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Everything posted by SKIROW
Hi Tim! I just patched the map. All the issues that you reported and more have been fixed: https://codefling.com/maps/keanland?tab=changelog About the vending machine at the gas station, I voluntary placed like this. It's not a glitch.
Hi Tim! Thank you for reaching me about those issues. I will release a patch today to fix them and add some improvements.
Version 1.0.1
IMPORTANT: In August 1st, 2022, this creation will no longer be supported but It will available to purchase and download. This kit comes with 3 version of hanging bridges: Clean, with vegetation and broken. These prefab don't require any plugins beside Oxide and RustEdist.dll. The clean version is ideal for mountain and dry areas, the two other ones for forest and jungle areas. Objects per entities Clean: 278 W/ Vegetation: 400 Broken: 397 Contact Discord: https://discord.gg/XSykjZ6Nwt Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SKIROW Twitter: https://twitter.com/MadeBySKIROW YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/skirow$3.99-
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- #bridge
- #hanging bridge
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Version 1.2.0
IMPORTANT: In August 1st, 2022, this creation will no longer be supported but It will available to purchase and download. This kit comes with two modular wooden bridges: A small and a large bridge. These two bridges are divided in 3 parts: Ramp A, Segment and Ramp B. All bridges commonly placed with at least one Ramp A and one Ramp B. The Segment part can can be duplicated as much as you need and then connected linking the sockets. These prefab don't require any plugins beside Oxide and RustEdit.dll. All parts have sockets. Pedestrian Bridge: Small Wooden Bridge - Ramp A (34 objects) Small Wooden Bridge - Segment (180 objects) Small Wooden Bridge - Ramp B (37 objects) Vehicle Bridge: Large Wooden Bridge - Ramp A (64 Objects) Large Wooden Bridge - Segment (304 objects) Large Wooden Bridge - Ramp B (65 Objects) Contact: Discord: https://discord.gg/XSykjZ6Nwt Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SKIROW Twitter: https://twitter.com/MadeBySKIROW$3.99 -
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- #permissions
- #admin
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Changed Status from Pending to Closed
Hahaha thank you Ryan!
Enjoy the map and if you have any question you can also reach me on my Discord or Twitter. The links are in the description. Also if you could rate my map based on your experience it would help greatly
Hey Ryan! I released the 1.6 version. I changed the NPCs at Central. Now there are only regular scientists. The Bradly's path at Central and at the Harbor has been corrected. And I add a bit more loot on the side of the roads.
I edit the map now and I will let you know when it's ready
The barrel is because the size of the road. I think I can change that.
Good morning Ryan! Thank you so much! _ About the scientists, I voluntary added two different scientists to add some life and warn players about their presence. If it's an issue I don't mind to change this feature and one have one type of scientists so they won't shoot at each other. _ About the tank. The HDRP modified the monuments and messed up the path of the tank. I do apology for this issue. Please let me know as soon as possible about the scientists feature so I can release a patch today so you can upload on your server tomorrow. Regards, Skirow
Tout les monuments sont listé dans la description. Sur ce, donne soirée à vous.
You are getting those errors because it's not an editable map. There is nothing saying that this map is editable in the description. I saw your comment on my YouTube and and your 0 star review on Codefling because I don't want to give you free stuff. Again this map isn't for editing but for server owners to add on their server. I always support my maps and all my other assets fully - for updates and bugs but this is a map I am selling, not a map bundled with prefabs. I'm sorry you feel slighted but I do not owe you anything and have not said anything to mislead you to thinking you get anything other than the map.
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
Hey, sorry the map comes has is. If you wish add specific prefabs, you can buy them and add. Some of the prefabs I use on my map are also sold separately. Also like I mentioned in my previous answer, if you modify the map, you will lose your modification with the updates... Best regards, Skirow
Hi Electrik, this map has lot custom prefabs and went through 2 major Rust updates. Edit it can only ruin it. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do to help you with it. Also, any modifications of the map will prevent you to receive any update of the map without losing your modifications.
Version 2.6.5
Discover Keanland - a unique custom map! Tons of details, beautiful scenery, miles of endless roads and deep forests. Map Size: 6k FULLY EDITABLE! Optional Plugin: Work Cart Spawner Modular Vehicles _ All gas stations have a car lift allowing players to customize their vehicles _ Pristine engine parts can be bought from vending machines at any gas station. Underground Trains An underground train system connects all important areas of the map. Above Ground Trains [Optional Plugin - Work Cart Spawner] The above ground train system offers a relaxing and beautiful ride into the south of Keanland. Keanland is a multi-faceted map. Thoughtful details like custom monuments, prefabs and unique towns, makes this map versatile. It has many occupied and abandoned areas to visit, treasures to collect and beautiful places to relax. ⌬ Jefferson This is a small beach town and spawn point. This town is a stop on above and underground train routes. Players can buy clothing, practice their parkour skills, collect food at the supermarket and find loot all around town. At gas stations, players can buy fuel and engine parts for their vehicles. ⌬ North Harbor On the west side of the harbor, there is a locked office. All doors are locked by card readers leading to a room with plenty of loot. Players will only need to have the right key cards. ⌬ Greene Farm Hunt around the grounds for loot and explore the grounds. Players can find plenty of hidden crates scattered inside the farm buildings. ⌬ Hilltown This is a quaint small town located near North Harbor. ⌬ Van Horn If players go to Devil's Island they won’t want to miss this charming small fishing town. There is a hangar in the northern outskirts of the village with a locked door. If players solve the puzzle, they will have access to a locked crate with a hanging dingy to use for cover. _ Puzzle Requires: x1 Fuse and x1 Green Key Card. ⌬ Cargo Ship Wreck Near the lighthouse, a cargo ship lays on the seabed. This ship was carrying containers from Cobalt HQ to Keanland but sank before reaching port. Plenty of containers with their precious loot are scattered all around the shipwreck. Some of those containers are open and still contain some loot. Inside the cargo ship there is loot as well but players should look for the yellow opened container that contains 3 elite crates and one normal crate. This container isn’t easy to find but it is not too far from the shipwreck. Some areas have good loot but also hostile NPCs. ⌬ Central This huge playground has the Electric Plan, Train Yard and the Military Tunnel all connected together. A Bradley drives around the perimeter. ⌬ Military Harbor Players will have to navigate through a long and dark tunnel from Central to reach this harbor safely. Then they will have to wipe out the scientist's resistance to access their loot hidden in one of the containers. A Bradley drives around the perimeter there as well. ⌬ The Secret Laboratory There is a secret underground lab with only one entrance and exit. Players will only need a Green Key Card to get inside but will have to find the other cards along the way and fight to survive. Plenty of loot is waiting for them. To access the lab, they will have to find the entrance - which will also be a little challenge itself. This entrance is located along a river in the northwest of Buck Horn Lake - look for a mine entrance underneath an old tree. Get ready to fight for the spoils. _ Access Requires: x1 Green Key Card. ⌬ Devil's Island When Cobalt Corp. came to the island, miners believed that their work conditions would improve. Cobalt promised them that their miracle injections will help their respiratory problems. They got played for fools. Most of them died, others lost their minds and became thirsty for blood. Cobalt abandoned the island but the miners who “survived” remained. If players decide to visit the island, they better be ready to fight. This island also had mines to farm for hardcore players. ⌬ Uncharted Valley Cobalt Corp. was seeking to discover the secret of regeneration. They heard about a tribe living inside an uncharted valley who were rumored to be immortal. Cobalt dispatched a group of researchers to the valley. Going through an old mine tunnel they found the valley with a few remaining structures but no sign of life... An old Cobalt base was also found on top of a tree. It seems Cobalt also built a research facility at mine entrance but it seemed like they also left in a hurry… _ Access Requires: x1 Fuse. There are a lot of custom prefabs on this map. Some are unique, some are also sold on my page. ⌬ Bandit Barge The Bandit Barge is a perfect place to chill after raiding the oil rig or the container carrier. Loot is available for those who have the right key cards. _ Puzzle Requires: x1 Fuse, x1 Blue Key Card and x1 Red Key Card. Available here: https://codefling.com/monuments/bandit-barge ⌬ Cobalt Train An armored train owned by Cobalt Corp. got caught in a blizzard for days. Stuck in the snow, only the engine car got freed and went to Central to look for help leaving behind a small team of armed scientists and their precious loot secured inside the jumbo lab car. _ Puzzle Requires: x2 Fuses and x1 Blue Key Card. Also available here: https://codefling.com/prefabs/cobalt-train-laboratory ⌬ Caboose This very old abandoned train car is home for vagabonds. There is some loot... for heartless players… Also available here: https://codefling.com/prefabs/caboose ⌬ Camps, Shacks and Treehouses Keanland is huge and getting lost in the dark at the mercy of wild animals isn’t fun. Camps and shacks are scattered around the map. These prefabs all have a different amenities. Camps offer loot and a campfire but no protection against bandits. Shacks are safer unless you are lucky enough to find a psycho inside… The best option is to find a cozy treehouses - there’s loot and are relatively safe (but there are only 3 of them on the map.) The Tree House is available on this website: https://codefling.com/monuments/tree-house-hdrp ⌬ Beach Shelters “Life is a beach!” There are two beach shelters on the map. Those prefabs are ideal to chill around a bonfire and beautiful sceneries. Link to the monument: https://codefling.com/monuments/beach-shelter ⌬ Fort Champlain Named after a French explorer “Samuel de Champlain” this old fort gives off some colonial vibes. Those who love Red Dead Redemption will love this fort! List of non or barely modified Rust monuments included on the map: x1 Lighthouse x1 Airfield x1 Dome x2 Gas Stations (+1 Custom made) x1 Satellite Dish x4 Fishing Villages x1 Outpost x1 Bandit Village x1 Junkyard x3 Mining Outposts x1 Super Markets (+2 Custom made) x3 Carries x2 Harbors x1 Large Barn x1 Water Treatment Plan x1 Giant Excavator NOTE: Not all default monuments are connected to the subway. Some subway are closed. See map screenshots. YouTube: https://youtube.com/skirow Discord: https://discord.gg/gfTXEeuctR Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SKIROW Twitter: https://twitter.com/MadeBySKIROW$38.99 -
- #ship
- #pirate ship
(and 3 more)
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- #ship
- #pirate ship
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Version 1.0
DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT: In August 1st, 2022, this creation will no longer be supported but It will available to purchase and download. This monument has a locked crate inside a container hanging on a crane. To reach it, players will have to parkour their way to the top of the container pile with jumps and fishing nets to climb. On their way to the loot they will have to eliminate the scientists scattered along the way. Once they collect their loot, they can return to the yard to continue exploring. Players can also find more loot in the smaller container pile. In the yard, a truck with a SAM on the back will shoot down any flying vehicles that come too close. A recycler is available inside the shelter. Included in the zip file: Prefab file, splats, heights, biome and topology masks. DETAILS Objects: 1905 Height Masks: Included Plugins Required: RustEdit.dll This monument is part of https://codefling.com/maps/keanland IN GAME VISIT This prefab was made for my custom map "Keanland". If you want to see how it looks like in game, come take a look on my server. Location on the map: I-3 Direct: steam://connect/ F1 console: client.connect NETWORK Discord: https://discord.gg/jahBP5enxj YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SKIROW Website: https://www.skirowmods.com$3.99-
- #container yard
- #container
(and 2 more)
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Version 1.1
IMPORTANT: In August 1st, 2022, this creation will no longer be supported but It will available to purchase and download. A small semi-buried trapper camp for more protection against the elements. This camp has a bone fire and that can used by players and seats triggers on the chair, top bed and the dead tree. A small crate is accessible next to the lower bed. The prefab comes with 2 versions: normal and snow. A height and a splat files are included for the both version. DETAILS Objects: 132 - 139 (Snow version) Topology: None Terrain Layer: Spalt (Dirt) and height masks. Plugins Required: RustEdit.dll This prefab is part of https://codefling.com/maps/keanland NETWORK Discord: https://discord.gg/jahBP5enxj YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SKIROW Website: https://www.skirowmods.comFree- 1 review
- #forest camp
- #camp
- (and 4 more)
Version 1.0
If you're looking for a modern and elegant building for your team on a PVE or RP server, this base is for you! With its 12x6 foundation, this building offers plenty of space, storages and room without sacrificing the design. The wooden parts are voluntary facing inside out for the esthetic. It can easily be transformed into a PVP base since the wooden walls have stone walls preventing an easy access to the base if a raid occur. This building has 3 stairs and one elevator to access to the different floors. The building 8 main rooms: Garage, dorm, living room/kitchen, workshop, electric room, indoor farming room, furnace room, storage room. Then some tiny rooms where boxes can me added inside. _ The garage has a modular car lift. _ Indoor farming room has an automatic sprinkle system that can turn on and off at any time. Two timers allows the players to adjust how much water the plants need. _ NOTE: The elevators are NOT included because when copy and paste buildings in Rust, elevators and vehicles glitch and ruin the build. UPKEEP • Wood: 3,158 • Stones: 1,208 • Metal Frags: 173 • HQ Metal: _ INSTRUCTION _ In game: When you type the code to spawn the building, add "height 3". Eg: /paste base01 height 3 Discord: https://discord.gg/jahBP5enxj YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SKIROW Website: https://www.skirowmods.comFree -
Version 1.0
DESCRIPTION Play solo or duo doesn't mean that you have to stick to a ugly and uncomfortable 2x2... This Trapper shack looks and feels rustic and can feet perfectly into a Red Dead Redemption style server. UPKEEP • Wood: 970 • Stones: _ • Metal Frags: 7 • HQ Metal: _ INSTRUCTION In game: This build require a flat terrain and "Copy Paste" plugin. Please note: I advice you to rename the json file as "base01.json" or anything else easy for you to remember. Discord: https://discord.gg/jahBP5enxj YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SKIROW Website: https://www.skirowmods.comFree -
Version 1.0
DESCRIPTION Ideal for two players or more, this comfy and functional house has only one bedroom but the attic offers enough space to add beds/sleeping bags or more storage. The garage allow players to park two vehicles. All doors leading outside have a unlocked codelocks. UPKEEP • Wood: 2,075 • Stones: 3,640 • Metal Frags: 70 • HQ Metal: _ INSTRUCTION In game: This build require a flat terrain and "Copy Paste" plugin. Please note: I advice you to rename the json file as "base01.json" or anything else easy for you to remember. NOTE: This house doesn't come with any skins on the furniture or doors. All elements in this build come with their by default textures. Discord: https://discord.gg/jahBP5enxj YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SKIROW Website: https://www.skirowmods.comFree