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Version 1.4.8
Sputnik is a server event that allows players to contest fallen sputnik satellite fragments that fall around the map. Players will need to battle their way past patrol helicopters, NPCs, turrets, and mines to gain access to loot locked behind keycards that require 'Space Cards,' which can be added to loot tables or sold in a shop! Alternatively, you can use standard keycards. Overview By default, there are five types of debris that can fall in any quantity and combination. The fragment can be guarded by a helicopter, NPCs, turrets, and mines. For each preset, you can configure the location and number of crates. A radiation zone can be created around the fragment. By default, there is a card reader in one of the locations that open a locked crate. It is activated using the “Space card.” For more information, see the “Space card” section. Space Card A card reader can be placed on any type of sputnik debris. By default, it is activated using a purple "Space Card." This card reader opens the crates specified in a special section of the config. A custom card can be added to the loot tables of standard crates and crates of this event. It can also be given with the help of a command or sold in the server store. If necessary, the card reader can be removed, and the card can be replaced with any type of standard card. Location presets The location preset is specified for each wreckage preset separately. By default, a data file with five types of prefabs is included: sputnik_1 debris_1 debris_2 debris_3 debris_4 They are shown in pictures 6 - 10. The first location includes a locked crate that opens with the help of a "Space Map." Chat commands (only for administrators) /sputnikstart– launches the event in a random configuration /sputnikstart <eventPresetName> – launches the event in the <eventPresetName> configuration /sputnikstop – stops the event /givespacecard – give yourself a "Space Card". Console commands (RCON only) sputnikstart– launches the event in a random configuration sputnikstart <eventPresetName> – launches the event in the <eventPresetName> configuration givespacecard <userID> – give a "Space Card" to player Config en – example of plugin configuration in English ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify DiscordMessages AlphaLoot CustomLoot Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Hooks OnSputnikEventStart () OnSputnikEventStop () OnSputnikEventWin (ulong userID) OnPlayerEnterSputnik{BasePlayer player} OnPlayerExitSputnik{BasePlayer player} My Discord: Adem#9554 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$29.99 -
Version 1.0.0
This is an extension of the Magic Panel plugin that shows an icon for the Helipad Event plugin. The icon's color and position can be set individually in the configuration file. Please note: The Magic Heli Event Panel only works in conjunction with the "MagicPanel" and "LaunchSiteHelipadEvent" plugins. Make sure you have installed these plugins before using the Event Panel. The plugin also automatically checks if any of the required plugins are missing. If this is the case, the "LaunchSiteHelipadEvent" plugin will be automatically unloaded. #Configuration The settings and options can be configured in the MagicLaunchSiteHelipadEventPanel file under the config directory. The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. { "Active Color": "#00FF00FF", "Inactive Color": "#FFFFFF1A", "Panel Settings": { "Dock": "center", "Width": 0.02, "Order": 1, "BackgroundColor": "#FFF2DF08" }, "Panel Layout": { "Image": { "Url": "", "Enabled": true, "Color": "#FFFFFFFF", "Order": 0, "Width": 1.0, "Padding": { "Left": 0.1, "Right": 0.1, "Top": 0.05, "Bottom": 0.05 } } } } #Credits Thanks to MJSU for the Magic Panel plugin. We reworked one of the plugin extensions so that MagicPanel now also supports the Helipad Event plugin. #Trailer If you're not satisfied with the icon, take a look here – you might find something more suitable.Free-
- #magiclaunchsitehelipadeventpanel
- #magic
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Version 1.2.0
DropEvent DropEvent is a plugin that I have been using on my server for several years now. It's a very popular event because it encourages PVP. It's not even about the loot anymore, but about the fun, as the whole server gathers at one point. I have completely reworked this plugin so that there is a config and all the necessary things so that you can use it easily. Pictures speak louder than words, so I've picked out an old video for you. Functions It is important that you have MonumentFinder. DropEvent is dependent on the API! Thanks to, WhiteThunder! MonumentFinder -> MonumentFinder You can start the DropEvent command: /flashdropevent You can start the DropEvent console: flashdropevent To use the command, you need the authorization: dropevent.admin Config { "Settings": { "SupplySignalCount": 3 } } load, run, enjoy Support Discord$10.99 -
Version 2.1
Are you growing your server's pop, but feel that 3.5K+ maps are just too big for your players? Do your players want a greater challenge and larger monuments without being too spread out? Acrux solves all these problems, and your players will love all of the benefits this map provides your up and coming server! Players will have plenty of space to base up, and with so many monuments just around the corner, Launch Site included for the chads, they can improve their skills or run cards any time they want. There will never be a shortage of PVP on a map that keeps everything contained in a smaller area, and no matter how late players join the wipe, they will always have something to do or someone to fight only a short distance from home. Acrux also features a higher node count than typical procgen maps . Nodes spawn on all topology and biomes (Fields, forests, deserts, etc.) not just on cliffsides, providing a much needed increase in building materials. Your players can recover from a raid quicker or take care of upkeep in their massive compound, so that they can focus on PVPing. This is also a great way to keep players from moving on to a new server if their base is raided, since rebuilding a base can be a daunting task at times. All of my maps have one goal in common, increasing engagement and retaining players. Through trial, error, and suggestions on my own personal servers, I can confidently say that this map is perfect for up and coming servers with pop at or below 50. General Information: Map size: 2.5K Approximate prefab count: 2755 All monuments are vanilla, there are no custom monuments on this map. Map Highlights: Smaller map size keeps PVP centralized. Large tunnel system. Low prefab count for optimized FPS. High monument density with balanced room for player to build. Launch Site is included, which is not possible for this map size through procedural generated maps. Monuments manually placed: Outpost Bandit Town Harbor Lighthouses Junkyard Satellite Dish Train Yard Power Plant Airfield Military Tunnels Excavator Large and Small Oil Rigs Launch Site Icebergs Underwater Labs Dome Gas Station Two Warehouses Supermarket The following monuments have been procgen added: Arctic Research Base Desert Military Base Caves Swamps Ice Lakes Fishing Villages Password is included with the map file. After purchase, you may edit or adjust however you see fit. To report bugs or give suggestions, feel free to message me here, or on discord any time: 𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓽𝔃#0001$6.10 -
Version 1.1
Are your players seeking a new, enchanting experience distinct from conventional island maps? Do they thirst for an adventure that promises both exploration and intense gameplay? If so, Pandora's Palm, the mysterious island of wonders, is precisely the map your players have been longing for. Pandora's Palm, with its larger size of 3.5K, provides an exquisite blend of natural landscapes, popular monuments, and an Airwolf Swamp, replacing the standard Bandit Camp. This map has been meticulously crafted to guarantee engaging player encounters and unforgettable experiences at every turn. Main Features: The map introduces an Airwolf Swamp, replacing the conventional Bandit Camp. This provides a specialized location for players to purchase minicopters. Every monument has been carefully selected and strategically positioned to offer a rich and balanced gaming experience. General Information: Map size: 3.5K Approximate Prefab Count: 7950 The map includes a customized Airwolf Swamp to replace the Bandit Camp. Map Highlights: Dense monument concentration balanced with ample building space for players. The inclusion of the Launch Site, a unique feature for a map of this size. An array of rivers and lakes, providing a lush landscape. Monuments Included: Airfield Arctic Research Base Caves (2) Compound Desert Military Base Dome Fishing Village (2) Gas Station Harbor 1 & 2 Ice Lake Junkyard Launch Site Lighthouse (2) Nuclear Missile Silo Large & Small Oil Rigs Power Plant Stable Supermarket Train Yard Underwater Labs (4) Warehouse (2) Water Treatment Plant Venture into the unseen with Pandora's Palm and keep your players captivated like never before! Upon purchasing, a password will be included with the map file, allowing you to edit or adjust the map as per your needs. To report bugs, please use the Support tab for a prompt response.$14.50- 5 comments
- 1 review
Version 1.6.0
Immerse your players in world packed with monuments and beautiful aesthetics. This 3k map contains every vanilla monument, caves, a zipline path from Outpost to Train Yard, freshwater lakes, and a custom mineshaft with a secret building area and loot. Below is a full list of monuments included. Altair features a very high monument count, including everyone's favorite, Launch Site, but with balanced building space kept in mind. Your players will love the endless variety, and because the map is 3K, players will be contesting monuments like never before. This map is the closest you can come to pleasing everyone! Altair also features a higher node count than typical procgen maps . Nodes spawn on all topology and biomes (Fields, forests, deserts, etc.) not just on cliffsides, providing a much needed increase in building materials. Your players can recover from a raid quicker or take care of upkeep in their massive compound, so that they can focus on PVPing. This is also a great way to keep players from moving on to a new server if their base is raided, since rebuilding a base can be a daunting task at times. All of my maps have one goal in common, increasing engagement and retaining players. Through trial, error, and suggestions on my own personal servers, I can confidently say that this map is perfect for up and coming servers with pop at or below 75. General Information: Map size: 3K Approximate Prefab count: 7770 There is one custom built mineshaft with loot and a secret building area inside. Map Highlights: Large tunnel system. High monument density with balanced room for player to build. Launch Site is included, which is not possible for this map size through procedural generated maps. Multiple rivers and lakes. Small building blocked radius around quarries to prevent walling in. Every vanilla monument is included and hand placed in this map. Monuments Included: Airfield Arctic Research Base Bandit Camp Caves (4) Compound Desert Military Base Dome Excavator Fishing Village (4) Freshwater handmade lakes Gas Station Harbor 1 & 2 HQM Quarry Ice Lake (3) Junkyard Launch Site Lighthouse (2) Military Tunnels Mineshaft Tunnel Nuclear Missile Silo Large & Small Oil Rigs Power Plant Powerline Zipline Path Sewer Branch Stables A Stone Quarry Sulfer Quarry Supermarket (2) Swamp (2) Train Yard Underwater Labs (2) Warehouse (2) Water Treatment Plant Water Well (5) Password is included with the map file. After purchase, you may edit or adjust however you see fit. To report bugs, feel free to message me here, or on discord: 𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓽𝔃#0001$14.50- 6 comments
- 1 review
Version 2.1
Is your map too large for your pop, but you want maximum monuments to keep you players busy? Or worse yet, do your players farm all day, raid each other, then log off or switch to another server because they ran out of things to do? If so, Lyra is exactly what you are looking for to host on your weekly or even monthly server - this isn't your average 2.5K procgen map! Lyra features a high monument count, including everyone's favorite, Launch Site, but with balanced building space kept in mind. Your players will love the shorter commute to monuments, and because the map is 2.5K, players will be contesting monuments like never before. Gone are the days of traveling halfway through the map for one gun fight, only to die and lose motivation to travel all the way back again and find that everyone is gone. Lyra also features a higher node count than typical procgen maps . Nodes spawn on all topology and biomes (Fields, forests, deserts, etc.) not just on cliffsides, providing a much needed increase in building materials. Your players can recover from a raid quicker or take care of upkeep in their massive compound, so that they can focus on PVPing. This is also a great way to keep players from moving on to a new server if their base is raided, since rebuilding a base can be a daunting task at times. All of my maps have one goal in common, increasing engagement and retaining players. Through trial, error, and suggestions on my own personal servers, I can confidently say that this map is perfect for up and coming servers with pop at or below 50. General Information: Map size: 2.5K Approximate prefab count: 4385 All monuments are vanilla, there are no custom monuments on this map. Map Highlights: Smaller map size keeps PVP centralized. Large tunnel system. Low prefab count for optimized FPS. High monument density with plenty of room for player to build. Launch Site is included, which is not possible for this map size through procedural generated maps. Monuments manually placed: Outpost Bandit Town Lighthouses Dome Junkyard Swamps Sewer Branch Satellite Dish Train Yard Power Plant Military Tunnels Launch Site Large and Small Oil Rigs Underwater Labs Gas Station Warehouse Supermarket The following monuments have been procgen added: Arctic Research Base Desert Military Base Caves Swamps Ice Lakes Fishing Villages Password is included with the map file. After purchase, you may edit or adjust however you see fit. To report bugs or give suggestions, feel free to message me here, or on discord any time: 𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓽𝔃#0001$6.10- 3 comments
- 1 review
Version 2.3
Featuring a variety of monuments from every tier level, including the much requested Launch Site, and plenty of building space for your players to thrive, this map is sure to satisfy players of every skill level. There is also a railway loop with beautiful bridges that circles the island for easy commute and player enjoyment. Markeb also features a higher node count than typical procgen maps . Nodes spawn on all topology and biomes (Fields, forests, deserts, etc.) not just on cliffsides, providing a much needed increase in building materials. Your players can recover from a raid quicker or take care of upkeep in their massive compound, so that they can focus on PVPing. This is also a great way to keep players from moving on to a new server if their base is raided, since rebuilding a base can be a daunting task at times. All of my maps have one goal in common, increasing engagement and retaining players. Through trial, error, and suggestions on my own personal servers, I can confidently say that this map is perfect for up and coming servers with pop at or below 50. General Information: Map size: 2.5K Approximate Prefab Count: 9760 All monuments are vanilla, there are no custom monuments on this map. All monuments were hand placed Map Highlights: Smaller map size keeps PVP centralized. Large tunnel system. Above Ground Railway Loop High monument density with balanced room for player to build. Launch Site is included, which is not possible for this map size through procedural generated maps. Monuments manually placed: Airfield Arctic Research Base Bandit Town Caves (5) Compound Desert Military Base Dome Fishing Village (3) Gas Station Harbor 1 & 2 HQM Quarry Ice Lakes (3) Junkyard Launch Site Lighthouse (2) Military Tunnels Nuclear Missile Silo Large & Small Oil Rig Power Plant Satellite Dish Stone Quarry Sulfur Quarry Sewer Branch Supermarket Swamps (3) Train Yard Underwater Labs Warehouse Water Treatment Password is included with the map file. After purchase, you may edit or adjust however you see fit. To report bugs, feel free to message me here, or on discord: 𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓽𝔃#0001$8.50 -
Version 2.2
If your players are looking for a small map with a huge variety of monuments, look no further! Serpens will keep your players entertained all wipe! Serpens features many of your player's most requested monuments, including Launch Site, but with maximum building space taken into account. This map will peek your players busy all wipe, and because the map is 2.5K, players will be fighting for control all day and night. Keep PVP focused nearby, and eliminate long roams searching for players. Serpens also features a higher node count than typical procgen maps . Nodes spawn on all topology and biomes (Fields, forests, deserts, etc.) not just on cliffsides, providing a much needed increase in building materials. Your players can recover from a raid quicker or take care of upkeep in their massive compound, so that they can focus on PVPing. This is also a great way to keep players from moving on to a new server if their base is raided, since rebuilding a base can be a daunting task at times. All of my maps have one goal in common, increasing engagement and retaining players. Through trial, error, and suggestions on my own personal servers, I can confidently say that this map is perfect for up and coming servers with pop at or below 50. General Information: Map size: 2.5K Approximate prefab count: 3415 All monuments are vanilla, there are no custom monuments on this map. Map Highlights: Smaller map size keeps PVP centralized. Large tunnel system. High monument density with balanced room for player to build. Launch Site is included, which is not possible for this map size through procedural generated maps. Monuments manually placed: Airfield Arctic Research Base Bandit Town Compound Desert Military Base Dome Fishing Village (3) Gas Station HQM Quarry Icebergs (5) Junkyard Launch Site Lighthouse (2) Large and Small Oil Rigs Nuclear Missile Silo Power Plant Powerline zipline path Satellite Dish Stables A Stone Quarry Sulfur Quarry Supermarket Train Yard Underwater Labs (2) Warehouse Monuments procedurally added: Caves (3) Ice Lakes (2) Swamp (2) Water Well Password is included with the map file. After purchase, you may edit or adjust however you see fit. To report bugs or give suggestions, feel free to message me here, or on discord any time: 𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓽𝔃#0001$8.50 -
Version 2.0.0
A Bradley guarded monument that is 1/4 the size of launch site, surrounded in radiation. There is a high tier loot hotspot in the center that is covered in a high amount of radiation. Scattered around the compound are tons of buildings that all contain loot, plus an underground bunker you can access using a blue keycard and a fuse. Inside the bunker you will find multiple scientists, high tier loot, a recycler and a red keycard. This is a great PVP environment with multiple samsites so it will still have the same playstyle as Launch site, it is a perfect replacement. Containing: Splat modifiers (the splat and alpha modifiers may be off center I suggest applying splat/alpha then DO NOT break prefab and adjust the monument to center with splat and alpha) Height modifiers (you may need to adjust the terrain with your preferred terrain tool if it is on very uneven terrain) Alpha modifiers (alpha paint is sometimes offset you may need to adjust the alpha paint) Water trigger (the underground bunker will be ok if it goes underneath water) Installation: Download and unzip the folder contents. Paste folder contents in RustEdit\CustomPrefabs. Open the mapfile of the map you wish to edit. Place the prefab and apply Splat, Height and Alpha modifiers. You may need to add your own APC PATH on the dirt trail. Feel free to adjust the loot container spawns to your servers needs. Any rust maps containing io connections you will need Contact: Discord Gram#6878$15.00-
- #bradley
- #bradley apc
(and 5 more)
Tagged with:
Version 2.1
Are your players tired of traveling across a large map, only to find that they haven't encountered any roaming teams along the way? Does everything seem too spread out in proportion to your server's pop, but you want to keep a wide selection of monuments to keep your players entertained? If so, Atria is the perfect map to host on your weekly or even monthly server - this isn't your average 2.5K procgen map! Atria is loaded with monuments, including the much requested Launch Site, but also carefully designed in a way that still provides plenty of room to build. Your players will love the shorter commute to monuments, and because the map is 2.5K, competition will be greatly enhanced. Never will your players travel halfway across a large map when there is PVP right in their own backyard. Atria also features a higher node count than typical procgen maps . Nodes spawn on all topology and biomes (Fields, forests, deserts, etc.) not just on cliffsides, providing a much needed increase in building materials. Your players can recover from a raid quicker or take care of upkeep in their massive compound, so that they can focus on PVPing. This is also a great way to keep players from moving on to a new server if their base is raided, since rebuilding a base can be a daunting task at times. All of my maps have one goal in common, increasing engagement and retaining players. Through trial, error, and suggestions on my own personal servers, I can confidently say that this map is perfect for up and coming servers with pop at or below 50. General Information: Map size: 2.5K Approximate prefab count: 3875 All monuments are vanilla, there are no custom monuments on this map. Map Highlights: Smaller map size keeps PVP centralized. Large tunnel system. Low prefab count for optimized FPS. High monument density with balanced room for player to build. Launch Site is included, which is not possible for this map size through procedural generated maps. Monuments manually placed: Bandit Town Lighthouses Dome Junkyard Sewer Branch Water Treatment Swamps Satellite Dish Train Yard Power Plant Airfield Launch Site Large and Small Oil Rigs Underwater Labs Water Well Gas Station Supermarkets Warehouse Ranch The following monuments have been procgen added: Arctic Research Base Desert Military Base Caves Swamps Water Well Ice Lakes Fishing Villages Password is included with the map file. After purchase, you may edit or adjust however you see fit. To report bugs or give suggestions, feel free to message me here, or on discord any time: 𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓽𝔃#0001$6.10 -
Version 2.1
How many times have your players asked for more monuments a few days into wipe? Are your players tired of basic progen maps every wipe, and possibly... playing other servers behind your back?? If you want to maintain pop and keep your players busy all wipe, Corvus is the map for you! Corvus features many of your player's favorite monuments, including Launch Site, but with maximum building space taken into account. Monuments and gunfights are right next door to your players bases, and because the map is 2.5K, players will be fighting for control all day and night. With Corvus, your players can keep PVP focused nearby, and not have to worry about if they can make it back to the fight in time to recover their loot. Corvus also features a higher node count than typical procgen maps . Nodes spawn on all topology and biomes (Fields, forests, deserts, etc.) not just on cliffsides, providing a much needed increase in building materials. Your players can recover from a raid quicker or take care of upkeep in their massive compound, so that they can focus on PVPing. This is also a great way to keep players from moving on to a new server if their base is raided, since rebuilding a base can be a daunting task at times. All of my maps have one goal in common, increasing engagement and retaining players. Through trial, error, and suggestions on my own personal servers, I can confidently say that this map is perfect for up and coming servers with pop at or below 50. General Information: Map size: 2.5K Approximate prefab count: 3080 All monuments are vanilla, there are no custom monuments on this map. Map Highlights: Smaller map size keeps PVP centralized. Large tunnel system. Low prefab count for optimized FPS. High monument density with balanced room for player to build. Launch Site is included, which is not possible for this map size through procedural generated maps. Monuments manually placed: Outpost Harbor Bandit Town Sewer Branch Lighthouses Caves Dome Junkyard Train Yard Power Plant Launch Site Large and Small Oil Rigs Underwater Labs Water Well Gas Station Supermarkets Warehouse The following monuments have been procgen added: Arctic Research Base Desert Military Base Caves Swamps Ice Lakes Fishing Villages Password is included with the map file. After purchase, you may edit or adjust however you see fit. To report bugs, feel free to message me here, or on discord: 𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓽𝔃#0001$6.10 -
Version 2.1.0
A custom Arena based upon the Launch-Site Monument for Rust Arena Servers, has all the main launch-site buildings with some sealed up to help server performance. This Arena can be used for Monument Training, can fit in with any existing Arena style setup. This Arena has been created for a range of game modes in mind, Team Death Match, Capture The Flag, Last Man Standing, Domination and many others. The Arena is re created from the original Launch-site Monument, with loot boxes removed. For most Gun Game modes there are plenty of places for spawn points and if used with Arena-Items from Codefling makes a great arena to have fun in. The Arena has all the prevent movement and invisible colliders setup, also has a observation platform above for dead players. Perfect for both Day and Night time battles. Even with the high prefab count this Arena runs smoothly and has a high player FPS. Prefab Count 5050 For Support and help if needed Join KBEdits main RustEdit Discord Arena prefab can be used on servers that do not have the Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.dll extension installed on the server. Simply place the prefab at required height and press the prefab modifiers. The prefab itself is quite large in size.$29.95-
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- #kbedits
- #knockcree
- (and 8 more)
Version 2.1.0
A new Custom Monument by KBEdits for Rust Servers, WWII themed V2 Mini Launch based upon Launch-site. This Mini launch has a military theme to it, it can fit into any map as a new monument or as a main monument on a small map. This prefab will take a little extra work to place on a map due to its size and what it contains. Placing the prefab for the flooded part is best at Y height 21.076. This allows for the beach-side as well on one side. There is a mine entrance on one side that can be added to or removed and filled in. If you have any requests then please get in touch with us on our Discord listed below. This is a Green/Blue/Red custom puzzle that gives electric power for 18 minutes to the central outpost in the center after the Red card has been swiped. There is a Sentry Turret at the back which closes after the Red Card has been swiped. This allows other players to counter the hacked crate. To try and prevent camping the central outpost there is 2 sentry turrets inside with some scientists. Normal scientist spawns outside. Its best to watch the video showcasing the monument to get a better idea what it contains and the terrain around it. Contains Bradley APC path going around the dirt path. This prefab is featured on the KBEdits WWII themed Mini Map . Video Link on how to do the puzzle. Contains Recycler inside the outpost. Workbench and research table above and is accessible all the time. Hackable crate. 6 Normal crate 11 Military crate 2 food crate 3 barrel spawners Red Card spawner Prefab count 3952 live server to view the terrain and monument. steam://connect/ KBEdits WWII Duo/Trio Server For Support and help if needed Join KBEdits main RustEdit Discord For the prefabs to function correctly, you will need the Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.dll extension installed on your server. As always, credit has to go to Bran and Cobalt for work on these prefabs. Thanks guys$34.95-
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- #kbedits
- #knockcree
- (and 8 more)