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Everything posted by Burymore

  1. Burymore

    Enter Zone Trigger

    Would it be possible for the cooldown timer to be per player instead of everyone entering the zone? Its a pve server so it would be good to see if more than 1 person is entering the zone. but don't want 1 person spamming it. 2 players entering the zone in the cooldown timer should show both and then each get the cooldown timer. Thank you again!
  2. Burymore

    Enter Zone Trigger

    Yeah a cooldown timer would great as well. But integrating with Monument Watcher would be huge so that the new square zones won't overlap roads players may be farming down.
  3. Burymore

    Enter Zone Trigger

    I noticed with Zone Manager domes the bubbles are almost always too big (overlapping roads) or too small (since they are always a sphere) causing a lot of spam when players are entering. Is there a way to use Monuments Watcher 0.1.5 for the bounderies?
  4. Burymore

    Enter Zone Trigger

    That's what it was, I needed to set a group (default). It worked with my Monument IDs as names too : { "Name": "Missile Silo", "Radius": 100.0, "Radiation": 0.0, "Comfort": 0.0, "Temperature": 0.0, "SafeZone": false, "Location": "-49.56011 43.35525 811.358", "Size": "0 0 0", "Rotation": "0 0 0", "Id": "nuclear_missile_Silo", "ParentID": null, "EnterMessage": "", "LeaveMessage": "", "Permission": null, "EjectSpawns": null, "Enabled": true, "Flags": "AutoLights" }, Thank you!
  5. Burymore

    Enter Zone Trigger

    Still doesn't seem to be working even with the zone ID as the number. Does it need to be set to a permission group (default) or can that stay blank?
  6. Burymore

    Enter Zone Trigger

    Hey I'm trying to get the "Entered Zone" option to work but I'm having trouble with the zoneID field. I have monument finder & Zone Manager installed. I assume I'm missing something simple in the zoneID name.
  7. Burymore

    deaths on dismount

    Okay well I disabled the plugin and it hasn't happened again in the past few days since. I had it at a very high speed so could it be if they flipped or hit something and at that speed it would dismount them to kill them? But for some reason placing them below the map? Either way, I keep RustAdmin on so it will highlight the error if it comes back, but haven't seen it. Maybe in a week I will re-enable the plugin for further testing to see if it returns.
  8. Burymore

    deaths on dismount

    Love the plugin but players are dying due to this dismount issue causing them to go under terrain and losing all their gear. I turned off the plugin and It hasn't happened in a few hours so I believe it is the cause but I could be wrong. Failed to find dismount position for player :Burymore / *steamid* on obj : assets/content/vehicles/bikes/motorbike.prefab Killing player due to invalid dismount point :Burymore / *steamid*on obj : assets/prefabs/vehicle/seats/motorbikedriverseat.prefab Burymore[*steamid*] was killed by Suicide at (-1387.45, 10.12, -319.88) Failed to find dismount position for player :Fleurdelisman / *steamid* on obj : assets/prefabs/vehicle/seats/testseat.prefab Killing player due to invalid dismount point :Fleurdelisman / *steamid* on obj : assets/prefabs/vehicle/seats/testseat.prefab Anyone else experiencing this?
  9. Burymore

    buttons on top of everything

    *following* Love the plugin minus the icons over the death screen map. Players are complaining unfortunately.
  10. Burymore

    Jet Ski

    Any chance for an option of No Fuel Needed? or drop low grade when picking jet skis up.
  11. How do you turn off automatic event holding for these event plugins that don't have the option in the config? I notice Adems have a line ""Enable automatic event holding [true/false]": false," but KpucTaJl's dont have that option. Thanks in advance.
  12. Having the same issue with waves, even when Multi Heli is called it only spawns one and nothing else. "Multi Heli (Easy)", "Multi Heli (Medium)", "Multi Heli (Hard)", "Multi Heli (Elite)" "KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'Multi Signal (Easy)' was not present in the dictionary" Perhaps I have the name wrong?
  13. Burymore

    Heli Signals

    Having the same issue with Wave Signals only spawning the first Heli and then nothing else, even when the waves are set to more then 1 heli spawning at a time. Will open a thread to discuss.
  14. Burymore


    Currently not working with the update unfortunately. Fixed quickly! Players are happy again!


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