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Krungh Crow

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Everything posted by Krungh Crow

  1. Krungh Crow

    text error

    seems no color was assigned (#code). I will run over the message system in the weekend having the late shift this week
  2. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  3. Yes that is correct . If no players around or admins are in vanish npc dont move by default
  4. it will trigger on any Bradley spawned
  5. Version 1.0.2


    Sharks are hungry they eat anything, and when u kill and open up their belly you can find all sorts of items maybe a supplysignal. 3 loot profiles and a chance to get a couple of license plates. Features : Simple 3 category loot lists through config. 50% chance to get license plates otherwise a couple of roadsigns. Compatible with gather multiplier plugins (will cancel the injected items from being multiplied). Option to give a supply signal on each shark corpse. Configurable categories color and name. Set the max and minimum when using gathermultiplier like GatherManager and Zlevels Permissions : sharkloot.chat : Permission to use the /sharkloot commands Commands : /shark info : Shows plugin info/version/author (Or any info edited in the language file). /shark loot : Sums up the loot that would possibly be injected in the shark. Configuration : max supply signals and max plates will cap the amount of them you would get when using gather multiplier plugins. { "Plugin Settings": { "Debug (true/false)": false, "Show Chat messages": true, "Prefix": "[<color=orange>Shark Loot</color>] : ", "Add a supply signal to loot": true, "max supply signals": 1, "max Plates (roadsigns & License plates": 3 }, "Junk Items Custom category name": "Regular", "Junk Category color": "green", "min Junk Items": 1, "max Junk Items": 3, "Junk Items": [ "speargun.spear", "speargun", "smallwaterbottle", "sign.wooden.small", "tarp", "beachtowel", "boogieboard" ], "Clothing Items Custom category name": "Dive Gear", "Clothing Category color": "#4A95CC", "min Clothing Items": 1, "max Clothing Items": 3, "Clothing Items": [ "diving.fins", "diving.mask", "diving.tank", "diving.wetsuit" ], "Car Parts Custom category name": "Car Tuning", "Car Parts Category color": "red", "min Car Items": 1, "max Car Parts": 3, "Car Parts": [ "carburetor1", "crankshaft1", "piston1", "sparkplug1", "valve1", "carburetor2", "crankshaft2", "piston2", "sparkplug2", "valve2", "carburetor3", "crankshaft3", "piston3", "sparkplug3", "valve3" ] } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "FoundSignal": "You found {0} Shark Reward Signal the shark didn't digest yet", "Info": "\nWhen chopping up the shark corpse you can get various items that the shark had for dinner\n<color=green>Available Commands</color> :\n<color=green>/shark info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands\n<color=green>/shark loot</color> : Lists what you can find in a sharks belly", "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "ItemsFound": "Items found inside sharks", "Version": "Version : V", "NoPermission": "<color=green>You do not have permission to use this command!</color>", "DroppedSignal": "You found {0} Shark Reward Signal but it dropped as your inventory was full" }
  6. Krungh Crow


    glad u like it future updates will most likely have a cap set through config for each egg type so regular eggs could be set to max 5 bronze 3 silver 2 gold 1 incase users want to have a gather multiplier cap set diffrently
  7. Krungh Crow


    { "Main config": { "Debug": true }, "Egg injection Settings": { "Chance on Egg Injection (0-100)": 50.0, "Chance on Regular Egg (0-100)": 60.0, "Chance on Bronze Egg (0-100)": 30.0, "Chance on Silver Egg (0-100)": 20.0, "Chance on Golden Egg (0-100)": 10.0, "Default Egg": "easter.paintedeggs" } } Current randomisation setup default egg would be if all the random triggers per egg type would be skipped so the default egg will be injected If within the set injection rates next step to avoid gather mulipliers if installed default egg = subject to change (codewise)
  8. Krungh Crow


    Its harvested so the x2 multiplier is in effect. I can add more functionality to it tho once i get home from work
  9. Krungh Crow


    I will add a chance drop this week
  10. Krungh Crow


    Ah yes cheers Maelep (note to myself dont make plugins 5 mins before going bed). fixed it in 1.1.0 + randomised eggs (skulls and bones are from a diffrent plugin)
  11. Krungh Crow


    fixed in 1.0.2
  12. Krungh Crow


    All ? Let me cap that
  13. Krungh Crow


    Version 1.1.6


    Injects a chicken with a random egg (Harvested from their corpses) you can upgrade using 10 of them in to bronze eggs then into silver and gold eggs. This is the start of a series of animal( roleplay ) Plugins. Features : Having a set chance to get a chicken corpse giving a egg. Eggs can be upgraded from regular to golden (easter egg system) using 10 eggs per grade. The eggs are limited to 1 egg per corpse ignoring the gathering multipliers from GatherManager and Zlevels. Option to disable chat messages when finding a egg through config. Eggs that can be found : Egg (Regular Egg) Bronze Egg Silver Egg Gold Egg Permissions : eggs.chat : Permission to use the /egg commands Commands : /egg info : Shows plugin info/version/author (Or any info edited in the language file about the event) Configuration : Debug is set to true by default (set to false if you dont want every action loggd to console) Chance on Egg Injection : The chance a chicken corpse is injected with a egg in % Chance on X Egg : Is the chance it will be this grade (if golden is not triggered it checks silver then bronze then regular) Default Egg : if none of the Egg grades where triggered it will use this egg.shortname. The following egg.shortnames can be used : easter.paintedeggs (This is used as a Regular Egg) easter.bronzeegg easter.silveregg easter.goldegg The custom names in CFG are shown on the item ! { "Main config": { "Debug": true, "Show Chat messages": true }, "Egg injection Settings": { "Chance on Egg Injection (0-100)": 100.0, "Chance on Regular Egg (0-100)": 50.0, "Chance on Bronze Egg (0-100)": 25.0, "Chance on Silver Egg (0-100)": 20.0, "Chance on Golden Egg (0-100)": 10.0, "Default Egg": "easter.paintedeggs" }, "Max eggs when using multiplier plugins": { "Max Regular Eggs": 4, "Max Bronze Eggs": 3, "Max Silver Eggs": 2, "Max Golden Eggs": 1 }, "Custom egg names (suggest to keep default)": { "Regular egg": "EGG", "Bronze egg": "BRONZE EGG", "Silver egg": "SILVER EGG", "Gold egg": "GOLD EGG" } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. The Egg name sin language file are used for the messages! { "EggRegular": "Egg", "EggBronze": "Bronze EGG", "EggSilver": "Silver EGG", "EggGold": "Gold EGG", "Info": "\n<color=green>Available Commands</color>\n<color=green>/egg info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands", "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "FoundEgg": "You found a <color=#4A95CC>{0}</color>", "Version": "Version : V", "NoPermission": "<color=green>You do not have permission to use that command!</color>" }
    works perfectly and simple nice plugin this makes the players lootrooms more organised then by using shelves only
  14. Krungh Crow

    1.1.8 NRE

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  15. Krungh Crow


    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  16. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  17. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  18. Krungh Crow


    Version 0.0.1


    Very basic plugin to make sure that skinned items do not get to lose their added skin when spliting stacks. (no config only a dev debug inside)
  19. you cant set your own server variables in server.cfg ?
  20. you can disable the cooldown inside BradleyOptions config to use the LootDefender lock. But then u can still spam it. They both do diffrent things lootdefender locks the bradley components and chest to a player/team cooldown in bradleyoptions just makes u unable to damage the bradley when its respawned for x time
  21. np bud Just checked LootDefender has a hud activation in the cfg
  22. hud is not from my plugin maybe lootdefender ?
  23. Krungh Crow


    ye can ignore it for now allready debugging and testing new attempts ^^
  24. yes if lowered it will do the launchsite bradley respawn as u want it to be . Its only optioned in BO if its buggd and will not spawn correctly


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