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Everything posted by nivex

  1. nivex

    /rb ladder 4

    hi. post your config. I'm not sure why you can't post. you can ask an administrator in the cf discord
  2. no problem, do note that the second command is available in the next update
  3. I've added the command rb.config mode amount type in the next update to edit Max Amount Allowed To Automatically Spawn Per Difficulty or Max Amount Purchasable Per Difficulty for example use with automated events only rb.config easy 4 rb.config medium 3 rb.config hard 2 rb.config expert -1 rb.config nightmare -1 or to set both automated and buyable rb.config easy 4 automated|buyable rb.config medium 3 automated|buyable rb.config hard 2 automated|buyable rb.config expert -1 automated|buyable rb.config nightmare -1 automated|buyable or only buyable rb.config easy 4 buyable rb.config medium 3 buyable rb.config hard 2 buyable rb.config expert -1 buyable rb.config nightmare -1 buyable
  4. hi, thanks! unfortunately such a broad range of options would seriously bloat the config there are commands to toggle the days that bases are available though. rb.config medium tuesday true rb.config hard tuesday true etc however, there is no way to edit the limits with commands. I can add this if you want it. you could then use battlemetric scripts to automate this with both commands.
  5. nivex


    hi, it might be possible to intercept this with the CanNetworkTo hook, but in my experience this hook has not been reliable for years.
  6. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Magnumk hi, yes. I've moved it into the profiles in the next update
  7. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    next update nearly ready. just waiting on my testers to confirm everything is in order. I tried to consider many features for shelters: 1. shelters decay rather quickly in vanilla, so seeing them become abandoned would be rare for lengthy requirements unless decay is disabled 2. if you cannot claim it then you must destroy locked shelters before you can loot the contents from within it 3. Legacy Shelter - Loot Required - any shelter not meeting this requirement during a scan will be deleted 4. Unlock Instead Of Destroying During Scans will allow shelters to become unlocked rather than destroyed during scans 5. Allow Claim Of Unlocked Shelters allows players to claim any shelter not belonging to a player with the /sar claim command 6. Allow Conversion With SAR allows players to convert their shelter into an abandoned base event using the /sar command 7. players can attack shelters with abandonedbases.attack and abandonedbases.attack.time to convert or see time left but nivex. what about exploiting? follow a player. drop shelter, deploy box, put 6 items in box, type /sar, event becomes PVP, exit shelter, kill player, loot player, /sar cancel no worries. I thought of that too. Block Conversions Within X Meters Of Enemy Player is 150 meters by default.
  8. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @AdmFRP hi. the only reasons he wouldn't get points is from one of the following. 1. server is restarting and blocked by Block Rewards During Server Restart 2. uses noclip, vanish or Remove Admins From Raiders List 3. is inactive, Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time 4. blocked by Only Award Owner Of Raid 5. did not participate, Each Player Must Destroy An Entity For Reward Eligibility (false by default, and not compatible with Destroying The Cupboard Completes The Raid until 2.8.8) 6. blocked by Only Award First Attacker and Allies 7. blocked by Base Becomes Ineligible For Rewards On Despawn 8. Assign To Owner Of Raid Only will block Assign Rank After X Completions
  9. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @RigorousPizza97 yea, the above reasons are the only reasons you wouldn't be able to enter. yes, it could prevent you from using ladders if you're not allowed in the event. @Chloe_Glano no, but I will move it to the profiles so you can in the next update
  10. nivex


    1 no. it means you can't participate in more than one 2 no. it gives a lockout when the base loses ownership. Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time 3 internal. no one can buy multiple. it is not optional
  11. nivex


    yes you could try that
  12. nivex


    you can change the buyraid command in the config then they won't know what it is. I'll consider the item, that's a good idea! no, that setting doesn't apply to the whole map. it applies to each individual raid. if you set easy to 1 and have 5 easy raids spawned then 1 player can enter each of those raids.
  13. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    ignore any messages from the game about not being able to place ladders. these are client side and cannot be hidden. ladders can only be placed on "wall.frame.cell", "wall.doorway", "wall", "wall.frame", "wall.half", "wall.low", "wall.window", "foundation.triangle", "foundation", "wall.external.high.wood", "wall.external.high.stone", "wall.external.high.ice", "floor.triangle.frame", "floor.triangle", "floor.frame" if you see anything missing from this list then let me know and I will add it. this list and functionality is used in prevent building spheres where the game would normally block you from using a ladder. such as on roads. otherwise the game will place the ladder vanilla. Require Cupboard Access To Place Ladders setting in the profiles, oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/ will restrict the use of ladders Allow Players To Use Ladders is in the config and is enabled by default.
  14. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Deisel heya. normal mode is available in the free version only. this is why your paid settings were removed as they don't exist in the free version. please be careful to only download where you purchased from. if you're certain that you did not download the plugin from uMod, then an auto updater, manager or control panel updated from uMod. you should be able to block those from updating RB plugin @RigorousPizza97 hi, odd. possible reasons are Player Lockout in config, Eject Enemies From settings in profile (this has no message) raidablebases.banned permission, missing Permission Required To Enter set in the profiles, base is loading (this has no message for being ejected by it, but there is a message once the base has spawned) using fauxadmin while being blocked by raidablebases.block.fauxadmin permission, scavenging after raid is completed, Eject Scavengers When Raid Is Completed in config are hogging another raid, Prevent Players From Hogging Raids in config teleported into the raid, Allow Teleport in config the raid exceeds the allowed limit of players with Max Amount Of Players Allowed To Enter Each Difficulty. noclip and vanish bypasses most restrictions. some of these give a message.
  15. ill take a look thanks
  16. well, maybe the sam site hook that I am using isn't working again. though I tried on two servers without issue
  17. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Matheuss520 yes, I understand that. though my answer is just as relevant and what you've said is too vague. can you elaborate.
  18. nivex


    lol np
  19. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @EvilDips I don't know then. 4.1.38 was just released a week ago, and it says it fixed that issue. probably another plugin since copypaste and raidablebase doesn't have that issue. I already delete them, and have no such messages
  20. np. I think it is 75 meters by default. that is reasonable imo. you could lower it to 35-50 though. if it doesn't work then I'd like at other plugins to see what might be causing it. can be difficult since plugins have such a wide range of options =/
  21. nivex


    glad you like it that is an option in the config Allow Npcs To Target Other Npcs
  22. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @EvilDips that is from CopyPaste, and was fixed in the last CopyPaste update
  23. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Matheuss520 heya. that is a bit too vague. if all bases are easy then the difficulty is not set in the profiles this can happen if you install free then the paid version again. do not allow any plugins, managers or control panels to update raidable bases. do not update from uMod. raidable bases should only be manually updated by you
  24. hi, Range (350.0 = Rust default) this controls the range of the sam sites. it can be found in the profiles, oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/ if the sam site range is not applying then another plugin is overriding it
  25. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    thanks guys. the issues in 2.8.6 have been resolved. 2.8.7 is now available


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