It was added in 1.0.7
This is the code with comments showing that it does not send if those options are set to false.
foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList)
// This is the string that is built to send through chat, UINotify and SendGUIAnnouncement
string str = string.Format(lang.GetMessage("BuildingCreated_Success", this, player.UserIDString), GetGrid(pos, false), Math.Round(randomTime, 0));
// This handles sending the message via chat. The send_chat_announcements is that config option. If its false, the code won't reach the PrintToChat method.
if (config.notificationSettings.send_chat_announcements) PrintToChat(player, str);
// This triggers SendGUIAnnouncement method, which handles the checks in the method itself.
SendGUIAnnouncement(player, str);
// This handles sending the message via UINotify. It won't reach the method if send_on_spawn is set to false.
if (config.notificationSettings.UINotify.send_on_spawn) SendNotify(player, str);
This the code the SendNotify, showing that there are no chat message methods inside of the SendNotify method.
void SendNotify(BasePlayer player, string message)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) return;
if ((Notify != null && Notify.IsLoaded) || (UINotify != null && UINotify.IsLoaded))
Interface.Oxide.CallHook("SendNotify", player, config.notificationSettings.UINotify.type, message);
Short of the notify plugin having built in chat messages (why would it), it should not be sending chat messages.
This is also the SendGUIAnnouncement method for reference.
void SendGUIAnnouncement(BasePlayer player, string message)
if (!config.notificationSettings.GUIAnnouncements.enabled || GUIAnnouncements == null || !GUIAnnouncements.IsLoaded) return;
GUIAnnouncements.Call("CreateAnnouncement", message, config.notificationSettings.GUIAnnouncements.banner_colour, config.notificationSettings.GUIAnnouncements.text_colour, player, config.notificationSettings.GUIAnnouncements.position_adjustment);