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Everything posted by sykosmurf

  1. sykosmurf

    Raidable Bases

    ok sweet ill go hunting ty
  2. sykosmurf

    Raidable Bases

    is it possible to remove the timers on the spawned bases ? so once they spawn they are there until cleared?
  3. awesome thankyou
  4. just to confirm below is how i should have it ? this would give me generic's only being able to spawn for players "Loot spawns": { "Enabled": true, "Bag spawn chance percent by prefab": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab": { "weapons_tools.xxsmall": 0.0, "armor_clothing.xxsmall": 0.0, "items_construction.xxsmall": 0.0, "resources_components.xxsmall": 0.0, "generic.xxsmall": 0.1 }, "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab": { "weapons_tools.small": 0.0, "armor_clothing.small": 0.0, "items_construction.small": 0.0, "resources_components.small": 0.0, "generic.small": 0.2 }, "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/foodbox.prefab": { "food_medical.xxsmall": 0.0 }, "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2_food.prefab": { "food_medical.xxsmall": 0.0 }, "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2_medical.prefab": { "food_medical.xxsmall": 0.0 }, "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab": { "bagofholding": 0.0 }, "assets/prefabs/npc/m2bradley/bradley_crate.prefab": { "bagofholding": 0.0 }, "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/heli_crate.prefab": { "bagofholding": 0.0
  5. awesome thankyou, yes i had turned on loot spawn as, that answer is exactly what i was looking for but just didnt click in my head so ill set each other bag to 0 thankyou
  6. hi love the plugin, im trying to work out how i turn off all the bags except generic one? im sure it is simple but im new to this and help would be awesome
  7. will try this thanks
  8. it shows me as owner in the raidable bases tab which lists the loot boxes left. but npcs just ignore me and couldnt dmg the walls or doors at all with boom
  9. PVE all bases on my server from raidable are pve
  10. im guessing there is a setting im missing somewhere ? as npc wont agress unless i agress them 1st but i cant kill them, they can kill me. and i cant do any dmg to buildings in the raidable bases area.
  11. sweet thanks for the info, tested and seems good
  12. sykosmurf

    random spawn locations

    thankyou done and seems how i want it
  13. sykosmurf

    random spawn locations

    awesome thankyou
  14. hi mate love your work so far any idea why xp wouldnt be getting awarded when raids are completed with the skill tree plugin running also ? ive been clearing all loot boxes waiting out timers and nothing comes through
  15. sykosmurf

    xp from raidable bases

    cheers for reply, im pretty sure its once all loot boxes opened and the timer runs down. thanks again for your reply
  16. sykosmurf

    The UI

    sweet thankyou. new to all this working great now
  17. sykosmurf

    xp from raidable bases

    howdy love the plugin. ive been playing with it abit but have noticed that xp isnt getting awarded on completion. for raidable bases. i can see the amounts in your plugin but cant find anything regarding xp in raidable bases plugin it self. any help would be great
  18. sykosmurf

    random spawn locations

    how would i go about change the spawn locations to random for all bosses? so they are not just at monuments ?
  19. sykosmurf

    The UI

    hey rainey i tried adding this .json to my server it didnt change the location of the ui? any ideas?


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