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Everything posted by Azmo

  1. Azmo


    Will this work with ”chat-tag” altering plugins, like PlayerRanks and Xperience for example
  2. Azmo

    Zombie Rocks

    Cool! Would be nice to be able to scare the players Ill buy it and hope for it in a future update!
  3. Azmo

    Zombie Rocks

    Hello! Does this come with a sound effect when the zombie appears?
    Works as intended and developer was fast to add requested features! With some imagination the plugin can be used for lots of cool stuff!
  4. Azmo


    Just tested myself on a clean server and it seems to be working fine. Do you have the RustEdit Extension installed?
  5. Azmo


    Really liked this idea so went ahead and tried something similar but different! still needs some finishing touches but with some imagination, this plugin is amazingly cumstomize-able
  6. +1
    Very cool prefab! Well planned and designed! Suits well as the Doctors Office in my Town
  7. Azmo

    Death Gui

    Works as intended and the developer was quick and effective in providing changes I wanted!
  8. Azmo

    Respwn Error

    Yep same problem here!
  9. Azmo

    Legendary Beasts

    Very cool plugin! Would it be possible to add support for Spawns Database to be able to pick where they spawn?
  10. Azmo


    Version 1.2


    Killhouse A Custom Standalone Prefab Arena inspired by the iconic Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare map! Perfect for hosting events such as: Deathmatch Team Deathmatch Capture The Flag Gungame This is not an attempt to identically copy the original map. Its Killhouse with a Rust twist!
  11. Azmo


    The only way i have been able to reproduce this is without the RustEdit Extension. Can you double check that you have that loaded in?
  12. Azmo


    Ah! No that is not intended. Sorry about that. Will be fixed in the next update.
  13. Azmo


    Deployables will take damage if you dont prevent it. I would recommend setting up a ZoneManager zone with the undestr flag if you wish to avoid the helicopter breaking deployables
  14. Hey! Looking for someone to make a relatively simple plugin. It should be a Info GUI that opens on player death. Just a simple GUI that allows me to add some text to inform the player and with a close button at the bottom. I would also like it to be compatible with EventManager from Umod, to prevent players in an event from getting the GUI on event deaths. Will pay for your time! Thanks, Azmo
  15. Azmo


    Version 2.2


    HeliTower A Custom Standalone Prefab with the purpose of being a location where you allow players to call in and fight Patrol Helicopters! A great way to keep called in Helicopter fights at a disclosed location. Elevator to the upper floor. Automatic Blast doors. Control room. Perfect to place NPCs that you can use for players to call in Helicopters to their location and/or sell ammunition! Fighting Balcony. Escape Ladder. Pictureframe to place your serverlogo or info/rules about the tower. Closable Windows on the Lower Floor You need the RustEdit Extension and Oxide/uMod installed on your server for IO to work.
  16. Azmo

    Zone Status

    Looking for a plugin that would create a small info bar with a text when you are inside a certain zone. For example "You are inside the trade area" or "You are inside the combat area" Would pay for your time of course.
  17. If it’s something you’d be willing to share, let me know! :)
  18. I would be interested in this aswell. Maybe support a custom icon per item to make it more clear for the player?
    This will save me alot of time! I have like many other used steamcmd and its always a hassle to remember all steps. This is plug and play, dead-easy to use and work perfect. Thanks!
  19. Azmo

    Custom Buttons

    Speaks for itself. Works perfect! Thanks for the update with the new editor!
  20. I would be most thankful!
    This is exactly what i was looking for! Does what its supposed to do with nice little extra features! Bargain for the price! Thanks!


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