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Everything posted by Valon
Works just perfect now! Thx alot!
Only the HeliSignals, the ones that allows you to summon different types of patrol helicopters, but when spawning in the regular one its not attack that one either.
it wont attack the patrol helicopter anymore, it just keeps beeeeeping when the patrol helicopter comes into its range, it was working perfectly fine a few days ago
Getting alot of error messages when using this config such as that picture and yes i do have the latest version of AlphaLoot and installed properly
Thx worked
Whenver i get a tool, gun or any placeable items they are broken in the loot box/crate. I have installed the plugin right and removed the old files
- #alphaloot
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- #alpha loot tables
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- #advanced alphaloot
- #5x config
- #5x server looot
- #5x loot
- #5x loot tables
- #alpha loot
- #alpha loot 5x
- #alphaloot 5x table
- #loot table config
- #alpha
- #alphaloot tables
- #alphaloot 5x loot tables
- #5x alpha
- #5x alphaloot tables
- #alpha loot 5x server
- #5x server
- #5x servers
- #5x server loot tables
- #5x server loot table
- 1
- #alphaloot
- #alphaloot 5x
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- #alphaloot
- #alphaloot 5x
- #5x loot table
- #alpha loot config
- #loot table
- #alpha loot tables
- #loot table configs
- #advanced alphaloot
- #5x config
- #5x server looot
- #5x loot
- #5x loot tables
- #alpha loot
- #alpha loot 5x
- #alphaloot 5x table
- #loot table config
- #alpha
- #alphaloot tables
- #alphaloot 5x loot tables
- #5x alpha
- #5x alphaloot tables
- #alpha loot 5x server
- #5x server
- #5x servers
- #5x server loot tables
- #5x server loot table
- #alphaloot
- #alphaloot 5x
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- #alphaloot
- #alphaloot 5x
- #5x loot table
- #alpha loot config
- #loot table
- #alpha loot tables
- #loot table configs
- #advanced alphaloot
- #5x config
- #5x server looot
- #5x loot
- #5x loot tables
- #alpha loot
- #alpha loot 5x
- #alphaloot 5x table
- #loot table config
- #alpha
- #alphaloot tables
- #alphaloot 5x loot tables
- #5x alpha
- #5x alphaloot tables
- #alpha loot 5x server
- #5x server
- #5x servers
- #5x server loot tables
- #5x server loot table
- #alphaloot
- #alphaloot 5x
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- #alphaloot
- #alphaloot 5x
- #5x loot table
- #alpha loot config
- #loot table
- #alpha loot tables
- #loot table configs
- #advanced alphaloot
- #5x config
- #5x server looot
- #5x loot
- #5x loot tables
- #alpha loot
- #alpha loot 5x
- #alphaloot 5x table
- #loot table config
- #alpha
- #alphaloot tables
- #alphaloot 5x loot tables
- #5x alpha
- #5x alphaloot tables
- #alpha loot 5x server
- #5x server
- #5x servers
- #5x server loot tables
- #5x server loot table
- #alphaloot
- #alphaloot 5x
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- #alphaloot
- #alphaloot 5x
- #5x loot table
- #alpha loot config
- #loot table
- #alpha loot tables
- #loot table configs
- #advanced alphaloot
- #5x config
- #5x server looot
- #5x loot
- #5x loot tables
- #alpha loot
- #alpha loot 5x
- #alphaloot 5x table
- #loot table config
- #alpha
- #alphaloot tables
- #alphaloot 5x loot tables
- #5x alpha
- #5x alphaloot tables
- #alpha loot 5x server
- #5x server
- #5x servers
- #5x server loot tables
- #5x server loot table
- #alphaloot
- #alphaloot 5x
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- #alphaloot
- #alphaloot 5x
- #5x loot table
- #alpha loot config
- #loot table
- #alpha loot tables
- #loot table configs
- #advanced alphaloot
- #5x config
- #5x server looot
- #5x loot
- #5x loot tables
- #alpha loot
- #alpha loot 5x
- #alphaloot 5x table
- #loot table config
- #alpha
- #alphaloot tables
- #alphaloot 5x loot tables
- #5x alpha
- #5x alphaloot tables
- #alpha loot 5x server
- #5x server
- #5x servers
- #5x server loot tables
- #5x server loot table
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- #statusbar
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- #timedpermissions
- #statusbar
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- #timedpermissions
- #statusbar
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What have i done wrong, i didnt receive rewards when voting and typing /claim. It says that i just voted and received the rewards. "Reward Settings": { "Random Rewards": { "Random Rewards Enabled?": false, "Number of rewards to give from random rewards list": 1, "Rewards List": [ "first command", "second command" ] }, "Normal Rewards": { "Normal Rewards Enabled?": true, "Rewards List": { "@": [ "supply.signal 1", "rp: 10" ],
- #easyvote
- #bippymiester
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- #easyvote
- #bippymiester
- #voting
- #rewards
- #easy vote
- #easy
- #vote
- #vote rewards
- #cobalt studios
- #cobaltstudios
- #player notifications
- #command rewards
- #reward commands
- #reward customization
- #vote management
- #reward tiers
- #unlimited rewards
- #voting encouragement
- #reward list
- #reward system
- #custom notifications
- #voting system
- #player engagement
- #server customization
- #ease of use
- #best servers
- #rustservers.gg
- #bestservers.com
- #rust-servers.net
- 1
- #wipe
- #automatic
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- #wipe
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- #discordbot
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- #discord
- #discordbot
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Where is ''logo image url'', or am i blind { "General Settings": { "Open when player connected.": true, "Open on tab number.": 1, "Open only once per wipe.": false, "Require permission for each tab.": false, "Custom chat commands (don't delete from list, just rename).": [ "info", "wp_tab2", "wp_tab3", "wp_tab4", "wp_tab5", "wp_tab6", "wp_tab7", "wp_tab8", "wp_tab9", "wp_tab10" ] }, "Button Settings": { "Button Font Style": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", "Close Button Text": "✘ CLOSE", "Text Align Inside Button": 4, "Icon Position (parented to button)": [ "0 0", "1 1" ] }, "Title Settings": { "Title Text": "<size=15>Goliaths.Net/</size>", "Base Font Color": "1 1 1 1", "Font Style": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", "Outline Color": "0 0 0 1", "Outline Thickness": "1.5" }, "Tab #1 Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Button Title": "<size=22>HOME</size>", "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json", "Base Text Size": 12, "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1", "Text Style": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", "Text Outline Color": "0 0 0 1", "Text Outline Thickness": "0.5", "Text Align": 0, "Text Lines": [ "<size=45><color=#4A95CC>Goliath</color> </size> ", "<size=25>WIPE SCHEDULE <color=#83b8c7>Monthly</color> @ <color=#83b8c7>4:00PM</color> (CET)</size>", "<size=25>RATES <color=#83b8c7>2x GATHER</color> | <color=#83b8c7>2x LOOT ALL Junk Removed from barrels/boxes </color></size> ", "<size=25>GROUP LIMIT <color=#83b8c7>MAX 6 Team limit</color></size>", "<size=25>MAPSIZE <color=#83b8c7>3500</color></size> ", "\n", "\n", "<size=15>Server is located in EU. Blueprints are wiped monthly. Feel free to browse our infomation panel to find out more about the server.</size>", "\n", "<size=15><color=#83b8c7>\n .</color></size>" ], "Background Image URL": "", "Background Image Anchoring": [ "0 0", "1 1" ] }, "Tab #2 Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Button Title": "<size=22>RULES</size>", "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json", "Base Text Size": 12, "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1", "Text Style": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Text Outline Color": "0 0 0 1", "Text Outline Thickness": "0.5", "Text Align": 0, "Text Lines": [ "<size=45><color=#4A95CC>RULES</color></size>", "", "<size=18>NO CHEATING, BUGGING, GLITCHING.</size>", "<size=18>PLAY as you wish, dont call for admins if you're getting raided or griefed, it is a part of rust.</size>", "", "<size=17>No Cheating <color=#4A95CC></color></size>\n<size=17>No Extreme Racism if you die <color=#4A95CC></color></size>\n<size=17>No false claiming of being a staff member (even tho staffs dont play) <color=#4A95CC></color></size>", "<size=17>NO DDOSING OR DOXING OTHER PLAYERS <color=#4A95CC></color></size>\n<size=17>PLAY AS YOU WISH AND ENJOY <color=#4A95CC></color></size>\n<size=17>THX FOR YOUR ATTENTION! <color=#4A95CC></color></size>", "<size=17> <color=#4A95CC></color></size>\n<size=17> <color=#4A95CC></color></size>\n<size=17> <color=#4A95CC></color></size>", "", "" ], "Background Image URL": "", "Background Image Anchoring": [ "0 0", "1 1" ] }, "Tab #3 Settings": { "Enabled": false, "Button Title": "<size=22>WIPE CYCLE</size>", "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json", "Base Text Size": 15, "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1", "Text Style": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", "Text Outline Color": "0 0 0 1", "Text Outline Thickness": "0", "Text Align": 4, "Text Lines": [ "<size=45><color=#4A95CC>Text Style Tags</color></size>", "", "(color=#4A95CC)<color=#FF8000FF>Text Color</color>(/color)", "(size=18)<size=18><color=#4A95CC>Text Size</color></size>(/size)", "(b)<b><color=#4A95CC>Bold Text</color></b>(/b)", "(i)<i><color=#4A95CC>Italic Text</color></i>(/i)", "", "", "<size=18>Replace ( ) with <color=#4A95CC>< ></color> in actual config file, rounded brackets used only as showcase.</size>", "" ], "Background Image URL": "", "Background Image Anchoring": [ "0 0", "1 1" ] }, "Tab #4 Settings": { "Enabled": false, "Button Title": "<size=22>SERVER INFO</size>", "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json", "Base Text Size": 12, "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1", "Text Style": "permanentmarker.ttf", "Text Outline Color": "0 0 0 1", "Text Outline Thickness": "1.5", "Text Align": 4, "Text Lines": [ "<size=45><color=#4A95CC>RUSTSERVERNAME</color> #4</size> ", "<size=25>WIPE SCHEDULE <color=#83b8c7>WEEKLY</color> @ <color=#83b8c7>4:00PM</color> (CET)</size>", "<size=25>RATES <color=#83b8c7>2x GATHER</color> | <color=#83b8c7>1.5x LOOT</color></size> ", "<size=25>GROUP LIMIT <color=#83b8c7>MAX 5</color></size>", "<size=25>MAPSIZE <color=#83b8c7>3500</color></size> ", "\n", "\n", "<size=15>Server is located in EU. Blueprints are wiped monthly. Feel free to browse our infomation panel to find out more about the server.</size>", "\n", "<size=15><color=#83b8c7>\n Wish you the best of luck!</color></size>" ], "Background Image URL": "", "Background Image Anchoring": [ "0 0", "1 1" ] }, "Tab #5 Settings": { "Enabled": false, "Button Title": "<size=22>DISCORD</size>", "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json", "Base Text Size": 18, "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1", "Text Style": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Text Outline Color": "0 0 0 1", "Text Outline Thickness": "0.5", "Text Align": 4, "Text Lines": [ "<size=45><color=#4A95CC>Available Fonts</color></size>", "", "", "droidsansmono.ttf", "permanentmarker.ttf", "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "" ], "Background Image URL": "", "Background Image Anchoring": [ "0 0", "1 1" ] }, "Tab #6 Settings": { "Enabled": false, "Button Title": "<size=22>STEAM GROUP</size>", "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json", "Base Text Size": 20, "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1", "Text Style": "permanentmarker.ttf", "Text Outline Color": "0 0 0 1", "Text Outline Thickness": "1.5", "Text Align": 4, "Text Lines": [ "Welcome \n", "You can set background image for each tab and also change position/size", "" ], "Background Image URL": "http://333017_web.fakaheda.eu/bgimage.png", "Background Image Anchoring": [ "0 0", "1 1" ] }, "Tab #7 Settings": { "Enabled": false, "Button Title": "<size=22>ADMIN</size>", "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json", "Base Text Size": 17, "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1", "Text Style": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Text Outline Color": "0 0 0 1", "Text Outline Thickness": "1.5", "Text Align": 4, "Text Lines": [ "<size=27><color=#4A95CC><i>Thank you for purchasing Welcome</i></color></size>", "", "", "If you found good use of this plugin, please don't forget leave review.", "Suggestions are also welcomed.", "", "<size=11>DISCORD</size> <color=#4A95CC><b>!David#1337</b></color>" ], "Background Image URL": "", "Background Image Anchoring": [ "0 0", "1 1" ] }, "Tab #8 Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Button Title": "TEMPLATE #2 supports only 6 buttons by default", "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json", "Base Text Size": 17, "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1", "Text Style": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Text Outline Color": "0 0 0 1", "Text Outline Thickness": "1.5", "Text Align": 4, "Text Lines": [ "<size=27><color=#4A95CC><i>Thank you for purchasing Welcome</i></color></size>", "", "", "If you found good use of this plugin, please don't forget leave review.", "Suggestions are also welcomed.", "", "<size=11>DISCORD</size> <color=#4A95CC><b>!David#1337</b></color>" ], "Background Image URL": "", "Background Image Anchoring": [ "0 0", "1 1" ] }, "Tab #9 Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Button Title": "TEMPLATE #2 supports only 6 buttons by default", "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json", "Base Text Size": 17, "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1", "Text Style": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Text Outline Color": "0 0 0 1", "Text Outline Thickness": "1.5", "Text Align": 4, "Text Lines": [ "<size=27><color=#4A95CC><i>Thank you for purchasing Welcome</i></color></size>", "", "", "If you found good use of this plugin, please don't forget leave review.", "Suggestions are also welcomed.", "", "<size=11>DISCORD</size> <color=#4A95CC><b>!David#1337</b></color>" ], "Background Image URL": "", "Background Image Anchoring": [ "0 0", "1 1" ] }, "Tab #10 Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Button Title": "TEMPLATE #2 supports only 6 buttons by default", "Button Icon Img": "you can change icons in data/cuiData.json", "Base Text Size": 17, "Base Text Color": "1 1 1 1", "Text Style": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Text Outline Color": "0 0 0 1", "Text Outline Thickness": "1.5", "Text Align": 4, "Text Lines": [ "<size=27><color=#4A95CC><i>Thank you for purchasing Welcome</i></color></size>", "", "", "If you found good use of this plugin, please don't forget leave review.", "Suggestions are also welcomed.", "", "<size=11>DISCORD</size> <color=#4A95CC><b>!David#1337</b></color>" ], "Background Image URL": "", "Background Image Anchoring": [ "0 0", "1 1" ] }, "Addons": { "Tab 1": "null", "Tab 2": "null", "Tab 3": "null", "Tab 4": "null", "Tab 5": "null", "Tab 6": "null", "Tab 7": "null", "Tab 8": "null", "Tab 9": "null", "Tab 10": "null" } }