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Everything posted by nivex

  1. nivex

    Lockouts Resetting

    case RaidableMode.Easy: return Easy <= 0 || Easy - Epoch.Current <= 0; case RaidableMode.Medium: return Medium <= 0 || Medium - Epoch.Current <= 0; case RaidableMode.Hard: return Hard <= 0 || Hard - Epoch.Current <= 0; case RaidableMode.Expert: return Expert <= 0 || Expert - Epoch.Current <= 0; case RaidableMode.Nightmare: return Nightmare <= 0 || Nightmare - Epoch.Current <= 0; I have no idea. this code states the lockout MUST be 0 or MUST be expired in order to be reset. i see no possible way this could fail
  2. nivex

    Bases keep spawning on shoreline

    no problem good luck!
  3. nivex

    Bases keep spawning on shoreline

    heya, the issue is that most maps do not contain enough flat land, and when it does it is quickly taken up by players or bases. the reason the shore is preferred is because it contains the greatest portion of land, even though it's mostly submerged to try and counter this you have a few options 1. use Spawns Database File (Optional) via the Spawns Database plugin (available in the config if you opt to use the same spawn file for all profiles, or you can configure it individually in each profile instead) 2. create flat areas (or Islands) on each map before you use the next map. you can do this in RustEdit and save it as a prefab to paste into new maps 3. edit the below settings to reduce this possibility. "Water Settings": { "Allow Bases To Float Above Water": false, "Chance For Underwater Bases To Spawn (0-100) (BETA - WORK IN PROGRESS)": 0.0, "Prevent Bases From Floating Above Water By Also Checking Surrounding Area": true, "Maximum Water Depth Level Used For Float Above Water Option": 0.01 }, however maps with bad terrain will cease to work properly if there aren't enough spawn locations to choose from. this option will decrease server performance on lower end machines. a lower end machine is any machine with fewer than 12gb of memory, or a base clock speed under 3.7ghz on each core, or any machine that does not come with at least 2 cores available to the Rust server. lower end machines are still capable but issues will quickly present themselves when the machine is under any demanding load. most low end machines can host up to 20 players and 10 raid bases without issue this is mentioned so that you keep each option's performance in mind before deciding to use it. some main performance killers are too many bases, or too many npcs. i suggest no more than 10 bases on any low end server, and never more than 10 npcs per base on any machine low or high end. there are many options however that do not pose any performance issues so with any experience it should be self explanatory which ones do or do not
  4. heya TwoShoes, I think a better solution would be to use the hook provided by Removal Tool and block each remove if the command is blacklisted. then there's no possible way to continue exploiting this. I've added the following code to achieve this in the next update: in Subscribe() method: if (config.Settings.BlacklistedCommands.Exists(x => x.Equals("remove", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { Subscribe(nameof(canRemove)); } and above the canTeleport method: private object canRemove(BasePlayer player) { return !player.IsFlying && EventTerritory(player.transform.position) ? m("CannotRemove", player.UserIDString) : null; }
  5. nivex

    feature request

    that's a good idea i'll keep it in mind
  6. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Fast_CDthanks fixed in next update. you don't need to rollback, and it isn't going to help either. the issue is its trying to update the time for someone that's offline so it's going to happen in any version just revoke raidablebases.time permission from everyone until next update
  7. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    it is a Unity bug that causes this to happen when it crashes, and it happens on Vanilla servers as well. all it takes is for one server on the machine to crash and every other one CAN crash as well. This can be caused by FindObjectsOfType being used in the code (which Raidable Bases does not use) and the corresponding error code is unity segment fault 0x01. This is often triggered when ANY server on the box restarts or a plugin unloads/reloads so it can be from any of the servers on the machine. Most often from a dev server, or a server that repeatedly reloads plugins for whatever reason. many plugins use this above code so without all of them being fixed it can be a huge problem for shared hosts glad you are hopeful. I hate these issues as much as anyone...
  8. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Swedish Chefyes the spawning on the train tracks is fixed in the next update. your second issue is also caused by this issue I am still trying to fix the performance issue, but it's being difficult. would be nice if I had access to a machine with the issue
  9. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    Server performance is my number one priority and I will continue to fix any performance issues. It is difficult when I can't reproduce them, and when so few people have the issue. Issues like this are much easier to fix when I have access to a machine in order to reproduce the issue. It is very difficult to fix something when you don't know the cause. It is intended and by design that npcs act erratically as it makes them difficult to kill. Collider issues can be fixed by updating CopyPaste and the tier packages. Otherwise it is caused by another plugin. I did ask the author of CopyPaste to remove unity scripts from being pasted in, and provided the fix, but have thus far been ignored. A plugin is not going to cause a server-node to crash. I don't know who told you this but they're wrong and if it was your host then find a different one that doesn't feed you nonsense. I apologize for the issues you're experiencing and you can rest assured that they will be fixed when I find a fix for them
  10. nivex

    Crazy amount of lag

    I am trying to get it fixed asap sorry for the wait
  11. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @TwoShoesi am unable to reproduce issue with mini spamming players in 2.4.4. can anyone else confirm this is still happening? also I will not be replying to the closed thread regarding this simply because i'm asking others for more information here instead. also need step by step instructions to reproduce this. getting on a mini and flying in - nadda, getting on mini while already in - nadda
  12. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @chuck norrisyour issue is fixed in the next update !
  13. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @BatenkaIll have to remember this the next time someone mentions it isn't working. Oh fun oh fun =D Thanks guys for answering him
  14. nivex

    bases not despawning

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  15. nivex

    bases not despawning

    heya this is fixed in the next update. thanks
  16. nivex

    Crazy amount of lag

    heya. I am aware and working on a fix thanks
  17. @DiDreamerif you are still having this issue then it is because of your Kits plugin. it is bugged and needs to be fixed. [HookMethod("isKit")] public bool isKit(string kitName) { return kitsList.Exists(p => p.Name == kitName); } this is the fix for the Russian version Kits plugin
  18. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @chuck norrisI also need error messages from you, the one above is from Oxide and doesn't tell me enough
  19. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    hi. I need error messages
  20. ok i found the issue if (!InRange(collider.transform.position, sac.position, sac.safeRadius)) { goto next; } the issue is the position of the train track on the server starts much further away than the specified radius, and is therefore excluded, regardless of a portion of the train track being contained within the specified radius. a mere oversight sac contains both safeRadius (Protection Radius) and buildRadius (Player Cupboard Detection Radius) which differ greatly. rather than checking each one individually I am attempting to check them both at the same time to save on server performance. I just need to figure out an elegant solution to this distance check float dist = (collider.transform.position - sac.position).magnitude; if (dist > sac.safeRadius && dist <= sac.buildRadius) { goto next; } i've come up with this but i'm uncertain if it will cause any other issues so i'll have to think on it
  21. they are lockouts and you can configure lockout in the config. just search for lockout to find all of the settings. all are showing because someone enabled global lockouts
  22. well that sneaky little shit how'd he get in there?! it should show train_track in place of the green X LOL idk why it's blocking every other one and not this one yet
  23. well as i said train_track is already blocked. you are using 2.4.4? I'll fix it =p
  24. im looking into this issue thanks guys would be great if you could give me the name of the prefab though. i only blocked train_track
  25. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    heya. no. this is disabled by design


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