Version 1.0.8
Vending Buys is a plugin that lets the buyer and/or seller of an item that has been bought or sold from any physical vending machine know about the sale and who they bought from or sold it to.
If the vending machine is not owned buy a player, Outpost for example, it will show a slightly modified message with the name of the machine.
Note: when logging purchases from the Drone Market, Vending Buys does not record the seller, cost or currency of the sale, only who bought what item(s).
vendingbuys.admin - Allows admin to clear the logged sales from the data file.
vendingbuys.seller - Allows the players to see the messages as the seller.
vendingbuys.buyer - Allows the player to see the message as the buyer.
- /clrvb - Clears the data file.
Default Config:
"Chat Prefix": "<color=#32CD32>Vending Buys</color>: ",
"Command to clear Vending Buys data file: ": "clrvb",
"Ignore Non-Player Vending Machines: ": false
Default Data file:
"Bought": [],
"Sold": [],
"NPCSold": []
Default Language file:
"perms": "You don't have permission to clear Vending Buys data.",
"clrvb": "Vending Data has been cleared.",
"vendingresponse": "You bought {0} {1}(s) from the vending machine named {2} owned by {3} for {4} {5}.",
"vendingresponse2": "You sold {0} {1}(s) from the vending machine named {2} for {3} {4} to {5}.",
"vendingresponse3": "You bought {0} {1}(s) from the vending machine named {2} for {3} {4}.",
"databoughtnpc": "{0} sold {1} {2}(s) to {3} ({4}) for {5} {6} {7} UTC.",
"databoughtnpcmarket": "{0} ({1}) bought {2} {3}(s) from the {4} {5} UTC.",
"databoughtnpcmarket2": "You bought {0} {1}(s) from the drone market.",
"databought": "{0} ({1}) bought {2} {3}(s) from {4} for {5} {6} from {7} ({8}) {9} UTC.",
"datasold": "{0} ({1}) sold {2} {3}(s) from {4} for {5} {6} to {7} ({8}) {9} UTC."
Other features:
Admin can toggle on or off (true/false) the messages regarding buying from outpost vending machines in the config.
Logging all vending machine purchases.
Logs both the player name and Steam ID (only viewable by admin in the data file) in the event of a player changing their game name.
Other information:
Comments, suggestions or for support message me here or on Discord: gt403cyl2