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Message added by imthenewguy,

Version 2.0.0 is a complete re-write of the plugin. If you are upgrading from a previous version, your config will most likely be wiped.

4 Screenshots

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Plugin looks great but before buy it wonder about some small stuff...

1. If in-future (the problem you mentioned with hooks and the way plugin works), will be possible if proper support is added to fix it, also is there any big cons now working this way?
2. Does plugin adds every item including not used by the game vanilla game and players - items like golden eggs, geiger counter, smoke rocket, etc?

3. Does turning off chat messages everytime you start/stop fishing catch fish will turn off also casket found purple message? I think people won't notice problems if messages for fishing start stop are off but at the same time wanna leave only casket found ON.



1 hour ago, Flammable said:

Plugin looks great but before buy it wonder about some small stuff...

1. If in-future (the problem you mentioned with hooks and the way plugin works), will be possible if proper support is added to fix it, also is there any big cons now working this way?
2. Does plugin adds every item including not used by the game vanilla game and players - items like golden eggs, geiger counter, smoke rocket, etc?

3. Does turning off chat messages everytime you start/stop fishing catch fish will turn off also casket found purple message? I think people won't notice problems if messages for fishing start stop are off but at the same time wanna leave only casket found ON.

1. I will change it to function using the propper hooks if they are released. I did this as an interim method so I could get it working. Has been running on my server since wipe and it appears to be working well.

2. The plugin includes all items in the configuration file, including the ones you mentiond. They are easy to disable and once done, won't need to be done again unless there is a major change to the config. 


3. Turning off chat messages only stops the message "You are no longer fishing" and "You are now fishing". The purple casket message will always appear, as will the messages when a player tries to pick up an item, open a container or move items around in their inventory while fishing.


Hope this helps.



Yes thanks for help, also one last question... if I copy one item for example from the config and paste it as placeholder then how have to edit it to add custom item? 
Have to add item shortname and the custom item skin?
also what about if rewards is command possible?
and is it only on this image for some reason or all items do not comes with rarity and I need to add rarity to everything by default.


Posted (edited)

7 hours ago, Flammable said:

Yes thanks for help, also one last question... if I copy one item for example from the config and paste it as placeholder then how have to edit it to add custom item? 
Have to add item shortname and the custom item skin?
also what about if rewards is command possible?
and is it only on this image for some reason or all items do not comes with rarity and I need to add rarity to everything by default.

You can add a custom item using the chat command. For example:

/tbadditem <Display Name> <item shortname> <skin id> <max quantity>

/tbadditem "Gold Nugget" battery.small 2405961582 5


The only thing with custom items is that it uses the defaut image from the shortname. I may update this in the future.

Edited by imthenewguy


The plugin doesn't adjust any loot chances, it simply looks to see if you caught any of the configured fish then rolls the dice to see if you also get a casket 🙂



Yeah, thanks for reply and info... Plugin is great... I used to spend some time but configured every single item and disabled submarine, habrepair, npc suits and other misc items players are not supposed to have, set rarity to items like 0 - wb1, 1- wb2, 2- wb3 and its cool because you can get everything x1 for research or whatever : ) I love lucky/lottery type of plugins : )



7 hours ago, Flammable said:

Yeah, thanks for reply and info... Plugin is great... I used to spend some time but configured every single item and disabled submarine, habrepair, npc suits and other misc items players are not supposed to have, set rarity to items like 0 - wb1, 1- wb2, 2- wb3 and its cool because you can get everything x1 for research or whatever : ) I love lucky/lottery type of plugins : )

Is what I am using it for on my server 🙂
Have disabled tech tree, so this is a good source of blueprints.


Will hopefully introduce some more content shortly. Glad you are enjoying this 😄



Plugin is working, but i have a question.. Why it does not work with stack for example 10000 stones. Immediately shows up error . In this case plugin do not work. Is it possible that you fix it for stacks.



30 minutes ago, Zohan said:

Plugin is working, but i have a question.. Why it does not work with stack for example 10000 stones. Immediately shows up error . In this case plugin do not work. Is it possible that you fix it for stacks.

Do you mean 10000 stones in the config?

Did you want to add a screenshot?




Yes i mean 10000 stones in config. I want when open chest people get not 1 stone but 10k stones. 




3 minutes ago, Zohan said:

Yes i mean 10000 stones in config. I want when open chest people get not 1 stone but 10k stones. 


Is there already an entry called "stones" in the config?




in config was changed from 1 stone to 10000 stones taht you can see in screenshot




3 minutes ago, Zohan said:

in config was changed from 1 stone to 10000 stones taht you can see in screenshot


im heading to bed. Add me on discord and send me the config and I will take a look at it 🙂

im the new guy#0001



when i look for you it shows me that you do not accept invitations thats why i give you my discord.. plz look up for me... Zohan#4709



I am blind or do not see in example config here hotspot settings... I have currently 33% chance to find treasure chest. Wonder if can set hotspot  chance (%) or its just multiplier coded to do x2 more often for example?



3 hours ago, Flammable said:

I am blind or do not see in example config here hotspot settings... I have currently 33% chance to find treasure chest. Wonder if can set hotspot  chance (%) or its just multiplier coded to do x2 more often for example?

Nevermind, I found the hotspot settings in my config, it wasn't added to the example config on the plugin page that's why asked at first...
Btw can you add for testing purposes as admin or for vip group/default group ( grant under permission) to see hotpots like "?" symbol/text on the map (mystery location) or if not possible add simple colored circle (please no vending markers)



Updated the posted config.

Not sure if I'll add markers unless I extend it and add make it cycle through locations randomly. 

I added the functionality as I created a fishing platform on my server that I wanted to have as a permanent hotspot.


Posted (edited)


Do you have idea why when I disable/enable a lot of sh*t like discofloor, halloween skull spikes, sled, xmas sled, inner tube above in the config at the end of the file have again some of them added... and they are enabled by default... I used just to disable them but now have more of them added for some reason.
Confirmed this by checking my old config (one of the backups while used to think what to enable/disable from Workbench 3 items) and saved a copy -> have 5151 lines in total, now my current one have 5230 lines so for sure more stuff is added form nowhere... And I notice this items being double/triple at the end of the config and the problem is they auto add themselves - rarity 0, ENABLED 😞

"Scientist Suit 1": {
      "shortname": "hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Spikes 2": {
      "shortname": "skullspikes.pumpkin",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Spikes 3": {
      "shortname": "skullspikes",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Trophy 3": {
      "shortname": "skull.trophy.jar2",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Trophy 4": {
      "shortname": "skull.trophy.table",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Trophy 5": {
      "shortname": "skull.trophy",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Inner Tube 2": {
      "shortname": "innertube.horse",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Inner Tube 3": {
      "shortname": "innertube.unicorn",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Sunglasses 6": {
      "shortname": "sunglasses02camo",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Sunglasses 7": {
      "shortname": "sunglasses02red",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Sunglasses 8": {
      "shortname": "sunglasses03black",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Sunglasses 9": {
      "shortname": "sunglasses03chrome",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Sled 1": {
      "shortname": "sled",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Disco Floor 1": {
      "shortname": "discofloor.largetiles",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Solo Submarine 0": {
      "shortname": "submarinesolo",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Scientist Suit 2": {
      "shortname": "hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Spikes 4": {
      "shortname": "skullspikes.pumpkin",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Spikes 5": {
      "shortname": "skullspikes",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Trophy 6": {
      "shortname": "skull.trophy.jar2",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Trophy 7": {
      "shortname": "skull.trophy.table",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Trophy 8": {
      "shortname": "skull.trophy",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Inner Tube 4": {
      "shortname": "innertube.horse",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Inner Tube 5": {
      "shortname": "innertube.unicorn",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Sled 2": {
      "shortname": "sled",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Disco Floor 2": {
      "shortname": "discofloor.largetiles",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1


Edited by Flammable


16 hours ago, Flammable said:


Do you have idea why when I disable/enable a lot of sh*t like discofloor, halloween skull spikes, sled, xmas sled, inner tube above in the config at the end of the file have again some of them added... and they are enabled by default... I used just to disable them but now have more of them added for some reason.
Confirmed this by checking my old config (one of the backups while used to think what to enable/disable from Workbench 3 items) and saved a copy -> have 5151 lines in total, now my current one have 5230 lines so for sure more stuff is added form nowhere... And I notice this items being double/triple at the end of the config and the problem is they auto add themselves - rarity 0, ENABLED 😞

"Scientist Suit 1": {
      "shortname": "hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Spikes 2": {
      "shortname": "skullspikes.pumpkin",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Spikes 3": {
      "shortname": "skullspikes",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Trophy 3": {
      "shortname": "skull.trophy.jar2",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Trophy 4": {
      "shortname": "skull.trophy.table",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Trophy 5": {
      "shortname": "skull.trophy",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Inner Tube 2": {
      "shortname": "innertube.horse",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Inner Tube 3": {
      "shortname": "innertube.unicorn",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Sunglasses 6": {
      "shortname": "sunglasses02camo",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Sunglasses 7": {
      "shortname": "sunglasses02red",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Sunglasses 8": {
      "shortname": "sunglasses03black",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Sunglasses 9": {
      "shortname": "sunglasses03chrome",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Sled 1": {
      "shortname": "sled",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Disco Floor 1": {
      "shortname": "discofloor.largetiles",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Solo Submarine 0": {
      "shortname": "submarinesolo",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Scientist Suit 2": {
      "shortname": "hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Spikes 4": {
      "shortname": "skullspikes.pumpkin",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Spikes 5": {
      "shortname": "skullspikes",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Trophy 6": {
      "shortname": "skull.trophy.jar2",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Trophy 7": {
      "shortname": "skull.trophy.table",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Skull Trophy 8": {
      "shortname": "skull.trophy",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Inner Tube 4": {
      "shortname": "innertube.horse",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Inner Tube 5": {
      "shortname": "innertube.unicorn",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Sled 2": {
      "shortname": "sled",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1
    "Disco Floor 2": {
      "shortname": "discofloor.largetiles",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "maxQuantity": 1


Hey mate add me on discord.
im the new guy#0001



Would you allow custom images?
Would like to implement custom items but unfortunately only the icon of the shortname item is displayed.

"Diamant": {
      "customimage": "null",
      "shortname": "blood",
      "rarity": 2,
      "skin": 00000000,
      "enabled": true,
      "maxQuantity": 1



8 hours ago, MeinRust said:

Would you allow custom images?
Would like to implement custom items but unfortunately only the icon of the shortname item is displayed.

"Diamant": {
      "customimage": "null",
      "shortname": "blood",
      "rarity": 2,
      "skin": 00000000,
      "enabled": true,
      "maxQuantity": 1

If you add custom item with shortname and skinID should fetch the custom item icon from the skinID and display it right? Or displays the original shortname icon in the UI? I use only for normal items so never tested


Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Flammable said:

If you add custom item with shortname and skinID should fetch the custom item icon from the skinID and display it right? Or displays the original shortname icon in the UI? I use only for normal items so never tested

Original shortname, in this case "blood" instead of the "diamond"


I entered it like this in the config, am I doing something wrong?

"Item List - Rarity key: [0 = common, 1 = rare, 2 = elite]": {
    "Diamant": {
      "shortname": "blood",
      "rarity": 2,
      "skin": 2570332206,
      "enabled": true,
      "maxQuantity": 1


Edited by MeinRust


That was an oversight. It defaults the img to the Rustlab URL using the item shortname.
I have added a field to check for the item skin, and if the skin is greater than 0, it will see if there is a custom img URL. If so, it will display the item linked in the URL, instead of the Rustlab item.

Example snippet:

	"Sausage roll": {
      "shortname": "blood",
      "rarity": 0,
      "skin": 2657034158,
      "enabled": true,
      "maxQuantity": 1,
      "img_url": "https://i.imgur.com/F90xeFT.png"

Make sure you are running 1.0.3 (will be up soon).


  • Love 1

Posted (edited)

I do not see the Auto Update items feature in v2.0. Can you add it back if you removed it? Of course, I have to go through every item in the config again in v2.0 and re-setup it (to ensure the WIP/unused things or redirected item skins are disabled). After that, I liked how the v1.0 plugin auto-created the items to the loot when they were added to the game. This way, you do not have to add the new items manually when the game updates. If the thing is WIP (ex clan table), you can toggle it to false and, if needed, toggle it back to true later.

Also, "Base chance of obtaining a casket when catching a fish [%]": 3.0 = 3% chance but from 100 or 1000? If you combine it with a hotspot or other multipliers, and the final chance is above 100% (ex. 230%) that means every single catch will give a casket?

Edited by Flammable


On 8/27/2023 at 10:55 PM, Flammable said:

I do not see the Auto Update items feature in v2.0. Can you add it back if you removed it? Of course, I have to go through every item in the config again in v2.0 and re-setup it (to ensure the WIP/unused things or redirected item skins are disabled). After that, I liked how the v1.0 plugin auto-created the items to the loot when they were added to the game. This way, you do not have to add the new items manually when the game updates. If the thing is WIP (ex clan table), you can toggle it to false and, if needed, toggle it back to true later.

Also, "Base chance of obtaining a casket when catching a fish [%]": 3.0 = 3% chance but from 100 or 1000? If you combine it with a hotspot or other multipliers, and the final chance is above 100% (ex. 230%) that means every single catch will give a casket?

Ill add that to the next release.


An example of how the increases work.

Base value: 3%

If you have a permission that increases this by 100%, it would adjust the value to 6%.
If it went to a 1000% increase, it would be 30% etc.

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