About Helicopter Manager
This plugins allows your players to spawn helicopters on demand.
Everything is configured in custom profiles, each profile has a name, the type of the helicopter and the settings.
Please report any bugs either by sending a private message here or on Discord.
I'm also open to new ideas and improvement requests.
I'm online on the Codefling Discord channel.
What's new ?
- Better boundary validation before spawning a vehicle
- Cool down period is displayed in day min and seconds
- Entity limit per profile
- Automatically fetch an entity when the limit is set to 1 (one)
- Spawn distance to helicopter based on type
- Spawned entities are now persistent at server restart
Supported helicopters:
- MiniHelicopter
- AttackHelicopter
- TransportHelicopter
Supported features (you can enable/disable them per profile):
- Auto hovering with PID controller stabilization (same shit used by real drones)
- Automatic mount the owner when the helicopter is spawned
- Instant takeoff will remove the engine ramping time
- Lock the spawned helicopter's pilot seat to the person who spawned it
- Remove all outside/inside decay
- Remove fuel consumption
- Spawn fuel amount
Let's take the example of the following profile:
"Name": "attack",
"Type": "AttackHelicopter",
"CooldownInSeconds": 3600,
"Distance": {
"Fetch": {
"Min": 50,
"Max": 0
"Remove": {
"Min": 0,
"Max": 50
"Settings": {
"AutoHover": {
"Enabled": false,
"MinSpeed": 3
"AutoMountPlayer": false,
"InstantTakeoff": false,
"LockToOwner": false,
"NoDecay": false,
"NoFuelConsumption": false,
"SpawnFuelAmount": 100
The plugin will automatically create for you the following commands:
- /myattack to spawn a minicopter
- /fattack to fetch a spawned minicopter
- /noattack to despawn a spawned minicopter
The plugin will also automatically create for each command a permission, this allows fine grain control over who can execute which command.
- helimanager.attack.spawn
- helimanager.attack.fetch
- helimanager.attack.remove