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Everything posted by imthenewguy

  1. imthenewguy

    Plug-in Error

    https://discord.gg/jxD7MtaV9g Jump on there and create a ticket when you can. Can sort you out there.
  2. imthenewguy

    Plug-in Error

    Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  3. imthenewguy

    Image not load

    Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  4. imthenewguy


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  5. imthenewguy


    Added to the next release.
  6. imthenewguy


    So if you want the effect to run for everyone (the player that died, the player that killed and anyone around), set "Force all death effects to be clientside?" to false, and make sure no one gets the "deatheffects.select" permission. Would also be worth deleting the player data if you make any changes to the config.
  7. imthenewguy


    Unfortunately this isn't a plugin I would add a leveling system to and the way the weighted drop chances work would prove difficult to manipulate
  8. Watch the video on the front page. It explains how each ultimate works.
  9. It tells you in the chat box when you unlock it, or toggle it off/on via the Ultimate Settings in your Skill Tree menu. You use the chat command.
  10. imthenewguy


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  11. Not really. The only adjustment is for scavenger drops, where you can set the min and max values.
  12. Is this appearing often?
  13. imthenewguy


    Not sure if any of that is possible with the current build. Didn't have preventing admin powers in mind when I built any of the plugins. It could be worked around, but it wouldn't be something that would suit the plugin or its dependencies, so it would be a custom job.
  14. This should explain how the logic works. Although I realize a mistake I made is that the modifier is set to 1.0 by default, so I need to adjust it so it takes into consideration lower modifiers than 1. So your 0.001 modifier won't work at the moment. Will patch this next release. double GetXPModifier(string id, PlayerInfo pi, out bool modified) { modified = false; double result = 1; // Checks each permission that you have created in the config for xp override. foreach (var perm in config.xp_settings.xp_perm_modifier) { // If the permissions value is greater than the value stored in result, result is set to the new value. if (permission.UserHasPermission(id, "skilltree." + perm.Key) && perm.Value > result) result = perm.Value; } if (config.rested_xp_settings.rested_xp_enabled && pi.xp_bonus_pool > 0) { // If rested XP is enabled, then we add the rested xp value on top of our result. result += config.rested_xp_settings.rested_xp_rate; modified = true; } if (TOD_Sky.Instance.IsNight && config.xp_settings.night_settings.night_xp_gain_modifier != 1) { // If night time xp gains are enabled, we add (or remove) that value onto our result as well. result += config.xp_settings.night_settings.night_xp_gain_modifier - 1; modified = true; } return result; }
  15. Unfortunately not as the plugin stands. I may look at an option for it down the line, but in the mean time you could easily replace the buffs with PVE related ones. "Thick Skin": { "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 3, "value_per_buff": 0.10, "buff_info": { "Key": 25, "Value": 1 }, "icon_url": "https://imgur.com/wG7cG8X.png", "permissions": null }, "Assassin": { "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 3, "value_per_buff": 0.05, "buff_info": { "Key": 59, "Value": 1 }, "icon_url": "https://imgur.com/xMp1fhd.png", "permissions": null }, "Guarded": { "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 3, "value_per_buff": 0.05, "buff_info": { "Key": 61, "Value": 1 }, "icon_url": "https://imgur.com/cVhnv41.png", "permissions": null },
  16. Here is an example of how it works: "permissions": { "description": "Cooking food with the Cooking plugin will be instant and you may get admin.", "perms": { "1": { "perms_list": { "cooking.instant": "Instant Cook", "cooking.use": "Cooking access" } }, "2": { "perms_list": { "cooking.instant": "Instant Cook", "cooking.use": "Cooking access", "cooking.admin": "Cooking admin" } } } } You can add permissions to node unlocks, so that when the player unlocks the node, they will get access to a permission. If you have multiple levels that you would like to grant perms, make sure you add the perms to both levels that you would like the player to keep, as it unassigns perms from previous levels.
  17. Version 1.0.3


    SkillTreeItems adds 2 item types into loot containers on your server. Research Notes: will provide the player with an injection of xp equal to the amount specified in the items name. Tome of skill points: will award the player with skill points equal to the amount specified in the items name. The plugin allows you to create your own versions of the items, and has a number of commands available that should work with other plugins. skilltreeitems.use - required to consume the items and find them in loot containers. skilltreeitems.admin - required to use the spawn commands. Command: givexpitem Type: Chat Parameters: <amount> <Skin ID> <displayName> Example: givexpitem 1500 2863540162 research notes - Generates an item that can be redeemed for 1500 experience Command: givespitem Type: Chat Parameters: <amount> <Skin ID> <displayName> Example: givespitem 2 2863540162 tome of skill points - Generates an item that can be redeemed for 2 skill points Command: givespitemto Type: Chat/Console Parameters: <target ID> <amount> <skin ID> <displayName> Example: givespitemto 76561197988695317 3 2863540162 tome of skill points - Generates an item that can be redeemed for 2 skill points and gives it to target ID. Command: givexpitemto Type: Chat/Console Parameters: <target ID> <amount> <skin ID> <displayName> Example: givexpitemto 76561197988695317 1500 2863540162 tome of skill points - Generates an item that can be redeemed for 1500 experience and gives it to target ID. Command: giverandomxpitem Type: Chat/Console Parameters: <target ID> Example: giverandomxpitem 76561197988695317 - Generates a random item from the xp items listed in the config and gives it to Target ID. Command: giverandomspitem Type: Chat/Console Parameters: <target ID> Example: giverandomspitem 76561197988695317 - Generates a random item from the skill points items listed in the config and gives it to Target ID.
  18. imthenewguy

    Admin Toggle

    Hey mate a customer of mine mentioned a conflict between your plugin and EpicLoot. Apparently when switching inventories, the items from EpicLoot are being returned as vanilla items, and they lose their name. If you are destroying the items and serializing them, it should be a simple matter of storing the item.name, and then restoring it when creating the items again. If you need any help feel free to download EventHelper for some inspiration or send me a pm
  19. imthenewguy

    Buffs not working

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  20. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  21. Yeah I had a look at the code. It is not going to work for a number of reasons based on how player data is handled and perms are assigned/unassigned for that particular permission set (skilltree.<tree perm>)
  22. Hmm that is odd. Paste me the section of the config responsible for it.


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