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Everything posted by Nova

  1. Nova

    Many problems, possible refund?

    I posted a review of this plugin and gave it 2/5 stars. It seems no one else took the time to as comprehensively analyze the mod. I will cut to the chase but please read my review for a full explanation of the issues I have with this plugin. 1. Weird shadow is generated 5 feet below player under backpack that allows other players to see players through walls 2. You advertise that you can use a stash as a backpack but it embeds the player into the ground, makes them drown, forces them to crouch over and over again (why wasn't this fixed before release?) 3. the backpack and the backpack from hazmat suits arent in sync and look bad, would be nice if there was a way to hide backpack while players wear outfits with backpacks. 4. No easy option to hide the backpack (This seems silly that I would want this as there are free plugins that don't show the backpack but it would be nice to have, mostly due to issue 1. 5. Finally, the backpack likes to float and teleport around a lot. If you have a character getting in and out of cars, moving quickly, the backpack will desync and then fly back to them. If they bend over the backpack doesn't even move with their body, it just stays floating in the air. I thought that this would help add REALISM to the server, not cause magic floating shadow orbs, flying backpacks and glitches that force my character to crouch over and over and drown in water.
    This plugin has serious flaws that need to be addressed. 1. As is already stated on here, if you try to use the stash it will apply a force that will push you into the ground in 3rd person or force you to drown in first. it will keep making you duck over and over. 2. Backpacks generate a shadow orb that is about 5 feet below the player. This orb is proportional to the size of the backpack and is not only strange but also serves as an exploit in which a player can find other players through walls by seeing the shadow orb. 3. Players often have reported missing items on my server while using this plugin but I cannot confirm or deny this personally. 4. The entire purpose of a plugin like this is to increase either realism or aesthetics of the game. This plugin fails at this as the primary backpack simply floats on your back with the straps not attached. This is made worse when a player bends over and their backpack hovers where their spine was previously. At random moments, often during high speed, the backpack will disappear and reappear in the air and slowly float back to the players back. The backpack looks poorly when the player is using a hazmat suit that already has a backpack. Not only is there massive clipping but the backpacks move in opposite directions creating a strange visual effect that is very off-putting. The workaround for this was to change to the stash and make it the smallest size so that it isn't as visible but as stated above, this causes the player to be forced down, sometimes even through the ground itself for some reason. 5. You can sometimes get a popup on your screen to loot your own backpack while running 6. No easy way to make the backpack invisible, which is sad to want that feature because there are free alternatives that don't have a backpack visual at all. There may be a way to do it but I do not see it in the config file or the permissions manager. Why did I spend 15 dollars on this? I expected it to add a degree of realism to the server I run and would create a sense of professionalism and help set the tone that the players are adventurers. The fact players can carry so many things without worrying about weight or pockets is kind of silly and I thought adding this mod would add some believability to the game world. - Thank you for telling me you "hate me" for giving you an honest thorough review after I have dealt with the frustrations this has caused after dropping 15 dollars on it. If you improve your plugin I would have improved the score but throwing out random unprofessional stuff like how you "hate me" to make things weirdly personal isn't going to get that, for that reason I am lowering my score to a 1 because no one should feel intimidated to review a product they paid for. I spent thirty minutes to at least an hour trying to figure out why my players on my already low pop were repeatedly drowning and why I was repeatedly kneeling as if someone was tapping the crouch key. These are bizarre issues that should have been ironed out before this was released. And I shouldn't be seen as the bad guy for helping people make an informed decision.
  2. Is this different than static lootables?
  3. Great job. This solves the issue in a way I wasn't thinking about. Did you manage to find out how to stop the constant console spam when NPCs spawn using layered clothing?
  4. Nova


    It pops up every time an NPC spawns that is layering clothing. So the interaction is with ZombieHorde and Night Zombies.
  5. Nova


    Failed to call hook 'CanWearItem' on plugin 'AlwaysWear v1.0.3' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.AlwaysWear.CanWearItem (PlayerInventory inventory, Item item, System.Int32 targetSlot) [0x002ad] in <20eea07cf01340ad9d4cfc209a75088d>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.AlwaysWear.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00052] in <20eea07cf01340ad9d4cfc209a75088d>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <60c318df79ed41688ea59335e48d61ad>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <12678b905a6d43c3a9cc366104306651>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <12678b905a6d43c3a9cc366104306651>:0 Failed to call hook 'CanWearItem' on plugin 'AlwaysWear v1.0.3' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.AlwaysWear.CanWearItem (PlayerInventory inventory, Item item, System.Int32 targetSlot) [0x002ad] in <20eea07cf01340ad9d4cfc209a75088d>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.AlwaysWear.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00052] in <20eea07cf01340ad9d4cfc209a75088d>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <60c318df79ed41688ea59335e48d61ad>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <12678b905a6d43c3a9cc366104306651>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <12678b905a6d43c3a9cc366104306651>:0
  6. Nova


    Oh that is intended? I want all random spawns to be at the start zone. If they have a bed I want them to be able to choose the bed or to spawn randomly (which will place them at the start zone)
  7. Nova


    Getting the same issue. Players either end up forced to spawn at the starting point I specify or they are able to spawn at their beds but at the expense of random spawning in the wild
  8. Nova


    When I tried that it spawned me randomly on the beach. Do I need to recreate the spawn config?
  9. Nova


    I cant seem to find a way to have a starting spawn point and also let bedrolls work normally for players. I want the default random spawn point to be where I choose but players should still be able to choose where to spawn when they have a bed.
  10. Nova

    Multiple Points

    I was using Custom Spawn Points to set up a spawn point but that plugin stopped working for me for no apparent reason. So I found this and bought it. The only issue is that I would like the option to set more than one starting point. On the map I am on there are multiple fallout shelters/bunkers and I want people to spawn in those 3 areas preferably. Is there a way to set more than one?
  11. By default they put number 9 to 1.4 which means a maximum of 140 points of bullet protection. This means that whenever anyone puts on clothing that exceeds that amount it cannot be worn. The obvious solution is to make it 0.0 like the rest, letting you wear anything you want, but this presents the problem of people becoming invincible to bullets' because once you have 100 protection on a segment of the body (300 total across your entire body) they wont be able to be damaged by that damage type. So if you want them to wear anything put it at 0.0 but be aware people will be able to wear frankenstein and put armor over that and become invincible. One way to mitigate that is a mod that breaks armor but even then its possible to stack a bunch of stuff on and be invincible on at least one part of your body, such as by stacking hats. The whole plugin is a mess to balance but its great for letting server owners like myself create outfits for npcs by layering clothes and costumes. The mod maker said that they might introduce a feature that would let you limit maximum protection per segment of the body instead of the total body. This would mean you could set it so your head can never exceed 99 protection or something instead of having to have one number dictate the entire body, which has the effect of letting someone become invincible or limiting what they can wear. So to answer your question, you can set it to 0.0 or you can try to find a sweet spot from 1.0 to 3.0 (aka 100 to 300) where people can wear everything thing but not become invincible. I believe its impossible to do that so I would recommend waiting if you have a server with accessible Frankenstein pieces or some of the holiday masks.
  12. Nova


    Can you add a feature to autowipe the box every wipe? Its not hard to delete but might be useful.
  13. Nova


    New update the zombies dont even move. Not sure what that is about. Also not sure which version to use. I want them to use melee so I assume I use the scarecrow one but it doesnt animate.
  14. Not sure if this should be in support or discussion but I would like us to come together as a community, assuming the plugin maker doesn't have the time, to edit the JSON file so that all combinations are possible so long as they do not cause a visual glitch. For instance stacking 4 hats is going to look glitchy but sometimes you can stack 3-4 head pieces without collision issues. This is a daunting task, having to go through every clothing combination but I intend to do it if no one else does. Maybe some of us could focus on certain part of the JSON and others do the other and we can combine our efforts to save time?
  15. Not sure if this should be in support or discussion but I would like us to come together as a community, assuming the plugin maker doesn't have the time, to edit the JSON file so that all combinations are possible so long as they do not cause a visual glitch. For instance stacking 4 hats is going to look glitchy but sometimes you can stack 3-4 head pieces without collision issues. This is a daunting task, having to go through every clothing combination but I intend to do it if no one else does. Maybe some of us could focus on certain part of the JSON and others do the other and we can combine our efforts to save time?
  16. Nova

    Pipes error

    I figured out what the problem was. I didn't realize that there were two Json file locations and didnt have the corresponding JSon in the data folder location. So it must have tried to read the wrong file and spit out that error.
  17. Nova

    Pipes error

    Just installed this and all the dependencies and extras and when someone tries to open the workbench up and use it it says an error about Pipes not being the correct short name. How can I fix this?
  18. Nova

    setup where npcs dont count

    When I try to make a basic setup of what I am trying to do (have them in top right corner) and then copy and paste the numbers for their location into the json file in the corresponding location it simply doesnt show up on the games window. So I assume I am doing something wrong. Ill keep messing with it and see.
  19. Nova

    setup where npcs dont count

    Also could you create a profile for me which places the counters in the top left corner? Bottom left corner overlaps with the default group interface.
  20. Nova

    setup where npcs dont count

    I am pretty sure the NPC it uses is heavy scientist https://chaoscode.io/resources/zombiehorde.120/
  21. Nova


    I bought this under the assumption the focus was on creating a duplicate of the player once killed but if they are not wearing full clothing it is putting them into a blue hazmat and if they do not have a ranged weapon it is forcing them to use the eoka and double barrel. I would rather there be a 1 to 1 duplication of what they had on as far as clothing and weapons. Is this possible? People who die while naked should be naked when they come back as a zombie. I will probably disable this plugin until ranged is supported. A fresh player joined my server, got killed, ran around the whole map, ended up getting killed by his own zombie and rage quit. He didn't expect to get one shotted by a running character with an eoka while mostly naked in a server of zombie walkers. Also as far as I can tell the idea behind this is that it is supposed to be creating "Walking Dead". This implies a zombie and as of right now there is no way to control their movement speed. In the next update can you look at the Zombie Horde plugin and look at how they set up their speed options? They have 5 different numbers to designate npc speed but the only one that really matters is something like roam speed and the speed when engaging with the enemy. On that plugin i have it set to 0.2 out of 1.0 with 1.0 being the regular run speed of a player. Universally players do not like Zombies with guns. You either have to massively decrease their aim or their DPS to make not force new players to leave immediately. Luckily your plugin has one of those. One more idea while I am thinking of it, it would be good if there was a way to enable one shot headshot deaths so that it is streamlined with a few other zombie mods. Thanks, keep up the good work.
  22. Nova

    setup where npcs dont count

    I use ZombieHorde plugin and it is counting NPC kills as kills. is there a toggle for this?
  23. New version works perfectly and does not cause the lag that a previous version did.
  24. Ah okay good to know. I have a heavily modded zombie server and currently have 3 plugins for spawning in NPCs, then I have deployable nature and static lootables... I think I had to reel back one of the npc plugins or maybe something needed an update... because no crashes or anything so far since updating all the files


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