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OreLocations Detector 1.0.0

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About OreLocations Detector

Plugin shows the locations of mines in the Rust game to players on leave for a certain period of time. This helps players pool resources around them more quickly and efficiently.



  • Players can see the mines for a certain period of time.
  • Marking of mines with different colors according to their location (Sulfur, Metal and Stone).
  • The configuration file allows server owners to customize the plugin's features.
  • Players will not be able to reuse the command during the specified cool-down period.
  • Multilingual support of the plug-in and availability of language files.



  • orelocations.showauthorization to use the plugin 



you can set the  the configuration file

  "CooldownTime": 300.0,
  "DisplayDuration": 30.0,
  "MaxDistance": 500.0

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