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Everything posted by nivex

  1. nivex

    Unable to buy bases

    what issues?
  2. nivex

    Unable to buy bases

    ok, not sure how you added them then. just type that command and it will fix your issue rb.config remove 0 1 2 3 4
  3. nivex

    Unable to buy bases

    so the rb.config command is broken when adding bases to an existing profile. if you type rb.config add "easy bases" easybase1 0 and the profile exists then it will add a base called 0 instead of setting the difficulty to 0. this breaks the plugin because you can't have basenames with the same name as a difficulty. rb.config remove 0 1 2 3 4 funny bug, will have it fixed in next update. if you still want to continue adding more bases to profile that exists then don't specify the difficulty at the end. that difficulty would already be set so it doesn't need to be set again anyway
  4. nivex

    Unable to buy bases

  5. nivex

    Unable to buy bases

    "Advanced Protection Radius": { "Buyable Events": 75.0, "Maintained Events": 75.0, "Manual Events": 75.0, "Scheduled Events": 75.0, "Obstruction Distance Check": -1.0 }, you have to make sure that there's enough room on raidisland for this or it won't work "Force All Bases To Spawn At Height Level (0 = Water)": 0.0, this will prevent any bases from spawning correctly, it should be -1.0 in Expert1.json "Loot Amount Multiplier": 1.8, I see you have Allow Duplicate Items enabled in the Easy Bases file, but this increases the amount of each item * 1.8 and not how many items spawned, which is with Amount Of Items To Spawn. so if you have c4 spawning with 10 and set that to 1.8 then that stack will be 10 * 1.8
  6. nivex

    Unable to buy bases

    attach your profiles
  7. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    @dylanstar12 heya, they must loot everything if you want TC required only then enable Only Cupboards Are Required To Cancel An Event this will allow them to destroy or fully loot the TC to complete the event too
  8. nivex

    Unable to buy bases

    hi, there are multiple messages that state not available so what is the exact message? you have Can Spawn On configured for quite a few so if you try to buy when it's disabled then it will say "Difficulty 'X' is not available today, please try another difficulty."
  9. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    lol no problem
  10. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Shneid hi, your message posted 4 times lol that is bugged though you can fix it or wait for update line 6651 add: block.skinID = Options.Blocks.GetSkin(block, block.grade, block.skinID); block.UpdateSkin();
  11. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  12. no problem
  13. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Delltus hi, you can do this already using Base Loot put those easy bases in a different profile and create a Base Loot table for them rb.config add "Easy Bases 2" delleasy1 delleasy2 delleasy3 0 0 = easy and you can have a profile for every base if you wanted
  14. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Gramadin hi, I responded to your ticket
  15. heya. Building Blocks Are Immune To Damage when set true will block that damage. this setting is in the profiles, along with Entities Not Allowed To Be Damaged. oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/ otherwise it's caused by another plugin, but it's not caused by TruePVE or NextGenPVE regardless of the settings in those plugins
  16. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Aussie4lifeyep @aimacakty
  17. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Aussie4life heya, thanks they will spawn without changing those settings. those settings should be changed back to default use the rbe debug command when you think it stopped working "Chance To Automatically Spawn Each Difficulty (-1 = ignore)": { "Use Cumulative Probability": true, "Easy": -1.0, "Medium": -1.0, "Hard": -1.0, "Expert": -1.0, "Nightmare": -1.0 },
  18. hi, you need to change it in the profiles oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles
  19. nivex

    Raidable Bases not load

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  20. nivex

    Raidable Bases not load

    no problem
  21. nivex

    completing raids

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  22. nivex

    completing raids

    no problem. glad you enjoy it
  23. nivex

    completing raids

    hi, config: Destroying The Cupboard Completes The Raid profiles: Remove Locks When Event Is Completed
  24. nivex

    Raidable Bases not load

    heya, no problem. these files are not valid so the plugin does not work. oxide\data\RaidableBases\Profiles\Easy Bases.json oxide\data\RaidableBases\Profiles\Expert Bases.json oxide\data\RaidableBases\Profiles\Hard Bases.json oxide\data\RaidableBases\Profiles\Medium Bases.json oxide\data\RaidableBases\Profiles\Nightmare Bases.json someone edited those files and overwrote them with the information that's in them now you can restore a backup of those files or overwrite them with these commands: rb.config add "Easy Bases" Easy-1 Easy-2 Easy-3 Easy-4 Easy-5 Easy-6 Easy-7 Easy-8 Easy-9 Easy-10 rb.config add "Medium Bases" Medium-1 Medium-2 Medium-3 Medium-4 Medium-5 Medium-6 Medium-7 Medium-8 Medium-9 Medium-10 hw-base rb.config add "Hard Bases" Hard-1 Hard-2 Hard-3 Hard-4 Hard-5 Hard-6 Hard-7 Hard-8 Hard-9 rb.config add "Expert Bases" Expert-1 Expert-2 Expert-3 Expert-4 Expert-5 Expert-6 rb.config add "Nightmare Bases" Nightmare-1 Nightmare-2 Nightmare-3 Nightmare-4 Nightmare-5 Nightmare-6 Nightmare-7 Nightmare-8 these commands will overwrite the profiles but only because they are bad files. it will not overwrite them otherwise the commands should be used exactly as I've typed them in your server console or if you want to type the commands in the game instead then that requires the raidablebases.config permission I've attached them for you Profiles.zip you will need to reconfigure the settings in this zip or if you type the commands yourself
  25. ah great you figured it out! they're separate god modes


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