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Everything posted by Father

  1. screens added
  2. blasted i was never good at recording, I'll upload some screens for inside
    Train Bridge Metal Modular Set 1.0.0 was a benefit to my server, went and replaced all my bridges rail and road bridges with this prefab set made it look more professional! Quality was excellent with this prefab set. Rated 5 stars.
  3. video added of inside
  4. wait what happen to the video ???? i had a video for it hang tight will in just few minutes
  5. Version 2.5


    set of underground Bunker bases for your server, BaseUnderground Come with splat, Topo, height and Biomes(all Biomes) However since rustedit is wierd with alpha you will have to apply alpha yourself by using the smallest brush settings BaseUnderground Square prefab count:173
  6. Version 2.0


    Airbase prefab count:63 contains large furnace, recycler,and waterwell few of my prefabs require you to adjust ballon height depending on how high you place them for less aggravation I recommend putting this in your server.cfg hotairballoon.serviceceiling 500
  7. you mean something like this ? CH47 Reinforcements - Lone Design https://lone.design/product/ch47-reinforcements/
  8. also you have no 3x36 length which again defeats the purpose of this prefab without 36 not worth having....
  9. nice concept idea but unfortunately in order for me to use them for my purposes, I'll have to rebuild them due to the fact you incline is only one and if i need steeper incline i wouldn't be able to connect two together . which defeats the purpose if your making prefabs like this always make sure you have every angle covered .
  10. ahh bummer would have been great for my small water domes
  11. Father

    Cobalt Dam

    lol was fixing to buy this till i saw it has been updated yet
  12. does it have permissions for vip only to buy?
  13. Father

    Server Hud

    lol done it several times
  14. Father

    Server Hud

    i reloaded image library and hud still not showing background image also can we change the image?
  15. Thankyou so much for this!
  16. Error: Parse error on line 39: ...targeting" ] }, { "Types": { "H --------------------^ Expecting 'STRING', got '{' still samething
  17. hmm tried posting full scrip in editor { "Options": { "debug": false, "logtofile": false, "useClans": false, "useFriends": false, "useTeams": false, "useEconomics": true, "useServerRewards": false, "useNoEscape": false, "useVanish": false, "HomeRequireFoundation": false, "StrictFoundationCheck": false, "HomeRemoveInvalid": false, "HonorBuildingPrivilege": false, "HonorRelationships": false, "WipeOnNewSave": false, "AutoGenBandit": true, "AutoGenOutpost": true, "AutoGenTunnels": true, "HomeMinimumDistance": 10.0, "DefaultMonumentSize": 120.0, "CaveDistanceSmall": 40.0, "CaveDistanceMedium": 60.0, "CaveDistanceLarge": 100.0, "MinimumTemp": 0.0, "MaximumTemp": 40.0, "SetCommand": "set", "ListCommand": "list", "RemoveCommand": "remove", "AddTownMapMarker": false, "TownZoneId": null, "TownZoneEnterMessage": "Welcome to Town!", "TownZoneLeaveMessage": "Thanks for stopping by!", "TownZoneFlags": [ "nodecay", "nohelitargeting" ] }, { "Types": { "Home": { "BlockOnCrafting": false, "BlockOnHurt": false, "BlockOnCold": false, "BlockOnHot": false, "BlockOnCave": false, "BlockOnRig": false, "BlockOnMonuments": false, "BlockOnHostile": false, "BlockOnSafe": false, "BlockOnBalloon": false, "BlockOnCargo": false, "BlockOnExcavator": false, "BlockOnLift": false, "BlockOnMounted": false, "BlockOnSwimming": false, "BlockOnWater": false, "BlockForNoEscape": false, "BlockIfInvisible": false, "BlockInTunnel": true, "AutoAccept": false, "DailyLimit": 20.0, "HomesLimit": 2.0, "CountDown": 5.0, "CoolDown": 120.0, "AllowBypass": false, "BypassAmount": 0.0, "VIPSettings": { "teleportication.vip1": { "VIPDailyLimit": 20.0, "VIPHomesLimit": 5.0, "VIPCountDown": 5.0, "VIPCoolDown": 10.0, "VIPAllowBypass": true, "VIPBypassAmount": 1.0 } } } } } }, "Town": { "BlockOnCrafting": false, "BlockOnHurt": false, "BlockOnCold": false, "BlockOnHot": false, "BlockOnCave": false, "BlockOnRig": false, "BlockOnMonuments": false, "BlockOnHostile": false, "BlockOnSafe": false, "BlockOnBalloon": false, "BlockOnCargo": false, "BlockOnExcavator": false, "BlockOnLift": false, "BlockOnMounted": false, "BlockOnSwimming": false, "BlockOnWater": false, "BlockForNoEscape": false, "BlockIfInvisible": false, "BlockInTunnel": true, "AutoAccept": false, "DailyLimit": 30.0, "HomesLimit": 0.0, "CountDown": 5.0, "CoolDown": 120.0, "AllowBypass": false, "BypassAmount": 0.0, "VIPSettings": , "teleportication.vip1":, "VIPDailyLimit": 20.0, "VIPCountDown": 5.0, "VIPCoolDown": 10.0, "VIPAllowBypass": true, "VIPBypassAmount": 1.0 }, "Bandit": { "BlockOnCrafting": false, "BlockOnHurt": false, "BlockOnCold": false, "BlockOnHot": false, "BlockOnCave": false, "BlockOnRig": false, "BlockOnMonuments": false, "BlockOnHostile": true, "BlockOnSafe": false, "BlockOnBalloon": false, "BlockOnCargo": false, "BlockOnExcavator": false, "BlockOnLift": false, "BlockOnMounted": false, "BlockOnSwimming": false, "BlockOnWater": false, "BlockForNoEscape": false, "BlockIfInvisible": false, "BlockInTunnel": true, "AutoAccept": false, "DailyLimit": 30.0, "HomesLimit": 0.0, "CountDown": 5.0, "CoolDown": 120.0, "AllowBypass": false, "BypassAmount": 0.0, "VIPSettings": , "teleportication.vip1":, "VIPDailyLimit": 20.0, "VIPCountDown": 5.0, "VIPCoolDown": 10.0, "VIPAllowBypass": true, "VIPBypassAmount": 1.0 }, "Outpost": { "BlockOnCrafting": false, "BlockOnHurt": false, "BlockOnCold": false, "BlockOnHot": false, "BlockOnCave": false, "BlockOnRig": false, "BlockOnMonuments": false, "BlockOnHostile": true, "BlockOnSafe": false, "BlockOnBalloon": false, "BlockOnCargo": false, "BlockOnExcavator": false, "BlockOnLift": false, "BlockOnMounted": false, "BlockOnSwimming": false, "BlockOnWater": false, "BlockForNoEscape": false, "BlockIfInvisible": false, "BlockInTunnel": true, "AutoAccept": false, "DailyLimit": 30.0, "HomesLimit": 0.0, "CountDown": 5.0, "CoolDown": 120.0, "AllowBypass": false, "BypassAmount": 0.0, "VIPSettings": , "teleportication.vip1":, "VIPDailyLimit": 20.0, "VIPCountDown": 5.0, "VIPCoolDown": 10.0, "VIPAllowBypass": true, "VIPBypassAmount": 1.0 }, "Tunnel": { "BlockOnCrafting": false, "BlockOnHurt": false, "BlockOnCold": false, "BlockOnHot": false, "BlockOnCave": false, "BlockOnRig": false, "BlockOnMonuments": false, "BlockOnHostile": false, "BlockOnSafe": false, "BlockOnBalloon": false, "BlockOnCargo": false, "BlockOnExcavator": false, "BlockOnLift": false, "BlockOnMounted": false, "BlockOnSwimming": false, "BlockOnWater": false, "BlockForNoEscape": false, "BlockIfInvisible": false, "BlockInTunnel": true, "AutoAccept": false, "DailyLimit": 0.0, "HomesLimit": 0.0, "CountDown": 0.0, "CoolDown": 0.0, "AllowBypass": false, "BypassAmount": 0.0, "VIPSettings": , "teleportication.vip1":, "VIPDailyLimit": 20.0, "VIPCountDown": 5.0, "VIPCoolDown": 10.0, "VIPAllowBypass": true, "VIPBypassAmount": 1.0 }, "TPB": { "BlockOnCrafting": false, "BlockOnHurt": false, "BlockOnCold": false, "BlockOnHot": false, "BlockOnCave": false, "BlockOnRig": false, "BlockOnMonuments": false, "BlockOnHostile": false, "BlockOnSafe": false, "BlockOnBalloon": false, "BlockOnCargo": false, "BlockOnExcavator": false, "BlockOnLift": false, "BlockOnMounted": false, "BlockOnSwimming": false, "BlockOnWater": false, "BlockForNoEscape": false, "BlockIfInvisible": false, "BlockInTunnel": true, "AutoAccept": false, "DailyLimit": 30.0, "HomesLimit": 0.0, "CountDown": 5.0, "CoolDown": 120.0, "AllowBypass": false, "BypassAmount": 0.0, "VIPSettings": , "teleportication.vip1":, "VIPDailyLimit": 20.0, "VIPCountDown": 5.0, "VIPCoolDown": 10.0, "VIPAllowBypass": true, "VIPBypassAmount": 1.0 }, "TPC": { "BlockOnCrafting": false, "BlockOnHurt": false, "BlockOnCold": false, "BlockOnHot": false, "BlockOnCave": false, "BlockOnRig": false, "BlockOnMonuments": false, "BlockOnHostile": false, "BlockOnSafe": false, "BlockOnBalloon": false, "BlockOnCargo": false, "BlockOnExcavator": false, "BlockOnLift": false, "BlockOnMounted": false, "BlockOnSwimming": false, "BlockOnWater": false, "BlockForNoEscape": false, "BlockIfInvisible": false, "BlockInTunnel": true, "AutoAccept": false, "DailyLimit": 30.0, "HomesLimit": 0.0, "CountDown": 5.0, "CoolDown": 120.0, "AllowBypass": false, "BypassAmount": 0.0, "VIPSettings": , "teleportication.vip1":, "VIPDailyLimit": 20.0, "VIPCountDown": 5.0, "VIPCoolDown": 10.0, "VIPAllowBypass": true, "VIPBypassAmount": 1.0 }, "TPR": { "BlockOnCrafting": false, "BlockOnHurt": false, "BlockOnCold": false, "BlockOnHot": false, "BlockOnCave": false, "BlockOnRig": false, "BlockOnMonuments": false, "BlockOnHostile": false, "BlockOnSafe": false, "BlockOnBalloon": false, "BlockOnCargo": false, "BlockOnExcavator": false, "BlockOnLift": false, "BlockOnMounted": false, "BlockOnSwimming": false, "BlockOnWater": false, "BlockForNoEscape": false, "BlockIfInvisible": false, "BlockInTunnel": true, "AutoAccept": false, "DailyLimit": 30.0, "HomesLimit": 0.0, "CountDown": 5.0, "CoolDown": 120.0, "AllowBypass": false, "BypassAmount": 0.0, "VIPSettings": , "teleportication.vip1":, "VIPDailyLimit": 20.0, "VIPCountDown": 5.0, "VIPCoolDown": 10.0, "VIPAllowBypass": true, "VIPBypassAmount": 1.0 }, "TP": { "BlockOnCrafting": false, "BlockOnHurt": false, "BlockOnCold": false, "BlockOnHot": false, "BlockOnCave": false, "BlockOnRig": false, "BlockOnMonuments": false, "BlockOnHostile": false, "BlockOnSafe": false, "BlockOnBalloon": false, "BlockOnCargo": false, "BlockOnExcavator": false, "BlockOnLift": false, "BlockOnMounted": false, "BlockOnSwimming": false, "BlockOnWater": false, "BlockForNoEscape": false, "BlockIfInvisible": false, "BlockInTunnel": true, "AutoAccept": false, "DailyLimit": 30.0, "HomesLimit": 0.0, "CountDown": 2.0, "CoolDown": 10.0, "AllowBypass": false, "BypassAmount": 0.0, "VIPSettings": , "teleportication.vip1":, "VIPDailyLimit": 20.0, "VIPCountDown": 5.0, "VIPCoolDown": 10.0, "VIPAllowBypass": true, "VIPBypassAmount": 1.0 } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 4, "Patch": 7 } } but got this error Error: Parse error on line 39: ...targeting" ] }, { "Types": { "H --------------------^ Expecting 'STRING', got '{'
  18. when i place this "VIPSettings": null with "VIPSettings": { "teleportication.vip1": { "VIPDailyLimit": 20.0, "VIPCountDown": 5.0, "VIPCoolDown": 10.0, "VIPAllowBypass": true, "VIPBypassAmount": 1.0 }, it gives errors and plugin stops working so please show me the correct way to add it in the config.
  19. "VIPSettings": , "teleportication.vip1":, "VIPDailyLimit": 20.0, "VIPHomesLimit": 5.0, "VIPCountDown": 5.0, "VIPCoolDown": 10.0, "VIPAllowBypass": true, "VIPBypassAmount": 1.0
  20. if you had looked at what i posted instead of posting links you would have seen i did this already but when i go to setup permissions oxide.grant group vip teleportication.vip1 , Permission 'teleportication.vip1' doesn't exist!
  21. Permission 'teleportication.vip1' doesn't exist how do i make new permission? here is my config for homes
  22. Father

    Welcome Panel

    is this normal? Failed to call hook 'OnNewSave' on plugin 'WelcomePanel v3.0.7' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.WelcomePanel.OnNewSave () [0x00016] in <21124ab699a64e8fb420fc389994cc95>:0
  23. broken? Error while compiling: BradleyGuards.cs(620,41): error CS0115: `Oxide.Plugins.BradleyGuards.TakeCoverState.StateThink(float)' is marked as an override but no suitable method found to override
  24. Father

    update please

    update please the new locomotives will not go through the train station. 31.00 needs update...


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