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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo

    UI Overflow - notify author

    Hi, Thanks for reporting. I've just modified it to show three columns of information instead of the current two. That'll be in the next public update which should be soon. The weapons not being shown, at present, are speargun spear.stone longsword salvaged.sword smg.thompson spear.wooden I also sorted all those lists in the UI alphabetically. Can't believe I didn't do that sooner, and no one asked!
  2. What's your server like? Hostname, package type (shared/dedi), what hardware? Average player count, entity count? Average server FPS? How long is wipe cycle? How often does server restart? A couple of hundred npcs is hardly overkill but if your server is right on the edge that could push it over. If you let your server run close to the end of your wipe cycle, when it's got the greatest amount of buildings and entities, what is performance like with BotReSpawn unloaded? Any lag or player complaints? Server FPS steady? (not your client fps)
  3. Sounds like something outside of BotReSpawn is killing them, then. Suicide timer would do that, if set to zero, but it only applies to npcs which aren't part of a controlled + limited population, like all the event profiles or npcs which were sent via another plugin making a call, or toplayer command.
  4. Hi, There's plenty of things that add up to affect performance, like overall number of entities, active furnaces/quarries, npcs, turrets, etc but if you're experiencing performance issues with around 1300 npcs I'd certainly try reducing the numbers to see how that goes.
  5. Hey, thanks for coming back to update. That's good to know. Hopefully that's the answer to what was going on but if you still find anything's not quite right don't hesitate to let me know, Forcing Min/MaxStack to 1, if 0, is a one-line fix. I actually did it at the time so it'll be in the next update. Always nice to catch a bug.
  6. I'll look into that and see what the problem is. If MinStack or MaxStack is zero I ignore that item. I guess the problem is that if it was the only item with > 0 probability I now need to ignore the category too. I think I'll just force min+max to 1 if the user puts in 0 for either. That'll silently fix it. For your apparent imbalance, I'lll see if I can replicate that or, better yet, maybe you'd attach or DM me that loottable json data file? Looking at those numbers it should, I think, appear to be food heavy, as there's 4 items asked for a and a 50/50 chance of any given item being food. Having 'AllowDuplicates' set to false in the global config can skew things for sparsely populated tables. If, for example, it tries to give out raw bear meat twice, it'll just ignore the second attempt and roll again. Be aware, though, that AllowDuplicates : true can make it look like you're getting fewer items because if it gives Bandages : 1, Bandages : 2, raw meat 1, raw meat 3, that's your four items but they'll stack into Bandages :3, raw meat 4, and just look like two items.
  7. Hi, If you're parachuting npcs in they have to land on an area that has navmesh. If these are custom spawnpoints you added, which I think they'd have to be, you can see which ones have navmesh and which don't by viewing the spawnpoints in the UI. Read means no good. Green means fine. I'm fairly sure there's no navmesh on any of the upper areas at the OilRig.
  8. Is your config or data file borked? Reload the plugin and watch console to confirm.
  9. Hi, Thanks for pointing that out. Looks like I missed a few fixes from the Saturday fiasco. This won't affect actual Economics/Server Rewards balances - Just the PR reporting of it. I'll do an update soon to rectify it.
  10. Steenamaroo


    I like you a normal amount.
  11. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Surprisingly, no. That wasn't behind a config option. I've added it now so the next version will have 'Corpse_Has_Skull` true/false.
  12. Steenamaroo

    Question on Config

    There is Disable_Non_Parented_Custom_Profiles_After_Wipe : false will do what you want. Be aware, though, this is only useful if you recycle the same map each wipe. If you're not recycling then the locations for the npcs wont make sense on your new map.
  13. Thanks for updating here. Glad it's not broken. You can add pr there and reload, or just use ranks. Whatever suits.
  14. It's working perfectly here. Check your config file to make sure "pr" is listed under `chatCommandAliases` It may be that it's just missing in there.
  15. Hi, Are you seeing any console errors when you try to use it, or any message in chat? You're the only person to report although that doesn't necessarily mean there isn't a problem.
  16. Steenamaroo

    Console Spam

    Sorted, thank you.
  17. Steenamaroo


    No problem, thanks for letting me know. That makes sense as an admin option, being able to easily and quickly TP to a raidable base to check it out.
  18. Hi, I think I’m following. Are you talking about the minStack/maxStack options, and setting that min to zero? If so the plugin should just completely ignore any items where minstack, or maxstack, is zero, so they’ll never be picked or created. If you’re just talking about probability of zero then any category set to zero (and all of the items in it) will be ignored, and any item set to zero, regardless of its category’s probability, will be ignored. If there’s only one category and item (in it) with probability above 0, then that item will always be picked and created, cos there’s no other choice. I order to give that item a chance of not being picked, there needs to be at least one other viable item which could be picked instead. I.E. You can set the plugin up to create wood or stone, for example but you can’t set it up to create wood or nothing. It’s hard to describe but people usually get a feel for it. If everything was probability zero except for category tools 1 item timed explosve 1 category Resources 9 item wood 1 item stone 1 Then for every item created there’s a 9 in 10 chance it’s going to be a resource, and beyond that it’s a 50/50 whether it’s wood or stone. 1 time in 10 the item will be a tool and if it is a tool, it’s guaranteed to be c4, because there’s no other option. When people are starting out I often suggest that they pick a handful of common items that could make up their base common loot, and set the probabilities for those items to something a good bit above zero, to allow room for other things to be less common. Say you have wood with a probability of 10, for example, you could then have stone at 7 so it’s less common and scrap at 3 so it’s even less common. If the only category enabled was resources with those three items set that way, and the profile’s asking for one item (for simplicity) then, on average, you’d get scrap 3 time out of 20 stone 7 times out of 20 wood 10 times out of 20. Of course I don’t expect anyone to follow the actual fractions like but you get the idea - It becomes a ‘feel’ thing.
  19. Steenamaroo


    Hi, If it's showing you the correct message "Grid TP map right-click has been disabled", but right click TP is still working, but only on one server, then I'd guess you've got a second mod that's enabling right click to TP. Try temporarily unloading everything, then loading GridTP, to confirm.
  20. Oh sorry, I misunderstood. If they're getting loot with a fresh table then you're right - It's coming from somewhere else. Sorry, I'm not sure what else to suggest other than maybe temporarily unloading everything except BotReSpawn and CustomLoot, just to prove?
  21. Ok, that's good to know. If you made a new loot table and the bot inventory was completely blank, then that means CustomLoot is working, which almost certainly means the loot you saw came from CustomLoot. Any chance the loottable you wanted to use just isn't set up how you thought it was? Some copy/paste mistake or..something? I just tested here with SuperMarket BotReSpawn profile and a loot table with Ammunition 1 and ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot 1 and nothing else changed, and the npcs had nothing but 40mm buckshot on them.
  22. Ok, I'll fire up and test here in case there's something unique to that BotReSpawn profile.
  23. If you reload CustomLoot and watch the console do you see any complaints? It's possible there's a mistake in the Market.json - If so CustomLoot should tell you when it loads/reloads.
  24. It would be set true by default and probably should be true in most cases. You'd only set it false if you want CustomLoot to add to whatever is already there, be it vanilla loot or stuff from a kit. If you're seeing vanilla loot (or anything that's not from your CustomLoot table) in those npcs then either something else is giving them loot after CustomLoot, or CustomLoot just isn't firing for those npcs at all, although I'm struggling to see why one specific BotReSpawn profile wouldn't work when others do. I suppose a simple troubleshooting tip would be to change "Market" to a made up name - Some table name that doesn't exist, then when CustomLoot creates a file for that name, do not edit it. That way it'll be really obvious if it's working or not because the npcs should get absolutely nothing. CustomLoot should clear their container, and give them nothing. If you find loot in there that would definitely point to something giving out loot after CustomLoot has done its bit.
  25. I see you've got ClearContainerFirst set to true so I'd guess something else is giving them loot after CustomLoot, or what you're seeing is stuff from their kit possibly?


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