What's New in Version 1.5.14 See changelog
- Added the ability to disable automatic event triggering.
- Added a console command to start the event at a random location: start.boss.
- Added support for IQDronePatrol.
- Added support for PreventLooting.
- Fixed a potential conflict between hooks and NPCSpawn.
- Adjustments in monument position search.
- Added APIs:
void OnNpcKilled(ScientistNPC npc, BasePlayer player) - called when the boss or assistants are killed. void OnBossKilled(ScientistNPC npc, BasePlayer player) - called when the boss is killed. void OnHelperKilled(ScientistNPC npc, BasePlayer player) - called when the boss's assistants are killed. void OnSpawnedBoss(ScientistNPC npc) - called when the boss spawns. void OnSpawnedHelpers(List<ScientistNPC> helpers) - called when assistants spawn. void OnSpawnedCrates(List<BaseEntity> crateList) - returns a list of spawned crates after killing the boss. String GetBossName - returns the displayed name of the boss. List<String> GetBotsNames() - returns a list of names of assistants and the boss.