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Yaki's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Highrise"



    Call of Duty Highrise recreated from Modern Warfare 2
    Highrise is set atop a nearly constructed skyscraper with two office buildings on opposite sides of the map. The center of the map is occupied
    by an elevated helipad, which many players will try to use to their advantage. Most of the combat on the ground is short to medium range with the construction equipment and in the office buildings. Shotguns and submachine guns are excellent for these offices, but assault rifles are ideal for the sometimes medium-long range combat that occurs in the more open areas. The map is also suitable for sniping, with several vantage points that look over most of, or nearly all of, the map. Highrise is one of the fan-favourite maps of Modern Warfare 2.
    Prefab Count – 5545
    This is a larger map with plenty of hiding spots and sight lines, also includes all of the original jump points and roof access
  2. More information about "RP Fake Deposit (Weed Farm)"


    RP Fake Deposit (Weed Farm)

    It is a roleplay prefab, so don t expects any crates or barrels in it. However, you can add them yourself and transform it in monument.
    I hope you guys will enjoy it and have fun with it much love ❤️
    Follow for more RP stuff ❤️
    Prefabs count: 1138
    discord: 𝕰𝕯𝕰𝕹 Turcu'#6178
  3. More information about "Shipwreck"



    This plugin will allow players to visit the depths of the ocean to discover 3 new locations included in this plugin: a Sunken Cargo Ship, Submerged Ore Farm, and a Shipwrecked Barge.
    In the wreckage you will find a high concentration of loot. Just be careful! The COBALT group has already arrived and is exploring the site.
    They have submarines and divers already in the water!

    Patrol Submarines
    Subs do a LOT of damage, but they have low visibility and low accuracy. Very unreliable at Titanic depths. Subs are a serious threat if you arrive in a submarine yourself. Try to sneak up behind them and destroy them, you don't want to be the one to sink, trust me!
    Cobalt NPC Divers
    High accuracy, but not much armor and don't pack a huge punch. Almost harmless if you arrive in a submarine, but they are still a threat! Keep your eyes on these guys, it might just be you or them!
    Killer Sharks
    These sharks have smelled all the blood in the water, after being drawn to the area already by all of the disturbance. They are here, they are mad, and they are bloodthirsty and hungry!
    The plugin includes 3 locations:
    Shipwrecked Cargo Ship
    There are three rooms in the Sunken Cargo Ship location that are opened with a keycard. The map type can be selected within the configuration file.
    Sunken Barge
    A great place to find some Shipping Containers, as well as Killer Sharks! The Cobalt group has been busy in this area, they must have taken this Barge down recently as well.
    Submerged Ore Farm
    An ore rich location with multiple farmable ore nodes, as well as some other scattered loot including fuel barrels.
    Chat commands (only for administrators)
    /shipwreckstart – launches the event in a random configuration /shipwreckstart <shipwreckstart> – launches the event in the <eventPresetName> configuration /shipwreckstartmyloc – launches the event in a random configuration in your location /shipwreckstartmyloc<shipwreckstart> – launches the event in the <eventPresetName> configuration in your location /shipwreckstop – stops the event /screatepath– starts recording the route for the npc/shark/sub /ssavepath <npc/shark/subPresetName> – saves route for npcs/sharks/sub /scancelpath – cancels route recording Console commands (RCON only)
    shipwreckstart – launches the event in a random configuration shipwreckstart <shipwreckstart> – launches the event in the <eventPresetName> configuration shipwreckstop – stops the event Config
    plugin_en – example of plugin configuration in English location_en – example of location configuration in English plugin_ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian location_ru – example of location configuration in Russian Dependencies (optional, not required)
    True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify DiscordMessages AlphaLoot CustomLoot Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Hooks
    void OnShipwreckStart() void OnShipwreckStop()  
    My Discord: adem9554
    Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
    Check out more of my work here!
  4. More information about "Npc Random Raids"


    Npc Random Raids

    Optional Dependency Raidable Bases - https://codefling.com/plugins/raidable-bases
    Optional Dependency Custom Loot - https://codefling.com/plugins/custom-loot

    How To Call In Random Raids
    Randomly calls in npc raids with options for Mlrs and Attack Hele Set a configurable timer and chance to auto call in raid
    With Raidable bases plugin set a chance with configurable options for the npc's to come back and attack the raiders at one of there bases.
    After a certain amount of npc kills have a random chance.
    With item found in loot containers or given in shops by admins.


    Chat Command - Permission = randomraids.admin

    /randomraid -- Will display command usage.
    /randomraid <item> - will display list of raid item for admin to give them self.

    Server command
    randomraid <playerid> <type> - Gives player raid item to start a raid.
    { "Random settings": { "GUI AnchorMin": "0.807 0.96", "GUI AnchorMax": "0.996 0.99", "A player on the tc must be online": true, "Use random raid timer": false, "Random raid timer time": 3600, "Chance of random raid at time (1-100)": 10, "Authorized players Cooldown minutes before random raided again by chance": 1440, "The maximum amount of time a rocket will fly before exploding": 4.0, "Npc spawn damage delay": 2.0, "Display global chat message on raid start": true, "Display global map marker on raid start": true, "Display Gui to base owners": true, "Taunt players with .mp3 voices": [] }, "All Random Raid Types": { "Random raid types": { "easy": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 1, "Total npcs per wave": 1, "How many extra waves": 0, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": false, "Send in Attack Copter support": false, "Total event time in seconds": 640, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 100.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 20, "Total explosives npc can toss": 10, "Total AirDrops on event win": 1, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [ "default" ], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [ "default" ], "Juggernaut config": [ "easy" ] }, "medium": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 2, "Total npcs per wave": 15, "How many extra waves": 1, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": false, "Send in Attack Copter support": true, "Total event time in seconds": 900, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 200.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 20, "Total explosives npc can toss": 10, "Total AirDrops on event win": 1, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "Juggernaut config": [ "easy" ] }, "hard": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 3, "Total npcs per wave": 20, "How many extra waves": 1, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": false, "Send in Attack Copter support": true, "Total event time in seconds": 1200, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 400.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 20, "Total explosives npc can toss": 10, "Total AirDrops on event win": 1, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "Juggernaut config": [ "easy" ] }, "expert": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 4, "Total npcs per wave": 30, "How many extra waves": 1, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": false, "Send in Attack Copter support": true, "Total event time in seconds": 1500, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 400.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 20, "Total explosives npc can toss": 10, "Total AirDrops on event win": 1, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "Juggernaut config": [ "easy" ] }, "nightmare": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 5, "Total npcs per wave": 30, "How many extra waves": 1, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": false, "Send in Attack Copter support": true, "Total event time in seconds": 2100, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 400.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 20, "Total explosives npc can toss": 10, "Total AirDrops on event win": 1, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "Juggernaut config": [ "easy" ] } } }, "AttackCopter profiles": { "Profile Names": { "easy": { "Heli float health": 1000.0, "Total crates to drop": 2, "Heli strafe cooldown": 50.0, "Heli can strafe x times": 3 } } }, "Block Random raid in colider": { "Blocked": [ "iceberg", "ice_berg", "ice_sheet", "icesheet", "cliff", "cave" ] }, "Raidable Base plugin settings": { "Raid player on Raidable Base Completed": false, "Warn player in chat of upcoming revenge on them": false, "Raidable Base Settings": { "0": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "1": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy", "medium" ] }, "2": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy", "medium" ] }, "3": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy", "medium", "hard" ] }, "4": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "hard", "expert", "nightmare" ] } } }, "Trigger by npc kills": { "Enable log kills and random raid on kills": false, "Reset npc kills on player raided.": false, "Warn player in chat of upcoming revenge on them": false, "Npc kills settings": { "scientistnpc_heavy": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 30, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_oilrig": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 60, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "scientistnpc_patrol": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 60, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "scientistnpc_junkpile": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 60, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] } } }, "Juggernaut profiles": { "easy": { "Juggernaut spawns on witch Wave number/Total to spawn": { "1": 1 }, "Spawn health of the juggernaut": 500.0, "Player damage scale from the juggernaut": 1.0, "juggernaut aimConeScale": 2.0, "Names to give the juggernaut": [ "Juggernaut Raider" ], "Spawn kits for the juggernaut": [] }, "medium": { "Juggernaut spawns on witch Wave number/Total to spawn": { "1": 2 }, "Spawn health of the juggernaut": 700.0, "Player damage scale from the juggernaut": 1.0, "juggernaut aimConeScale": 2.0, "Names to give the juggernaut": [ "Juggernaut Raider" ], "Spawn kits for the juggernaut": [] } }, "Item profiles": { "easy": { "Raid call item skin": 2893480896, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 1", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": false, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "crate_normal", "crate_normal_2" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0 }, "medium": { "Raid call item skin": 2893480635, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 2", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": false, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "crate_normal", "crate_normal_2", "heli_crate" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0 }, "hard": { "Raid call item skin": 2893481009, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 3", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": false, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "bradley_crate", "crate_elite" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0 }, "expert": { "Raid call item skin": 2893481137, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 4", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": false, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "bradley_crate", "crate_elite" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0 }, "nightmare": { "Raid call item skin": 2893482048, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 5", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": false, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "bradley_crate", "crate_elite" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0 } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 2, "Patch": 2 } }  
  5. More information about "Airfield Event"


    Airfield Event

    Adds an airfield event to your server! A cargo plane lands on the airfield and drops airdrops, boxes. Strong NPCs and a patrol helicopter will protect the crates
    You can also set up custom loot using the "SimpleLootTable" plugin

    Easy to set up. Excellent customization options in the config
    Commands(admin only):
    afestart - force the event to start
    afestop - cause the event to end
    afefast - quick landing of a cargo plane, for testing settings
    afe_addcustom - adds a custom landing place for a cargo plane. You must stand on level ground and look in the direction where the cargo plane will move(do not forget to set in the config file "Use a custom place to land a cargo plane": true)
    void AirfieldEventStarted() // called when the event starts
    void AirfieldEventEnded() // called when the event has ended
    AirfieldEvent config:
    { "Triggering an event by timer (disable if you want to trigger the event only manually)": true, "Time to event start(in seconds, minimum 900)": 3900, "Random time to event start": false, "Minimum time to event start(in seconds, minimum 900)": 900, "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 10800, "Minimum number of online players to trigger an event": 1, "Drops amount(number of cargo spawns after plane landing, maximum 10)": 3, "Crates amount(spawn every cargo drop)": 1, "Crate simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "", "Minimum number of items in a crate(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Maximum number of items in a crate(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Remove crates after being looted by a player(in seconds)": 300, "Extend the duration of the event if the NPCs were attacked(if there is less time left, then increase to the set time(in seconds))": 600, "Crates lifetime(in seconds). The crate will not be destroyed if it has been activated": 3600, "Crates timer(in seconds)": 900, "Airdrops amount(spawn every cargo drop)": 1, "Airdrop simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "", "Minimum number of items in an airdrop(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Maximum number of items in an airdrop(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Airdrops lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "NPCs amount(spawn every cargo drop)": 0, "NPCs lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "NPCs type(NPCs prefab, experimental setting, it is not known how the NPCs will behave) 0 - tunneldweller; 1 - underwaterdweller; 2 - excavator; 3 - full_any; 4 - lr300; 5 - mp5; 6 - pistol; 7 - shotgun; 8 - heavy; 9 - junkpile_pistol; 10 - oilrig; 11 - patrol; 12 - peacekeeper; 13 - roam; 14 - roamtethered; 15 - bandit_guard; 16 - cargo; 17 - cargo_turret_any; 18 - cargo_turret_lr300; 19 - ch47_gunner": 0, "NPCs health(0 - default)": 0, "NPCs damage multiplier": 1.0, "NPCs attack range": 75.0, "Minimum distance to NPC damage": 75.0, "Message if the player attacks far away NPCs": "NPC is too far away, he doesn't take damage", "Forcibly immobilize an NPC": false, "List of kits for each NPC(requires Kits plugin)": [ "kit1", "kit2", "kit3" ], "Default displayName for NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": "Airfield NPC", "List of displayNames for each NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": [ "Airfield NPC1", "Airfield NPC2", "Airfield NPC3" ], "Event message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Airfield event started", "Event end message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Airfield event ended", "Landing message(displayed when the cargo plane has landed)": "Cargoplane landed at Airfield", "Calls a helicopter to the airfield after landing a cargo plane": false, "How long the helicopter will patrol the airfield (in minutes)": 5, "Helicopter damage multiplier": 1.0, "Helicopter health": 10000.0, "Helicopter main rotor health": 900.0, "Helicopter tail rotor health": 500.0, "The patrol helicopter will not patrol the airfield if it has found a target": true, "Make helicopter fly away after end of patrol time": false, "Spawns a helicopter right on the airfield(if false, then the helicopter will arrive from afar in a few seconds)": false, "Event marker on the map(will spawn a marker immediately after the start of the event)": false, "If true, spawn the marker only after the plane lands": false, "Event marker name": "Airfield event", "Event marker lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "Event marker transparency(0-1)": 0.75, "Event marker radius": 0.5, "Event marker color.R(0-1)": 1.0, "Event marker color.G(0-1)": 0.0, "Event marker color.B(0-1)": 0.0, "Use a custom place to land a cargo plane": false, "Custom place position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Custom place rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Use custom navmesh (enable if using custom airfield and getting NPC navmesh error)": false }  
  6. More information about "Drone Event"


    Drone Event

    Adds drones to your server. Drones can attack with grenades and shoot at players, you can destroy drones, they have loot. Drones spawn near monuments, also you can add custom spawn points.
    Easy to set up. Excellent customization options in the config. You can customize the monuments where the drones will spawn.
    You can customize the contents of the drone in the config file:
    you can set up a list of items that will be inside you can choose drop chance (1 - 100%) you can choose skins for items You can also customize the health and respawn time of the drones.
    Commands(admin only):
    dreshowpoints - displays all spawn points on the map dreshowdrones - displays all drones on the map dreshowzone - displays nearby areas with drones drerespawndrones - respawn all drones on the map forcibly dreremovedrones - removes all drones from the map dre_removepoint - removes custom spawn point (you need to be close to it) dre_addpoint - adds a custom spawn point (at the place where you are). You can also enter the command with arguments: /dre_addpoint "name" "flightRadius" "use"  
    Config file:
    { "Minimum respawn time(in minutes)": 15, "Maximum respawn time(in minutes)": 30, "Drone health (hits amount)": 2, "Drone speed(0.5 - 1 recommended)": 0.7, "Grenade damage scale": 1.0, "Attack range": 40, "Drone aggressiveness, from 0 to 100 (the more, the more often the drone attacks)": 10, "Adds a searchlight for drones": false, "Adds a turret for drones": false, "Turret damage scale": 1.0, "Turret weapon short name": "pistol.revolver", "The drone will throw grenades at players": true, "Do not calculate collisions while the drone is just flying (set to true if you have problems with your server performance)": false, "Monument settings": [ { "name": "gas_station", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 17.0, "y": 30.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "supermarket", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 15.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "warehouse", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -5.0, "y": 15.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "water_treatment", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -60.0, "y": 20.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "junkyard", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 15.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "lighthouse", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 35.0, "z": 40.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "sphere_tank", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 60.0, "y": 30.0, "z": 40.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "harbor_1", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 20.0, "y": 15.0, "z": 90.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "harbor_2", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -100.0, "y": 20.0, "z": -20.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "desert_military_base", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -15.0, "y": 20.0, "z": -5.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "excavator", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 65.0, "y": 20.0, "z": -10.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "swamp", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -10.0, "y": 30.0, "z": -15.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "radtown_small", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -5.0, "y": 30.0, "z": -5.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "water_well", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 30.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "mining_quarry", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 25.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "satellite_dish", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -40.0, "y": 25.0, "z": -20.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "cave_small", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 30.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "cave_medium", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 30.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "cave_large", "flightRadius": 30, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 35.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "airfield", "flightRadius": 25, "offset": { "x": -75.0, "y": 20.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "launch_site", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 20.0, "z": 130.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "powerplant", "flightRadius": 25, "offset": { "x": -75.0, "y": 20.0, "z": -40.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "trainyard", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -70.0, "y": 20.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "arctic_research_base", "flightRadius": 25, "offset": { "x": 10.0, "y": 15.0, "z": -25.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "ice_lake", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 20.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "military_tunnel", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 20.0, "y": 25.0, "z": -15.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "power_sub_big", "flightRadius": 10, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 20.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false } ], "Custom spawn points settings": [ { "name": "point1", "flightRadius": 15, "position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 100.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "point2", "flightRadius": 15, "position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 200.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false } ], "Drop items list": [ { "name": "metal.fragments", "dropChance": 100, "minAmount": 50.0, "maxAmount": 300, "skinID": 0 }, { "name": "metal.refined", "dropChance": 100, "minAmount": 5.0, "maxAmount": 10, "skinID": 0 }, { "name": "scrap", "dropChance": 100, "minAmount": 10.0, "maxAmount": 20, "skinID": 0 }, { "name": "techparts", "dropChance": 50, "minAmount": 1.0, "maxAmount": 2, "skinID": 0 } ] }  
  7. More information about "Monument Owner"


    Monument Owner

    Never worry about your players fighting over a monument, make them compete for ownership! With this plugin you can configure several parameters then players can compete to claim a monument for a set time. There is enough configuration and options that this would work well for any server, whether PvE or PvP.


    This plugin will automatically find Facepunch standard monuments, including Cargo Ship and Oil Rigs that are on the map, and which can be specified in the configuration. This will create a zone around each monument in which customizable rules apply for anyone coming to the monument, whether they become owner or not. You can also create a zone using coordinates anywhere on the map, and assign certain rules to it.

    Chat Command (For all players)
    /mocd - Displays all cooldowns for the player
    /CreateCustomZone {name} - Creates a file for a custom zone in the Data/MM_Data/MonumentOwner/Custom Zones folder with the administrator position at the time of file creation

    Console Command (RCON only)
    mocdreset {SteamID64} - Resets all cooldowns for the player

    Plugin Config
    example of a configuration for monuments sample configuration for the plugin
    Ideas for updates that may be implemented in the future
    Current ideas for the future of this plugin. These are things that I want to implement possibly. You can also write to us in Discord to suggest ideas or to vote for any that I share here.
    Respawn loot, NPC, Bradley, etc. on command Respawn loot when getting a new owner Purchase of owner status through third-party plugins or through commands Ownership retention for as long as there is fuel in Excavator or Quarries Add plugin support for notifications and also add notifications via Rust GUI Disabling and enabling zones while the plugin is running Creating a zone by command API
    The answer true or false will tell whether there is a zone in this coordinate
    private bool HasZone(Vector3 posMonument) The answer true or false will tell whether the zone belongs to someone
    private bool HasOwner(Vector3 posMonument) The answer ulong will tell who the zone belongs to
    private ulong GetOwnerID(Vector3 posMonument) The answer true or false will tell whether the player can become the owner
    private bool CanPlayerBecomeOwner(Vector3 posMonument, BasePlayer player) Forcibly establishes the owner of the zone, bypassing checks on his ability to become the owner. The answer true or false will tell whether he was able to become one or the zone is occupied by another player
    private bool SetOwnerID(Vector3 posMonument, ulong userID) Deletes a zone. The answer true or false will tell whether he was able to do it
    private bool RemoveZone(MonumentInfo monument) Creates a zone for the desired monument. The answer true or false will tell whether he was able to do it
    private bool CreateZone(MonumentInfo monument) Translation assistance by Jbird.
    Check out more of my work here JTedal's library.
    Come see our whole teams work Mad Mapper Library.
    Come by the Mad Mapper Discord for support, feedback, or suggestions!
  8. More information about "Gas Station Event"


    Gas Station Event

    In a tense multiplayer event, players are thrust into a violent dispute between two warring gangs, witnessing a high-speed chase and explosive confrontation at Oxum's Gas Station, and then choosing sides or taking all the spoils for themselves, while customization options offer control over NPC settings, loot rooms, and crate contents

    The event begins with a message in chat that there has been a dispute between to warring gangs. One gang has taken members from their rivals hostage. A car chase ensues chase where the rival gang is coming to save or avenge their own!
    The chase comes to an explosive end at Oxum's Gas Station when the car being pursued crashes into the gas pumps! This is the beginning of the event for your players. Both gangs jump out of their vehicles and a shootout immediately ensues! When a player decides to approach, they will have a few choices.
    Will they take up arms with the ruthless gang willing to do anything? Will they stand beside the more honorable outlaws? Or will they simply kill both gangs and take all of the loot? The choice, is theirs!
    If the player decides to kill the first gang, the second gang will give the player access to their loot room, a bunker inside the basement of the auto repair shop, as a sign of gratitude.
    If the player decides to kill the second gang, then the first gang will give access to their hidden stash in the restroom inside the station, to show their appreciation.
    If the player decides to just wipe both gangs out, well then they deserve all of the loot! And regardless of what team the player decides to destroy, the chasing vehicle is always left unattended at the end of the event. The player can grab this as a thank you for cleaning up the servers streets! It's a junker but you can take it for parts, drive to Junkyard to scrap it, or just use it to get home quick and take the parts you want from it.
    The configuration file has many customization options, including NPC settings, their numbers, and you can fully customize the loot rooms, the crates and their loot for the event.
    Dependencies (optional, not required)
    True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits  
    Chat commands (only for administrators)
    /gsstart - start the event
    /gsstop - end the event
    Console commands (RCON only)
    gsstart - start the event
    gsstop - end the event
    Plugin Config
    en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian  
    void OnGasStationEventStart() – called when the event starts
    void OnGasStationEventEnd() – called when the event ends
    void OnGasStationEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event
    My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923
    Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
    Check out more of my work here!
  9. More information about "Arctic Base Event"


    Arctic Base Event

    An event for the Arctic Research Base monument with a plot to rescue both a scientist and a pilot that have been captured by the security group who has been ordered to capture and deal with the attempted sabotage on the Arctic Base

    Welcome to a frosty new adventure in the more recently added Arctic Research Base to so many of our islands! This monument will now have an event with a storyline requiring you and your friends to rescue the Pilot, and the Scientist from their captivity by the Arctic Base security service. You don't want to know what will happen to these two if you don't save them!
    Our new event begins with a notification (if enabled by default) for players to know that a sabotage is about to take place on the island. There is a plot to come collect biological samples from the burned corpse of one of the recently discovered NPCs, class: Sledge.
    The players will soon find out that the sabotage has failed and that two of our team have been taken captive by the Artic Research security team! Players will need to free them both from this no prisoners no hostages situation, and protect the scientist while he finishes his portion of the mission.
    Once the Scientist or Pilot are released, snowmobiles will arrive bringing NPCs, tasked simply with killing the Scientist so he will not be able to carry out his task of reverse engineering a way to continue to combat everything they throw at us!
    Once the Scientist has completed his task, and the Pilot has been released and has prepped the escape helicopter, their evacuation can take place. The will get into their minicopter and begin their departure. Before you leave and as thanks, the Pilot is going to open up a warehouse full of supplies for you!
    Once you reach this point in the event, there are several options with different amounts of loot within the stash. If you are able to protect the Scientist, and they are able to evacuate with the pilot, then we can better find things of value on comms with the team as they leave and the looting will be most efficient!
    Be ready, this minicopter is an actual piece of... well it's Rusty! Let the pilot have some extra time if needed to make sure it is running smoothly before they take off. Here and now the security team will send everything they have at you and your friends. Protect the group from the attacks!
    In the configuration for the plugin you can change timers, NPC settings and numbers, snowmobile and crate numbers, the Scientists health, and the loot tables! As always the configurations are extensive and the creativity is in your hands to customize this plugin to your liking.
    Can you and your friends help make sure this sabotage takes place, and these rebels make it off the island?
    Dependencies (optional, not required)
    True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits  
    Chat commands (only for administrators)
    /abstart - start the event
    /abstop - end the event
    Console commands (RCON only)
    abstart - start the event
    abstop - end the event
    Plugin Config
    en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian  
    void OnArcticBaseEventStart() – called when the event starts
    void OnArcticBaseEventEnd() – called when the event ends
    void OnArcticBaseEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event
    My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923
    Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
    Check out more of my work here!
  10. More information about "Admin Map"


    Admin Map

    Admin Map is an innovative plugin for the game of Rust, designed to make server administration easier and improve the quality of the gaming experience. Focused on optimization and functionality, this plugin provides admins with the tools to effectively control players, minimizing the negative impact on the server and other participants.
    Main features:
    Interactive map with players: Admin Map provides server admins with a detailed and user-friendly map showing the positions of all players. This allows admins to easily monitor player activity and movements, and quickly detect suspicious activity. Large variety of different admin maps:
    - Marker player map,
    - Text player map,
    - Sleepersmap,
    - Cupboard map,
    - Stash map,
    - Sleeping bag map Quick Commands on Players: The plugin allows admins to perform quick actions on players directly from the map. Send messages, punish or help players in real time, minimizing reaction time and increasing interaction efficiency. Minimal server load: One of the key features of Admin Map is its low server load. All processing takes place solely on the client side, which means that the plugin will not slow down the server or create additional delays for players. This makes it an ideal choice even for servers with high traffic. Ease of use: The plugin's intuitive user interface provides admins with easy access to functionality. Navigating the map, sending commands and monitoring players is done with minimal effort, making server administration easy. Customization: Admin Map provides admins with the option to customize the functionality to suit their needs. Scanning area, available commands,  buttons, permissions and other options. Admin Map is an innovative solution that combines convenience, functionality and optimization. It provides administrators with tools to effectively manage players without negatively impacting gameplay and other server participants. The Admin Map plugin is an essential asset for any Rust server administrator looking to create a comfortable and safe gaming environment.
    adminmap.allow - for use adminmap.<button perm> - any permissions specified in the button settings adminmap.playermarkers - map with markers for players, useful for pve server adminmap.playermarkers.wl - map with markers for players, useful for pve server, without nicknames adminmap.invis - hide player from the player map
    /amap - toggle admin map (also to enable marker map) /amap t - enable text admin map /amap s - enable sleepers admin map /amap с - enable cupboards admin map /amap stash - switch to stash admin map /amap d - switch to marker admin map /amap ss <part of nickname/steamid> - search query to maps (some maps only accept steamid) /amap ss - clear search queary /amap off - disable admin map with panel instantly  
    Color designations on the cupboards map:

    Default Config:
    { "Scan Area Settings": { "Radius": 2.0, "Color": "0 0.7 0 0.6" }, "Text Map Settings": { "Font size": 16, "Use color generation for teams?": true, "Color for searches": "00ffff", "Color for teams": "ffaf4d", "Color for solo players": "9bd92f", "Color for sleepers": "404040" }, "Command Buttons": [ { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "TP", "Command": "teleport {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "TP2ME", "Command": "teleport2me {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "INV", "Command": "/viewinv {username}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SPECTATE", "Command": "spectate {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "KILL", "Command": "kill {steamid}", "Color": "1 0 0 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "KICK", "Command": "kick {steamid}", "Color": "1 0 0 1" } ] }  
    Button Library:
    Give item to player for AdminMenu by  k1lly0u  | Minimum required version 1.0.1 { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "GIVE", "Command": "adminmenu.callback {steamid}.4;adminmenu.callback {steamid}.4", "Color": "1 1 1 1" } Permanent ban
    { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "BAN", "Command": "ban {steamid}", "Color": "1 0 0 1" } View backpack (for Backpack Pro)
    { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "Backpack", "Command": "/b {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" } View backpack (for Backpacks plugin from uMod)
    { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "Backpack", "Command": "viewbackpack {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }  Spectate
    { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SPECTATE", "Command": "spectate {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }  
    If you want to add buttons here, message me on my discord server
  11. More information about "Identity Card"


    Identity Card

    Identity Card is a roleplay base plugin that gives you the opportunity to create an id card that displays the name, location, and profession of a player. By typing in /idcard players with the proper permission will be able to open up a form to enter in all the needed information for the id card. The id card item it the green key card and will be displayed with a custom icon in your inventory.
    Everybody on the server is able to pick up an id card and view it in his active hotbar slot by pressing E to open the view and R to close it. Id cards should not be placed in Backpacks and should not be stackable, so make sure to block the green key card from your backpack system if you have one and do not allow green key cards to be stacked in a stackmodifying plugin.
    Discord: https://discord.gg/jMfCUJd4eE

    Summary Video
    Identitycard.create - allows you to open the UI and create a id card. Chat Commands
    /idcard - allows you to open the UI if permission identitycard.create is granted. Lang Files
    German and English translation included
    Data File
    Identity Cards will be saved in a data file
  12. More information about "Police"



    This Plugin is all about Roleplay. Once installed it gives you the opportunity to have a police presence on your server.
    It allows Players with permission to change their status to either "on duty" or "off duty".
    Everybody on the server is able to see if the police is active on the server and even how many officers currently play through a little panel on the top right.
    This plugin also includes an automtic payment system for paying the police officer for minutes he/she was on duty
    You can also call the police as a player by command. Police officers on duty will be notifyed in chat with a sound feedback and a map marker will be displayed on the map
    at the location of the player who called the police. The marker will automatically disappear after a set amount of time in config or if a police officer closes this case manually by command.
    This plugin is expandable in many ways for example, if you own the plugin StoreRobbery it can be used to only make StoreRobbery work
    if the police is active and disable it if the police is inactive and much more.
    If you purchase this plugin you are getting full support for any upcoming changes and if you like to have this plugin combined with for example the StoreRobbery
    just message me on discord an i will make this happen for you.
    When a player goes on duty with /pd a oxide group will be assigned named: "dutygroup"
    When a player goes of duty with /pde that oxide group will be revoked from the player
    Discord: https://discord.gg/jMfCUJd4eE
    Position of the Panel is not adjustable through the config. If you like a different position message me and i will change it for you if you dont know how to in the code.
    Feel free to contact me any time for plugin customisation.
    police.use - allows you to use the commands for on and off duty
    Chat Commands
    /pd - only for players with permission police.use. Sets your status to "on duty" and changes the panel to police active
    /pde - only for players with permission police.use. Sets your status to "off duty" and changes the panel
    /police - available for every player on the server. Give you information (names) about all police officers currently on duty.
    /policeui off - available for every player on the server. Turn off the police panel at the top of the screen.
    /policeui on - available for every player on the server. Turn on the police panel at the top of the screen.
    /callpolice - available for every player on the server to notify the police (sets a map marker at currenc location) every police officer on duty gets a personal message
    /closecase - only for players with permission police.use. Police officer has to look directy on to the player who called the police and enter this command in order to delete the map marker manually the player created while calling the police
    Console Commands
    Police.pd (SteamID) - remotely set a player on duty in your preffered console
    Police.pde (SteamID) - remotely set a player off duty in your preffered console
    Lang Files
    German and Englisch translation included
    Config file
    { "Salary_Timer_in_Minutes": 60, "Salary_Item": "scrap", "Salary_Ammount": 100, "Use_Salary_System": true } API
    returns the number of active police on duty as an Integer
  13. More information about "Wanted"



    Wanted Trilogy
    1. Wanted Trilogy Chapter One 'Pay for Murder': Wanted Plugin
    2. Wanted Trilogy Chapter Two "Base Raider": RaidMarker Plugin
    3. Wanted Trilogy Chapter Three "Bounty" (In Development, Stay Tuned)
    Wanted Plugin Rules:
    Players are divided into three levels: Innocent Civilians, Yellow Card Wanted, and Red Card Wanted. Players with a wanted time of 0 are Innocent Civilians. Those with a wanted time of up to 3 minutes are Yellow Card Wanted, and those with a wanted time greater than 3 minutes are Red Card Wanted. Harming an Innocent Civilian will add 10 seconds to your wanted time. Killing an Innocent Civilian will add 6 minutes to your wanted time. Players who are Red Card Wanted (with a wanted time greater than 3 minutes) will appear on the map, and all players can see them. Players are encouraged to go and execute these wanted players on sight. Harming or killing a wanted player will not result in any penalties or increase in wanted time; on the contrary, it is encouraged. Inflicting damage on anyone within your own territory will not result in becoming wanted. Acting as a rooftop sniper and targeting distant enemies from within your own territory will not result in becoming wanted.  
    ChatCommand And ConsoleCommand(without /)
    /ResetWanted  SteamID/partial-nickname Reset the wanted time of the specified player (requires administrator privileges)
    /ResetAllWanted Reset the wanted time of all players in the server (requires administrator privileges)
    /SetWanted SteamID/partial-nickname WantedSeconds Set the wanted time of the specified player (requires administrator privileges)
    /AddWanted SteamID/partial-nickname WantedSeconds Add the wanted time of the specified player (requires administrator privileges)
    /WantedList Show all wanted players (requires administrator privileges)

    Config File
    { "Red Wanted Time (Seconds)": 180, "Kill Penalty Time (Seconds)": 360, "Harm Penalty Time (Seconds)": 30, "Allow Broadcast Become A Red Wanted (true/false)": true, "Allow Broadcast Kill A Red Wanted (true/false)": true, "Allow Broadcast Kill A Yellow Wanted (true/false)": false, "The wanted time be reduced after the player is killed, 0 means no reduction (Seconds)": 180, "Wanted time resets after player dies (true/false)": false, "Chat Prefix": "[Wanted]:", "Chat Prefix color": "#00FFFF", "Chat steamID icon": 0 }  
    Language File
    { "KillGoodMan": "You have been given an additional <color=red>{0}</color> seconds of wanted time for killing an innocent civilian!", "YellowCardPunishment": "<color=green>{0}</color> has executed a yellow-carded criminal <color=green>{1}</color> on the spot, setting an example for all players!", "RedCardPunishment": "<color=green>{0}</color> has executed a red-carded criminal <color=green>{1}</color> on the spot, setting an example for all players!", "HarmPenalty": "You have been given an additional <color=red>{0}</color> seconds of wanted time for harming an innocent civilian!", "AdminOnlyCommand": "Only administrators can execute this command!", "WantedTimeReset": "The wanted time for player: {0} has been reset!", "WantedTimeSet": "Player: {0}'s wanted time has been set to {1} seconds!", "WantedTimeNotFound": "You need to specify the wanted duration for the player, format as /SetWanted SteamID WantedSeconds", "PlayerNotFound": "Player: {0} not found!", "MustSpecifySteamID": "You must specify the SteamID of the player whose wanted time you want to reset!", "AllPlayersTimeReset": "The wanted time for all players has been reset!", "RedCardAppeared": "<color=green>{0}</color> is now a red-carded criminal and has appeared on the map, watch out for their location!", "WantedNotFound": "There are no players currently wanted!", "WantedLevel": "WANTED", "RedCard": "RED-WANTED", "YellowCard": "YELLOW-WANTED", "GoodMan": "innocent civilians", "WantedResetAfterDies": "Your bounty has been cleared upon death!", "WantedReducedAfterKilled": "Due to being killed, your wanted duration has been reduced by {0} seconds!" }  


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