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Everything posted by nivex

  1. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    nice catch thanks @aimacak
  2. i can confirm this works, and there are 3 references not 2 the black box is not related to this. that is the delay ui. you can replace private object OnSamSiteTarget(SamSite ss) with private object OnSamSiteTarget(SamSite ss, BaseEntity entity) which is what i will be using in the update so line 11477 would be private object OnSamSiteTarget(SamSite ss, BaseEntity entity)
  3. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    heya. well the plugin is not going to spawn what isn't configured. so it would be the loot multiplier, the loot table, or the items are contained in the copypaste files themselves which you can verify by using /paste filename last but not least it can be the buyable permission multipliers. "Loot Amount Multiplier": 1.0, "Loot Amount Multiplier (raidablebases.buyable.vip.pve)": 1.0, "Loot Amount Multiplier (raidablebases.buyable.vip.pvp)": 1.0,
  4. updated the docs sorry about that. there's no way to remove the ui (short of disabling it in the config) when they leave the raid. lockout timers are intended to always be shown so they know when they can raid again.
  5. yea, the hook I'm using appears to have broke in some Oxide update you can fix it by changing all 3 CanSamSiteShoot references to OnSamSiteTarget
  6. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @aimacakwhat about what? @Zoreenoyup you can set custom name using the name property in premium loot tables @Kobanithis means your server failed to save properly. this is really bad. you can use /rb savefix and then should save and restart immediately. this is not caused by rb but i did add the command for convenance. likewise there's a command if you cancel a server restart, /rb ignore_restart @TeamDolnytruepve protects buildings by default. delete your config and use the default configuration. however, beside that, any plugin can use CanEntityTakeDamage hook to tell truepve what to do. this is what raid bases does.
  7. nivex

    Can't damage Raidable Bases

    remove dmbuildingblocks. theres no use for it when using truepve and it will most definitely block damage to raid bases.
  8. duplicate thread. responded to other.
  9. that's distance from center of MAP. not from center of PLAYER. it will spawn them closest to player by default using Spawn At Closest Position From Player. setting it to 9999 will break the plugin. set it back to 200. it should never be changed in most cases
  10. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @aimacaktruepve / nextgenpve isn't the issue. it defaults damage to truepve / nextgenpve because raidable bases is ignoring it @saintmichel13 if (victim.skinID == 14922524 && weapon != null && RaidableBase.Has(weapon)) change that to: if (victim.skinID == 14922524 && weapon != null && weapon.OwnerID == 0 && RaidableBase.Has(weapon))
  11. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @aimacak 1. i see no reason to add this since you can do this already by adding profiles for each base and using base loot tables for each profile. it is effectively the same thing. i advise against this due to my reasons below 2. loot is random already and #1 would make it even more random so there's no need for me to add this either 3. i disagree with this for the same reasons above and below your suggestions promote instant gratification which I am against. this is really bad for player retention. if your loot table amounts are consistent with the rest of your server then there shouldn't be any issues. ignore players who say otherwise. you'll always have someone who complains regardless of what you do. it's never a good idea to cater to them as they will always bug you for more too. players should have to raid multiple bases in order to profit over time. otherwise, they will get rich sooner, become bored, and log off of your server. this is why instant gratification is bad, and is ultimately why i disagree with all of your points. @Kobani spawns database plugin can draw them on your screen. there is nothing to add them to the map and players would be able to see them if that was added. plus it would not be good on performance
  12. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    ill note it for later. this type of code is bloating though so I would need to rewrite it so it's not. I just implemented prices for resetting buyable cooldown timer so i will have to make it all dynamic because i don't want 4 redundant methods for the same thing
  13. nivex

    Explosive Ammo

    I'm not sure what other plugins cause this, aside from Death Notes
  14. @BippyMiesteryes, some extra files slipped in there. you can ignore them. do not need them except Profiles/_emptyfile is required. Normal and RaidBases is for free version. idk how the others got in there.
  15. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    yes, as I said, this is intended no option for this. I don't really see a need for it though?
  16. nivex

    turret can't damage npc's

    Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  17. nivex

    Explosive Ammo

    another plugin is removing the player as the initiator, most likely death notes which has always done this, or something else. I removed the workaround for it (because its hacky code and I won't be using it) which is why its noticeable.
  18. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @aimacakmost players are accustomed to turrets without power sources working, but it would be very confusing for players to destroy a power source and have power persist. you copy from center of base looking at top of the center most foundation, or you can use the AutoHeight option in the config (NOT profile)
  19. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @vip丶祭奠Facepunch will have to resolve the buoyancy having fewer slots (36). I guess just use the normal box until this next Rust forced update and check again:) Ill go ahead and try to force the size in my next update but it should be changed by Facepunch to be consistent size with the other box by default @aimacakya, it is intended to work this way. then you can decide which turrets always have power and which do not. walled off TC is intended also, but I would have to see a box to confirm if it is where I want it to be. it's best to edit it to your liking, of course. there is no one size fits all here, either:) I will check umod threads later today
  20. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @KobaniI don't understand, you can enable SamSite Requires Power Source if you don't want it to always have power @Yukiheya, no, there's no way to make it free. you can set it each difficulties cost to 1. i will note this down for a future update
  21. nivex

    turret can't damage npc's

    heya this is a bug and is fixed in the next update if (victim.skinID == 14922524 && weapon != null && RaidableBase.Has(weapon)) { return false; } changed to if (victim.skinID == 14922524 && weapon != null && weapon.OwnerID == 0 && RaidableBase.Has(weapon)) { return false; }
  22. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    this is not possible. it would need to be implemented. i can note it for later @Vengadorweb
  23. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    thanks guys:)
  24. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @aimacakdon't worry about hook times for Raidable Bases. It's normal for it to be high because of how many hooks it is using. this is why I'm so picky about what hooks I'll use. soon it will be better with the removal of CanBeTargeted from both this plugin (PVP servers) and TruePVE (PVE servers)
  25. nivex


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