonedbases.report and it will still print everything to the servers console
  4. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  5. haha, no worries! glad it is working again.
  6. nivex

    Not Working Since Update

    seems there is some plugin blocking the plugin from functioning properly then. I have confirmed that bases are converting on several other servers, and your config is good. what raid protection? it is possible that compatibility with abandoned bases has broken in your raid protection plugin. you won't see a time if 1. another plugin is blocking it (either by cancelling the damage, or by hooking OnProcessPlayerEntity) 2. you won't see a time if you are attacking a base that you are affiliated with in any way either 3. if you are too close to another abandoned base event, which shouldn't be the cause if there are no events active 4. you won't see the time if you attack a bed. attack a wall or something else. 5. if you did not grant yourself the abandonedbases.attack and abandonedbases.attack.time permissions @dustyhansen
  7. i would need to see the log details to understand what is happening yes, i recommend that unload the plugin as well
  8. i should note that the command is: rb.config list just mentioning this because you wrote rb.config.list
  9. no problem. i would just use the paid version though. it does work. commands not responding would mean the plugin wasn't loaded so it might have been that it was trying to load an old plugin somehow. perhaps your web browser cache downloaded the wrong version so I suggest downloading it again. open the zip archive, open the plugin, and verify it says 2.9.2 before proceeding. if it is 2.9.2 then use that
  10. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    @Roofer heya, 400 radius is way too large. the plugin will not function properly with such a large radius. the maximum radius should be around 75
  11. nivex

    I have a question

    heya, not quite. that option is Eject Mounts. you will want to look further down for the Eject Mountables Before Spawning A Base setting. yes, you can alter the Protection Radius in your profiles, oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/
  12. heya, if you are not getting any feedback from the commands and you do not see it running then the plugin is not loaded for some reason download the update again, and reupload it to your server and make certain that it compiles. you will see the feedback in the server console if you are using a web panel to operate the server then you will have a server console view there to look at
  13. nivex

    Not Working Since Update

    heya. if you didn't have it loaded for some time then it would have reset the times and started over again make sure you are updated to 2.1.6 as well double check that the default group has at least one permission (abandonedbases.basic, abandonedbases.veteran, abandonedbases.vip are the default perms) if no issue with the above then grant yourself abandonedbases.attack, abandonedbases.attack.time and go attack some bases to see the times on them you can attach your config here too
  14. nivex

    I have a question

    heya, sounds like fun! you can enable Eject Mountables Before Spawning A Base but there is no option for your second question. players are not allowed to be within the event area (Protection Radius) while the base is pasting until.the event starts there's nothing that would eject them when it despawns though. only when a new event is spawning
  15. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    @Roofer hi, can you be more specific? when another player base is too close, or another abandoned base event? what do you mean by /sar doesn't work? does it do nothing, or does it give you a message? if you do not get any message then type /ab.debug and type /sar again. the /ab.debug command requires abandonedbases.admin permission
  16. nivex

    raidable bases

    heya. I'm well thanks I don't know of such a plugin it might be blocked by clientside checks and if so a plugin wont work you could try the new creative mode that Facepunch added and see if that allows it. if so then a plugin could be made to utilize that, possibly
  17. hi, Allow Teleport will eject them after they reconnect and wake up if it is set false. there is no way around this except to set it to true. I will implement some workaround for it in the next update
  18. no, it is strictly for the hogging option
  19. here is an alternate solution o.grant group default raidablebases.hoggingbypass
  20. @HAVOC805 you can either do it manually by editing the profiles within the oxide/data/RaiableBases/Profiles/ folder or by using a console command. example: rb.config add "Easy Bases" havoceasy1 havoceasy2 havoceasy3 rb.config add "Medium Bases" havocmed1 havocmed2 havocmed3 rb.config add "Hard Bases" havochard1 havochard2 havochard3 rb.config add "Expert Bases" havocexpert1 havocexpert2 havocexpert3 rb.config add "Nightmare Bases" havocnight1 havocnight2 havocnight3 etc replace the havoc file names with your new files, and take care to put them into the correct profiles respective by difficulty once you have completed this then you will need to remove the new profiles and use the existing above 5 profiles instead. otherwise it will still have a chance to spawn from the new profiles which you won't need anymore.
  21. @HAVOC805 heya, all loot tables within the Difficulty Loot folder would be shared with all profiles of the same difficulty. no loot tables within the Base Loot folder are shared and will only work with a profile that has the same filename (RaidableBases\Base_Loot\Easy Bases.json will work with RaidableBases\Profiles\Easy Bases.json only) you have two options 1. move all of your new bases into the existing profiles so that they are all shared, or 2. create duplicates of the Base Loot tables and give them the same filenames as your new profiles
  22. what problem remains? it is not possible to get that message in PVP with the hogging options set to false ("<color=#FF0000>You must finish your last raid at {0} before joining another.</color>") what message are you getting and when exactly?
  23. nivex

    Bradleys in the bases

    Ive tried to use the bradley before but it wouldn't path properly if I implement a bradley that doesn't move then I will get endless complaints about it hopefully one day I can overcome the pathing issues
  24. yes, that is from the prevent players from hogging setting


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