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BotReSpawn 1.3.6

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  On 12/17/2021 at 12:58 AM, thaurane said:

$40 is too steep of a price. That is basically an entire game. Pretty much the same price as Rust itself. You all might have deep enough pockets but I don't. I'm not sure why I should pay such a high price tag when I can take that money and go enjoy an entire other game instead. The most I would pay is $10, maybe $20 tops.

To those that say along the lines "it was dropped on him at the last minute". While I agree with that. I don't agree that is an excuse to charge such an exorbitant amount.

I'll miss this plugin because I will never pay that price tag. It was fun while it lasted.


I guess you haven't seen the price tag on Gravis Island.. 🙂

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Posted (edited)

Could we all agree now that there are 2 parties? Both parties have the rights to speak freely. i keep seeing people bashing off other people like its nothing. Sad, because we have all our freedom of speech. Yes, even i was a bit pissed about it. Yes, he could have provided a similar plugin that has less options for free ( assuming he wanted to keep botspawn itself free as i read the comments back ). But, he cant do anything about it that facepunch did its usual update without a proper notice.

The thing why people are so mad is because the update came out of nowhere from FacePunch. The free botspawn plugin broke. Well, sh*t. That's pity. Asking 40 bucks for a similar plugin comes in like a bomb if they have a low budget or not even a massive community of players. PvE servers became held hostage of their own server, because a pve server with no bots is more like a vanilla server without proper content. Botspawn is a mainkey for pve servers.

Its already hard to keep players for coming back. Especially since the covid lock-down that's playing a huge part in this. Lots of people stayed home forced, meaning they had to do something else to burn the time. They started a rust server, having some fun as a PvE server for example, but not being able to buy the new plugin because of the lack of funds they have. Some people dont even know how long this plugin was working before it died. Many of us had great times with the use of such great plugin. He should had gone premium long before, but with the keep of a free limited version of botspawn. 

I presume that i also dont have to mention the amount of servers that are rented nowadays. While the steam server list can only handle max 10k servers, does the counter already have been passed the 40k game servers if not even higher. 2 years ago, this was not a big issue as back then, they only counted aproxx 15k servers, but to get a proper community running is becoming even hard as trying to populate a dayz server. 

So, in the end i can fully understand their anger on this, but then yet again. its something that we could not have seen coming.

In the meanwhile, i have been able to find a nice alternative botspawn plugin. Just simple spawns near monuments. More then enough for us. Presuming i'm not allowed to link anything. i could only say that u should look for it on umod.

Happy holidays, be nice and please stay safe during covid19. 


Edited by GamingHQ



After the wipe, bots do not appear on custom points! Why?? Didn't change the map! I'm a little upset



I don’t understand anything! Bots from the default-CustomProfiles file simply cannot be spawned ... Deleted the file! Created new points and new bots, but they are not!

  • Administrator


Talking about this in support ^^. 🙂



  On 12/16/2021 at 2:05 PM, Steenamaroo said:


Thanks for the feedback.
Death notes is probably out of my control I'm afraid but the rest I can look at.

BotSpawn used a different prefab for murderer/scientist. The murderer + scientist prefabs, funny enough. 😛
BotReSpawn uses the same scientist prefab for everything, with the only difference being that npcs who only have melee weapons get modded to be less smart and more aggressive, just running at you and swinging.

A few people have mentioned the fact that all corpses all have the same loot so that is one thing I intend to look at.
The other is I think I can bring back in the murderer huffing and puffing,
so my plan would be, rather than having a "murderer: true/false" option,
I'd probably just give each profile a 'huff and puff' true/false, and a click-to-select for default loot type.

I haven't actually looked into it properly yet but my hope would be that you could select from crates/corpses which exist in game and choose one of those as the loot you'll see on your npc's corpse.

At present I think FacePunch's Scarecrow class is probably a placeholder - I don't think it uses weapons or has a completed AI but if they do something cool with it it's possible I could just integrate that,
which which case we would just have Scarecrow true:false.


there are plugins like monument finder and monument addons that support custom monuments. I am not a dev but I hope this helps. If you did support custom monuments I would very much be interested in this plugin.

public NormalMonumentAdapter(MonumentInfo monumentInfo) : base(monumentInfo)
                MonumentInfo = monumentInfo;

                if (monumentInfo.name.Contains("monument_marker.prefab"))
                    ShortName = PrefabName;
                    BoundingBox = new OBB(Position, Rotation, GetBounds(monumentInfo, ShortName));
                    BoundingBox = new OBB(Position, Rotation, GetBounds(monumentInfo, ShortName));


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  On 12/18/2021 at 5:25 PM, LizardMods said:

there are plugins like monument finder and monument addons that support custom monuments. I am not a dev but I hope this helps. If you did support custom monuments I would very much be interested in this plugin.

public NormalMonumentAdapter(MonumentInfo monumentInfo) : base(monumentInfo)
                MonumentInfo = monumentInfo;

                if (monumentInfo.name.Contains("monument_marker.prefab"))
                    ShortName = PrefabName;
                    BoundingBox = new OBB(Position, Rotation, GetBounds(monumentInfo, ShortName));
                    BoundingBox = new OBB(Position, Rotation, GetBounds(monumentInfo, ShortName));



also, I am using a custom plugin that already does this, and here is a snippet of the config on how to add them. 

    "Custom Monument Markers": [
        "Root Name": "Elucidate",
        "Display Name": "<color=silver> Elucidate </color>",
        "Icon URL": "http://assets.rustimperium.com/icons/map/satellite-dish.png"
        "Root Name": "Clone  Lab",
        "Display Name": "<color=#00ff00ff> Clone Lab </color>",
        "Icon URL": "https://i.imgur.com/HLVymSY.png"


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Posted (edited)

We discussed it before but I thought of a much simpler solution.  When you type /botrespawn while editing a current monument it will have a button on the main screen "edit last profile" which just takes you straight to the monument edit screen of the current one being worked on.

Edited by KingSizeKevin
  • Administrator


Hi Kevin,
Sure...I can do that.
Either works.

To be honest that suggestion's probably better because the 'end editing' button is on the main page.
It would make sense to have the 'edit last profile' right there with it,

plus there's plenty of room on that page.

Thank you.

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One more bug: If you have kits and click Edit kits on a monument then click Reload profile, it resets the kits back and you have to do it a 2nd time in order for the setting to stick.

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  • Administrator


That's twice you've reported something about 2 minutes after I found + fixed it. 🤣
Someone else reported it this evening - Thank you for flagging that.

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this is from a monument finder on a custom monument.


Baron Von Finchus


I know its one of many things you are working on but just wanted to say I'm looking forward to your API coming back 😄

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  • Administrator


What API @Baron Von Finchus?
Spawn/Kill was added in the last update.


Posted (edited)

I think anyone still wanting to edit the text file vs the UI could be won over with something to address this problem.  I want to set settings on Substation 0 or Ice Lake 0 and apply them to all the other similar profiles.  These locations commonly have the same exact settings and having to do it manually over and over is very tedious with the UI.  If there was some way to "apply to all" when setting one of the repetitive profiles it would save a ton of time.

Edited by KingSizeKevin
  • Administrator


Agreed - "Clone from" is something I expect to have in the next version.
Thanks for the feedback!

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Suggestion: first custom spawn point is spawn 1.  Remove 0 as the first spawn point. 

Also, If possible, do the same for monuments. I'd rather have Habor 1 and 2 rather than harbor 0 and 1.




Would it be possible to at some point get an aggro and de aggro message? Like how HumanNPC does with proximity. Could be useful as a stopgap to tell people when they are targeted by NPCs until the cross map lock on issue is fixed. Would also just be neat.

  • Administrator


"until the cross map lock on issue is fixed"

It's not fixed? I was pretty sure that issue was sorted in V1.0.5. Is that not the case?



  On 12/21/2021 at 2:21 AM, Steenamaroo said:

"until the cross map lock on issue is fixed"

It's not fixed? I was pretty sure that issue was sorted in V1.0.5. Is that not the case?


I've had some issues with NPCs killing players after they respawn. I don't know if that's connected or separate.



  On 12/21/2021 at 3:00 AM, ChogChey said:

I've had some issues with NPCs killing players after they respawn. I don't know if that's connected or separate.


I thought that was the whole point in having them 🙂



I meant like across the map. I didn't add context from my last post.

  • Administrator


Aggoro/Deaggro should be working properly, with the npcs disengaging because you've been out of deaggro range, or out of line of sight, for a brief period of time.

To be honest I'm not sure if there's any automatic 'forget' going on when a player dies but the npc should cease to be aggrod on that player regarldess, after they've been far away/broken line of sight, for a short time.

If you were to be killed by an npc then respawn in that same npcs line of sight, it would still be aggro on you.
Is that what's happening?



  On 12/21/2021 at 6:37 PM, Steenamaroo said:

Aggoro/Deaggro should be working properly, with the npcs disengaging because you've been out of deaggro range, or out of line of sight, for a brief period of time.

To be honest I'm not sure if there's any automatic 'forget' going on when a player dies but the npc should cease to be aggrod on that player regarldess, after they've been far away/broken line of sight, for a short time.

If you were to be killed by an npc then respawn in that same npcs line of sight, it would still be aggro on you.
Is that what's happening?


I have NPC snipers in towers protecting NPC forts. Those snipers have an agro range of 150, and a de-agro of 200. Occasionally I will have players complain that they attack a fort, get killed by a sniper, then respawn at their base a good distance away, but still technically in the line of sight of the NPC (just out of render distance), and they are shot upon exiting their base.

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