About Bone Market
Trade market for bones where prices are dynamic and change each gameday at a set time.
Features :
- Dynamic prices that will change on a set time.
- The market will exchange your animal bones to resources (whatever is set in configuration).
Prices are made with a min/max setup and uses the random amount generated then saves it to a data file
this price is then used as the value of the bones you want to trade (value is per 10 units). - Support for the HumanNPC plugin
This requires SkinAndBones and Fishr plugins to work (these handle the various bones)
Commands :
- /bone market /bonemarket : Both these commands will open the Bone Market Interface.
- /bone info : Shows plugin info/version/author (Or any info edited in the language file about the event)
Permissions :
- bonemarket.useshop : Grants permission to use market through Chat commands.
- bonemarket.usenpc : Grants permission to use market through NPC (HumanNPC)
Configuration :
The following Fonts are available for ANY UI text in plugins !
- droidsansmono.ttf
- permanentmarker.ttf
- robotocondensed-bold.ttf
- robotocondensed-regular.ttf
{ "Chat Prefix": "[<color=#4A95CC>Bone Market</color>] : ", "NPC Vendor settings": { "Use NPC shop": true, "NPC Id's": [ "2745013248" ] }, "UI Settings": { "Font to use": "droidsansmono.ttf", "Market Title": "Bone Market", "Market Title Color (RGBA)": "1 0.5 0.5 0.90", "Market Description": "Trade market for hunters\nTrade your Bones right here !!!", "Market Description Color (RGBA)": "1 1 1 0.90", "Bone item text Color (RGBA)": "1 0.5 0.5 0.90", "Use a background image": false, "Background Image link": "https://i.ibb.co/6NQmCgZ/Quail-Bird-Hunting-Silhouette-Free-Vector.jpg", "Background Image transparency (0-1)": 0.2 }, "Market refresh time (gameday)": 7.0, "Market Trade item (shortname)": "scrap", "Market Trade item (View name in GUI)": "Scrap", "Market Unit Value": { "Bear bones Low value": 2, "Bear bones High value": 6, "Boar bones Low value": 1, "Boar bones High value": 3, "Chicken bones Low value": 1, "Chicken bones High value": 3, "Horse bones Low value": 1, "Horse bones High value": 3, "Fish bones Low value": 1, "Fish bones High value": 3, "Stag bones Low value": 1, "Stag bones High value": 3, "Wolf bones Low value": 1, "Wolf bones High value": 4 } }
Localisation :
English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder.
{ "FullInventory": "Your inventory was full handout is dropped on the floor", "FullInventoryUI": "Your Inventory is full handout will drop on the floor", "Info": "\n\n<color=#4A95CC>Available Commands</color> :\n<color=#4A95CC>/bone info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands\n<color=#4A95CC>/bone market</color> : Opens the market interface where prices change each gameday", "InvalidInput": "Please enter a valid command!", "OnlyNPC": "The Bone Market is only available at the Bone Trader NPC in Town", "Succesfulltrade": "You traded your bones for {0} {1}", "MarketReset": "Market started a new day with fresh trade prices.", "NotFound": "You dont have any to trade", "NotEnough": "You dont have enough bones for this trade" }