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Everything posted by Gt403cyl2
When you have hide when looting enabled in Config along with an image in a button and a player loots a crate, when they come back out of the loot screen the buttons no longer have the image, only the base background color.
Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed
Changed Status from Can't Reproduce to Not a Bug
Yeah that would do it....
Have you tried removing all related files and re-installing? Config, Data and lang files The hook "OndispenserGather" only deals with the actions mentioned so it 100% has to be related to one of those actions. That said that is what I have been testing any and all variations of to recreate the issue, with nothing showing as of yet.
Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
Will keep looking into this but after about 3 hours of trying different combinations of ways to reproduce this I cannot. Marking as can't reproduce.
I will keep trying to recreate it but have been unsuccessful so far will look into it further.
Ok first thing's first. That is a problem when a player does one of the following: mines a node chops a tree gets meat/bone/ect. from a body I will try to recreate the issue but if you know what was happening when this happened it might help me narrow it down.
I'm also interested in this.
- 17 replies
Version 1.2.5
Clear Groups is a simple plugin that allows admin to remove all players from specific groups with a single command. In the configuration file you can: Specify which groups you want to clear. Specify to ignore admin. Set the command for clearing the group(s). Set the command for clearing the data file. Chat Commands: /cleargroups - Clear groups /cleargroupsdata - Clear data file Console Commands: cg - Clear groups cgd - Clear data file Permissions: "cleargroups.admin" - Allows admin to clear the data file and clear the selected group(s). Default Configuration File: { "Change Commands": { "Manually clear groups": "cleargroups", "Delete clear groups data": "cleargroupsdata" }, "Main Options": { "Ignore Admin": true, "Clear Data on wipe": false }, "Group Names": [ "", "" ] } Default Data File: { "RemovedFromGroup": [] } For support: Contact me here or on Discord: gt403cyl2Free -
Version 1.3.3
Allows your admin, moderators and staff members to instantly toggle between their authority role and the player role while logging each swap to discord as well as a data file to keep accountability in check! **************** NOTE: When granting permissions be sure to apply the permission to the specific player, NOT a group as it will not allow them to regain their permissions. **************** In the configuration file you can: Specify which groups the authorized player will be put into when they toggle in and out of their authority role for each. (Admin/moderator/staff) Specify your Admin player role display name (includes chat, permissions, console, team/clan). Set the commands for each group. Specify a list of commands to run for Admin/Mods when they toggle to and from authorized roles. Add your Discord webhook to log each time the person toggles roles. (If you do not wish to use the Discord logging feature then leave that line as is in the config.) Choose to work with other plugin features. (true/false options) And more! Default groups and commands: Admin toggles to default - /tadmin Mods toggles to default - /tmod Staff toggles to default - /tstaff Permissions: "authtoggle.admin" - allows admin to toggle groups. "authtoggle.moderator" - allows moderators to toggle groups. "authtoggle.staff" - allows staff to toggle groups. Default Configuration File: { "Chat Prefix": "<color=#32CD32>Auth Toggle</color>: ", "Discord Prefix": "Auth Toggle: ", "Discord WebHook": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "Change Commands": { "Admin swap Groups": "tadmin", "Moderator swap Groups": "tmod", "Staff swap Groups": "tstaff" }, "Groups": { "Admin player group name": "default", "Admin group name": "admin", "Moderator player group name": "default", "Moderator group name": "mods", "Staff group name": "staff", "Default group name": "default" }, "Main Options": { "Change name as Admin": true, "Admin player name to use": "yourchosennamehere", "Empty Admin inventory on disconnect": false, "Store and restore inventory when swapping Auth levels (Admin Only)": true, "Auto run Admin commands": true, "Auto run Moderator commands": true, "Auto run player commands": true }, "Optional Dependencies": { "Vanish": true, "AdminRadar": false, "Godmode": false }, "Auto Commands": { "Admin chat commands to run when toggled to Admin": [ "" ], "Moderator chat commands to run when toggled to Moderator": [ "", "" ], "Admin / Moderator chat commands to turn off when toggled to Player": [ "", "" ] } } Default Data File: { "AdminSwapped": [], "ModsSwapped": [], "StaffSwapped": [] } Default Lang File: { "ToPlayer": "You have swapped to player mode and have been placed in the", "ToStaff": "You have swapped to staff mode and have been placed in the", "ToModerator": "You have swapped to moderator mode and have been placed in the", "ToAdmin": "You have swapped to admin mode and have been placed in the", "SwappedToPlayer": "{0} ({1}) swapped to player mode.", "SwappedToStaff": "{0} ({1}) swapped to staff mode.", "SwappedToModerator": "{0} ({1}) swapped to moderator mode.", "SwappedToAdmin": "{0} ({1}) swapped to admin mode.", "SwapDenied": "{0} ({1}) tried to toggle {2} authority without permission.", "Pradar": "Please disable AdminRadar before swapping.", "PGround": "Please get safely on the ground before swapping roles." }$4.99 -
There is no such thing as light mode on my devices.
Already exists if I understand what you want... https://chaoscode.io/resources/ubertool-admins-new-friend.78/
Replied on Discord, but will post here as well if it helps others. It only logs if you give the permission (player/group) if you don't give a permission then it doesn't log. As for do they reset, you can manually clear the logs in-game with the command "clrla" (default, you can change it in the config) if you have the admin permission. Other than that on wipe it will recognize a wipe and reset on the first load. If you give it to an entire group (eg: Default) it will log all, it could start to have some impact on higher pop servers if you do this...
Version 1.5.2
A plugin for Rust server owners or admin that can assist in determining if a player is cheating to gain loot. Loot Audit is used by granting the permission "uselog" to the specific player they suspect is cheating and the plugin will categorically log what the loot is and where it was looted from. Discord integration is quickly setup by creating a webhook in discord and adding it to the Discord Webhook line in the config. If you do not wish to use the Discord logging feature then leave that line as is in the config. NOTE: *** Use permissions can be toggled on/off (true/false) in the config, it is highly recommended to leave it true (set by default) as the logs will add up fairly quickly and can impact server performance. *** Permissions: lootaudit.admin - Allows admin to clear the logs from the data file. lootaudit.uselog - Allows the players loot to be logged. Commands: - /clrla - Clears the data files. - /lasave - Manually saves the data file. (configurable for chat command, non configurable for console) - /tiadmin - Toggles Ignore admin - /lahelp - Lists the current set commands to the admin in chat. - /cdebug - Toggles debug to console. Features: * Ignore admin, regardless of permissions. * Detailed logs sorted by category. * Easily configurable. * Logs items even when stacked. Default Config: { "Chat Prefix": "<color=#32CD32>Loot Audit</color>: ", "Discord Prefix": "Loot Audit: ", "Discord WebHook": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "Change Commands": { "/list Shows Help Syntax": "lahelp", "/lasave manually saves the datafile (in game chat": "lasave", "/cdebug Toggles console debug": "cdebug", "/clrla Clear's data file": "clrla", "/tiadmin Toggles Ignore Admin": "tiadmin" }, "Logging Options": { "Use data file to log": true, "Ignore Admin": false, "Use Console Debugging": true, "Clear data file on wipe": false, "Use Permissions (Recommended)": true }, "Enable or Disable Specific Logs": { "Vending Machines": true, "Item Pickups": true, "Collectible Pickups": true, "Checking Corpses": true, "Player Corpse Looting": true, "NPC Corpse Looting": true, "Looting From Containers": true, "Dispensers": true, "Growables": true, "Looting of Players": true, "Looting of Drop bags": true } } Default Data File: { "Bought": [], "NPCSold": [], "Pickedup": [], "Collected": [], "Chopped": [], "Mined": [], "Hunted": [], "Farmed": [], "CheckedCorpse": [], "CheckedSleeper": [], "CheckedNPCCorpse": [], "LootedFromCorpse": [], "LootedFromNPCCorpse": [], "LootedFromPlayerInventory": [], "LootedFromContainer": [], "LootedFromPlayerDropBag": [] } Default Lang File: { "perms": "You don't have permission to use this command.", "clrla": "Loot Audit Data has been cleared.", "iadmin": "Ignore admin now set.", "iadminf": "Ignore admin now disabled.", "databought": "{0} ({1}) bought {2} {3}(s) from {4} for {5} {6} from {7} ({8}) {9} UTC time.", "databoughtnpc": "{0} sold {1} {2}(s) to {3} ({4}) for {5} {6} {7} UTC time.", "databoughtnpcd": "{0} sold {1} {2}(s) to {3} ({4}) {5} UTC time.", "datalootpickup": "{0} ({1}) picked up {2} {3}(s) off the ground {4} UTC time.", "datachopped": "{0} chopped {1} {2} from a {3} {4} UTC time.", "datamined": "{0} mined {1} {2} from a {3} node {4} UTC time.", "datamined2": "{0} ({1}) mined {2} {3} from a Metal Ore node {4} UTC time.", "datahunted": "{0} carved {1} {2} from a {3} {4} UTC time.", "datafarmed": "{0} ({1}) harvested {2} {3} {4} UTC time.", "datalootcollect": "{0} ({1}) collected {2} {3}(s) off the ground {4} UTC time.", "datacheckcorpse": "{0} ({1}) checked for loot on the corpse of {2} ({3}) {4} UTC time.", "datachecksleeper": "{0} ({1}) checked for loot on sleeping body of {2} ({3}) {4} UTC time.", "datachecknpccorpse": "{0} ({1}) checked for loot on a {2} {3} UTC time.", "datalootfromcorpse": "{0} ({1}) looted {2} {3}(s) from the dead body of {4} ({5}) {6} UTC time.", "datalootfromnpccorpse": "{0} ({1}) looted {2} {3}(s) from a {4} {5} UTC time.", "datalootfromplayerinventory": "{0} ({1}) looted {2} {3}(s) from a {4} owned by {5} {6} UTC time.", "datalootfromcontainer": "{0} ({1}) looted {2} {3}(s) from a {4} {5} UTC time.", "datalootfromdropbag": "{0} ({1}) looted {2} {3}(s) from a drop bag {4} UTC time." } Other information: Comments, suggestions or for support message me here or on Discord: gt403cyl2$9.99