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BotReSpawn 1.2.9

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42 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

No, that's not an option but you can double the value of BotHealth to achieve the same results.

Alright , Thank you ..

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39 minutes ago, copcopekcro said:

Alright , Thank you ..

Yea but then i got problem with broken armor ,they drop broken armor .

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5 hours ago, copcopekcro said:

Hello ,
Is it possible that we can change defense on npc ,like dmg they take 1.0 - they take normal dmg ,0.5 - they get only half dmg ? 

use NPCHealth from Umod.


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I've added Bot_Take_Damage_Percent per profile, with a default of 100 which will mean nothing changes unless users change the value.
I'll be in the next update.

The alternative was to prevent condition loss for npc worn armour but that means the use of a pretty heavy hooks so I went with this. 👍

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12 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:


I've added Bot_Take_Damage_Percent per profile, with a default of 100 which will mean nothing changes unless users change the value.
I'll be in the next update.

The alternative was to prevent condition loss for npc worn armour but that means the use of a pretty heavy hooks so I went with this. 👍

Great , You are a LEGEND ! 
Thank you!

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Would you add ignore turret damage for individual profiles too?
I created many custom profiles and bosses that bosses should not be AFK killed by players with their turrets while hiding in the base. but I do allow them to build a defense for the default profile bots.

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Hello Steenamaroo. I can't spawn bots in the OilRig,... is there in the defult config. but doen't work. maybe becouse there is not a Navmesh. I try to put a custom spawn but a couldn't find anyone.

I hope you can fix, when you can.


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Hi @Lei_Wong
That's right - There's no navmesh for automatic spawning at the OIlRigs, but you can place custom spawnpoints there with stationary set to true, for non-moving npcs.

At one time I didn't include OilRig profiles, for this reason, but people requested it so that they didn't have to re do their custom spawnpoints every wipe.

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How can it be set so that those npc's with shotguns do not start shooting at 50m but start running to the player and start using the weapon from a distance of about 10m.
Thank you in advance for your help!

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Couldn't a language file be added to the plugin?
I would like to translate the plugin into my own language.

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1 hour ago, Viktorvill said:

How can it be set so that those npc's with shotguns do not start shooting at 50m but start running to the player and start using the weapon from a distance of about 10m.
Thank you in advance for your help!

There are 2  systems in place to manage this. One is a per profile setting in the Behaviour tab of a bot profile,  "Don't Fire Beyond Distance 100"   set this value to the maxium distance you want to limit specific bot profiles from firing.  

The other setting you are asking about that overall manages short range weapons is called something like "Limit Short Range Weapon Use" is in the Global settings page of the GUI, to achieve what you asked about, set this to TRUE .  if you read through each option on that page, you can't miss it. Good luck!

Edited by Malkizid
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Hi @Viktorvill
No, unfortunately not.
They run around firing it but it doesn't have a target so the missile just flies off.

I'd have to write a custom behaviour for it but I'll look into that.

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Ignore. Was easier than I thought.
Proper use of seeking missiles will be in the next update.

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There must be no option that makes the day and night NPCs not precisely defined.
I mean 15 npc during the day.
There must be 8 npc. night.
But during the day, move randomly between 5-15 npc.
They must appear between 4 and 8 npc at night.

And so you never know how many npc's will be at that monument day or night.

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I have never encountered that problem, the only time there is an "unknown" amount is when it is during the transition between night and day and day and night, when it is between night and day the extra bots despawn slowly and increase slowly between day and night,

I always encounter the same allocated amount whatever monument i am at, the only ones that are hard to deifine are the biome bots as they are spread over a large area and in the six minute respawn time some might respawn before you actually encounter the other scattered bots.

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Does this plugin allow for the spawning of NPC's that can move and attack players on assets such as "assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/admin/admin_cliff_low_arc.prefab" not near any land?

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Honestly, I don't know.
If you're willing to send me a link to a map that contains this prefab, and coordinates of where it is, I'd be happy to test and confirm.

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