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  1. Version 1.0.1


    Rankeval 20% off first 3 months discount code - modbyko Current/Lifetime stats: Overall PVP PVE Resources Installation Download zip file. There will be two folders inside zip file. rankeval-img - move this folder to your Ember root public/img/ rankeval-leaderboards - move this folder inside Ember root modules/ After that visit your Embers site and automatic integration will start. When integration is comple visit your Admin panel > Rankeval there you will be able to add your server name and API KEY after that all stats from Rankeval are visible inside your Ember site. Remember you will have to need Rankeval subscription for this module to work. Support Feel free to message me if you want some customizations or have troubles to setup module. Discord: kokars Email: [email protected]
  2. Version 1.0.14


    A feature-packed, fully customizable Rust server template that comes ready to go out of the box! Features include mobile responsiveness, server auto-discovery, and compatibility with the outpost Tebex theme! Features Rust Themed - The template is heavily inspired by the Rust in-game UI, so people will instantly recognize what they’re used to. It is kept in a darkish style to stand out from all the other default-white templates out there! Server Auto-Discovery - No need to manually add server information anymore. The inbuilt auto-discovery automatically updates your server information every 10 minutes and caches it (for website performance). It is automatically connecting information about the map, the player amount, server name, your banner, the description, and the tags used in game. All you have to do is add your IP + Ports to the config file! Fully Customizable - The template was developed with non-developer server owners in mind. Even if you have no idea about web development you can easily edit the most important parts of the template. This includes the links in the navigation, the servers (via auto-discovery), rules, and your social links. All from a single configuration file! Mobile Responsve & Extremely Fast - The template doesn’t only look good on the desktop. If you have someone checking out your site from a mobile phone, rest assured, it is mobile-ready! In addition to that, it has extremely fast loading times. Your site will not take longer than 200ms to load, once the server information is cached. Comes ready to use - The rust server website template comes with example values in the configuration file, including a basic ruleset. Setting up your website will not take longer than 15 minutes! Compatible with the Tebex Rust Output template! - If you do not run your own shop, do not wait! This template looks amazing in combination with the Tebex Outpost Theme, which I made as well. Thats the perfect combo of both Shop and Content! Demo https://dev.fabito.net/rust-template Webspace Requirements You can see all the requirements on our Discord Recommended Webhoster If you are not with a hosting company yet, I recommend using Hetzner (https://www.hetzner.com/webhosting). They offer great and cheap hosting with all the requirements. You can go with their cheapest plan without an issue. Buy the website, edit the config.php, get the FTP information from their cotnrol panel, upload all the files (on Hetzner: into the public_html folder, delete any existing files in that folder) – now you’re ready to go! Installation Instructions Installation instructions can be found on our Discord Troubleshooting Additional information and help to troubleshoot issues can be found on our Discord Contact and Support If you need additional assistance or got any open questions before purchasing, join us on our Discord: https://promeus.io/discord
  3. Version 1.1.4


    DEFAULT THEME RED THEME PREVIEW CmhAdmin Shop Holomount Lmcc-Pulse-Service You can customize the template to your liking. For example: WINTER STYLE Contact Us for Support More MEDIA:
  4. Version 1.0.5


    Modern, unique & easy editable Theme for all Tebex compatible games webstores. Documentation: CLICK Features Strong Design - The template is strongly inspired by the appearance desired by clients and modern standards, which includes the maximum functionality of the Tebex platform. Fully Customizable - Even if you have no knowledge of Web Development, you don't have to check dozens of files until you customize the template. You can make all changes to the template through JSON forms, which saves a lot of time and can be done in a few minutes! Mobile Responsve & Extremely Fast - The template loads very quickly, thanks to SEO and is perfectly responsive on all devices. 7 Color Schemes - You don't have to complicate yourself with changing colors, I have prepared 7 color schemes perfectly compatible with the activity of game stores, which will boost the productivity of your store and impress customers! Multi-structured - You will have the choice of how the store will be structured, to change the navigation system, package structure, header menu and many others Shopping Cart - The animated option to add the products to the cart Package View - The option to present the product description in a separate page or Modal page 2 Preloader Styles Show/Hideen Modules Premium Support NOTE: YOU NEED TO HAVE TEBEX PLUS TO BE ABLE TO USE THIS THEME. REFUNDS WILL NOT BE GRANTED TO THOSE WHO PURCHASED THE RESOURCE WITHOUT HAVING THIS REQUIREMENT. General FAQ: How do I upload the Theme to my store? Above is Axel Documentation, Installation section, also in the downloaded zip you will have README.txt file with guide How do I set my server information? After you uploaded the template and following the steps in the Setup instruction file, you will see template options. Check Axel Documentation, section Settings Does this work on CraftingStore, MineStore etc.? This theme was created for Tebex. Possibly in the future. Can I remove your Watermark ? In no case, only with my permission, it requires an additional payment, contact me to pay. I purchased the theme but do not have access to download it. What do I do? Please have your information ready with the email you used to purchase the resource and the order number for it. If the purchase is still pending by PayPal, you will need to wait for the payment to go through. How long is the license? You are granted a lifetime license to use the theme for your own store. This license is granted for the BuiltByBit Account in which it was purchased on. It is not allowed to use the template for multiple stores! If you have any additional questions, feel free to message me via BBB or discord. INFORMATION Discord: Johnn#8299 - Installation, configuration, edits, custom templates have an additional price. - Breaking Terms of Service may result in the removal of your license. REVIEW If you liked the theme please leave a 5 star review! If you are having problems ( Contact me ), before leaving a review
  5. Version 1.1.7


    TEMPLATE STYLES Live Preview Knights Next-Dev Trapworldrp VALABLE FOR MINECRAFT, FIVEM, RUST, ARK, UNTURNED AND GARRY'S MOD GAMES What's the difference? Now it is possible to select the game for which you use this template, saving you the time needed to customize other templates foreign to your game IMAGES FEATURES Quick Customization ( 60+ options ) Custom Basket Custom Category & Products Custom Navbar / Sidebar & Header menu Custom Footer Custom Modules Mobile Friendly Custom Discord & Minecraft players count Logged Minecraft skin User Panel Buttons Animation Custom Dropdown Menu Custom Currency Menu Custom Login Page Custom Checkout Page Clean, formatted code Icons from Material Design Icons Favicon support High-quality support INFORMATION Discord: Johnn#8299 - Installation, configuration, edits, custom templates have an additional price. - Breaking Terms of Service may result in the removal of your license. REVIEW If you liked the theme please leave a 5 star review! If you are having problems (Contact us), before leaving a review
  6. Version 1.0.3


    These themes will set you apart from the competition. For you and your community, I've prepared some great themes! Dependencies Ember (Required) https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/5620 Current Themes Transparent Purple Rounded Transparent White Rounded Transparent Black Rounded Transparent Green Rounded Dark Rounded How to install one of the themes! 1. Select your theme 2. Open the CSS File(Example [dark.css]) 3. Go to your admin General settings(Location: [website.com/admin/general] Replace your "website.com" with your domain) 4. Select Color Scheme (Dark) 5. Press "Custom CSS" 6. Copy the text from your CSS File 7. Paste it into the "Custom CSS" Field 8. Press "Save" 9. Reload your page 10. You have completed the installation Any issues? Contact me on discord! Join and verify your purchase before support! https://discord.gg/BP2YwcSWuC Im planning to add more Themes in the feature!
  7. Version 1.5.15


    DBD Nexus DBD Nexus is your comprehensive solution for centralized bot management. Our intuitive UI streamlines your operations, allowing seamless configuration and control from a singular dashboard. Say goodbye to cumbersome config files and embrace efficiency with DBD Nexus. DBD Nexus allows users to run their Discord Bots on their machines. Users can choose to use the site for configuration or a local configuration file. FREE Modules Our platform offers a wide range of modules including many free features! FREE Trials Every module on DBD Nexus has an optional Free trial where you can test every feature completely for free! Hosted Locally Every bot runs on your own machine, this way you will always have full control over your own bots and no monthly hosting fees! Previews This is the home page where you can quickly navigate to the most important pages. Modules Page - On this page you activate and manage all your modules. Module Page - Each module has its own details page that shows important details about the module. Profile Page - On this page you can see all your account details, modules, payments, logs and more! Configuration Page - On this page you can configure all your bot features and much more! Language Selector - More languages will be added overtime. (or help translate with us!) Local Discord Bot App - Here is a image where one Discord bot is locally running on your machine. Local Bot Folder - This is how the bot files look like when running the bot locally. Links DBD Nexus: https://nexus.defaultsbotdev.com/ Bot Download: https://discord.com/channels/488177151946915841/1207711313132916878 Documentation: https://docs.defaultsbotdev.com/docs/nexus/info Support DBD Suport Server: https://discord.gg/bkAMbSWk8Z Get Started Here For Free: https://nexus.defaultsbotdev.com/
  8. Version 0.1.2


    The plugin enables the collection of a vast amount of gaming data with subsequent transmission to a database(MySQL). This functionality empowers website owners to display the desired statistics from the database on their sites. Moreover, it offers the capability to send data via API, which proves highly beneficial in scenarios where your gaming server and database reside on separate machines, and the database restricts connections beyond localhost. Please note that an instruction manual will be included in the downloaded file, and it is imperative for users to read it thoroughly. Collecting(The full list is available below in the section Collected Data) : Server information; Player information; Team information; Clan information(in future); Feedback(F7) information; Report(F7) information. Sending data through: direct MySQL; via API(POST query) to MySQL. { "Current Server ID": 0, "Time in seconds for updating data in the database(0 to disable)": 300.0, "DataBase - Display upload messages": true, "DataBase - Upload method(true for API, false for MySQL)": true, "API - Service URL(Specify the address of your website)": "https://site.com/ExtendedStats/index.php", "API - Service Key(Generate your own API key)": "GlBRw-elM6v-gjko3-cxSDk-Tsy7B", "MySQL - Host": "localhost", "MySQL - Port": 3306, "MySQL - Database name": "db_playrust", "MySQL - Username": "root", "MySQL - Password": "root", "Data Base - Servers Name": "db_servers", "Data Base - Players Name": "db_players", "Data Base - Players Deploys Name": "db_players_deploys", "Data Base - Players Explosions Name": "db_players_explosions", "Data Base - Players Farms Name": "db_players_farms", "Data Base - Players Kills Name": "db_players_kills", "Data Base - Players Raids Name": "db_players_raids", "Data Base - Teams Name": "db_teams", "Data Base - Clans Name": "db_clans", "Data Base - Feedbacks Name": "db_feedbacks", "Data Base - Reports Name": "db_reports", "Wipe - Clear data upon detection of wipe": true, "Wipe - Clear database data upon detection of wipe": true, "Wipe - List of data to clear upon detection of wipe": [ "players", "teams", "clans", "feedbacks", "reports" ], "List of deployed names": {}, "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 } } ServerData: ServerName ServerIdentity ServerIP ServerPort QueryPort ServerDescription ServerHeader ServerURL ServerTime ServerTags MaxPlayers ServerEntities ServerUptime ServerMap MapSize MapSeed FirstSave LastSave WipeID ServerVersion ServerProtocol RconPort RconPassword PlayersData: Info UserID DisplayName Language UserGroups CurrentTeam CurrentClan Flags - Online/Offline, Banned BanReason Connection Connections - Number of connections to the server Ping PlayedTime - PlaytimeTracker/PlayTimeRewards plugins required IdleTime - PlaytimeTracker/PlayTimeRewards plugins required FirstConnectionIP LastConnectionIP FirstConnectionDate LastConnectionDate FarmStats Balance - Economics plugin required BankBalance - BankSystem plugin required Points - ServerRewards plugin required Experience Reputation - ReputationMaster plugin required Barrels Fish_Attempts Guts Supplies Excavator_Supplies Chinooks Surveys Blueprints CraftList GatherList CratesList - List of open crates with quantities FishList MonumentsList - Number of monument visits. MonumentsWatcher plugin required DeployedsList KillStats InflictedDamage - Damage inflicted exclusively on real players Kills FriendlyKills Deaths Suicides WoundsInflicted - Only real players TimesWounded - Only real players Chickens Boars Stags Wolves Bears Sharks Scientists Patrols Bradleys VehicleStats(kills) Bikes Cars RowBoats RHIBs Submarine_Solos Submarine_Duos Tugs Heli_Minis Heli_Attacks Heli_Scraps Balloons Trains Train_Wagons Train_Wagon_Cabooses HitParts - List of body part hits with quantities, only real players KillParts - List of body part kills with quantities, only real players KillWeapons - List of kills from various weapons with quantities, only real players RaidedDeployableConstructionsList RaidedConstructionsList RaidStats Cupboards Doors Windows Foundations Ceilings Walls Doorways WindowFrames Stairs Hatches External_Wooden_Gates External_Wooden_Walls External_Stone_Gates External_Stone_Walls External_Ice_Walls External_Ice_Short_Walls RBStats - The number of raided bases by difficulty level. RaidableBases plugin required RBEasy RBMedium RBHard RBExpert RBNightmare ExplosionStats Rocket Rocket_HV Rocket_I Rocket_Smoke Rocket_Missile Rocket_MLRS Torpedo Explosive_Ammo Grenade_Explosive_40mm Grenade_Smoke_40mm Nade_F1 Nade_Moly Nade_Flash Nade_Smoke Nade_Bean Satchel C4 TeamsData: TeamID TeamName LeaderID TeamMembers ClansData(temporarily not working) : ClanID ClanName LeaderID ClanMembers FeedbacksData: ID UserID Subject Type Message Time ReportsData: ID UserID TargetID TargetName Subject Type Message Time
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Explore the Rust Theme for Azuriom! Enhance the aesthetics of your Azuriom platform with our exclusive Rust Theme. Inspired by the Rust world, this theme provides a unique and engaging user interface that perfectly complements your gaming community. Features: Stylish Design: Immerse your users in a visually appealing Rust atmosphere. The theme has been carefully crafted to offer a rustic yet modern look. Easy Installation: Thanks to our step-by-step guide, installation is a breeze. Download the theme, copy it to the theme directory, activate it in the Admin Dashboard, and your Azuriom with the Rust Theme is ready. Customizable Configuration: Tailor the theme to your preferences. Choose pages for the homepage, enable the page background set in `Settings/Global`, and add individual header images for up to 8 servers. One-Click Server Connection: Clicking the "Connect" button automatically copies the connection link to the clipboard. Paste it effortlessly into Rust in the console and initiate the gaming experience seamlessly. Ongoing Enhancements: Our Rust Theme is continually updated and expanded with new features. Benefit from regular updates to ensure your Azuriom stays up-to-date with the latest Rust aesthetics. Optimized User-Friendliness: The Rust Theme not only offers an impressive appearance but also optimized user-friendliness. Your gaming platform will not only look good but also feel great. Make your Azuriom unique and distinctive – get the Rust Theme now and immerse your gaming community in a new dimension of design! Installation and Configuration Guide for the Rust Theme in Azuriom ## Step 1: Copy Theme to the Theme Directory 1. Download the `Rust Theme` if not done already. 2. Copy the `rust` folder into the theme directory of your Azuriom installation. Typically, you can find this directory under `resources/themes` in your Azuriom root. ## Step 2: Activate Theme in Azuriom Admin Dashboard 1. Log in to the Azuriom Admin Dashboard. 2. Navigate to the "Designs" section. 3. Locate the `Rust Theme` in the list and click on "Enable." ## Step 3: Configure Theme 1. Navigate to the "Designs" section. 2. Click on "Edit Configuration" at the top. 3. In the first section, you can activate the page title. Choose a page created under "Pages" to be displayed on the homepage. Alternatively, deactivate it here if you don't want any page to be shown. 4. The page background set in `Settings/Global` can be activated here on all pages. Otherwise, it will only be displayed on the homepage. Note that a page background is mandatory. 5. In the following section, depending on the number of servers you've set up in Azuriom, you'll have the option to insert the header image for each server (up to 8 servers). Tip: Under "Content -> Images" in Azuriom, you can upload images. After uploading, find the link in the "File" column. Right-click on it, choose "Copy link address," and paste the link here.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Ember - Admin Application Module Installation: Put zip files content (admin-application) folder inside `/modules` folder in Embers root directory Go to your embers site in browser and it will automatically show Updated page Click Update & Run Migrations Your are all set to accept new admin applications User form submission: Users fill out the application form. Form includes fields for role, server, age, gaming hours, server experience, location, languages, admin experience, and suitability for the role. Admin Review: Admins review submitted applications. Admins evaluate based on the user's provided information and qualifications. Feel free to message me if you want some customizations or have troubles to setup module. Discord: kokars Email: [email protected]
  11. I'm a typescript/react dev (on the web-side), and was just wondering why I haven't seen any servers, plugins, or tools utilizing React type frameworks like React Core, or NextJS, or even something like Remix? Is this in terms of limitations of what we can do with communication between the server and webhost? Or would I be fine creating my website based off any framework? I feel as if this may be an irrelevant post as I am pretty sure it doesn't matter as long as the webhooks communicate the way they need to communicate, it should all work the same ideally, right?


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