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Everything posted by MON@H

  1. MON@H

    Setting up

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  2. MON@H

    Setting up

    Discord: monah_rasta
  3. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @Baro support for clans, friends, teams is not planned. It just doesn't make sense, as it's easy to get around by leaving/returning.
  4. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @BetterDeadThanZed, No. This plugin only limits the ability for players to build more than the limit. Existing buildings will be included in the calculation, but overlimits will not be destroyed.
  5. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @Chill Roleplay there is no user interface, you have to edit the config file. I just don't see the point in wasting time creating a UI for one setup that will most likely never change again (or very rarely)
  6. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @BetterDeadThanZed if owner's "Limits Building" set to 50 then yes (in that specific building).
  7. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @BetterDeadThanZed there are no wildcards. I was thinking about adding entities grouping, but it would add complexity to the code and probably performance loss, with a payoff from little to nothing. Limiting by exact prefab doing 99% scenarios and for 1% it doesn't it's still possible to just set lower limit. For your example you can set regular foundation to 50 and triangle foundation to 25 and it may be pretty much it. About TC, "Limits Global" is personal per player and has nothing to do with TC but "Limits Building" has. For building limit check, if there is a cupboard placed - the limits of the owner of the cupboard will apply, if the cupboard is not placed - the restrictions of the owner of the first block will apply.
  8. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    Damn, I missed this message for some reason. In your example you can just keep the default priority and it should work. The higher tier of your group, the higher priority you should set. Like default = 10, VIP = 20, Elite = 30, Ultimate = 40, GODLIKE = 50 etc... If player has several permissions, the one with highest priority will be applied. Isn't this clear from description? I hope you figured it out already... UPD: Oh, now I see... There were a typo in default config file and vip priority = elite = 1. Fixed in latest version.
  9. MON@H

    Other players limits

    I can add this, but honestly, I just can't see no real purpose of doing this. Admin/server owner can edit config file with permissions and then just check which permission is granted to player know his limit. And I really don't understand why admin need this information for. If you want to see what limits the players hit most often, just activate logging at the Info level and the logs will show all the cases when players reach the limit
  10. MON@H

    Other players limits

    No, but why so you even need this?
  11. MON@H

    Other players limits

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  12. MON@H

    How to disable global limits

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  13. MON@H

    How to disable global limits

    What's the problem with putting a huge number? Use 1 000 000, for example
  14. MON@H

    Dynamic PVP

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 1.6.3
  15. MON@H

    Dynamic PVP

    If you are talking about this plugin https://umod.org/plugins/dynamic-pvp then it's not currently supported. What exactly are you asking for help with? Adding support for this plugin?
  16. MON@H

    Failed to compile

    Clear cache & cookies Redownload plugin ... ... Profit!
  17. MON@H

    Failed to compile

    [Error] Error while compiling: RaidableBases.cs(13713,144): error CS0103: The name `GetObstructionRadius' does not exist in the current context Redownloaded file several times. Feels like uploaded file is broken.
  18. MON@H

    Give Item

    This plugin use "Overlay" layer. Only thing can be on top is "Overall". You can ask author of your plugin which layer he use. You can find list here.
  19. MON@H

    Give Item

    @Kobani plugin is using full screen UI. It will be on the top of anything else.
  20. MON@H

    I want to limit Horses.

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  21. MON@H

    I want to limit Horses.

    You can't limit horses directly with this plugin, since they are not deployable. You can limit Hitch & Trough with this: "assets/prefabs/deployable/hitch & trough/hitchtrough.deployed.prefab": 10 Also check this article to see additional info about horses.
  22. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @SlayersRustbuilding blocks is a different story, you can't use this logic to them, since they are all build as twig tier. You'll have to increase litits accordinaly, because adding Raidable base territory check into plugin can impact performance and people who don't want this feature will hurt. Maybe I'll come up with something later
  23. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @SlayersRust Add entity prefab name to Excluded list and plugin will ignore that prefab completely.
  24. Added Excluded list in latest version. Add entity prefab name to Excluded list and plugin will ignore that prefab completely
  25. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug


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