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Player 1 who holds that title was added to the group successfully,  player 2 got the title from Player 1, Player 2 was also added to the group.

Both players got the perms assigned for the title.

Is there something im missing to do to revoke a player group on title change in this case kick out player 1 from the group?

Thank you for your prompt responses, and BotReSpawn is my favourite plugin out of the 100 plugins we have.!

  • Administrator


Hi again,
When someone is given a title the group is completely emptied before they are added to it.
Are you definitely on the most recent version, 2.2.6?

  • Administrator


...You'd need to make sure that config / titles / AddTitleHoldersToGroup is set to true for the above to happen. 👍



7 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

Hi again,
When someone is given a title the group is completely emptied before they are added to it.
Are you definitely on the most recent version, 2.2.6?

Doesnt function like that for me. 

- yes i have 2.2.6
- Yes I have config / titles / AddTitleHoldersToGroup set to TRUE

New title holders are getting added, but previous title holders are still existing when i look at the group members to permissions manager. 

However, running oxide.show groups doesnt show the group RocketsLaunched that I was testing with. I will test with the groups that I do see and revert back 🙂

  • Administrator


I think oxide's output is truncated which will confuse matters.
Using PermissionsManager is probably a better way of assessing what groups exist and what groups don't.

For PlayerRanks a group should exist for every category that's enabled and doesn't have "" (blank) for the title.


Certainly the code is there to remove all players from x group before adding the new title holder to it.
Maybe some errors has been happening, stopping that code?
Although, saying that, the emptying of the group happens first so if there was some error then the new player wouldn't be added.

Not sure what's going on, to be honest, and kind of difficult to test with only myself.



You *could* set DestroyGroupsOnUnload to true, and EnablePlayerTitles to false then reload PlayerRanks,
and that would delete every PlayerRanks group then not create them again.
That would give you a chance to look at PermissionsManager and see if there are old groups with similar names through some previous error or something?

  • Love 1


We just got the plugin -- looks fantastic, thank you very much -- but we're at a loss, feeling kind of dense:  how do we set the titles to not be deployed instantly but only monthly?

  • Administrator


Thank you!
There's no provision for that, I'm afraid. The titles are issued and announced as soon as they change hands.

You can issue rewards to the title holders at any chosen time, or upon wipe, but the assignment of titles through the wipe happens automatically the moment someone exceeds the current title holder's score.



ah, i see.  Thank you for replying so quickly, I appreciate it.

  • Like 1


Hello Steenamaroo!
Ages ago, before I used your plugin, I made a less advanced version to track stats and display them on my site.
I used to have a "Nemesis" category which basically was the name of the player who killed you the most in PvP (excluding your teammates)

So if Player A got killed twice by Player B and 5 times by Player C, the stats were displaying Player C as his Nemesis.

Do you think is this something you could add or is this too advanced?

  • Confused 1


Has anyone got a custom config with Colors all changed ect ?



Love the plugin! Wondering if its possible to change the titles so they present separately. For example [title][title] instead of [title title].

  • Administrator


Yes, you can do that although it's not automatic.

The plugin has TitleStart = "["; TitleEnd = "]"; which you're seeing right now.
[    all the titles here    ]

You could set those to be blank like this
TitleStart = ""; TitleEnd = ""

then put your brackets in as part of the individual titles, like

Title = "[Hunter]";

  • Love 1


I would like to request the functionality of the plugin reporting to chat the top 5 in each category tracked periodically. I used to use SQLStats and SQLStasistics from Chaos to do this although it did not track as many catagories as playerranks does. I would give my left nut for this plugin to have this functionality. 

  • Administrator


It does that already.
There's a repeating print-to-chat of the top X and you can control the timer duration and the number printed in the config.



8 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

It does that already.
There's a repeating print-to-chat of the top X and you can control the timer duration and the number printed in the config.

My god i somehow missed it it the config. This pleases me



this may have been asked before, but cant find it, What does this do for me:
 "ChatPriority": 1,

will this allow lets say chat priority of 1 have one color and chat of 2 have another, since i saw in the config a color for major and one for minor

  • Administrator


Hi @Mbesailor
Chat priority, for titles, is the order in which titles will be displayed in cases where a player has multiple titles.

This is particularly important since there are options to limit the number of titles displayed.

If you have multiple titles, the ones with smaller priority number will be displayed first.


Posted (edited)

Didn't read all the pages  so not sure if this was discussed but as an FYI for those looking for DB support, this only works with MySQL or version 10.9  or less of MariaDB.   For many MySQL and MariaDB are interchangeable with preference of MariaDB for performance. Newer version of  MariaDB no longer support MySqlClient but rather MySqlConnector.  - a  DBNull error is thrown upon connection try.  Unsure of how to import the proper DLL into rust/oxide currently (still learning the ropes of oxide/unity)


MySQL docker-compose:


version: "3"
    image: mysql
    container_name: mysql




version: "3"
#    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/mariadb:latest  #doens't work with MySQLClient, error of DBNull upon connect
    image: mariadb:10.9.8   #downgrade if you want to use mariaDB
    container_name: mariadb


Edited by paxx


Is there any way to prevent this plugin from creating all of the groups? I try to keep my group count organized and low but this plugin creates so many of them. Personal issue, I know, but is there a way to turn it off?

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  • Administrator


@httpsfour- That's a known bug which will be addressed in the next update.
It's fixed and tested. I just haven't released the update yet.

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Hi Dev

When loading the plugin, groups are created, but I dont need them((. How can I remove them?




setting in config to automatically create groups or not



How can I remove them?

  • Administrator



Update 2.2.7, released a few minutes ago, fixes this issue.
With AddTitleHoldersToGroup set to false, auto-created groups will be removed and will not be recreated automatically.

  • Like 1
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I would like to thank the developer for his attention and prompt work. Respect to him. Really like.

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