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Everything posted by Glew

  1. Glew

    Change KEY to Interact

    I have a similar issue, would love to see what the solution was here
  2. Glew

    Personal Animal

    Hello, having a good time with the plugin. I've been tinkering with the .CS and .JSON but can't seem to increase the distance at which animals will LOOT containers. They will go to positions at any distance I configure, and attack enemies at any distance I configure, but will only LOOT crates and boxes that I am standing right next to. Would love to increase this distance, and would also love if looting said boxes/crates could be a part of the Auto-Pickup state?
    Absolutely fantastic plugin. I'm loving it, my players are loving it, well done! Some humble suggestions for potential future updates: Place saddles on the animals when mounted instead of invisible chair. Allow players to name their personal animals. Allow for custom key-binding / ANY key to be bound for the various commands. Allow for multiple personal animals. Again these are just humble suggestions for potential future update, the plugin is excellent as is.
  3. Glew

    Player Poop

    line 49 Random.Range(0, 100) < poopingProbability) return; I changed to Random.Range(0, 100) > poopingProbability) return; Flipping the ' < ' and now the plugin works as expected according the the probability settings
  4. Glew

    Skip Night

    Was using a free Plugin TimeOfDay. Opted for this one because it let me specify when day/night actually start. However, the plugin doesn't seem to work. My nights are 10 minutes long when they should be 1. Does this plugin require a server restart? Is there something I'm missing? Going from free to paid, and from functional to broken....
  5. Glew

    Server Hud

    Love this plugin. Thank you so much. I tend to make some small changes to the CS to suit my own needs. One small change I think you could easily add is to add a color:_config.MainSetup.ServerNameAppearance.Color property, to line 993. This will allow players to customize the color of the name of the server like the other variables
  6. Glew

    wrong update posted

    @Tage2 same thing.
  7. Glew

    update doesn't compile

    clicking download gives me version 1.0.34, ill keep refreshing and trying!
  8. Glew

    update doesn't compile

    | Error while compiling: LootProtect.cs(1049,27): error CS0019: Operator `==' cannot be applied to operands of type `uint' and `NetworkableId'
  9. Glew

    Plugin Crashes the Server

    I have removed the plugin for the time being but if/once I start using it again I will report any issues I find. Wasn't used by players often enough to justify having it installed for now, but maybe in the future with a a larger population it will be in demand. If it's an option, could I exchange the plugin for something else from the same Author? I don't want you guys to lose out on any earnings, but I'd also like to sample more of your plugins! You guys have a lot of interesting stuff
  10. Calling hook AddOrUpdateMapping resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: TruePVE - False (Boolean), LootProtect (True (Boolean)) Not sure which setting is causing the conflict. Any help on narrowing it down? TruePVE Config: { "Config Version": "2.0.8", "Default RuleSet": "default", "Configuration Options": { "handleDamage": true, "useZones": true, "Trace To Player Console": false, "Trace To Server Console": false, "Maximum Distance From Player To Trace": 0.0, "Prevent Water From Extinguishing BaseOven": false, "Prevent Players From Being Marked Hostile": false }, "Mappings": { "default": "default", "2148290393": "exclude", "2148294794": "exclude", "2148299835": "exclude", "2148304856": "exclude", "2148309907": "exclude", "2148315058": "exclude", "2148320309": "exclude", "2148325471": "exclude", "2148330502": "exclude", "2148335623": "exclude", "2148340674": "exclude", "2148345695": "exclude", "2148351006": "exclude", "2148356088": "exclude", "2148361239": "exclude", "2148366270": "exclude", "2148371291": "exclude", "2148376322": "exclude", "2148381573": "exclude", "2148386664": "custom", "0736398033": "exclude", "0736392872": "exclude", "0736387851": "exclude", "0736382829": "exclude", "0736377818": "exclude", "0736372807": "exclude", "0736367716": "exclude", "0736362645": "exclude", "0736357534": "exclude", "0736352453": "exclude", "0736347261": "exclude", "0736342160": "exclude", "0736337189": "exclude", "0736332088": "exclude", "0736327037": "exclude", "0736321986": "exclude", "0736316915": "exclude", "0736311864": "exclude", "0736306802": "exclude", "0736301781": "exclude", "0736297330": "exclude", "1723491796": "exclude", "1723509430": "exclude", "1723536566": "exclude", "1723545018": "exclude", "1723559781": "exclude", "1723564392": "exclude", "1723569263": "exclude", "1723574294": "exclude", "1723579405": "exclude", "1723584336": "exclude", "1723589398": "exclude", "1723594429": "exclude", "1723599450": "exclude", "1724004481": "exclude", "1724009512": "exclude", "1724014563": "exclude", "1724019554": "exclude", "1724024585": "exclude", "1724029587": "exclude", "1724034608": "exclude", "1724039639": "exclude", "0851018394": "exclude", "0851037818": "exclude", "0851044550": "exclude", "0851073736": "exclude", "0851086859": "exclude", "0851095291": "exclude", "0851100312": "exclude", "0851105313": "exclude", "0851110505": "exclude", "0851115416": "exclude", "0851122927": "exclude", "0851127508": "exclude", "0851133080": "exclude", "0851137751": "exclude", "0851142882": "exclude", "0851147893": "exclude", "0851152914": "exclude", "0851157995": "exclude", "0851163187": "exclude", "0851168168": "exclude", "0851173199": "exclude", "2014485389": "exclude", "2014490630": "exclude", "2014480378": "exclude", "2014475357": "exclude", "2014470386": "exclude", "2014465305": "exclude", "2014460283": "exclude", "2014495671": "exclude", "2014500693": "exclude", "2014505784": "exclude", "2014510835": "exclude", "2014515906": "exclude", "2014520927": "exclude", "2014525928": "exclude", "2014530980": "exclude", "2014535961": "exclude", "2014455202": "exclude", "2014450181": "exclude", "2014445120": "exclude", "2014440039": "exclude", "2014435538": "exclude" }, "Schedule": { "enabled": false, "useRealtime": false, "broadcast": false, "entries": [] }, "RuleSets": [ { "name": "default", "enabled": true, "defaultAllowDamage": true, "flags": "HumanNPCDamage, LockedDoorsImmortal, PlayerSamSitesIgnorePlayers", "rules": [ "anything can hurt dispensers", "anything can hurt resources", "anything can hurt barricades", "anything can hurt traps", "anything can hurt heli", "anything can hurt npcs", "anything can hurt players", "nothing can hurt ch47", "nothing can hurt cars", "nothing can hurt mini", "nothing can hurt snowmobiles", "nothing can hurt ridablehorses", "cars cannot hurt anything", "mini cannot hurt anything", "ch47 cannot hurt anything", "scrapheli cannot hurt anything", "players cannot hurt players", "players cannot hurt traps", "guards can hurt players", "players can hurt guards", "fire cannot hurt players", "traps cannot hurt players", "highwalls cannot hurt players", "barricades cannot hurt players", "mini cannot hurt mini", "npcs can hurt players", "junkyard cannot hurt anything", "junkyard can hurt cars" ] } ], "Entity Groups": [ { "name": "barricades", "members": "Barricade, icewall, GraveYardFence", "exclusions": "barricade.concrete, barricade.sandbags, barricade.metal, barricade.stone, barricade.wood, barricade.woodwire" }, { "name": "dispensers", "members": "BaseCorpse, HelicopterDebris, PlayerCorpse, NPCPlayerCorpse, HorseCorpse, SkyLantern", "exclusions": "" }, { "name": "fire", "members": "FireBall, FlameExplosive, FlameThrower, BaseOven, FlameTurret, rocket_heli_napalm, napalm, oilfireball2", "exclusions": "" }, { "name": "guards", "members": "bandit_guard, scientistpeacekeeper, sentry.scientist.static", "exclusions": "" }, { "name": "heli", "members": "BaseHelicopter", "exclusions": "" }, { "name": "highwalls", "members": "SimpleBuildingBlock, wall.external.high.ice, gates.external.high.stone, gates.external.high.wood", "exclusions": "" }, { "name": "ridablehorses", "members": "RidableHorse", "exclusions": "" }, { "name": "cars", "members": "BasicCar, ModularCar, BaseModularVehicle, BaseVehicleModule, VehicleModuleEngine, VehicleModuleSeating, VehicleModuleStorage, VehicleModuleTaxi, ModularCarSeat", "exclusions": "" }, { "name": "mini", "members": "minicopter.entity", "exclusions": "" }, { "name": "scrapheli", "members": "ScrapTransportHelicopter", "exclusions": "" }, { "name": "ch47", "members": "ch47.entity", "exclusions": "" }, { "name": "npcs", "members": "ch47scientists.entity, BradleyAPC, CustomScientistNPC, CustomScientistNpc, ScarecrowNPC, HumanNPC, NPCPlayer, ScientistNPC, TunnelDweller, SimpleShark, UnderwaterDweller, Zombie, ZombieNPC", "exclusions": "" }, { "name": "players", "members": "BasePlayer, FrankensteinPet", "exclusions": "" }, { "name": "resources", "members": "ResourceEntity, TreeEntity, OreResourceEntity, LootContainer", "exclusions": "hobobarrel.deployed" }, { "name": "snowmobiles", "members": "snowmobile, tomahasnowmobile", "exclusions": "" }, { "name": "traps", "members": "AutoTurret, BearTrap, FlameTurret, Landmine, GunTrap, ReactiveTarget, TeslaCoil, spikes.floor", "exclusions": "" }, { "name": "junkyard", "members": "magnetcrane.entity, carshredder.entity", "exclusions": "" } ], "Allow Killing Sleepers": false, "Allow Killing Sleepers (Ally Only)": false, "Ignore Firework Damage": true } Loot Protect Config { "Options": { "RequirePermission": true, "protectedDays": 0.0, "useZoneManager": false, "useSchedule": false, "useRealTime": false, "useFriends": false, "useClans": false, "useTeams": true, "useNextGenPVE": false, "HonorRelationships": true, "OverrideOven": false, "OverrideTC": false, "StartEnabled": true, "StartLogging": false, "LogToFile": false, "AdminBypass": false, "BuildingShareRange": 150.0, "BShareIncludeSigns": false, "BShareIncludeLights": false, "BShareIncludeElectrical": true, "TCAuthedUserAccess": true, "useHammerForShareStatus": false, "respondToActivationHooks": false, "allowLootingInPVPAreas": false, "allowLootingOfflineOwner": false }, "Rules": { "abovegroundpool.deployed": true, "bbq.deployed": true, "box.wooden.large": true, "button": true, "campfire": true, "cursedcauldron.deployed": true, "fridge.deployed": true, "fuelstorage": true, "furnace.large": true, "furnace.small": true, "hopperoutput": true, "item_drop_backpack": true, "lock.code": true, "lock.key": true, "mixingtable.deployed": false, "murderer_corpse": false, "paddlingpool.deployed": true, "player": true, "player_corpse": true, "recycler_static": false, "refinery_small_deployed": false, "repairbench_deployed": false, "researchtable_deployed": false, "scientist_corpse": false, "sign.hanging": true, "sign.huge.wood": true, "sign.large.wood": true, "sign.medium.wood": true, "sign.pictureframe.landscape": true, "sign.pictureframe.portrait": true, "sign.pictureframe.tall": true, "sign.pictureframe.xl": true, "sign.pictureframe.xxl": true, "sign.small.wood": true, "vendingmachine.deployed": false, "woodbox_deployed": true, "workbench1.deployed": true, "workbench2.deployed": true, "workbench3.deployed": true }, "Zones": null, "EnabledZones": null, "DisabledZones": [ "2014435538", "2014541002" ], "Schedule": "", "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 33 } }
  11. Glew

    Better Npc

    10/10. Gives me absolute control of the NPCs on my map. Has allowed me to create a lot of variety, both visually, and skill wise. My monuments are appropriately guarded by military NPCs ranking from Private to Major, with gear and skill sets appropriate to their rank. My roads have sword swinging barrel farmers. The Forests have Chainsaw wielding Lumberjacks that will chase you. And I'm just getting started! All made possible by this plugin. Thank you!
  12. Glew

    Wangen U-Boot-Stifte

    This is absolutely fantastic! I do have a question. Is there a puzzle-game involved in gaining access to the large black submarines? Or did I fail to properly apply the Alpha mask? I open the door, but then there's a blast door. 10/10, thanks for this!
  13. Glew

    Plugin Crashes the Server

    I use performance monitor to determine the performance of a plugin. Without anyone throwing any flares for the plugin Defendable Homes is at the very top of the list with "DefendableHomes (1.0.5), Total Hook Time = 115", I'm sorry don't I have more information for you. The crash seems to have to do with the # of enemies spawned by the plugin. I'll try to play with the config and see if I can't get control of it.
  14. Glew

    Plugin Crashes the Server

    Love the idead of this plugin, but even when the events arent active it has a big hooktime/performance impact. Also has crashed my server a couple of times. Is there an option to refund?
  15. I'm not using CraftUI anymore. All I want is to be able to execute two commands with a single Hud button.
  16. Love this plugin. I add extra buttons to my dropdown menu and am having trouble executing multiple commands from a single button. { "Text": "Crafting", "Color": "#c97910", "Command": "CraftUI.toggle", "IsConsole": true } If I add anything inside the " " or add another line the plugin either fails to load or the button stops working. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
    Simple, lightweight. Easy to configure. Does what it says!
  17. Glew

    Lethal Headshots

    Excellent plugin. Thank you for keeping it updated! I was wondering if in the future you might include the option to toggle this VS NPCs only and not players? I run a PvE server with PvP zones and I like players being able to 1shot headshot NPCs, but not each other. Thanks again for this! You rock!


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