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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo

    Auto Update Leaderboard

    Oh, I wasn't aware of that! I'll get a look at that now and see what's wrong. Thank you!
  2. Hi, What trouble are you having? Are you seeing a console error? If BotReSpawn is installed and loaded, and you're admin (or have the permission), you just type /botrespawn into chat, and the UI should open.
  3. Steenamaroo

    no bot spawn at airdrops

    That error is from a plugin called BetterNpc. Perhaps unload that and then check to see if Airdrop profile is working well? With your settings they should be spawning, as long as the target area is on sensible terrain with navmesh.
  4. Thanks Mals. I've attached a second one since then. It's looking good!
  5. That's great. Thanks again for all the info. I'll give it a full run through with exporting/importing tomorrow, before updating, but I think it should be good! Hope CF server doesn't catch fire with a PermissionsManager update.
  6. NIce! Thanks for checking and confirming @Zoreeno Much appreciated. Hopefully groups aren't messed up too.
  7. @Zoreeno - Actually, this might work. If it doesn't I'll just leave it until tomorrow when I'm on the test server. ** EDIT ** For anyone looking for a quick fix, this seems to do it. ** I'll update publicly after testing properly tomorrow. PermissionsManager.cs
  8. Ok, I'll get a look at this tomorrow and get it tidied up. Thanks for that!
  9. Makes sense that oxide did about 5 updates to fix permissions case issues but the issue is PermissionsManager which hasn't changed in about 5 years. Someone fancy giving this a go for me? PermissionsManager.cs
  10. Steenamaroo

    no bot spawn at airdrops

    Ok. Where are you testing? If you were testing in water or on oilrig, for example, the plugin wouldn't be able to find any valid spawnpoints.
  11. It's attached to my last reply.
  12. Steenamaroo

    no bot spawn at airdrops

    Hi, If you're testing with the supply signals you'll need to make sure Supply_Enabled is set to true in the main config.
  13. Hi, Does it say 'Inherited' when you view that permission, for yourself, in the UI? If so, that means you're in a group which has that permissions. You'd need to either remove yourself from that group, or revoke the permission from that group. I'm also aware there's been some issues with recent oxide updates, regarding mixed-case permissions. If the permission you're looking for isn't showing up in the UI at all, it's most likely a mixed-case permission. Hopefully oxide are able to address this issue pretty soon. I know it's affecting a lot of plugins. If not, I guess people will update their plugins to use lower-case-only permissions.
  14. Ok, thanks for the info. I'll have to look into that - It may just be how it is, as BotReSpawn doesn't take control over vanilla npcs or npcs from other plugins. I'll have a play and see if there's anything that can be done on the BotReSpawn end.
  15. I'm still not convinced this is intentional, folks. Oxide update notes suggested they've been trying to fix to allow mixed-case, not prevent it. Has anyone reported that oxide still isn't handling upper/mixed case perms?
  16. Hi, Which scientists do you mean - The vanilla ones at various monuments? There is a setting, per profile, Target_Other_Npcs - That should make BotReSpawn guys attack vanilla scientists. The faction setting only applies to botrespawn npcs, allowing you to set up inter-profile behaviour, making X profile attack Y or be allied with Z, etc.
  17. Steenamaroo

    Bots not roaming

    Sorry I can't really help - I would...but I know literally nothing about map making. I'd assume there's something about the terrain...maybe npcs can only move around on certain surfaces? Honestly, I don't know. The only thing I know for sure is they need navmesh but you obviously have that otherwise they wouldn't spawn or, at least, would be killed off almost instantly. Try my discord or CF discord - I'm sure there's a map maker in there somewhere who can advise!
  18. Steenamaroo

    Bots not roaming

    Hi, Is it just at that one custom monument that you're seeing an issue? I don't really know anything at all about map making, I'm afraid, but if you're finding the npcs roam fine elsewhere I'd guess it's something in the monument construction, rather than in BotReSpawn.
  19. If you were willing to test, that'd be really helpful! The two new options in config > Options are PVPHeadshotsOnly = true; ( excludes headshotting npcs ) CountHeadshotsOnlyIfKill = false; ( excludes headshots were victim survived ) PlayerRanks.cs
  20. Hi, Yes, I can do that. I've already added the option to only count real player headshots (not npcs), which I think you requested, and a check to make sure the player lost health, so headshot stat can't be abused when there is no damage for whatever reason. I've now added an additional config option to check if player health is zero and only award headshot stat if that's the case.
  21. Steenamaroo

    Auto Update Leaderboard

    Hi, I'm not sure that would be a good idea - The main data file and sql do update regularly, but it is an update - There's only ever one set of data. Leader boards are different because they don't update - You create a brand new one. Each one is unique and timestamped. It's like a snap-shot of the #1 players at that time, so saving one every time the server saves, for example, would build up lots of data very quickly. Saving a leaderboard can be done with console command, though, so you have the option of using some other plugin to call that - I'm pretty sure there are timed command plugins out there. It would be easy enough to have another plugin save a leaderboard, when some event ends for example. If I can help at all give me a shout, but I'm not sure regular saving leaderboards is needed/a good idea.
  22. Ok, thanks for the suggestion. I'll take a look into that.
  23. Ah, I see. Do you want the npcs to suffer bleed, or control over how much players bleed when attacked by npcs?
  24. Hi, Do you mean the blood splatter effect when you hit an npc, or is there something new I'm not aware of? If that's the effect you mean I don't know that amount can be controlled, but I think it could be enabled/disabled.
  25. Thinking about it, the settings/profiles at play don't even matter. There should be no circumstance where one profile fires upon another, but doesn't see return fire. I'll have a look soon and see if I can figure out what's wrong. Presumably there's some issue with setting faction and subfaction both to zero so, at least, it's not going to affect what you wanted to achieve, but I'll try to get it figured out quickly. Thanks for the info!


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