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Tripper Kill Asist Status 1.0.3

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About Tripper Kill Asist Status

About Tripper Plugin

The plugin allows players to earn specific rewards during kill streaks, featuring time limits, custom messages, and a scoring system. As players achieve kill streaks within set times, they receive custom messages and points based on the number of kills. Additionally, it visually displays kill streak information to players and removes this data when the streak ends. The plugin's settings enable server owners to customize the messages and scoring system for kill streaks.

Plugin Video

About Config

For instance, default messages and points for specific kill counts are set. The plugin uses this configuration to provide feedback to players as they achieve kill streaks, aiming to enhance their motivation. Additionally, the configuration allows server owners to tailor game dynamics and player experience according to their preferences.


Works compatible with the server rewards plugin. If you wish, you can set the amount of points to be given for each instant kill via config or turn it on / off.

  "IsCuiDynamic": true,
  "KillMessages": {
    "2": {
      "Message": "Double Kill!",
      "Points": 1
    "3": {
      "Message": "Triple Kill!",
      "Points": 1
    "4": {
      "Message": "Megaton Kill!",
      "Points": 1
    "5": {
      "Message": "Vurtex Kill!",
      "Points": 1
  "KillStreakTimeout": 3.0,
  "ServerRewardsPoint": true,
  "ShowCui": true,
  "StatusBarConfig": {
    "Image": "pookie.bear",
    "ImageColor": "#FFC1B8",
    "MainColor": "#E80C1B",
    "SubTextColor": "#FFC1B8",
    "SubTextSize": 11,
    "SubTextTemplate": "+Puan: {rewardPoints}",
    "TextColor": "#FFC1B8",
    "TextTemplate": "Killing Series: {killCount}"


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