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Everything posted by Zeeuss
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The garbage collect is because of the logging of commands which basically logs many things. I will try to look into the "Unknown" spamming asap..
Hey there, could you send the whole error here please?
Version 0.1.0
What is it? A simple command to jump from one place to another. How to use it? Look at anything and type /jump and you will be teleported to the place you are looking at if the place is further than the MaxDistance in config you will be teleported (MaxDistance meters) into that direction. Permission jump.use -- Gives you ability to use the /jump command ChatCommand /jump Configuration { "Max jump distance": 300.0 }Free- 3 comments
Version 0.1.0
What is it ZPunisher is a utility for punishing cheaters or bad players a better/funnier way Permissions zpunisher.use -- Gives you access to all commands Commands zpunisher -- Opens a GUI where you can choose a player and then punish him zpunisher {playerNameOrID} -- Opens punish menu with already selected player zpunisher.freeze {playerNameOrID} -- Freezes the player zpunisher.unfreeze {playerNameOrID} -- Unfreezes the player zpunisher.lag {playerNameOrID} -- Start lagging the player zpunisher.stoplag {playerNameOrID} -- Stops lagging the player zpunisher.kill {playerNameOrID} -- Kills the player zpunisher.rocket {playerNameOrID} -- Starts rocketing the player zpunisher.stoprocket {playerNameOrID} -- Stops rocketing the player zpunisher.ignite {playerNameOrID} -- Ignites the player zpunisher.extinguish {playerNameOrID} -- Extinguishes the player zpunisher.stop {playerNameOrID} -- Stops all effects on the player All these commands except the main one with GUI can be used even in console Features Target's info: Target's Name Target's ID Target's IP Address Target's Ping Target's Status (Alive/Dead) Target's XYZ pos with TP button Refresh button Freezer: Once you execute this command on the player he won't be able to move untill you stop the effect Lagger: Once you execute this command on the player his game will start lagging soon untill he won't be able to do anything/untill his game crashes Rocketboy: Once you execute this command on the player an hv rockets are gonna start spawning in him Simple Kill: Once you execute this command on the player he will die Igniter: Once you execute this command a fire will spawn on a player and will follow it untill it disappears Stop All Effects Button: You think that the player had enough? Or have you forgot which effects you gave him? No worries just click the button and all the effects are gone! Localization: { ["noPlayer"] = "There's not such a player", ["stopAllSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.stop player", ["stoppedAll"] = "Stopped all effects on: {0}", ["freezeSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.freeze player", ["startFreeze"] = "Starting to freeze: {0}", ["unfreezeSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.unfreeze player", ["stoppedFreezing"] = "Stopped freezing: {0}", ["lagSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.lag player", ["startLag"] = "Starting to lag: {0}", ["stopLagSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.stoplag player", ["stoppedLag"] = "Stopped lagging: {0}", ["killSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.kill player", ["killMsg"] = "You have killed: {0}", ["rocketSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.rocket player", ["startRocket"] = "Started rocketing: {0}", ["stopRocketSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.stoprocket player", ["stopRocket"] = "Stopped rocketing: {0}", ["igniteSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.ignite player", ["startIgnite"] = "Ignited: {0}", ["extSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.extinguish player", ["startExt"] = "Poured water on: {0}", ["infoTitle"] = "Target's Info:", ["infoName"] = "Name: {0}", ["infoID"] = "ID: {0}", ["infoIP"] = "IP Address: {0}", ["infoPing"] = "Ping: {0}ms", ["infoStatusAlive"] = "Status: <color=#52bd36>Alive</color>", ["infoStatusDead"] = "Status: <color=#c70000>Dead</color>", ["infoPos"] = "XYZ Position: {0},{1},{2}", ["infoTPBttn"] = "TP", ["infoRefresh"] = "Refresh", ["choosePl"] = "Choose a player:", ["dsc"] = "..........Description..........", ["freezer"] = "Freezer", ["freezerDsc"] = "Once you execute this command on the player he won't be able to move untill you stop the effect", ["enable"] = "Enable", ["disable"] = "Disable", ["kill"] = "Kill", ["lagger"] = "Lagger", ["lagDsc"] = "Once you execute this command on the player his game will start lagging soon untill he won't be able to do anything/untill his game crashes", ["lagPS"] = "P.S. If you enable this on yourself you must disable it via console - zpunisher.stoplag {Your nick}", ["rocketer"] = "Rocketboy", ["rocketerDsc"] = "Once you execute this command on the player an hv rockets are gonna start spawning in him", ["ignite"] = "Ignite", ["pw"] = "Pour Water", ["killTitle"] = "Simple Kill", ["killDsc"] = "Once you execute this command on the player he will die", ["igniterTitle"] = "Igniter", ["igniterDsc"] = "Once you execute this command a fire will spawn on a player and will follow it untill it disappears", ["stopAllEffects"] = "Stop All Effects!", ["previous"] = "Previous", ["Next"] = "Next" }Free -
Version 1.0.4
What is it? ZLogs is a comprehensive logging solution for Rust servers, designed to keep admins informed and in control. With a sleek GUI, extensive category coverage, and advanced customization, ZLogs ensures you never miss a crucial server event. Whether it’s player interactions, combat logs, or tool cupboard activity, ZLogs provides detailed insights to maintain transparency and order. Usage Keep your server operations smooth and well-documented with ZLogs. Monitor every key activity with categorized logs, from player connections to combat events. Stay informed with Discord notifications for critical actions like heli spawns or team changes. Effortlessly browse logs with a user-friendly interface featuring search functionality, light/dark mode, and auto-deletion options for old logs. ZLogs puts powerful server management tools right at your fingertips. Permission zlogs.use -- Gives you permission to use the command zlogs.resetall -- Gives you permission to wipe all data files zlogs.heli.spawn -- Gives player a permission to get notified in chat when heli spawns(must be set in config) zlogs.heli.down -- Gives player a permission to get notified in chat when heli gets shot down(must be set in config) Chat Command /zlogs -- Opens the GUI /zlogs.resetall -- Completely wipes all ZLogs datafile (zlogs.resetall permission required) Discord Logging: In config you can set a webhook for each category to have the important info right on your discord Data All the datas are being saved into data folders and each category has it's data file Path to data files: Your_Server\oxide\data\ZLogs Features & some info: I've decided to completely rewrite ZLogs because of some performance mistake I've made and also to add more features and generally make the plugin better. New version brings you also new features like Auto log deletion which can be set in config, more detailed logging, nicer UI, dark and light mode for the UI, search option and more.. Localization: { "Log Explosive": "{0} has used {1}!", "Log Animal": "{0} has killed a {1}", "Log Connect": "{0} has connected to the server", "Log Disconnect": "{0} has disconnected from the server", "Log Command": "{0} has used command: {1}", "Log Chat": "{0} wrote: {1}", "Log Combat": "{0} has killed {1}", "Log Vending": "{0} has bought: {1} for: {2}", "Log HeliSpawn": "Patrol heli has spawned", "Log HeliDeath": "Patrol heli has been destroyed by: {0}", "Log ItemPick": "{0} has picked up a {1}", "Log ItemDrop": "{0} has dropped a {1}", "Log TCPlace": "{0} has placed a TC", "Log TCDestroy": "{0} has destroyed a TC", "Log TCAuth": "{0} has authed a TC", "Log TCDeAuth": "{0} has deauthed from TC", "Log TCClear": "{0} has cleared a TC", "Log TeamCreate": "{0} has created a team", "Log TeamInvite": "{0} has invited {1} to team", "Log TeamReject": "{0} has rejected invite", "Log TeamPromote": "{0} has been promoted to leader", "Log TeamLeave": "{0} has left the team", "Log TeamKick": "{0} has kicked {1} from the team", "Log TeamAccept": "{0} has accepted team invite", "Log TeamDisband": "{0} has disbanded team", "Log TriggerPick": "{0} has picked up {1}+ items over {2} seconds", "Log TriggerDrop": "{0} has dropped {1}+ items over {2} seconds", "Notify HeliSpawn": "A patrol heli has spawned at: {0}", "Notify HeliDown": "A patrol heli has been shot down at: {0} by {1}", "CUI Categories": "Categories", "CUI Settings": "Settings", "CUI Animal": "Animal Logs", "CUI Chat": "Chat Logs", "CUI Combat": "Combat Logs", "CUI Command": "Command Logs", "CUI Connection": "Connection Logs", "CUI Explosive": "Explosive Logs", "CUI Heli": "Heli Logs", "CUI Item": "Item Logs", "CUI Team": "Team Logs", "CUI TC": "Tool Cupboard Logs", "CUI Trigger": "Trigger Logs", "CUI Vending": "Vending Logs", "CUI TargetPlayerInfo": "Target Player Information", "CUI PlayerName": "Player name: {0}", "CUI SteamID": "SteamID: {0}", "CUI Status": "Status: {0}", "CUI StatusAlive": "Alive", "CUI StatusDead": "Dead", "CUI StatusNull": "?", "CUI Ping": "Ping: {0}", "CUI NotConnected": "Not connected", "CUI TPto": "Teleport to", "CUI TPhere": "Teleport here", "CUI AnimalInfo": "Animal Information", "CUI AnimalName": "Animal name: {0}", "CUI AnimalDeathPos": "Animal death pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI LogInfo": "Log Information", "CUI LogID": "Log ID: {0}", "CUI LogDate": "Log Date: {0}", "CUI LogRemoveIn": "Log will be removed in: {0}", "CUI ChatInfo": "Chat Information", "CUI ChatType": "Channel type: {0}", "CUI Initiator": "Initiator Information", "CUI Victim": "Victim Information", "CUI Distance": "Distance: {0}m", "CUI Weapon": "Weapon: {0}", "CUI ConnectionInfo": "Connection Information", "CUI ConnectionIp": "IP: {0}", "CUI ConnectionType": "Type: {0}", "CUI ExplosiveInfo": "Explosive Information", "CUI ExplosivePos": "Explosive pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI ExplosiveName": "Explosive name: {0}", "CUI HeliInfo": "Heli Information", "CUI HeliPos": "Heli pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI HeliAttacker": "Destroyed by: {0}", "CUI ItemInfo": "Item Information", "CUI ItemName": "Item name: {0} x{1}", "CUI ItemPos": "Item pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI ItemType": "Type: {0}", "CUI TeamInfo": "Team Information", "CUI TeamType": "Type: {0}", "CUI TeamKicked": "Kicked player: {0}", "CUI TcInfo": "Tool Cupboard Information", "CUI TcType": "Type: {0}", "CUI TcAttacker": "Attacker: {0}", "CUI TcPos": "TC pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI TriggerType": "Type: {0}", "CUI DetectTime": "Detect time: {0} seconds", "CUI DetectAmount": "Detect amount: {0} items", "CUI TriggerInfo": "Trigger Information", "CUI VendingItem": "Bought item: {0} x{1}", "CUI VendingPrice": "Price: {0} x{1}", "CUI VendingPos": "Vending pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI VendingInfo": "Vending Information", "CUI Search": "Search:", "CUI ColorMode": "Color Mode: {0}" } Configuration: { "Combat logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Item Picks & Drops logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Connection and Disconnection logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Command logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Animal Kills logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Explosives logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Chat logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Heli Logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true, "NotifyOnHeliSpawn?": true, "NotifyOnHeliDown?": true }, "Tool Cupboard logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Vending Machine logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Item drop spam detection:": { "Enabled?": true, "WebhookURL": "", "Items needed to detect:": 15, "Time(seconds)": 8.0, "Ignored items(shortnames like: ammo.rifle etc..):": [ "item_shortname", "item_shortname" ] }, "Item pick spam detection:": { "Enabled?": true, "WebhookURL": "", "Items needed to detect:": 15, "Time(seconds)": 8.0, "Ignored items(shortnames like: ammo.rifle etc..):": [ "item_shortname", "item_shortname" ] }, "Team logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Auto-Delete logs after x amount of hours(0 will disable this feature)": 0.0 }$14.99- 34 comments
- 3 reviews
- 6
- #administration
- #logging
- (and 6 more)
Version 0.1.6
What is it? Player Entity Remover gives player/admin with permission ability to remove all entities of any other player. You can also set in config to delete player's entities after he gets banned. Usage If someone spammed entities on the map, you can easily clean them like this OR if you have it set in config then just ban him and it will auto-delete his entities. Permissions playerentityremover.use -- Gives player permission to use the command. playerentityremover.bypass -- Gives you a protection when a one of these hooks get called: OnPlayerBanned, OnPlayerDeath Commands /entremove (playerName/playerID) - Chat command entremove (playerName/playerID) - Console command Localization { "NoPerms": "You don't have permission to use this command!", "Syntax": "Syntax: /entremove playerName", "NoPlayer": "Player not found!", "RemoveMessage": "Removing {0}'s entities...({1})", "NoEnts": "No entities found for this player." } Configuration { "Remove player's entities if banned": true, "Remove player's entities on death": false }Free -
Version 0.1.2
What is it? This allows players to unlock codelocks on any storage containers, there are 2 options: With a command (most likely for admins), where you come to a locked chest, type /loothack and the codelock instantly unlocks With an item (targeting computer), where you come to a locked chest, select targeting computer in your hotbar, then left-click the storage container and there you will need to wait for few seconds (if set) untill the container unlocks, also you can set in the config if the targeting computer gets consumed. Permissions loothacker.cmnd -- Gives player permission to use the command. loothacker.item -- Gives player permission to use the item. Chat Command /loothack -- Instantly unlocks the codelock on the storage cont. you are looking at Localization //FORMAT: {0} = storage short prefab name, {1} = seconds to unlock ["MustLookAtStorage"] = "You must be looking at a locked storage container to hack it!", ["NoPerms"] = "You don't have permission to use this!", ["UnlocksIn"] = "{0} will unlock in {1} secs", ["Unlocked"] = "Unlocked {0}" Configuration { "Seconds until storage unlocks": 5.0, "Consume Targeting Computer on use": true }Free -
Version 0.1.3
What is it? This is a simple plugin, that lets you monitor all bed and bag renames. Usage People are changing bag names to racist or inappropriate names? With this plugin you can take care of these people by checking who did it! Just install & punish! Discord WebHook Just create a webhook for your channel, paste it into the config, reload the plugin and it's done! Localization {0} - X Y Z Position {1} - Player name {2} - Player ID {3} - Old Bed/Bag name {4} - New Bed/Bag name { "SleepingBagRename": "{0} {1}({2}) renamed sleeping bag from {3} to {4}", "BedRename": "{0} {1} ({2}) renamed bed from {3} to {4}" } Config { "Discord webhook url": "Your discord webhook URL", "log to discord?": true } Where's the log folder? Since the 1st log it should automatically create a folder and you can find logs here: oxide/logs/BedNameLogs/bednamelogs_renames-xxxx-xx-xx.txtFree -
Version 0.1.4
What is it? A utility that gives you ability to view sent or received emails and of course gives you ability to send EMAILS with simple GUI! Usage Just use the command and click on a category depending if you want to view something or send a new email. Permissions zmail.use -- Gives player ability to use the command zmail.send -- Gives player ability to send new emails zmail.view -- Gives player ability to view sent and received emails Chat Command /zmail -- Opens the GUI Localization { "NoPerms": "You don't have permission to use this!", "noPlayerFound": "No player found!", "foundPlayerToSend": "Recipient {0}", "newEmailButton": "NEW Email", "receivedEmailsButton": "Received", "sentEmailsButton": "Sent", "clearAllButton": "Clear All", "succussfullySend": "Message succussfully sent!", "selectedFieldID": "ID:", "selectedFieldFrom": "From:", "selectedFieldTo": "Sent to:", "selectedFieldMessage": "Message:", "defaultInputUser": ".....Set player username or id.....", "defaultInputMessage": "Type your message here.....", "noEmails": "You have not received any emails yet!", "noSentEmails": "You have not sent any emails yet!", "receivedEmails": "You have received {0} emails({1} Unread emails)", "sentEmails": "You have sent {0} emails", "pageOfMaxPages": "Page: {0} / {1}", "previous": "Previous", "next": "Next", "findOnline": "Find Online Players", "receivedNew": "[<color=#13ad0f>Z</color>Mail]\nYou have just received new mail from <color=#05ba00>{0}</color>\nYou have total amount of <color=#a10800>{1}</color> unread emails", "conMails": "[<color=#13ad0f>Z</color>Mail]\nYou have total amount of <color=#a10800>{0}</color> unread emails" } Configuration { "Get message on connection?": true, "Real time notification?": true }Free