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Gay Sparkly T-Rex

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Everything posted by Gay Sparkly T-Rex

  1. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    SR total cut off

    I have this on my test server and Balance Bar only shows that I have 297RP but in Server Rewards I have 29786, it appears that its cutting off the last 2 numbers... Can you look into this for me please?
  2. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    Any insite into making this into an event?
  3. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Dosen't Work

    No error messages in console but refuses to load any timers. I have Balance Status working perfectly. I have tried skinned and unskinned sleeping bag, Ive tried a bed and even a beach towel and cannot get this to work. Any help would begreatly appreciated. BedStatus.json
  4. Please have the addon change the permissions to what the config has the category. For example I made 3 categories in the config: defaultnew, vip, staff but ingame adminmenu still only sees vip1, vip2, vip3
  5. Whats not working? Ive been using this addon for a while now with no issues... I have 4 different med pens all set up differently with no issues.
  6. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    I run a PVE server and was wondering if you could do something like: Player swipes card "event" starts that players must stay within X (definable in config) distance from vending machine NPCs would spawn and target the vending machine (and player) Make it so that NPCs would target the player first then vending machine if no player in sight, make NPCs turret safe to prevent players from cheesing events at smaller monuments such as super market and gas station If the VM is successfully defended then there is a chance of loot If the VM is destroyed then nothing Having the vending machine spawn in several diffrent places in each prefab monument would make gameplay more interesting and make it seem less repetitive as well.
    AWESOME! JUST GREAT! While the store does have a bit more of a learning curve to setting up then say Tebex or Crafting store there is a super helpful community of people over on there discord more then willing to help you get set up and running! Low rates, easy to customize and make your own, tons of features (like gift cards, coupons, and sales!) and fast/awesome community that helps with general support, technical support and even help getting things customly set up.... oh and they (being PayNow Staff) are super fast at adding new features! (*cough cough* discord webhooks *cough cough*)
  7. I thought this addon had a ban option at one point? Could we please get this/get it back? I do have some trolls who come back time after time as its a PVE server and you spawn with a weapon and its a high gather rate. Can I manually ban them sure but would rather it just be automated.
  8. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Broken with update

    Error while compiling IntoTheBoat: 'IFuelSystem' does not contain a definition for 'fuelStorageInstance' and no accessible extension method 'fuelStorageInstance' accepting a first argument of type 'IFuelSystem' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 68, Pos: 65
  9. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Broken with update

    Error while compiling GetToDaChoppa: 'IFuelSystem' does not contain a definition for 'fuelStorageInstance' and no accessible extension method 'fuelStorageInstance' accepting a first argument of type 'IFuelSystem' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 66, Pos: 72
  10. Any chance of having different messages go to different channels? Like I would love to have Error logs go to one channel but say for example I want save logs go to a different one. This would go with the above being pinged... like I dont mind getting pinged about errors but I dont want to be pinged when it logs the save line or if a role is added or removed
  11. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    Any video of this working/how it works? Seems like a cool idea but would love it see it working before purchasing this addon. (even if someone who has this pref pve wants to drop me a PM)
  12. Im still waiting for this to be added.... I mean 3 months away from a year...
  13. I like many others run PVE servers so this addon would need to allow for counting NPC kills in a streak. This so far only seems to be for PVP servers, Ill keep my eye on it for future updates.
  14. Would love to see something on the bot side that posts what skins have sucessfully been added. I also have a .bat file to reload the bot every 3 hours (with an output log and a loop counter!) if anyones interested in it PM me
  15. yay I get to ask my server host to apply this.... most hosts dont allow users to just add .dll
  16. 11/03 18:46:44 | >>> oxide.load PunishAttacker 11/03 18:46:44 | Oxide.Ext.UiFramework is referenced by PunishAttacker plugin but is not loaded 11/03 18:46:44 | Ignored unexpected plugin compilation failure: PunishAttacker 11/03 18:46:44 | [CSharp] Started Oxide.Compiler v1.0.22.0 successfully 11/03 18:46:48 | Error while compiling PunishAttacker: The type or namespace name 'UiFramework' does not exist in the namespace 'Oxide.Ext' (are you missing an assembly reference?) | Line: 11, Pos: 17 11/03 18:46:48 | Shutting down compiler because no more jobs 11/03 18:46:48 | Compiler shutdown completed
  17. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    Also may want to check that in the StatsUser.json it only logs actual players and no NPCs. Ive noticed hundreds of NPCs getting logged. Maybe check that the ID starts with 7656 or that the number is like 16 numbers long?
  18. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    Is it possible to make it so only certain stats are sent to discord and only certain stats are posted to chat? Example: I only want top points to be posted in discord (would be better if the addon could delete its previous embed when posting the newest one) I would like the addon to cycle thru all but remove option to show top kills (as my server is a PVE server) Also what does the setting "Is your server in PVE mode?": false, actually do? I mean my server is a PVE server but I do not use the rust built in convar for making my server PVE.
  19. Would also like an option for unlimited fuel/locking the fuel tank like mymini had
  20. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Update Broke

    09/07 15:15:57 | Error while compiling IQSphereEvent: 'BaseHelicopter' does not contain a definition for 'maxCratesToSpawn' and no accessible extension method 'maxCratesToSpawn' accepting a first argument of type 'BaseHelicopter' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 4414, Pos: 34
  21. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Update Broke

    09/07 15:06:26 | Error while compiling PunishAttacker: The type or namespace name 'MiniCopter' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 456, Pos: 43
  22. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    So I use Monument Plus and it works perfectly EXCEPT when the gas station event is going off. Monument Plus adds a card reader in the back of the gas station that only stops working during the gas station event. If you could look into this it would be great! https://www.myvector.xyz/index.php?threads/monument-plus.3/page-3#post-2776 - This is a link to the addon. Also players keep reporting that they are not receiving the code upon killing all the rival gang.
  23. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    I use this addon and Monument Plus by Razor ( https://www.myvector.xyz/index.php?threads/monument-plus.3/page-3#post-2776 ) and this addon seems to create an issue where you cant use the green key card to open the gate under the vehicle lift as the key card no longer registers card swipes during the gas station event.
    Must have for PVE servers! Ever get that annoying troll that just sits there an unloads loud annoying guns at your players? Even tho they arnt causing damage they are utterly annoying... this addon fixes all of that! Allows server owners to set buffers (encase of accidental fire) to damage and even kicking annoying trolls from your server!


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